Future Tense
Recent papers in Future Tense
Future – predictions We use will, won't and might to talk about predictions based on opinions: something that we believe or calculate. We use might when we are not sure about something. Adverbs like certainly, probably, definitely... more
Tulisan ini membahas tentang 16 tenses bahasa Inggris. Hal tersebut sama seperti kita mempelajari bahasa Indonesia yaitu agar mampu berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan benar sesuai kaidah kebahasaan. Sebab, tanpa tenses... more
West Polesian is an understudied Eastern Slavonic variety spoken between Belarus, Ukraine and Poland. The speech community has been geographically isolated for centuries, contributing to the preservation of older forms of Slavonic, but... more
Özet: Eski Oğuz Türkçesinden itibaren gelecek zaman fonksiyonunda kullanılan {-(y)IsAr} eki hakkında günümüze kadar birtakım çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bunlar ekin iki heceli olmasından hareketle kaleme alınmış olup genellikle ekin oluşumu... more
Буду+инф. vs. стану+инф. как конкурирующие средства выражения будущего времени в русском языке: данные НКРЯ
Cette approche se propose de faire le point sur l'évolution des formes du Futur roumain, vue dans la perspective extensive de la grammaticalisation. Ce processus (appelé dans la littérature, régrammation) qui affecte tout d'abord la forme... more
This paper comprises two main parts: In the first one, we discuss the correlation between the tense verbal category future and the mood category subjunctive within the diachrony of the Greek language. Our examination has the Indo-European... more
From surveys made on the Internet, in newspapers and in novels written in Modern Standard Arabic, this article shows the existence of other forms of negation in the future than that of lan + subjunctive. It demonstrates that the so called... more
The paper aims to introduce a new source for the study of Late Medieval Greek, namely the Rasûlid Hexaglot, a multilingual dictionary originating from 14th century Yemen. It focuses on the future-referring constructions contained in the... more
The future tense in the Ibero-Romance languages swings between temporal and modal readings. Despite the fact that all the varieties of the Iberian Peninsula possess various strategies that compete with the morphological future, there is... more
В работе рассматриваются взгляды современных грамматик (2-я пол. ХХ — ХХI вв.) относительно будущего времени в пиренейском варианте португальского языка. Рассматриваются проблемы соотношения темпоральности и модальности в футуральных... more
Настоящая статья посвящена проспективной конструкции словацкого языка. Проспективные конструкции связывают состояние с последующей акцией. В некоторых западноевропейских языках они образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола идти; ср.... more
This article touches upon the problem of the manifold forms of the future tense in the group of Slavic languages. Covering a variety of methods of forming the future tense, the author tries to give a description of each form and to define... more
Рад се ба ви гра ма ти ка ли за ци јом фу ту ра у ста ро срп ском је зи ку од XII до XV ве ка. По ка зу је се да је реч о из ра зи то гра ду ел ном про це су, ко ји је ре зул тат са деј ства уну тра шњег је зич ког раз во ја и ме ђу је... more
Miriam Bouzouita
The paper proposes an analysis of the auxiliary 'will' as a relatively independent syntactic unit at the level of utterance. The functioning of the verb reveals that there are two basic aspects of its grammatical meaning which are... more
GeolinGüística del futuro evidencial en las lenGuas romances del siGlo xx
It is well known that the various forms of future tense tend to be very unstable in many languages of the world. In Indo-European languages it is assumed that this is due to the absence of an original form subsequently filled by different... more
In this paper, we review the various types of epistemic usages of the (simple and anterior) future tenses in French with the assumption that what actually licenses their occurrence is not a semantic feature such as aspect but pragmatic... more
Настоящая работа посвящена семантике форм предбудущего в языках Европы в кон-текстах референции к прошлому. Исследование основано на данных параллельных корпусов НКРЯ и анкетировании и выполнено на материале нескольких европейских языков,... more
Irregular futures and conditionals in contemporary Spanish have been scarcely studied from an explicative synchronic point of view. Nevertheless, Luquet’s noteworthy morphosemantic attempt (2000a) should be continued beyond his own... more
The dependent, as defined in Holton et al. 1997, may appear in a number of subordinate contexts in which it contrasts not only with various other forms but also with the form tha+dependent. This latter contrast tends to be ignored in... more
The paper deals with future tense in Nanai. There is a well-known idea of a special status of Future in tense system. It remains disputable, whether Future can be considered as a tense in the same sense as Present and Past. These... more
Suppose that our world is objectively indeterministic, so that at certain points in time, there is more than one way in which events might carry on. Two main positions address how to think about the future as it unfolds beyond such... more
As is well known, PIE possessed several distinct sigmatic formations with modal or future-like semantics. The paper deals with two sigmatic formations which must be reconstructed for PIE and obviously possessed a similar semantic value.... more
Resumen: La expresión del futuro puede construirse en las lenguas romances de la Península Ibérica mediante varias estrategias lingüísticas: un tiempo morfológico propio, perífrasis aspectuales o incluso el empleo del presente de... more
The paper investigates the problems related to futurity and modality in modern Greek. The discussion of Greek temporal future expressions is conducted with reference to relevant literature from the areas of English linguistics, cognitive... more
The paper examines all uses of the Spanish future tense (the HABLARÉ paradigm) from a cognitive perspective and analyses in detail the level of subjectivity displayed and the relationship to the ground. It is claimed that these uses share... more
En esta tesis se propone que la formación y evolución de los exponentes de futuro en las distintas lenguas está motivada por la interacción de dos formas de la cognición temporal. La primera de ellas se denomina tiempo fenomenológico, y... more
Егизарян П. Э. Темпоральные формы перифразы ir + inf. в пиренейском варианте португальского языка // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 9: Филология, №1. — М.: Издательство Московского университета, 2019. — С. 50–61. В статье... more
From surveys made on the Internet, in newspapers and in novels written in Modern Standard Arabic, this article shows the existence of other forms of negation in the future than that of lan + subjunctive. It demonstrates that the so called... more
This paper discusses the development of the analytic future in Russian Romani. In this Romani dialect, an analytic future tense can be expressed by means of the two auxiliary verbs avéla ‘to come’ and léla ‘to take.’ This article argues... more
Članak na temelju analize primjera iz Hrvatskoga nacionalnoga korpusa donosi semantičko i funkcionalno određenje futura drugoga u suvremenom hrvatskom standardnom jeziku. Futur drugi tvori se u pravilu od nesvršenih glagola, dok je... more
Abstract:The current study considers the use of various grammatical structures expressing the future tense by 10 intermediate French learners. We examine the effect of the verbal paradigm – regular versus irregular – on the learners'... more
We critically review two extant paradigms for understanding the systematic interaction between modality and tense, as well as their respective modifications designed to do justice to the contingency of time's structure and composition. We... more