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La línea de costa constituye el ámbito en el cual se ponen en contacto la superficie emergida de la tierra y la superficie del agua, generalmente referida esta última a la superficie del mar. Como elemento de contacto entre superficies... more
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      CartographyRemote SensingPhotographyHistory of Cartography
"How could we approach mountainous rocky landscapes in the absence of detailed cadastral maps, if the 1:5.000 maps do not depict hydrography to support the understanding of soil-marks and geological erosion, if crop-marks (or... more
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      PhotogrammetryAegean Archaeology, Mediterranean Archeology, the island of CretePhotointerpretation
"[ES] Durante el s. XVII se produce un fenómeno de fortificación a lo largo de la frontera entre España y Portugal, mediante la construcción de una serie de arquitecturas que siguen los planteamientos de la fortificación abaluartada, con... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyArchaeology of ArchitectureUrban LandscapePhotointerpretation
"Este artículo describe uno de los hechos geográficos más relevantes que se da en los municipios del litoral y prelitoral valenciano: el proceso de suburbanización desencadenado como consecuencia de la década de enorme auge inmobiliario... more
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      CartographyUrban SprawlPhotointerpretationMap Generalization
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      Landscape ArchaeologyDigital Photogrammetry applied to ArchaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)Aerial Photogrammetry
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      Landscape ArchaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)Archeologia dei paesaggiPhotointerpretation
A picture is worth a thousand words: The first Complutum photograph plan view (Villalbilla, Madrid). by ARTURO RUIZ-TABOADA and SANDRA AZCÁRRAGA -CÁMARA To Neal Smith Brodsky, in memoriam Aerial photographs have revealed the street plan... more
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      Aerial ArchaeologyPhotointerpretationRoman CitiesFotointerpretação
CORSO INTRODUTTIVO ALLA FOTOINTERPRETAZIONE IN AMBITO GEOLOGICO/ARCHEOLOGICO L’ordine dei Geologi del Lazio, in collaborazione con l’ ICCD Aerofototeca Nazionale, propone un corso base introduttivo teorico e pratico alla... more
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      Ancient Topography (Archaeology)Photointerpretation
Apports successifs des photos aériennes à la compréhension et l'élaboration du plan de la villa gallo-romaine d'Yvonand-Mordagne (Suisse).
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      Roman VillaeArchaeological ProspectionPhotointerpretationSwitzerland
This work presents photo interpretation integration techniques of high resolution aerial photographs and satellite images. Through the use of this methodology, it is possible to identify Dolmens located in the Center Alentejo-Portugal,... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAerial ArchaeologyRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape Research
Addressing the use of Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) in Archaeology, this paper presents a research model designed to detect and study human settlement during Recent Prehistory in the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Middle... more
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      Remote SensingArchaeological ProspectionPhotointerpretationGuadiana River
Syn-rift Neogene deposits, composed of a 650 m thick volcano-sedimentary succession, crop out at the foot of the escarpment close to the village of Dogali, near Massawa (NE Eritrea). These deposits are related to the first stage of the... more
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      Geological mappingTectonic Evolution of Rifted Continental MarginsPhotointerpretationSatellite image processing & GIS
Lo studio di foto aeree storiche può riservare interessanti informazioni sull'uso antropico del territorio nelle epoche passate. Queste però vanno comunque verificate attraverso un'attenta ricerca di superficie.
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Este artículo describe uno de los hechos geográfi cos más relevantes que se da en los municipios del litoral y prelitoral valenciano: el proceso de suburbanización desencadenado como consecuencia de la década de enorme auge inmobiliario... more
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      Urban SprawlPhotointerpretationMap Generalization
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      Aerial ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)Photointerpretation
We present a B-spline K-matrix method for three-active-electron atoms in the presence of a polarizable core, with which it is possible to compute multichannel single-ionization scattering states with good accuracy. We illustrate the... more
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      PhotoionizationResonancePhotointerpretationPhotoionization Models
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      PhotogrammetryAerial ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)
This paper presents the preliminary results of an object-based image analysis aimed at the implementation of a package of procedures of remotely sensed object/ pattern/ scenery recognition specifically designed for the semi-automatic and... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyObject Recognition (Pattern Recognition)Remote Sensing (Archaeology)Photointerpretation
Syn-rift Neogene deposits, composed of a 650 m thick volcano-sedimentary succession, crop out at the foot of the escarpment close to the village of Dogali, near Massawa (NE Eritrea). These deposits are related to the first stage of the... more
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      Geological mappingTectonic Evolution of Rifted Continental MarginsPhotointerpretationSatellite image processing & GIS
Tradicionalmente, se han considerado las áreas occidental e interior de la Península Ibérica como lugares de paso y zonas marginales con vacíos demográficos durante la Prehistoria Reciente. Sin embargo, el Área de Prehistoria de la UAH... more
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      Remote SensingAerial ArchaeologyNeolithicPhotointerpretation
Remote Sensing makes possible to monitor and observe extensive geographical areas economically Unlike Photogrammetric data, Remote sensing data are only in digital form. These data are uscd l()r the measurement of both geometric and... more
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      PhotointerpretationSatellite Imagery
The Guide's General Structure Priorities Recommendations 2. How can you tell the state of natural resources in the community where you work? 3, How can you identify, in the community where you work, the areas with problems in the use and... more
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      Natural ResourcesLand UsePhotointerpretationWatersheds
Peltuinum was a Roman city located in central Italy, approximately in the middle of a wide valley defined by the highest mountains of the Apennines. The first investigations of Sapienza University took place in the years 1983- 85,... more
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      Digital Photogrammetry applied to ArchaeologyGIS and Landscape ArchaeologyRoman UrbanismAerial Photogrammetry
This work presents photo interpretation integration techniques of high resolution aerial photographs and satellite images. Through the use of this methodology, it is possible to identify Dolmens located in the Center Alentejo - Portugal,... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAerial ArchaeologyRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape Research
Land use evolution in Benicàssim (Valencian Community). From elite resort to mass tourism venue Based on a quantitative approach consisting in photo-interpreting aerial images using GIS techniques, complemented by a qualitative approach... more
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      Territorial governance dynamicsPhotointerpretationGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Benicassim
Se describen diversos usos de fotografías aéreas de pequeño formato (FAPEF) en el ámbito de proyectos de investigación y docencia en la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero-Argentina.
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