Mongolian linguistics
Recent papers in Mongolian linguistics
Монгол хэл шинжлэлийн сонгодог бүтээл
Аливаа хэлний үгийн санд хамаарахгүй үг гэж байхгүй бөгөөд монгол хэлний үндсэн үгсээс гадна этгээд, бүдүүлэг үг, харь үг, нэр томьёо, товчилсон үг гээд бүхий л үгс багтах бөгөөд цахим орчны хувьд үгийн сангийн түвшинд интернэтийн нөлөөнд... more
ENGLISH PREFACE The Department of Mongolian Studies of Dankook University, Republic of Korea, has published the first volume in what is to be a series of works on Mongolian-Korean contrastive grammar, as well as Mongolian language... more
This paper carries on the investigation of the spoken language as a part of the ethnography of communication and summarises the linguistic material for a very special language phenomenon – onomatopoeia and iconopoeia (Mongolian du’rsleh... more
Товч агуулга: Тус өгүүлэлд Монгол улсын УИХ-аас 2003 онд батлан гаргасан " Төрийн албан ёсны хэлний тухай хууль "-ийн хэрэгжилт ямар байгаа талаар өгүүлжээ. Түлхүүр үг: Хэлний бодлого, монгол хэл, төрийн албан ёсны хэлний тухай хууль... more
Abstract How many words does Mongolian language? It is important to study total number of Mongolian vocabulary. The present paper deals with the Mongolian word frequency interms of scientific theory and methodology using corpus... more
Товч агуулга: Уг өгүүлэлд алдарт хэл шинжээч Шадавын Лувсанванданы 1959 оны " Монголч эрдэмтдийн анхдугаар их хурал "-д хэлэлцүүлсэн " Монгол хэл аялгууны учир " хэмээх илтгэлийн тухай өгүүлэв. Ш.Лувсанвандан монгол хэл аялгуу, монгол... more
This is a draft version of one of the the four papers presented in a joint panel on the Hüis Tolgoi Inscription from Mongolia (currently in the National Institute of Archeology, Ulaanbaator) with my colleagues Dieter Maue, Mehmet Ölmez,... more
The present article deals with the earliest known sources on a Mongolic language discovered in 2014 by the international team Dieter Maue (Germany), Mehmet Ölmez (Turkey), Étienne de La Vaissière and Alexander Vovin (both France) on two... more
In this article I am surveying several possible loanwords from Koreanic languages (probably Kogu-ryǒ and/or Bo-hai) into the Khitan language. Apart from explaining the origin of some of the Khitan words that have no Mongolic, other... more
This article is a sequel to the interpretation of the Khüis Tolgoi inscription published in the previous issue of the Journal Asiatique. The Bugut inscription is at least twenty years older than the Khüis Tolgoi inscription, being... more
The present paper deals with the frequency of words in an issue of Mongolian newspaper “Niislel khureenii sonin bichig” (The newspaper of the capital city) which was published 102 years ago. In accordance with the result of the study, it... more
Монголын нэрт зохиолч Д.Нацагдоржийн 1920-иод онд Германы Лайпциг хотод сурч амьдарч байхдаа хийсэн Герман - Монгол толь бичгийн тухай
The paper provides a bibliographical survey of monographic publications in the field of Mongolic historical and comparative studies that appeared in the last four decades. It covers scholarly literature on general historical and... more
The Khüis Tolgoi inscription (early 7th c. AD), originally located in the vicinity of Tsetserleg city, nowadays in the basement of the National Museum of Archeology, Ulaanbaator, is written in a Mongolic language that is reasonably close... more
This paper briefly introduces the most important linguistic features of the Yiyu (Beilu yiyu) – a Chinese-Middle Mongol glossary included in the Dengtan Bijiu (1599) with special focus on the unstable -n nouns, representation of the... more
This paper deals with some of the results of the 18th century critical discussion and argument among scholars concerning the usage and function of the dots as diacritic marks in Mongolian script. This is of importance not only for... more
On the expression of “One Törü” in the 17th century Mongolian-Russian relationship The Russian-Mongolian bilateral relationship started with the 1617 Russian mission to the first Altan-khan Šoloi Ubasi Qungtayiji of the western wing of... more
The aim of this article is to reveal the etymology of a word miis ‘cat’ in Mayan Language, compared with miš ‘cat’ in Old Mongolian in 1389 CE, miyou or meu ‘cat’ in Sino-Japanese, and mit ‘cat’ with a feminine suffix -t in Egyptian... more
VOVIN, Alexander. 2014. Borrowing of verbal roots across language family boundaries in the 'Altaic' world. Altai Hakpo 24. 151-161. The Altaic Society of Korea.
