Medieval Glasses (Archaeology)
Recent papers in Medieval Glasses (Archaeology)
This note describes a lipsanotheca (a small container of relics, placed within an altar) from the church of Santa Maria de Cap d’Aran. The container, now preserved in the Museu dera Val d’Aran, is of blown glass, and it has relief-cut... more
Changes of consumption habits regarding glass vessels (13th-20th century) in Tallinn. Popular science article based on MA thesis
Archeologické památky zaniklých skláren obecně představují rozsáhlý a komplexní soubor typů archeologických nálezů, situací a reliktů staveb. Produkce skla v českých zemích od středověku neustále rostla a české sklářství zažilo v... more
F. Dell’Acqua, I. C. Freestone, Early Medieval Glass from Brescia, Cividale and Salerno, Italy: Composition and Affinities, in D. Ferrari (ed.), Il vetro nell’alto Medioevo. Atti dell’VIII Giornata di Studi del Comitato Nazionale Italiano... more
This chapter deals with the origins of stained glass: why, when, and what was used to screen the windows in buildings before c. year 1000. Archaeological finds made in the last few decades have confirmed what was hinted by textual sources... more
COLD MERCURY GILDING The components are: Kilermeni (Armenian bolus), Ochre from Constantinaples, Lampezi (red lead=minium (PbO)), Cinnabar (HgS), Mercury, Egg white, ash of paper.The mixture of the above mentioned components functions as... more
A total of 1496 investigated colourless glass analyses have been collected with the aim of achieving a clear geographical, typological, chronological and compositional overview on this particular type of glass. Based on manganese and... more
The current state of research on glass along the Silk Road was the subject of an international conference within the scope of the »Sino-German Project on Cultural Heritage Preservation« of the RGZM and the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of... more
This paper places Johan Callmer’s seminal chronology of Viking-Age beads in the broader contexts of subsequent research. It begins with an examination of how Callmer’s chronology of grave goods can be linked into preceding chronologies... more
Encore trop méconnue, l'étude du verre méritait une synthèse des connaissances actuelles aussi bien sur le plan technique, chimique, artistique et archéologique. Ce travail universitaire réalisé dans le cadre d'un master II, tente de... more
El presente artículo analiza el desarrollo de la industria vidriera valenciana entre los siglos XIII y XV. Para ello se recurre a un centenar de documentos de carácter notarial, normativo, judicial y fiscal, procedentes de distintos... more
Medieval and post-medieval glassworks in Northern Austria
The collection of glass artefacts from the early medieval cemetery in Dziekanowice consists of over 500 specimens. The group of analysed specimens consists mostly of beads but includes also one glass inset for a brass ring and one glass... more
This article examines a sample of 1,584 glass beads from the Viking-Age settlement, harbor, and cemetery of Hedeby, Germany. By designating Munsell colors for each bead and performing cluster analysis on the mapped colors, it is possible... more
"This book is the result of an Anglo-Slovene collaborative project to study for the first time the glass cargo from the Gnalić Wreck. The ship, which was probably a Venetian galley, had sunk a few miles south of the town of Biograd in... more
A set of 46 fragments decorated with the filigree technique were unearthed in Lisbon and dated to the 16th and 17th centuries. The aim of this investigation is to combine the archaeometric study of the glass together with the technology... more
Kniha vyšla v Moskvě roku 1972 / The book was published in Moscow in 1972.
Unless otherwise indicated all images are reproduced with the permission of the rights holders acknowledged in captions and are expressly excluded from the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence covering the rest of this publication. Permission for... more
Η μεταπτυχιακή αυτή εργασία, που εκπονήθηκε στο πλαίσιο του Α΄ Μεταπτυχιακού Κύκλου Σπουδών του Κλάδου Βυζαντινής Αρχαιολογίας, του Τομέα Αρχαιολογίας, του Τμήματος Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας, της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Αριστοτελείου... more
This volume comprises the published acts of the international colloquium entitled “Late Antique glass in Anatolia (4th to 8th cent. A.D.)” that took place between the 25th and the 28th of October 2009 in Izmir, Turkey . This workshop was... more
This article is a brief introduction of excavation results of 2017-2019 at Duboshin-II site in Novgorod. Excavated area was about 200 sq.m. with total depth more than 8 meters. Thickness of waterlogged cultural deposits was about 7 meters... more
Approaches to the Analysis of Production Activity at Archaeological Sites presents the proceedings of an international and interdisciplinary workshop held in Berlin in 2018, which brought together scholars whose work focusses on... more
Numerous glass fragments from the settlement area of Haithabu were gathered by archaeological excavations and surface prospections. 240 glass samples were analysed by electron-probe microanalysis and laser-induced ICP-mass-spectrometry... more
A General Survey of glass finds from Arykanda
This is the first comprehensive publication of the glass cargo from the Gnalić Wreck (Croatia). It represents the tableware and and its typological and chronological study, together with a large group of flat glass. The study includes... more
21 series of glass from 16 plots in the historical centre of Bratislava have been processed for this article, and 25 analyses of glass were conducted. The assessed material covered several periods: the 13th century, the late 13th century... more
Studie byla publikována roku 1959 v knize ,,Византийский временник" / The study was published in 1959 in the book ,,Byzantine Annals".
Marosgombás (Gâmbaș) kutatástörténeti szempontból kiemelkedő lelőhely, mivel Erdély első honfoglalás kori temetője. A tanulmány a temetőben előkerült gyöngyöket elemzi, felhasználva a Szilágyi Katalin által megalkotott tipológiai... more