Numeral Systems
Recent papers in Numeral Systems
In comparative studies, within Hamito-Semitic and between the latter and Indo-European, many scholars have tried to compare numerals as such. In this paper, it is suggested to compare other features in the domain of numerals, such as the... more
The importance of the prime factorization problem is very well known (e.g., many security protocols are based on the impossibility of a fast factorization of integers on traditional computers). It is necessary from a number k to establish... more
Adquirir cierto tipo de herramientas que seaútiles en las aplicaciones de sus respectivas carreras.
Aritmética fácil para estudiantes de Arquitectura, Ingeniería, Preparatoria, Secundaria, Primaria, números, notación, numeración,
Alle redaktionelle Korrespondenz, Manuskripte und Bücher sind an einen der Herausgeber (Anschrift wie oben) zu richten. Für unverlangt eingesandte Bücher kann weder eine Bespre chung noch Rücksendung garantiert werden.
El propósito de la presente ponencia consiste -simplemente- en presentar una breve descripción de los numerales de la lengua selknam de Tierra del Fuego, agregando una revisión de las comparaciones hasta el momento efectuadas de estos... more
The article reexamines the reconstruction of the Proto-Indo-Hittite counting system. Using comparative and typological arguments, I attempt to show that the original Indo-Hittite system was structured as ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘>3/several/many’.... more
Resumen El propósito de este trabajo es reunir y analizar descriptiva y comparativamente los sistemas numerales documentados en las lenguas de la familia lingüística alacalufe. Se presenta un breve panorama de las características... more
La lengua aonekko 'a'ien (literalmente "lengua sureña"), también conocida como tehuelche, forma parte de la familia lingüística chon, la cual está compuesta por las lenguas de los pueblos cazadores-recolectores pedestres más australes de... more
La lengua yagan se habló en la costa sur de la Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego y territorio insular adyacente, hasta el Cabo de Hornos. La mayor parte de las fuentes disponibles del yagan proporcionan datos sobre una cantidad muy reducida... more
This work defends the strength of the contextual and combinatorial arguments of the hypothesis proposed by Eduardo Orduña about the identification of several Iberian elements as numerals. Additionally, some aspects of the original... more
La manière ou plutôt les manières dont les Grecs anciens écrivaient les nombres sont bien connues.
Giving information about Numeral System in Turkic Languages. there is a list of words.
In this paper, we seek to draw attention to Malayo-Polynesian languages outside of the Oceanic subgroup with innovative bases and complex numerals involving various additive, subtractive, and multiplicative procedures. We highlight the... more
In this paper, we examine the processes underlying the Yorùbá numeral system and describe a computational system that is capable of converting cardinal numbers to their equivalent Standard Yorùbá number names. First, we studied the... more
A response to an article by Meera Nanda claiming Chinese origins for the Pythagoras theorem and the decimal place-value system of numeral notation.
This article discusses the earliest attestations and history of various English indefinite hyperbolic numerals such as zillion, jillion, and umpteen, identifying them as a previously unrecognized category of contemporary English words... more
Col presente lavoro, a conclusione di un periodo di riflessione sul tema dei numerali e delle istanze di numerazione, si intende offrire un contributo alla costituzione di un Atlante generale dei numerali e delle istanze di numerazione,... more
Number and quantity in Slovak and Hungarian Jubilees are connected with numbers, the jubilant, Slavomír Ondrejovič translated one of W. Humboldt’s works (Humboldt, 2000) to Slovak, which is a fundament of the theory about the linguistic... more
La llengua ibèrica era la llengua vernacle dels pobles ibers i la trobem expressada bàsicament en escriptura ibèrica nord-oriental i residualment en escriptura sud-oriental i greco-ibèrica. Les inscripcions ibèriques es poden transcriure,... more
In this global era, scenarios of language contact are increasing quite rapidly. Minor languages, in general, tend to borrow words from major, or at least larger, languages in the same way that communities import new gadgets and tools.... more
Ethnomathematics gestures, signs and communication in the mathematics of cultural diversity Etnomatematica gesti, segni e comunicazione nella matematica della diversità culturale Giovanni Giuseppe Nicosia IIS Serpieri, Bologna RSDDM,... more
Данная работа посвящена исследованию системы числительных адыгейского языка, уточнению и проверке выделенных в других работах морфосинтаксических классов (т.е. таких как, например, количественные числительные, кратные числительные и т.... more
In the paper, eight Mande counting systems (Modern and Old Bamana, Boko, Dzuungoo, Mwan, Dan-Gwɛɛtaa, San-Maka, Soninke) are analyzed in detail, followed by the presentation of a summary table for 30 languages representing all the groups... more
1) «Sonderbar setzt die germanische Sprache blos die Zahlen 11 und 12 mit -lif zusammen, die weiteren aber mit -zehun; es koennte eben so gut: dreilif (13), vierlif (14) u. s. w. oder auch: einzehn (11) zweizehn (12) wie im Lateinischen... more
De acuerdo a su etimología, la mayor parte de los numerales de las lenguas guaicurúes pueden distribuirse en los siguientes tres grandes grupos: (1) préstamos recientes del español o el portugués (p. ej. toba do:s-olqa / do:s-ole... more
Recent revivals of local cultures and languages, as well as ideologically-loaded debates on the role of dialects at school usually ignore the fact that the scientific study of dialects and of closely related systems can be very... more
Most Turkic numerals are etymologically difficult, even ones that in most languages are transparent, several have (very unusually) geminates in them, and of course some have been from time to time etymologized Altaically without... more
The aim of this article is to reveal the etymologies of numeral suffixes -p and -pe in Ainu: -*p ‘a hand’ and -*pe ‘(both) hands’ with a plural suffix -*e.
Across multiple disciplines, written numerical notation is a topic of keen interest, yet several unresolved issues in its analysis are either elided or taken as settled. Numerical notation is a complex phenomenon with multiple independent... more
The vast majority of the three hundred or so modern Tibeto-Burman languages have decimal numeral systems, like most contemporary languages, and more specifically like their large influential neighbours, the Sinitic and Indo-Aryan... more
Humans seem to be genetically endowed with a mathematical aptitude known as subitizing. It refers to the ability to correctly recognize very limited quantities (up to 3/4 items). Conversely, higher cardinalities require a different,... more