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In this paper, non-standard Tungusic lexical borrowings (i.e. from sources other than Ewen/Ewenki) into the Yukaghir languages and dialects are presented. Several of them represent lexical borrowings from southeastern Tungusic sources,... more
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      Historical LinguisticsTungusic languagesLanguage contactLexical and Grammatical Borrowing
A copy of the whole 6 weeks discussion session on the draft paper version of "South Tungusic elements in Yukaghir?" (v1) totaling a massive 69 pages by 98 participants. Special thanks go to those who shared their thoughts on revised... more
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      Historical LinguisticsTungusic languagesLanguage contactLexical and Grammatical Borrowing
Статья посвящена описанию акциональных классов глаголов нанайского языка. В первой части статьи рассматриваются теоретическая база и методы, которые используются при исследовании акциональных классов. Во второй части статьи обсуждается... more
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      Tense and Aspect SystemsActionalityNanai
Cento anni fa veniva dato alle stampe Po Ussurijskomu kraju (1921), opera dell’esploratore e naturalista Vladimir Klavdevič Arsen’ev (1872-1930). Quasi cinquant’anni dopo, Akira Kurosawa girava una pellicola, destinata ad ottenere fama... more
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      Russian LiteratureSiberiaEcocriticismNature Culture
Many English sound-symbolic reduplicatives are known to exhibit the vowel alternation patterns of /ɪ/-/æ/ and /ɪ/-/ɒ/ (e.g. in zig-zag and ding-dong) where the first vowel is higher than the second vowel. A number of other languages... more
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      Synchronic Linguistics (Or Descriptive Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact LinguisticsJapanese Linguistics
Published in Урало-алтайские исследования. 2017. 1(24).
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      Tungusic languagesTabooTigerEuphemism
Les Nanaïs habitent dans la région de l'Amour, à l'Extrême-Orient de la Sibérie. D'après le recensement de 2010, ils sont 12 003 en Russie, principalement dans le district de Khabarovsk (recensement de 2010). Ils représentent moins d'un... more
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Nanai speakers who are fluent both in Nanai and Russian use verb forms with a Russian root and the suffix -la (called further “la-forms”) in their speech. The status of -la is under question: on the one hand, it resembles the Russian past... more
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      Computer ScienceCode SwitchingNanai
The paper deals with the verbal suffix -nda with the meaning of “motion-cum-purpose” (‘to go to do V’) in Nanai. The discussion of crosslinguistic relevance of the motion-cum-purpose category is focused on the data of Nanai, and... more
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      Tungusic languagesMotion VerbsEvent StructureAdverbial clauses
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      History of ReligionOral historyShamanismStudy of Religions
Keywords: Idols; sculptures; amulets; Nanai; Ulches; Nivkh; Amur region; Siberia; 4P-Project (Patients, Practitioners, Practices, Plant Drugs)
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      ShamanismEthnomedicineAmuletsSiberian Studies
Наталья Стойнова (Natalya Stoynova) XIII Конференция по типологии и грамматике [email protected] для молодых исследователей, СПб, ИЛИ РАН, 24-26.11.2016 Reflexives in Nanai: reorganization of the grammatical system
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      Contact LinguisticsTungusic languagesLanguage contactReflexives
Статья о сравнительном изучении социально-экономического положения коренных малочисленных народов амуро-сахалинской этнографической области (в первую очередь нанайцев). В основе работы - исторические, этнографические, юридические... more
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      AnthropologyChinese PoliticsChina studiesContemporary China
The paper deals with future tense in Nanai. There is a well-known idea of a special status of Future in tense system. It remains disputable, whether Future can be considered as a tense in the same sense as Present and Past. These... more
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      Tense and Aspect SystemsTungusic languagesFuture TenseNanai
исследование фокусируется на визуально-антропологических материалах из экспедиции известного этнографа Ивана Алексеевича Лопатина 1913 года, хранящихся в архиве Общества изучения Амурского края, и изученных автором статьи в ходе... more
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      Visual AnthropologyFar EastЭтнографические методыEthnographic Photography
The paper deals with the use of reflexive markers in dependent clauses in Nanai (Tungusic). V. A. Avrorin [1959] describes this system in the following way. Light reflexives in dependent clauses behave consistently as long-distance... more
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      Language AttritionTungusic languagesLanguage contactLong-Distance Anaphora
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Generalova, V. Towards an RRG analysis of constructions with a morphological causative in some Altaic languages. In: A. Tigău (ed.) The Syntax and Semantics of Internal Arguments. Special issue of Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics,... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceRole and Reference GrammarArgument StructureValency
Overview of the Nanai negation system. Published in М. Б. Коношенко и др. (ред.). Типология морфосинтаксических параметров. Материалы международной конференции "Типология морфосинтаксических параметров 2016". Вып. 3. Москва: МПГУ, 2016.
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      NanaiAssociative Plural
The paper deals with gender mismatches attested in the Russian Speech of bilinguals with minor languages of Russian Far East and Northern Siberia (Nanai, Ulch, Forest Enets, Nganasan).
