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The main focus of this study was on finding out whether first language attrition can be observed in adults after they have migrated to a country where a language other than their original is spoken. For this purpose a 35 year--old Russian... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage AttritionFirst Language AttritionLanguage Transfer
This paper reviews some of the predictions and assumptions made by different versions of the Critical Period Hypothesis which assumes that language acquisition will in principle be more successful in younger subjects. Findings from... more
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    • Language Attrition
Linguistics and the science of Anthropology have much in common. In fact, to a large extent the two fields overlap. Field workers utilize research models of the ethnographic type as well as approaches that are experimental, methods that... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage AcquisitionMulti- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyTaiwan Studies
Vocabulary learning strategies play an important role in vocabulary learning. Admittedly, lack of vocabulary knowledge will have an effect over all four of language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. In addition,... more
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      ManagementLanguage AttritionVocabulary Learning StrategiesVocabulary Learning
Nach dem Aufbrechen der weltweiten Systemkonfrontation, deren Wirkung in fast jeder Konfliktstruktur zu spüren war, sind inter-ethnische Konflikte auch in Europa wieder zum vorherrschenden Muster gesellschaftlicher Auseinandersetzung... more
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This chapter provides a broad overview of the way in which language shift has progressed in the Ryukyus over the last century. It is organized roughly in chronological order, beginning with a brief introduction to the literature on... more
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      Language revitalizationSociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and PolicyEndangered Languages
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      MultilingualismImmigrationApplied LinguisticsTurkish Linguistics
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      HungarianLanguage AttritionFirst Language AttritionLanguage maintenance and attrition
One of the most important challenges that learners will face during the process of second language learning is learning vocabulary. Vocabulary has been recognized as crucial to language use in which insufficient vocabulary knowledge of... more
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      ManagementLanguage AttritionAzadeh AsgariDr. Azadeh Asgari
Learning outcomes result from students' experiences with the curriculum content selected by developers and noted in their content statement .Curriculum developers plan intended learning outcomes, but students achieve actual learning... more
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      ManagementLanguage AttritionAzadeh AsgariDr. Azadeh Asgari
This book chapter is a diachronic study of the process of language shift in Okinawa. I demonstrate how a language shift profile in the form of a timeline can be constructed retrospectively using qualitative synchronic data. These data... more
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      Language revitalizationSociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and PolicyEndangered Languages
Loss and Maintenance of Somali Language in the UK Shamsudin Abikar Bristol Primary School Teaching Assistant Abstract This study attempts to investigate first language attrition in Somali (L1) speakers of English as L2. Specifically... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionFirst Language AcquisitionLanguage Attrition
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsFirst Language Acquisition
This paper is based on a short fieldwork undertaken in the island of Tsushima in August 2018. During this fieldwork, two sites in northern Tsushima were chosen to ascertain what the state of the dialect is at present and what its most... more
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      Japanese Language And CultureJapanese LinguisticsFieldwork in linguisticsLanguage Attrition
Our particular informant is a Bataknese from Sibolga who has resided in Aceh for 35 years ever since hermarriage to her Acehnese husband in Langsa. Since then, she has been living in Aceh with slight contactsto her Bataknese relatives in... more
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      Language AttritionPerspectivesLanguage Loss
Nikvh is a language isolate spoken in the Russian Far East. The language is severely endangered and it is no longer transmitted to children. Estimates on the current number of speakers vary from tens to hundreds. The study examines the... more
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      PhonologyEndangered LanguagesMinority LanguagesLanguage Attrition
This book was co-edited by dr hab hab Sabine Asmus, prof US, and dr Jaworska-Biskup. It discusses issues of Welsh literature, history, and the vernacular language of the devolved region of Wales (as part of the United Kingdom of Northern... more
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      WelshWelsh LiteratureWelsh linguisticsCymraeg - the Welsh language
My purpose in this paper is to examine the psychological nature of forgetting (parts of) a language by individuals involved in language change across the lifespan. The objectives of the article are (1) to summarize psychological theories... more
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      Language AttritionFirst Language Attrition
Questo contributo riporta i primi risultati di una ricerca in corso volta a verificare l'incidenza di due tempi perfettivi, il passato prossimo e il passato remoto, nell'italiano d'Australia parlato da immigrati italiani del secondo... more
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      Italian StudiesLanguage Variation and ChangeLanguage AttritionItalian (Languages And Linguistics)
Awjila Berber is a highly endangered Berber variety spoken in eastern Libya. The minimal material available on it reveals that the language is in some respects very archaic and in others grammatically unique, and as such is of particular... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSocial MediaFacebookLinguistics
This study seeks to examine the influence of globalisation dominated by neo-liberal economies on local culture especially on the gradual loss of Rwandans’ language, Ikinyarwanda. Notwithstanding the prevalent use of Ikinyarwanda, mass... more
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      Globalisation and cultural changeGlobalisation and "global cultural flows"Language EndangermentLanguage Attrition
This study investigated how bilinguals' perception of their first language (L1) differs according to age of reduced contact with L1 after immersion in a second language (L2). Twenty-one L1 Korean-L2 English bilinguals in the United... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionPhoneticsSpeech perceptionEnglish
The ultimate intention of this paper is to achieve a better understanding of how some critical factors for the successful application of knowledge management (KM) in Malaysian firms. KM covers an extensive range of usefulness and sustains... more
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      ManagementLanguage AttritionAzadeh AsgariDr. Azadeh Asgari
Learning a new language is one of the privileges that a person can get when moving from one place to another and staying there for a longer time. In this paper, I will discuss my journey that resulted to gradual decline of my L1 (First... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionSociolinguisticsLanguage AttritionFirst Language Attrition
