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*Academic Book Review* Killer Tapes… is a fascinating book with rigourous theoretical content and effective challenges to entrenched modes of thinking about movie spectatorship. Benson-Allott outlines a new phenomenology of spectatorship,... more
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      New MediaFilm StudiesFilm TheoryPhenomenology
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      Russian FormalismCinema StudiesFormalismDavid Bordwell
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      David BordwellFilm Style and Aesthetics
The translation of The Writer's Journey, by Christopher Vogler, and the practically simultaneous publication of Story, by Robert McKee, revived the debate about books on film and TV scripts, in which guides, descriptive studies and... more
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      ScreenwritingNarratologyJoseph CampbellArchetypes
Technicians of the unknown cinema: British critical discourse and the analysis of collaboration in film production, by Martin Stollery Since the early 1970s British cinema history has conventionally been characterized as an unknown... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryCollaborationFilm History
This course aims to introduce you to film as a serious academic discipline through a variety of foundational texts, important essays, and screenings of both familiar contemporary films and films of historical and theoretical significance... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisFilm Genre
Worth noting, is that Wall-Romana relies heavily on biographical explanatory arguments for constructing his historiographical model and that this seems genuinely at odds with his over-zealous advocacy of post-structuralist methods such as... more
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      PsychoanalysisQueer TheoryImmanuel KantCinema
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisAuteur TheoryFilm Aesthetics
With its persistent techno beat, its dynamic title character with her flamingly red-dyed hair, its kinesthetic appeal, its abundance of visual modalities, its temporal complexity, Run Lola Run (Lola rennt 1998, Tykwer) can be regarded a... more
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      Embodied CognitionFilm-PhilosophyCognitive Film TheoryDeleuze & Cinema
Review of Book by Michael Frierson
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm HistoryMaya Deren
Dentro del conjunto de innovaciones formales incorporadas a partir de la consolidación de la modernidad cinematográfica en Argentina, el empleo del comentario narrativo y los procedimientos metatextuales aparecen como marcas identitarias... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Analysis
In this essay I follow André Bazin and David Bordwell and their discussion of the deep-focus long-take as well as staging in depth. I have three goals. First, I engage with the style of Swedish director Roy Andersson. Andersson – born in... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisCinemaScandinavian Studies
The book Transcendental Style in Film, written in 1972 by future film director Paul Schrader, offers perhaps the most extensive analysis of how a particular film style might have a specifically religious significance. The article provides... more
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      Cultural HistoryPhilosophyFilm StudiesFilm Analysis
Tulisan ini menganalisis elemen-elemen formal estetis film The Dark Knight dengan menggunakan teori elemen film dari Bordwell-Thompson untuk mengetahui cara film The Dark Knight menyampaikan ceritanya
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      Film AnalysisDavid BordwellThe Dark Knight
Fragmentary notes on David Bordwell's book Narration in the Fiction Film (Madison: University of Winsconsin Press, 1985). Paragraph-initial numbers correspond to the pagination of this edition.
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      Film TheoryNarratologyNarrationDavid Bordwell
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      Film StudiesDigital CinemaCinemaMontage
A partire dal pensiero di Baudry, il saggio si concentra sulle principali tappe delle teorie del cinema che hanno affrontato il problema del legame tra paradigmi cinematografici, struttura mentale dell’uomo e ideologia. Arrivando ai... more
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      Slavoj ŽižekLacanian theoryCognitive NeurosciencePoststructuralist Theory
Esta tesis doctoral propone un modelo de análisis musical desde la teoría narrativa cinematográfica. Así, la metodología no se centra en la música como elemento de la banda sonora, sino en la música como temática narrativa. La... more
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      Film StudiesFilm Music And SoundJapanese AnimeManga and Anime Studies
The aim of the thesis is to provide an overview of three contemporary action films: Dredd 3D, John Wick, and Mad Max: Fury Road, through a so-called "bio-structuralist" approach - combining archetypal criticism, literary Darwinism, and... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyFilm StudiesCognitive NarratologyNarratology
This paper examines the objections leveled by semiologist and theoreticians of the visual media against the widely held belief that photographic and cinematographic images may act as realist maps of the extradiscursive world on the basis... more
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      Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryPhotography
Norm as a tool of structural analysis and writing of aesthetically based history is a concept designed by Czech structuralist Jan Mukařovský. For several decades, American film scholars David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson have been... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryStructuralism (Literary Criticism)Film Analysis
Adaptations of literary works into films can be examined from different aspects. This study takes the analysis of narrative as its basis and for that goal it makes use of David Bordwell’s distinction between fabula and syuzhet in his... more
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      NarrativeLiterature and cinemaNarratologyFilm Adaptation
This chapter casts a critical eye on various classifications of reflexivity that have been proposed by film and media scholars over a number of decades. These center on the reflexive content of films, their self-referential communicative... more
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      Film TheoryIntermedialityFilm SemioticsIntermediality In Cinema
Here is the published chapter I wrote for the Anthem Handbook of Screen Theory, edited by Tom Conley and Hunter Vaughan. It is the chapter on sex and gender in film theory, covering feminist film theory and queer cinema studies. It... more
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      Queer StudiesFeminist TheoryFilm TheoryFeminism
Tulisan ini menganalisis elemen-elemen formal estetis film Children of Men dengan menggunakan teori elemen film dari Bordwell-Thompson untuk mengetahui cara film ini menyampaikan ceritanya
