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      American LiteratureIntellectual HistoryHuman RightsPolitical Science
THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT that William Wordsworth (1770-1850) in his youth ardently supported the French Revolution. We know, moreover, from his retrospective account in The Prelude that he had hoped the principles animating the revolution... more
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    • Modern Age
The following study presents the results of the archaeological work carried out in 2008 on a building site located in Carnide (Lisbon). During the excavations, archaeological remains dating between the Chalcolithic period and the Modern... more
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      ChalcolithicCupaeModern AgeRoman Archaeology
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      Economic HistoryUsuryModern AgeSacri monti
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      PoetryTed HughesModern PoetrySylvia Plath
Nakon kraćega prikaza stratigrafije lokaliteta, izdvaja se horizont novovjekovnih grobova. Opisuju se bogatiji grobovi, te se pojedini nalazi analiziraju i interpretiraju. Na temelju analize odabranih nalaza i njihove interpretacije,... more
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      Arma ChristiModern AgeMedallionsRosaries
This contribution focuses on the expansion and development of one of Bratislava's suburbs (Podhradie), in its western section along a long-distance route leading from Bratislava to Karlova Ves, Devín and further on to Vienna. Building... more
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      Modern AgeArchitectual HistoryHistory of Bratislava (Pressburg/Pozsony)
La 'fabula' di Piramo e Tisbe ("Metam.", IV, 55–166) è stata, attraverso i secoli, al centro di una nutrita serie di rielaborazioni, riscritture e transcodificazioni di varia natura che hanno evidenziato e, per così dire, celebrato... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyMythologyClassics
Breve contexto histórico de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII y acercamiento a la alimentación de la época usando como apoyo algunas obras de arte.
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      HistoryArt HistoryFood HistoryFood and Nutrition
For its 8º centunary the Junta de Freguesia do Souto da Carpalhosa (Town Council of Souto da Carpalhosa) promoted a series of archaeological, historical and etnographic researches, resulting in the publication of a monograph study: Souto... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of FarmsteadsPrehistory
The paper analyses M. Seel’s aesthetic theory in connection with the problem of the content of aesthetic experience and the tendencies for its reexamination in contemporary aesthetics. We demonstrate that Seel’s „aesthetics of appearing“,... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryModernityThe Other
El proyecto de Innovación docente "El culto a las reliquias: interpretación, difusión y ritos” ha conseguido constituirse como una plataforma de intercambio de ideas y fomento de la colaboración transversal entre alumnos y profesores de... more
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      ReligionCultural HistoryArt HistoryEarly Modern History
Resumen: el presente trabajo pretende mostrar la evolución de la construcción de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela desde la aparición del supuesto sepulcro perteneciente al apóstol Santiago, hasta la que para nosotros fue su etapa de... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance ArtBaroque art and architectureSantiago de Compostela
Den Kontext dieser Arbeit bildet die Säkularisierungsdebatte der 1960er Jahre in Deutschland, genauer das sogenannte „Säkularisierungstheorem“, demzufolge viele als originell neuzeitlich geltende, das moderne Selbstverständnis prägende... more
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      HegelLegitimacyTheory of Metaphor and RhetoricsPolitical Legitimacy
Gospostvo z gradom Hrastovec pri Lenartu je bilo v posesti izvorno štajerske plemiške rodbine Herberstein v dveh obdobjih, med letoma 1482 in 1802 ter med letoma 1909 in 1945. Prispevek natančneje obravnava njihovo prvo lastniško obdobje.... more
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      GenealogyNobilityStyriaModern Age
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      HistoryArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Fue don Íñigo López de Mendoza, el II conde de Tendilla, uno de los miembros más destacados de la alta nobleza castellana en los albores de la Edad Moderna. Sus cargos como primer capitán General del Reino de Granada y alcaide de la... more
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      Art HistoryPaleographyManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Epistolas
Resumo: Devido a uma série de discursos o Diabo se tornava forte, se inserido em nossa mentalidade, e através disso se inserindo em nossos corpos, dominando os nossos sentidos e criando um medo que assolava a população medieval e... more