Marina Sherkina-Lieber Doctor of Philosophy
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      Language AcquisitionSemanticsSyntaxMorphology
Linguistic studies focusing on monolinguals have often examined individuals with considerable experience using another language. Results of a methodological review suggest that conflating ostensibly 'multicompetent' individuals with... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsPhoneticsMultilingualism
This project was funded in part by a Faculty Small Grant from the University of Arizona Foundation and the Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies. I would like to thank Christopher Hall, Kees de Bot, Ulrike Jessner... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLinguisticsLanguage AttritionFirst Language Attrition
The paper presents the results of a field study conducted in Israel and Italy in 2014. The aim of the study was to investigate the process of language acquisition by children from Russian-speaking families who enrolled in non-formal... more
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      Language AttritionBilingualism and Multilingualism
Duoxu is a terminally endangered and virtually undescribed Tibeto-Burman language, spoken in the historically multi-ethnic and multi-lingual Miǎnníng county in Sìchuān province in the People’s Republic of China. Until recently, Duoxu was... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsLanguage AttritionTibeto-Burman Linguistics
This study aimed to investigate the attrition rate of EFL concrete and abstract vocabulary among continuing and non-continuing Iranian female and male English language learners across different proficiency levels. They were students of a... more
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      ManagementLanguage AttritionAzadeh AsgariDr. Azadeh Asgari
Departing from a view of language as a Complex Adaptive System (CAS) (BECKNER et al., 2009; DE BOT et al., 2013), this paper discusses language attrition, by verifying possible attrition symptoms in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) among... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage AttritionSecond language acquisition of phonologyInterphonology
This study investigated how bilinguals' perception of their first language (L1) differs according to age of reduced contact with L1 after immersion in a second language (L2). Twenty-one L1 Korean-L2 English bilinguals in the United... more
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      PsychologySecond Language AcquisitionPhoneticsSpeech perception
This article describes the context of the studies carried out on Dutch migrants, at the request of a number of Language Attrition Researchers who have plans to re-visit the population I investigated. It describes sociolinguistic,... more
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      Minority LanguagesLanguage AttritionLanguage maintenance and attritionLanguage Maintenance and Shift
Heritage receptive bilinguals (RBs) are individuals who report understanding but not speaking their family language. This study tests whether semantic features of functional morphemes, namely tense, aspect, and agreement, are accessible... more
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      Language AcquisitionSemanticsSyntaxMorphology
The purpose of this research is to present the theory of language attrition based on translators from Ukraine who live in Poland and provide translations in the following language pairs: Ukrainian - Polish and Russian - Polish.... more
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      LanguagesSociologySecond Language AcquisitionTranslation Studies
Whether a language can be called endangered depends on such factors as the rate of acquisition by the children, the attitude of the whole community to it, and the level of impact of other languages which may be threatening it. In general... more
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    • Language Attrition
Given its focus on a definitely endangered language as noted by the UNESCO Atlas of the World Languages in Danger, and also marked as being threatened by the Ethnologue, this study aims to scrutinize whether Laz people do, or do not use... more
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      Language revitalizationLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage AttritionHeritage language studies
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionVocabularyVocabulary Acquisition
Australia is a multicultural society in which over 300 different indigenous and migrant languages are spoken. While its cultural diversity is often celebrated, Australia's linguistic diversity is still at risk due to the inherent... more
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      German HistorySociolinguisticsGerman LanguageGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)
The paper deals with the use of reflexive markers in dependent clauses in Nanai (Tungusic). V. A. Avrorin [1959] describes this system in the following way. Light reflexives in dependent clauses behave consistently as long-distance... more
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      Language AttritionTungusic languagesLanguage contactLong-Distance Anaphora
En esta monografía se publican los resultados del proyecto de investigación La competencia bilingüe de los jóvenes emigrantes retornados a España entre 1986 y 1991: apoyo social y repercusiones profesionales, financiado por el Ministerio... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage and MigrationLanguage Attrition
Clarke (1980) hypothesized that effective interlingual transfer of reading skills requires the attainment of some particular threshold of second language (L2) knowledge. Results from a study by Hacquebord (1989) suggested that the... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage AttritionSecond Language ReadingL1 and L2 reading comprehension, reading strategies in L1 and L2, Learning L2
This study aims to investigate the association between three dimensions of e-relationship quality in lodging websites. The objectives of this study are to investigate the relationship between determinants of e-relationship quality on... more
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      ManagementLanguage AttritionAzadeh AsgariDr. Azadeh Asgari
In this article, aiming to investigate the effects of language attrition among Brazilian learners (from the city of Porto Alegre) of Spanish (L2), we analyze the production of the word-final unstressed vowel /e/ in both their L1 and L2... more
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      Laboratory/Experimental PhonologyAcoustic PhoneticsLanguage AttritionFirst Language Attrition
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      Endangered LanguagesLanguage EndangermentLanguage AttritionBilingualism
This paper concludes a research project on Belarusian-Russian Mixed Speech (BRMS), which is commonly referred to disrespectfully as 'Trasjanka'. BRMS is practised as a subvariety by millions of people in Belarus, usually in addition to... more
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      Slavic LanguagesRussianBelarusian StudiesPost-colonial Studies (Belarusian Studies)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir evidências de atrito linguístico do português (L1) em falantes bilíngues (português e inglês-L2) e trilíngues (português, inglês-L2 e alemão-L3). Investigamos, neste estudo, os diferentes padrões... more
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      Laboratory/Experimental PhonologyEnglish Phonetics and PhonologyAcoustic PhoneticsLanguage Attrition