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      Film AnalysisDavid Bordwell
The article discusses the cinema of Quentin Tarantino and its essence. The article resumes the book published in 2010 by the same author in Brazil, indicated to Jabuti Prize. The book has its origins in a PHD thesis of the autor in Sao... more
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      Genre studiesFilm GenreAmerican CinemaAuteur Theory
Si Wittgenstein a peu écrit sur le cinéma, sa pensée est une ressource précieuse pour aborder les débats qui animent la philosophie analytique du cinéma. En effet, non seulement ses arguments et sa défense de l’autonomie des Humanités s’y... more
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      HumanitiesPhilosophy of FilmStanley CavellWittgenstein
El presente ensayo busca reflexionar al respecto de dos grupos de conceptos que el teórico del cine David Bordwell construye alrededor de las nociones de conocimiento y comunicación, y en menor medida sobre la autoconsciencia, en el... more
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      CinemaCinema StudiesDavid Bordwell
Dissertation of Post-War Japan and Ozu's depiction of the everyday. Chapter 1 studies Tokyo Story (1953), the modernisation of the city, evaporation of rural tradition and the cyclic nature of life. Chapter 2 examines familial tradition... more
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      Film StudiesJapanese HistoryJapanese CinemaJapanese Film
Tato studie o práci výjimečného filmového badatele Adriana Martina byla napsaná při příležitosti vydání českého překladu jeho knihy Mizanscéna a filmový styl (2019, NAMU). Text nejdříve stručně charakterizuje Martinovu specifickou pozici... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisFilm History
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      European CinemaJapanese CinemaAmerican CinemaCinema
Ahora que Bond imita a Bourne es momento de leer a David Bordwell. Tras el estreno de la última entrega de la saga Jason Bourne, El ultimátum de Bourne, más de uno salimos del cine en estado de shock dual, sin acabar de decidirnos entre... more
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      Film StudiesAction FilmCinemaFilm Aesthetics
This thesis answers the question whether it is possible the transmedia Narration – defined as the process by which the interacting parts of the story are scattered to multiple media and conflated in the minds of the audience in causal and... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyTransmedial StorytellingTransmedial NarratologyNoël Carroll
Since the mid-1990s, a number of films from international filmmakers have experimented with increasingly complicated narrative strategies-including such hits as Run, Lola, Run, 21 Grams, and Memento. This book sets those films and others... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPhilosophy of MindAestheticsFilm Theory
A partir dos anos 1990 notou-se na televisão americana o surgimento de um novo modelo de storytelling, que rompeu convenções para criação de um modelo narrativo que apresenta equilíbrio volátil entre a forma episódica e seriada através de... more
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      NarrativeNarrative TheorySeries TVTV Series
Müller and Kappelhoff’s Cinematic Metaphor: Experience – Affectivity – Temporality (2018) is the fruit of a collaboration in the Languages and Emotion project, further developed in the Cinepoetics Center for Advanced Film Studies, both... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor TheoryCognitive Film TheoryMultimodality
Remarks on Godard's Adieu au langage and film analysis
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      Film AnalysisFilm AestheticsJean-Luc GodardFilm Editing
Recientemente, en las academias de filosofía, cine y arte, algunos autores han insistido (Noël Carroll, por ejemplo) en la idea de que el debate sobre la especificidad del medio artístico es una discusión anacrónica y metafísica. Sin... more
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      AnimationCinemaLev ManovichNarrative Cinema
Como envolver o conceito de performance em trabalhos que empregam o método da análise fílmica de modo que tanto os estudos de cinema como os estudos de performance se beneficiem com a pesquisa? Esse texto procura responder a essa... more
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      Film StudiesPerformance StudiesFilm AnalysisCinema
Flashback and flashforward, as well as analepsis and prolepsis in the terminology of Gérard Genette, belong to some of the few almost undisputed concepts in narrative theory. But if we dig deeper into their original definitions, we come... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryNarrativeFilm Analysis
*Senior Yr Undergrad* David Bordwell asserts in his article, “Doing Film History” (2008), that “film history encompasses more than just films,” and that explanation in film history can be formed based on biographical,... more
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      Research MethodologyHistoriographyFilm HistoryHistoriography (in Art History)
Resumo: Ao analisar a primeira temporada da série televisiva Mad Men (2007-2015), o objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar que, nesta obra, alguns dos princípios fundamentais da narrativa clássica são aprimorados e até contrariados em função... more
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      Television StudiesNarrativeComplexity TheoryFilm Analysis
Mit dem von David Bordwell und Kristin Thompson initiierten Neoformalismus/ Kognitivismus wird einer der meistverbreiteten filmtheoretischen Ansätze vor dem Hintergrund seines Entstehungskontextes dargestellt. Betrachtet werden... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisCognitive Film Theory
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      Film StudiesModernityFilm HistoryModernism
Filmlerden örnek karelerin olduğu ayrıntılı versiyon için:ğin-dabbe-serisinin-cozumlemesi/ Hasan Karacadağ’ın altı filmlik Dabbe serisi, Türkiye’nin en uzun süreli korku filmi serisidir.... more
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      DeleuzeDeleuze & CinemaKorkuDavid Bordwell
Tous ces effets que tu peux tirer de la répétition (d'une image, d'un son). M'appliquer à des images insignifiantes (non-signifiantes). On ne crée pas en ajoutant, mais en retranchant. Développer est autre chose. (Ne pas étaler.)-Robert... more
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      Robert BressonMinimal Storytelling in World CinemaHou Hsiao-hsienDavid Bordwell
Neoformalismus? Coby určující pro východiska, postoje, možnosti a vůbec rozpoznávání tzv. neoformalistické filmové analýzy se zpravidla považuje studie z roku 1988 "Jeden přístup, mnoho metod". Ve svém krátkém "úvodovém" článku se vůči... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryResearch MethodologyFilm Analysis
With extravagantly red-dyed hair and a trashy, punkish look, the title character (Franka Potente) of Run Lola Run runs through the streets of post-wall Berlin to the persistent beat of a conspicuous techno-score. 2 The film not only... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryEmbodimentPhilosophy of Film