Recent papers in Mockumentary
Monuments have lost their innocence in the eyes of the public. No one can go under a statue anymore without wondering if and when it will be torn down. Hundreds of monuments have been target of derision, anger and indignation during the... more
Since when Peter Watkins with War Game (1965) has given birth to the first mockumentary of the history of cinema, the number of films and televisual works created exploiting this audiovisual form has grown exponentially. The monograph,... more
"Paquita Salas. Superviviente: Mis memorias escritas con la colaboración de Javier Ambrossi y Javier Calvo" (Ambrossi y Calvo, 2020), published last 23rd September, was written by "Los Javis", based on one of their most famous characters:... more
F For Fake (1972), que no Brasil ganhou o título Verdades e men- tiras e em Portugal foi exibido como F de fraude, é o último filme lançado em vida por Orson Welles. Talvez possa ser considerado como o seu testamento. É um filme seminal... more
This chapter in the collection, Vocal Projections: Voices in Documentary (Bloomsbury, 2018, eds. Maria Pramaggiore and Annabelle Honess Roe), explores the problematics of vocal materiality in recent and contemporary mockumentary film and... more
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La era del "mockumentary". Falsos documentales, hibridaciones y límites difusos entre la ficción y la no ficción en el audiovisual argentino Alumno: Martín Eandi (DNI 28.750.678) Director: Gustavo Aprea [email protected] 2007 LA... more
Horror films often play with shadows, darkness and nightscapes. One need only to think of Nosferatu's silhouette creeping along the wall in F.W. Murnau's classic film from 1922 or just the title of the 2007 vampire film Thirty Days of... more
The narrative perspective of a movie provides not only the focus of the narrative information given to the audience, but also size the mediated spatial impressions. The view through the lens of the camera puts the viewers right into the... more
A detailed history and analysis of the film Hard Core Logo (1996) by Bruce McDonald, this book considers the film in relation to Canadian cinema and music, the road movie, and the study of masculinity. Part of the Canadian Cinema series... more
An argument that this movie is a classic among mockumentaries.
C’est arrivé près de chez vous est un mock-documentary, une œuvre de fiction qui s’approprie les codes et les conventions documentaires et en imite les différents modes. À l’instar d’autres exemples de cette forme hybride, il tend à... more
This article finds in the found-footage horror cycle an alternative way of understanding the relationship between horror films and reality, which is usually discussed in terms of allegory. I propose the investigation of framing,... more
This thesis discusses the relationship between mockumentaries and the music industry. Because this subject has yet to be studied in depth, the original contribution to knowledge is to further examine this relationship. To do so, a... more
La caratteristica dei cosidetti finti documentari (o più precisamente mockdocumentary, documentari beffardi, burloni con una non casuale sottolineatura sul carattere scherzoso e traditore del termine) è quella di utilizzare la “forma” del... more
What part should scientist play in correcting bad science, fake science, and pseudoscience carried in popular media? Here, we present a intensive analysis based on fake documentaries and discuss effective media strategies for scientists... more
Mockumentary as a subgenre of documentary was first recognized with This is Spinal Tap (1984). However, David Holzman’s Diary (1967) is defined as the first mockumentary today (Akoğlu 50). The hardship of defining the limitations of the... more
The following research has as main objective to comprehend the relations between filmic and extra-filmic elements on the production of effects that cause ambiguity on the meaning, on films of the mockumentary genre. Therefore, the... more
Bu çalışma, içinde bulunduğumuz ve hakikat sonrası olarak tanımlanan bu dönemde, kurmaca ve belgesel tür özelliklerinin her ikisini de kapsayan sahte-belgesel film türünün, izleyicinin şüphe duymasını sağlayarak hakikati sorgulamaya... more
In this article I propose to rethink spectatorship as analytic category within cinema studies. Through an engagement with new materialist theory I shift the conversation from the locked positions of spectator and text towards an... more
This thesis discusses the relationship between mockumentaries and the music industry. Because this subject has yet to be studied in depth, the original contribution to knowledge is to further examine this relationship. To do so, a... more
y el resto del mundo. El pago puede hacerse por tarjeta de crédito, domiciliación bancaria, cheque conformado o
probabilità di un buon risultato grazie alla "ripetizione del sempre uguale". Cosa ha spinto Deodato, sceneggiatore e produzione a gettare le basi per quello che oggi viene chiamato Mockumentary? 5 Genere che verrà ripreso quasi venti... more
Final Accepted Version of book chapter to be published in 2017 This chapter analyses the 2013 film adaptation of Graham Chapman’s autobiography A Liar's Autobiography and questions its surface interpretation as an unreliable biopic that... more
ALESSANDRO ALFIERI PER UN'ESTETICA DEL MOCKUMENTARY Tra dichiarata fi nzionalità e passione per il reale Nell'orizzonte della cultura contemporanea, un ruolo di indubbio significato lo assumono quei fenomeni, appartenenti alla società... more
Watching films is a common activity, and often a stimulating one. Even if most films are fictional, in some respects they are a reliable source of knowledge. By watching a film, one can learn about the life of ancient leaders, about... more
The most important element of Damien Hirst’s multimedia project “Treasures from the Wreck of Unbelivable” was the exhibition, presented from April 9 to December 3, 2017 in Venice, in the galleries of the Pinault Foundation in Punta della... more
En dossier monográfico María Rosell (ed.), La originalidad falsificada. Cómo se forja la cultura española ibérica.
Documentation indicates the preparation and registration of documents are for acquiring information, raising awareness, and discovering facts of various historic assets of a society, a culture, or an ecosystem. Records show the evolution... more
Aleksei Fedorchenko’s films assume a special position in this newly inspired interest in the document. Since 2004, he has been producing a stream of films that deliberately blur the clear-cut distinction between the real and the... more
Le film Ropaci est un documentaire fictif est un projet du réalisateur tchèque Jan Sverak, tourné en 1988. Par ce film, Jan Sverak a accomplit ses études au département de la Création documentaire à l'Institut des études... more
Zło niejedno ma imię, a przedmiotem analizy niniejszego eseju staną się trzy jego przedstawienia w kinie: człowieka – kameleona, samodoskonalącego programu powielającego się w nieskończoność oraz obcego-amorficznej masy poznającej świat... more
Horror films often play with shadows, darkness and nightscapes. One need only to think of Nosferatu's silhouette creeping along the wall in F.W. Murnau's classic film from 1922 or just the title of the 2007 vampire film... more
This practice-based PhD takes the form of a web-based archive of sounds and music from a parafictional seaside town in North East England called Seaton Snook, and an accompanying commentary. The archive features a wide range of individual... more
The paper is focused on a map of a modern horror. It presents main tendencies of a horror movies consisting hybrid horrors, which are parodying genre conventions and nostalgic horrors – using literary and folklore references. It has a... more