The Horror Genre
Recent papers in The Horror Genre
Abstract: The Cinema has undergone a transformation in recent years, and the societal thirst for horror begs an important question: why do so many of us enjoy being horrified, disturbed, or afraid? The virtual world of cinema's... more
Abstract: The Cinema has undergone a transformation in recent years, and the societal thirst for horror begs an important question: why do so many of us enjoy being horrified, disturbed, or afraid? The virtual world of cinema's concept... more
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Since 1990, The Simpsons’ annual “Treehouse of Horror” episodes have constituted a production sub-context within the series, having their own conventions and historical trajectory. These specials incorporate horror plots and devices, as... more
Deadgirl (2008) is based around a group of male teens discovering and claiming ownership of a bound female zombie, using her as a sex slave. This narrative premise raises numerous tensions that are particularly amplified by using a zombie... more
This article finds in the found-footage horror cycle an alternative way of understanding the relationship between horror films and reality, which is usually discussed in terms of allegory. I propose the investigation of framing,... more
A consideration of the filmic trajectories taken by Gothic cinema since Hitchcock’s 'Psycho' (1960), including an overview of some of the most influential films and sub-genres within horror cinema in post-war British and American culture.
Erotic Nights of the Living Dead (1980) may have featured both animated corpses and hardcore sex scenes, but only recently have Re-Penetrator (2004) and Porn of the Dead (2006) managed to fully eroticise the living dead, allowing these... more
¿Existe un cine de terror argentino? ¿Cuáles son sus características? ¿Cuáles son sus posibilidades comerciales a nivel nacional e internacional? ¿Qué rol juega la instancia de la distribución? Este libro indaga acerca de las posibles... more
Drawing on the well-established understanding of the zombie as metaphor for the deadening effects of consumer capitalism, this chapter seeks to account for three distinct changes that contextualise 21st century zombie fiction. The first... more
This article explores the anticlimatic suspense sequence, a phrase used to describe the use of mise-en-scene to build suspense and tease the killer, within a recent cycle of slasher film remakes. Despite the ubiquity of these scenes in... more
El siglo XX fue testigo del relevo entre la narrativa y el cine en lo que lo fantástico se refiere. La enorme popularidad alcanzada por el género en la pantalla –especialmente en su vertiente terrorífica– perfila el medio fílmico como el... more
This article explores the various ethical and legal limitations faced by researchers studying extreme or ‘ shock’ pornographies, beginning with generic and disciplinary contexts, and focusing specifically upon the assumption that textual... more
Since its origins in the mid-1970s, the slasher has been defined as a subgenre of horror in which a serial or mass killer stalks and massacres middle-class youngsters, and preferably attractive young women, using cutting weapons or... more
Torture porn has been vilified on grounds that are at best unconvincing and at worst incoherent. The subgenre’s remonstrators too often ignore the content of the films themselves, and fail to make sufficiently detailed connections between... more
Given that numerous critics have complained about Saw’s apparently confused sense of ethics, it is surprising that little attention has been paid to how morality operates in narrative itself. Coming from a Nietzschean perspective -... more
Durante el nuevo milenio ha aumentado significativamente la producción de series televisivas en el ámbito estadounidense. En este contexto, el reciclaje de ideas, los remakes y las adaptaciones se han convertido en una práctica habitual... more
The mythic Snuff film has remained a persistent cinematic rumour since the mid-1970s. The discourses that surround Snuff are preoccupied by two factors: (a) the formal aesthetic, and (b) their alleged role as a kind of titillating... more
Both the slasher movie and its more recent counterpart the "torture porn" film centralize graphic depictions of violence. This article inspects the nature of these portrayals by examining a motif commonly found in the cinema of homicide,... more
Sunohara Yuuri and Akita Masami’s series of six seppuku films (1990) are solely constituted by images of fictionalized death, revolving around the prolonged self-torture of a lone figure committing harakiri. I contend that the... more
In this investigation of the Japanese film Kairo, I contemplate how the horrors present in the film relate to the issue of self, by examining a number of interlocking motifs. These include thematic foci on disease and technology which are... more
The Ann Radcliffe Academic Conference co-chairs invite all interested scholars and academics to submit presentation abstracts related to horror studies for consideration to be presented at the Third Annual StokerCon, March 1-4, 2018 held... more
Since the early 2000s, zombies have increasingly swarmed the landscape of popular culture, with ever more diverse representations of the undead being imagined. A growing number of zombie narratives have introduced sexual themes, endowing... more
Horror film sequels have not received as much serious critical attention as they deserve – this is especially true of the Saw franchise, which has suffered a general dismissal under the derogatory banner ‘Torture Porn’. In this article I... more
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 03. April 2022 // Mariana Enríquez, Samanta Schweblin, Mónica Ojeda: Gleich mehrere lateinamerikanische Autorinnen beleben zurzeit ein uraltes Genre neu – aber mit dem Grauen und den Gespenstern der... more
Besedilo postavi na preizkušnjo dve ustaljeni kritiški podmeni. Prva izhaja iz zagovora podžanra »mučilne pornografije« (torture porn) kot politične alegorije ameriške vojne proti terorju v času Busheve administracije. Jones opozarja, da... more
Eastern European Cinema is commonly recognized as a cinema of artistic expressions and challenges that serve to deliver political propaganda (Jakiša, Gilić 2015). Because of this, most academic work on horror genre and genre in general in... more
Afterthought for "Found-Footage Horror and the Frame's Undoing", published in Cinema Journal 55.2. Text reflects on the article and indicates direction of research on the topic of horror films and reality.
Afterthought for "Found-Footage Horror and the Frame's Undoing," published in Cinema Journal 55.2.
This issue contains reviews of Viva la Vie (Long Live Life ) 1984, Death Bed (1977) , and Beyond Dreams Door (1989)
Climate change and the return of the woolly mammoth in The Thaw (2009) and Fortitude (2015)
In his Generation Dead series, Daniel Waters uses teenage zombies to represent ongoing cultural anxieties about differences like race, disability, and homosexuality. Waters’ approach to difference and ongoing political issues through the... more
Torture Porn is a term that has generated a great deal of controversy during the last decade, critics utilizing the term to dismiss contemporary popular horror cinema as obscene and morally depraved. Arguing primarily in defense of... more