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      Indian English LiteratureAvant-GardeIndian Writing in EnglishMinor Literature
This paper purports to explore the narrative devices which enable the Anishinaabe Canadian author Richard Wagamese to compel the reader of his novel Indian Horse (2012) to experience the same violence as that faced by the young... more
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      Indigenous StudiesHistory and MemoryCanadian LiteratureFirst Nations Literature and Oral Culture
One of Art Spiegelman’s motivations for using animal forms for the characters in the two volumes of Maus was to depict the dehumanization of the Jews during the Holocaust and as well the inhuman behavior of the Nazis and people of other... more
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      DocumentationComics StudiesComic Book StudiesHistory and Memory
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureFranz KafkaWorld Literature
This article investigates the work of Henry Miller in relation to Deleuze and Guatarri's concept of a minor literature. It examines several passages from Miller's work in detail, demonstrating how his writing subverts the major language... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureLiterary CriticismLiterary Theory
Tüm hakları saklıdır. Yayıncının yazılı izni olmaksızın hiçbir yolla çoğaltılam az.
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      Gilles DeleuzeMemory StudiesMinor LiteratureIstanbul
This article offers a literary appraisal of S.An-sky's wartime travelogue, Khurbn galitsye (published in English as "The Enemy at His Pleasure," 2002). Drawing on Walter Benjamin's theories of allegory, this analysis focuses on the... more
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      Critical TheoryYiddish LiteratureTravel WritingAnthropology of the Body
Sažetak:. Predmet razmatranja ovog rada je problematika konstukcije identiteta tzv. izgubljene generacije u hrvatskom urbanom kontekstu u doba tranzicije s posebnim osvrtom na žensko iskustvo i ženski doživljaj seksulanosti. Rad se... more
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      Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian literatureWomen and Gender StudiesMinor LiteratureRepresentations of Female Sexuality
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Walter Benjamin states number of possibilities with regard to memory, change, and philosophy in his paper, On Some Motifs in Baudelaire. He begins with the reception of lyrical poetry and later he moves towards the discussion on the... more
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      SociologyLiteratureTheodor AdornoTurkish Novel
This project uses the "not of this world" motif to examine Christian literature as by definition a minority literature, even when Christianity is the majority religion. I look at the multicultural aspects of the biblical Book of Daniel... more
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      History of ChristianityDiasporaChristian MissionsMinority Studies
Lacan, Deleuze, and autism. English version.
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      AutismLacanGilles DeleuzeGilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
This paper considers some of the cultural, critical and commercial frameworks that operate in the dissemination of Turkish literature in global, particularly UK, markets. Examining which Turkish writers are translated, their publishers... more
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      World LiteraturesTurkish LiteratureMinor Literature
Is the concept of queer translation yet another recent, unexciting addition to the theoretical toolbox of queer theory and translation studies? Or does it actually make a difference and offer an opportunity for both queer theory and... more
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      French LiteratureTranslation StudiesLiteratureQueer Theory
Kubrick deterritorialises  Schnitzler's Traumnovelle and transforms it into a piece of major cinema. Schnitzler’s ethno dream goes Hollywood.
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      Film StudiesPhilosophy of FilmStanley KubrickCinema Studies
J. L. Austin's claim that language ‘used not seriously’ is ‘parasitic’ upon ‘normal use’ has proved a puzzle to literary scholars, who have often taken this to mean that they are not allowed to apply the insights of speech-act theory to... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureParasitologyEntomology
2002 yılında Araf adı internet dergisinde yayımlanmış olan yazımın Lacivert'te yeniden yayımlanmış hali.
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      Modern Turkish LiteratureMinor LiteratureRomanlarda YoksullukPoverty Studies
What is Upendra Baxi's contribution to jurisprudence in India? Baxi's single-most important contribution to jurisprudence in India has been to infuse legal scholarship with pathos – the pathos of suffering, resistance, responsibility and... more
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      JurisprudenceAestheticsLegal EducationCritical Pedagogy
This paper describes (for the first time in German and to some extent in Georgian as well) wat is contemporary Georgian literatura, what are the main differences from the soviet Georgian Literatura, what ar the main topics, main stilistic... more
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      World LiteraturesGeorgian LanguageWorld LiteratureContemporary Literature
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsMixed ArabicMinor Literature
במאמר זה אני מבקשת לבחון את ספרה של חווה עציוני-הלוי, כחוט השני, כספרות מינורית, תוך בחינת מעשיהן של בנות צלפחד כאקט פמיניסטי, עוד לפני שנושא הפמיניזם עלה לדיון. כדי לבחון את ספרה של עציוני-הלוי כספרות מינורית אגדיר בקצרה את נושא הפמיניזם... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureHebrew BibleFeminismMinor Literature
This thesis explores productive linkages between social and political criticism and literature.
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      Social TheoryLiteratureCritical Social TheoryLiterature and Political Thought
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      Gilles DeleuzeFelix GuattariUS Latino LiteratureMinor Literature
My study approaches the use of Guatemalan Spanish in modern Maya literary works through a theoretical framework drawn on theories of "purity" and mestizaje, the concept of minor literature, and "image" and ideology of language. I... more
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      Indigenous StudiesSpanishLinguistic AnthropologyLanguage Ideology
This essay puts political theory and ethnography into an engagement with orature in order to advance a new model of agency, authority, and collectivity, in which politics reveals itself to be an "ecological" process involving the conjoint... more
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      Gilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariAncestors (Anthropology Of Religion)Human-Nonhuman AssemblagesNgugi Wa Thiongo
This essay glosses the political conceptualism of Amelia Rosselli through the lens of her ‘new geometrism’, inflected by the open-field poetics of Charles Olson on the one hand, and by the dialectic between non-intentionality and... more
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      Translation StudiesItalian StudiesTransnationalismItalian Literature
Some methodogical (and controversial) reflections about the concept of canonicity and "european canon" versus "minority" or "minor" literatures
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      Literary CanonPolish LiteratureEuropean literatureMinority Literature
On the face of it, Prague’s English-speaking literature appears to constitute a perfect, almost paradigmatic example of a “minor literature” as understood by Deleuze and Guattari. Written in the culturally dominant language of the age, it... more
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      American LiteratureCosmopolitanismCzech & Slovak StudiesBeat Generation
Cet article examine le premier roman de l’écrivain translingue Sayed Kashua qui, à la différence de la majeure partie des écrivains palestiniens en Israël, publie exclusivement en hébreu. Nous soulignerons à travers L’analyse de... more
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      Palestinian LiteratureFrantz FanonMinor LiteratureTranslingual Literature
This paper, which suggests a twofold approach, will first examine the fish-fisherman-sea relationship with reference to Kant’s two different types of sublime, namely the ‘Mathematical Sublime’ and the ‘Dynamic Sublime’, in two works with... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGilles DeleuzeSociology of LiteratureImmanuel Kant
This article looks for the characteristic elements of minor literature in a novella by Hilda Hilst entitled The Unicorn (1969). In this line of research, I use concepts created by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in their study of Franz... more
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      Gilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariMinor LiteraturePOESIA, HILDA HILST,Hilda Hilst
Este trabajo examina la noción de autorrepresentación a través de las prácticas visuales de la subalternidad y de la idea de sujeto colectivo bajo el concepto de "imagen menor", que procede de los estudios de Deleuze sobre la literatura... more
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      Visual StudiesPostcolonial StudiesVisual CultureDeleuze
“Minor literature” is an elusive concept in literary scholarship. Its widespread use stands in sharp contrast to the paucity of its theoretical development, which is limited to Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s 1975 seminal book Kafka... more
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      Comparative LiteratureDigital HumanitiesEuropean literatureLiteratura Comparada
" Literature argues not by articulating premises and conclusions but by prompting its audience to develop them for itself. " 0. It is tempting to address at length in an abstract fashion the forceful and condensed premise that we are... more
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      World LiteraturesRhetoricBakhtinReader Response
Sevim Burak'ın 1965 yılında yayımlanan Yanık Saraylar adlı kitabının içindeki dördüncü öykü olan "Büyük Kuş" , en genel anlamıyla erkek egemen düzende "öteki oluş" un, "kadın oluş" un öyküsüdür. Öyküde, eril-kentin sokaklarında... more
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      Feminist CriticismOthernessMinor LiteraturePlacelessness
published in: Sylvia Jaworski / Vivian Liska, Margins, Borders and Peripheries in Modern European-Jewish Literature. Schriften der Gesellschaft für europäisch-jüdische Literaturstudien, edition text + kritik, München 2012, pp. 93-107 .