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      Russian LanguageTungusic languagesBilingualism and MultilingualismLanguage contact
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The paper contains a description of the variety of Russian used by bilingual speakers of Southern Tungusic languages (some Nanai dialects and Ulch). The morphosyntactic contact-induced peculiarities of their speech are the focus of this... more
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      Russian LanguageTungusic languagesBilingualismLanguage contact
Handout of the talk given at 12th Conference on Typology and Grammar for Young Scholars (St. Petersburg, November 2015)
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This paper is concerned with the structure of relative clauses in the indigenous languages spoken on Sakhalin Island. The Tungusic languages of the region employ relative clauses of the North Asian type, which are prenominal and have... more
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      Contact LinguisticsTungusic languagesRelative ClausesLanguage contact
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      Morphology (Languages And Linguistics)NanaiOblique Case
The paper deals with marginal surprising uses of the impersonal construction attested in Nanai and Ulch (Southern Tungusic, the Russian Far East). In these languages, a dedicated R-impersonal construction with no overt subject develops... more
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      Tungusic languagesImpersonalPersonal PronounsNanai
В статье рассматриваются морфологические показатели инхоатива (начальной фазы действия) в нанайском языке (алтайская семья, тунгусо-маньчжурская группа). В нанайском языке представлено два конкурирующих инхоативных суффикса, и выбор между... more
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      Tense and Aspect SystemsVerbal MorphologyInchoativityNanai
In this paper I show first that "Moukri," which appears in the letter from the Turk qaghan translated into Greek in Theophylact Simocatta's "History" is a reference to the Goguryeo kingdom, and thus the earliest reference to a term that... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesInner Asian HistoryCentral Eurasian StudiesOld Turkic
The chapter deals with an overview of the Southern Tungusic languages: Hezhe, Udihe, Oroch, Nanai, Ulcha and Orok. The sociolinguistic and dialectal situation is described as well as the history of the languages under discussion in... more
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    • Nanai
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The paper deals with differential object marking in the Russian Speech of Nanai-Russian bilingual speakers, namely the variation such as принес рыбу ~ принес рыба ('{he} brought fish-acc ~ fish-nom'). The puzzle is that this peculiarity... more
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      Russian LanguageTungusic languagesLanguage contactDifferential Object Marking
Международное совещание Н. Стойнова (stoynova @ yandex . ru) по дифференцированному маркированию актантов ИЯз РАН, 22-23 апреля 2016 Дифференцированное маркирование объекта в нанайском языке 1. Введение
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      Tungusic languagesDifferential Object MarkingNanai
Н. М. Стойнова, ИРЯ РАН, Москва 4 -я конференция-школа [email protected] «Проблемы языка: взгляд молодых ученых» Москва, ИЯз, 24-26.09.2015 Частица =əm(də) в нанайском языке: цитатив и вокруг 0. Введение  В нанайском языке... more
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      Tungusic languagesEvidentialityQuotativesNanai
В статье обсуждается нанайский показатель косвенных падежей -wa, статус которого остается неясным до сих пор. Алломорфы этого суффикса употребляются во всех формах винительного падежа, а также в лично-притяжательных формах косвенных... more
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      Case system and grammatical relationsNanai
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Nanayca Kuş Adları, Nanai (Gold) Bird Names, Названия птиц в нанайском языке
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      OrnithologyTungusic languagesNanaiBird names
В статье сравниваются типы употребления глагола bi- ‘быть’ в современном нанайском языке: его функционирование в качестве полноценного смыслового глагола, в качестве глагола-связки, а также в качестве элемента трех аналитических... more
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      GrammaticalizationTense and Aspect SystemsNanaiModes of Discourse
The paper deals with the class of locative nouns in Nanai (Tungusic). This is a geterogenious range of localization expressions which form a continuum from standard nouns to postpositions. The degree of grammaticalization was estimated... more
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      GrammaticalizationTungusic languagesAdpositionsNanai
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      GrammaticalizationTungusic languagesMotion VerbsAssociated Motion
В статье исследуется аспектуальная система нанайского языка с точки зрения наличия в ней признаков словоизменительного и деривационного типов видовой системы. С этой целью рассматриваются устройство видо-временной системы, а также... more
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      Tense and Aspect SystemsNanai
The paper deals with the suffix of motion-cum-purpose-*nA: ('go to V') in Tungusic languages. The text-data on its uses in two Southern Tungusic languages, Nanai and Udihe, is analyzed in detail and compared to crosslinguistic data on a... more
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      Tungusic languagesAssociated MotionNanai
Superseded by a forthcoming paper.
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      Contact LinguisticsAltaic LinguisticsTungusic languagesLinguistic Typology
There are more or less comparable inventories of spatial cases in Tungusic languages, and their functions are quite clear and stable across the cognate markers: Directive, Elative (or two Elatives), Essive (usually also with the dative... more
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      Tungusic languagesSpatial semanticsCase system and grammatical relationsNanai
Beispiel von S.M. Širokogorovs "Tungus Dictionary" . (Tunguso-Sibirica 33). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 131 S., ISBN 978-3-447-06806-2.
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      LanguagesReligionComparative ReligionCultural History
The paper investigates two classes of verbs in the Naikhin dialect of Nanai (Tungusic; spoken mostly in the Russian Far East) that demonstrate a certain instability with respect to their argument structure in a situation where there is... more
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      Contact LinguisticsRussianSyntaxRussian Language
Статья посвящена способам выражения каритива в нанайском языке. Исследование основано на полевых материалах автора, собранных методом элицитации, и на материале устных текстов, записанных разными исследователями от носителей нанайского... more
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      Tense and Aspect SystemsNanai
L’utilisation ancienne de la vodka dans les pratiques chamaniques, chez les Nanaïs de l’Extrême-Orient de la Sibérie, variait en fonction du rite : tantôt destinée aux esprits, souvent par le biais du chamane, lors des rites funéraires,... more
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      Anthropology of AlcoholNanai