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(2004). Stagii de cercetare la Biblioteca "Herzog August" din Wolfenbüttel (bursă postdoctorală "Melon Foundation") şi la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme din Paris (bursă postdoctorală "Fernand Braudel"), alumna Colegiului Noua Europă din... more
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      Urban HistoryNeighbourhoodsTransylvanian SaxonsSocial Discipline
La práctica de la confesión auricular representó uno de los instrumentos más relevantes de la acción de disciplinamiento social ejercida por la Iglesia católica a lo largo de la Edad Moderna. A través del análisis de algunos manuales de... more
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      ConfessionEdad ModernaModern AgeSocial Discipline
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      IconographyEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern EuropeTransylvania
Resumen En este artículo se analiza la tortura judicial como un medio probatorio y cognoscitivo del delito y como un mecanismo para purgar los indicios de culpa-bilidad. Para ello se inciden en los siguientes aspectos: 1) el paso del... more
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      The BodyEarly Medieval HistoryTortureMicrohistory
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern History/Central European History/ TransilvaniaTobacco SmokingHistory of Transylvania
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      Early Modern HistoryTransylvanian SaxonsSocial Discipline
Artículo de síntesis sobre  el trabajo de investigación doctoral
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      History of Daily LifeConfessionalizationVida CotidianaGranada
Resumen: Este trabajo discute el tópico del “incumplimiento” de las disposiciones en materia de censura de libros entre los siglos XVI y XVIII, uno de los lugares comunes de la historiografía sobre el tema. Se sostiene la inadecuación de... more
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      Legal HistoryCensorship (History)The Spanish InquisitionBook Censorship (history)
This article assesses prison labor regimes’ role in anchoring and reinforcing market discipline during three eras of United States (US) capitalism: the industrializing North, the post-emancipation South, and neoliberalism. Synthesizing... more
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      Sex and GenderClassCritical international political economyUnited States History
This article is intended to provide a global view of the processes of “confessionalization” and “social discipline” of European societies in the 16th and 17th centuries. At the same time we aim to demonstrate the necessary correlation... more
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      Reformation HistoryConfessionalizationCatholicismReformation
L’ideazione e l’aggiornamento del corso di laurea triennale (il secondo e il terzo anno) basato sul mio sillabo, e sulla mia monografia scientifica "Libro di sé stessi. Diari nella letteratura italiana moderna" ("Knjiga o sebi. Dnevnici u... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesItalian StudiesNarrative
The formation of early modern states and individuals was followed by the moral reform movement aimed at changing of moral consciousness and human behavior. All three actors involved in it — state, Church, and local communities — appealed... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern HistorySocial ControlSocial Discipline
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      PhotographyMichel FoucaultSocial DisciplineSelfies