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      DevilHistory of the BodyModern Age
HIERASUS nr. IV-ANUAR 1981 Comitetul De Cultura Şi Educaţie Socialista Al Judetului Botoşani - Muzeul Judeţean Colectivul de redacţie : COLECTIVUL DE REDACŢIE : Maria Bucataru, Ionel Bejenaru, Adrian Ciuraru, Gabriela Coroliuc, Gheorghe... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLate Middle AgesHeritage ConservationPrehistory
The objective of this Bachelor Thesis is the historical, social and economic research of development in the village Prejta, located in the district of Ilava, from the first written record from 1379 to the end of the eighteenth century.... more
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      Medieval HistoryModern Age
Përmbajtja/Contents: Fjala jonë/Editorial 1. Allamah Muhammad Hussain Tabatabai "Islami dhe epoka moderne"/ "Islam and the Modern Age" UDC 28-1 2. Mahdi Golshani "Filozofia e shkencës: Një... more
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      OntologyPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of ScienceIslamic Mysticism
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryHistory of ReligionMaterial Culture Studies
Arheološka istraživanja Gradine u Zemuniku provedena na području srednjovjekovne i novovjekovne utvrde, iako površinom obuhvaćaju njezin mali dio, osim arhitektonskih ostataka iznjedrila su i popriličnu veliku količinu sitnih nalaza.... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyModern Age
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      History of SlaveryModern Age
La práctica de la confesión auricular representó uno de los instrumentos más relevantes de la acción de disciplinamiento social ejercida por la Iglesia católica a lo largo de la Edad Moderna. A través del análisis de algunos manuales de... more
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      ConfessionEdad ModernaModern AgeSocial Discipline
Este artigo tem como objetivo contribuir para o melhor conhecimento das estruturas eclesiásticas e inquisitoriais no mundo português, sobretudo na América. O foco dessa investigação é perceber a relação estabelecida entre os tribunais... more
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      HistoryEarly Modern HistoryInquisitionHeresy and Inquisition
This archaeological research would reveal none archaeological structers. Nevertheless, some stratigraphic levels would discloser several ceramic fragments, consistent with the ancient pottery nature of the neighbourhood in which this... more
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)FaienceArqueologia
ibérico de arqueologia e arte de abrantes 9 museu ibérico de arqueologia e arte de abrantes 8 DAVIDE DELFINO GUSTAVO PORTOCARRERO BIBLIO GRAFIA CAUWE, N.; DOLUKHANOV, P.; KOZLOWSKY, J.; VAN BERG., P.L. (2007) Le Neolithique en Europe,
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Neolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Greek Pottery
This thesis aims to explore any interconnection between the late metaphysics of space by a modern age German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and his newly established geometry called analysis situs. At first, based on an analysis of... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryPhysicsNewtonian Dynamics
Los tratados jurídico-políticos de la Edad Moderna constituyen una fuente primaria a la que es imprescindible acudir para estudiar de la burocracia de la época, un tiempo que se caracterizó por lo fructífero que fue en la impresión de... more
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      HistoryInstitutionsLAWEREdad Moderna
"[ES] Durante el s. XVII se produce un fenómeno de fortificación a lo largo de la frontera entre España y Portugal, mediante la construcción de una serie de arquitecturas que siguen los planteamientos de la fortificación abaluartada, con... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyArchaeology of ArchitectureUrban LandscapePhotointerpretation
31 de març de 2022 Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació Universitat de València Coordinadors del simposi: Vicent J. Escartí i Rafael Roca Comité organitzador: Antonio Constán-Nava, Antoni Ferrando, Àlex Llinares Planells, M.... more
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      Marginalized IdentitiesMedieval Crown of AragonEstudios de GéneroLiteratura
The main subject of this study is a survey and evaluation of field fortifications located in Nebesa near Aš (Karlovy Vary Region, Czech Republic). Although the site was already surveyed in 2019, following earlier surveys between 1980 and... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)18th CenturyStonewareModern Age
The relationship that the Bourbon dynasty had in the nineteenth century with the province and especially the city of Caserta was closer than it had been in the previous century. Ferdinand II and especially his wife Maria Teresa preferred... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryNineteenth Century Studies
La documentación hispánica, los retratos y algunas joyas conservadas muestran cómo, desde finales del Barroco y durante todo el siglo ilustrado, la moda de portar joyas florales floreció como máxima expresión del lujo y refinamiento... more