In 1927, upon his arrival in Berlin, D. Natsagdorj, one of approximately 45 young Mongolian students who participated in an educational program in Germany and France, composed a long travel poem, “Notes on the Trip to Berlin.” Not only... more
The paper deals with the noun case system of the ''Dada yu/Beilu yiyu'', a little known Sino-Mongol glossary dated between 1567 and 1603. Of seven grammatical cases commonly distinguished in Proto-Mongolic, only four are attested in the... more
Full volume available at: Next to the ultimate source of the Secret History of the Mongols (SH) Sino-barbarian... more
Bai-, bol-and ge-are the most unique verbs in Modern Khalkha Mongolian. They can be used as verbs, auxiliary verbs, conjunctions and particles, either separately or bounded with other suffixes. To determine all of the forms and meanings... more
The development of the internet linguistics study in Mongolia and other countries, which are new objects in Mongolian linguistics, is written in this article. In addition, the studies of internet language have been developing in USA since... more
This paper presents the results of our fieldwork in rural Mongolia, this time discussing the main psychological aspect of the life of Mongolian nomads – their relationship to their native land (nutag). For the nomadic Mongol the nutag is... more
This paper continues the investigation of spoken language from the point of view of ethnography of communication and discusses a very special phenomenon of the Mongolian language – the use of onomatopoeia and iconopoeia. Though this... more
This paper continues the discussion of The Secret History of the Mongols in the mirror of metaphors. In the course of the field work carried out by the members of the Seminar of Mongolian Studies of Charles University among the Khorchins,... more
This paper discusses the subject dealt with in my previous paper. It describes systematically the group of words known as iconopoeia (words depicting images) and concentrates on the problem of their formation and meaning. Concrete... more
The article deals with the Middle Mongolian word aram which occurs as a hapax legomenon in the Secret History of the Mongols (§ 124). The author examines the problems of phonetic reconstruction and semantics of the keyword which provoke... more
The role of dreams in the Mongolian nomadic society is singular and very important up to the present day. The dream is the mirror of and the key to the overall picture and conception of the world and a safe topic, which has proved to... more
This paper continues the topic first considered in my paper in Mongolo-Tibetica ’08 (Oberfalzerová 2008), which discussed the sources of contentment with Mongolian nomads, particularly in relation to the homeland, the place, which is... more
Товч агуулга: Хэл шинжлэл нь нийгмийн шинжлэх ухаан билээ. Учир нь хэл бол нийгмийн үзэгдэл юм. Мөн хэлний нийтлэгийн үүднээс хэл бол байгалийн ч үзэгдэл мөн. Тэгэхээр энэхүү байгалийн үзэгдлийг судалдаг шинжлэх ухаан нь байгалийн ухааны... more
There are many traditions in Turkish folk culture that are fulfilled during the birth, wedding and funeral ceremonies. Even though some of these traditions do not apply to today’s conditions, their names still exist in Turkish vocabulary.... more
Товч агуулга: Аливаа хэл нь үргэлж өөрчлөгдөн хувьсаж, баяжин хөгжиж байдаг " амьд организм " билээ. Тэгвэл энэхүү хувьсал өөрчлөлт эдүгээ ч явагдсаар буй бөгөөд орчин цагийн монгол хэлний хувьд интернэт орчинд илүү идэвхтэй өрнөж байна... more
The following term paper examines the syntax and semantics of the comitative case in Khalkh Mongolian. The goal of this paper is to delineate the function and characteristics of the Mongolian comitative case according to its syntactic and... more
In this article, the author analyzes the issue of additional modality in modern Mongolian. Additional modality is fundamentally connected with the utterance, and defines the personal attitude, subjective assessment, and approval of the... more