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      Migrant LiteratureGerman-Jewish literatureMinor LiteraturePoetology
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
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      Asian StudiesTranslation StudiesBook HistoryHistory of the Book
Minör Edebiyat ve Zweig" (Bu yazı, Bennet Miller'ın The Team Foxcatcher filmi temaşa edilirken akla geldi, tasarlandı. Yazıldı. Karmaşık olmayan bir sözdizim ve kavram tercihi nedeniyle felsefecileri rahatsız edebilir. Ancak yapacak bir... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeFelix GuattariDeleuzeGilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
In an editor's note to Gilles Dcleuze's and Felix Guattari s What is a Minor Literature?", Robert Brinkley writes about the problem of how to enter Kafka's world. Since there appear to be too many entrances, yet none of these seem... more
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      Minor LiteratureIlse AichingerLiterary Animal Studies
Anlatılamayacak kadar feci olaylar yaşandığında, edebiyat çaresiz bir sessizliğe teslim olur, en azından ilk anda. Edebiyat sanki yaşanan feci olaylar karşısında 'kifayetsiz' ya da 'yetersiz' kalıyormuş gibi bir sessizlik hakim olur. Bu... more
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      HistoryDisability StudiesLiteratureTurkish Literature
This study aims at probing into the heated debate about whether minor literature deals exclusively with communal concerns or it manifests an individual value. Minor writers discuss various themes related to their transnational... more
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      Minority StudiesGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariAmerican and British Minority Ethnic LiteraturesMinor Literature
In Peter Weiss debut Från ö till ö (1947) the ‘I’ travels from island to island as a castaway. The island here can signify, or work as a synecdoche for exile and the feeling of isolation that exile often induces. But the move- ment... more
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      20th Century German LiteratureGilles DeleuzeExile LiteraturePeter Weiss
Deleuze and Guattari’s schizoanalytic method is pragmatic, problematising and political because it aims to locate paths of release from entrenched and powerful structures of being and fixed ways of life, which constrain possibilities for... more
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      Feminist TheoryPolitical TheoryLiteraturePostcolonial Studies
Drawing on recent discussions in world literature, I explore Danilo Kiš and Dubravka Ugrešić within the formation of transactional exchanges between "small/minor" and world literatures. As I approach these exchanges, my focus is on texts... more
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      Comparative LiteratureCultural MemoryYugoslav LiteratureWorld Literature
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      Border StudiesGerman-Jewish literatureGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariPaul Celan
Este artículo propone una articulación entre el campo de estudio dela literatura menor con el del spinozismo literario para establecer los principios conceptuales de la teoría transindividual de la literatura. Para esto, nos adentramos en... more
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      Baruch SpinozaGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariMinor LiteratureGilles Deleuze and Literature
Il y a peu est par u chez Far r ar, Str aus and Gir oux le der nier -et vingtième -livr e de J ohn Ashber y: Your Name Here. Et cette fois encor e, le poète Amér icain le plus acclamé de ces der nièr es décennies confir me sa r éputation... more
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      PoetryContemporary PoetryJohn AshberyContemporary American Poetry
The overlap and potential confusion of the quantitative or dimensional and the qualitative or hierarchical uses of " minor " and " minority " (as smaller or lesser) in the cultural and literary sphere always bind them to a quest for... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureGlobalization And Postcolonial StudiesPostcolonial Literature
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      Literary TheoryPostmodernism (Literature)MinoritiesClassical Literature