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      Art HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesContemporary ArtAncient jewellery
THE NATURE OF the American Founding is surely one of the most important questions which confronts Americans when they seek to achieve self-understanding. Before considering what and who we are, we must understand what and who we were... more
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    • Modern Age
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      Modern HistoryMaritime HistoryBasque HistoryHistoria Moderna
Mehter music or „Mehterhâne” represents the military music used in the Ottoman Empire both in times of war and in times of peace. It had as main purpose the accompaniment of the Ottoman armies in war. During the battle, the roles of... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryMusic
RESUMEN: El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar que en la modernidad existió un período, comprendido entre el último cuarto del siglo XVII y la década final del XVIII, en el cual se discutió intensamente la cuestión de lo sublime.... more
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      EthicsImmanuel KantSublimeRethoric
Dedicata a interrogare le categorie di metafora, mito e modernità, la riflessione di Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996) è senz'altro una delle più inquiete, profonde e decisive del secondo Novecento. Il presente volume ne offre una serrata... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionDeconstructionPhenomenologyFriedrich Nietzsche
Este trabajo aborda la polémica iniciada en 1990 desde el British Museum acerca de la legitimidad de tres pinjantes de perrillo de oro, esmaltados y aderezados con piedras preciosas, procedentes del Tesoro del Pilar de Zaragoza que,... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesArt HistoryHistory of Art
Abstract. The convent architecture of the Teresian Carmel developed over the centuries of the Early Modern Time (XVI-XVIII) was designed by friars of the Order, as brother Alberto de la Madre de Dios (1575-1635) or brother Alonso de San... more
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      - Carmelitas DescalzosCarmelitas descalzosEdad ModernaModern Age
En el presente trabajo trataremos de hacer una breve aproximación al estado actual del estudio de la fortaleza de Ciudad Rodrigo, haciendo una breve aproximación a la historia de ella y sus respectivos estudios historiográficos.
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      Military HistoryModern Age
Resumo: Apresentam-se duas cabeceiras de sepultura existentes próximo da localidade de Abrunhosa do Mato, freguesia de Cunha Baixa, no concelho de Mangualde. Dada a sua configuração, algo fora dos tipos habituais das estelas medievais, e... more
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      Middle AgeArqueologia Medieval e ModernaModern Age
Resumen Las diferencias de género en la arquitectura de las órdenes mendicantes son una constante a lo largo de su historia. Las distintas necesidades planteadas por frailes y monjas se reflejan en la arquitectura de conventos y... more
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      Gender StudiesArchitectureMendicant OrdersArchaeology of Medieval Monasteries
RESUMO: O presente trabalho apresenta uma leitura do canto X do Memorial dos Milagres de Cristo, poema épico do século XVII escrito pela religiosa cisterciense Soror Maria de Mesquita Pimentel. Pretende-se, com esta análise, demonstrar... more
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      Women WritersEpic poetryReligious StudiesMonastic literature
Laburpena: Artikulu honek euskal hiztegi historikoaren ezagutzan sakontzeko helburua du. Iragan mendeetako dokumentazio argitaragabea aintzat hartuz, hainbat hitz bildu ditugu. Batzuk ezezagunak dira, beste batzuk, aldiz, ezagunak ditugu... more
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      Historical SourcesBasque LanguageModern AgeHistory of Gipuzkoa
The aim of this paper is to present a rich collection of medieval and modern glassware obtained during many years of research into the Dominican Monastery in Opava, which was carried out by the Silesian Museum under the leadership of... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval Glasses (Archaeology)Modern AgeMiddleage
The texst presents a research and a design for the ‘regeneration of the cultural heritage’ of a specific geographical area, corresponding to the stretch of coastline that faces the Ionian Sea and is rooted at the bottom of Etna, in... more
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      ArchitectureCultural Heritage3D Modelling (Architecture)History of Archeology
Busto Zapico, M., & Ballesta de Diego, J. (2016). ¿Cerámica de Talavera en el Museo Municipal de Vigo "Quiñones de León"? Uso de técnicas de análisis macroscópico arqueológicas en el estudio cerámico. Minius. Historia, Arte e... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies