Comic Book Studies
Recent papers in Comic Book Studies
Nel saggio si dimostra quale sia stata la fonte originaria della speculazione sul ridicolo e sul comico in Leopardi, ovvero l'opera di Paolo Costa, e come la retorica sul ridicolo sia stata percepita in Leopardi anteriormente alla stesura... more
With the release of ‘Outlaw King’, the upcoming film ‘Robert the Bruce’ and the long shadow cast by ‘Braveheart’, the wars for Scottish independence of the fourteenth century are being re-fought in modern popular culture, just as they... more
The purpose of this essay is to reconstruct the comics controversy in Germany in the 1950s and 1960s, paying special attention to the debate over effects, which was paramount. A guiding principle of this investigation is to relate the... more
Bringing together interdisciplinary leaders in methodology and arts-based research (ABR), this comprehensive handbook explores the synergies between artistic and research practices and addresses issues in designing, implementing,... more
Batman ha sido objeto de estudio en múltiples ocasiones y desde distintos prismas. La dimensionalidad del icónico superhéroe ha trascendido más allá del papel, de los cómics y las novelas gráficas que narraban las historias del Caballero... more
This article focuses on visual adaptation strategies and practices in the publication of foreign comics. It first defines visual adaptation in the context of related terms such as audiovisual translation (AVT) and localization. Then, it... more
El conocido por algunos teóricos y editores como boom del cómic adulto, fue el último momento en que el cómic pensado para quiosco tuvo un carácter masivo en España, gracias a revistas como El Víbora, Cairo o 1984. Durante las décadas de... more
Reprenant partiellement mon mémoire de master II, ce dossier aborde l'histoire des éditions Lug, principal importateur des comics Marvel entre 1969 et 1989 en France, évoquant à la fois la biographie de ses membres fondateurs, la pression... more
In an article about Chris Marker's 1962 film, La Jetée, Jake Hinkson writes about the nature of memory that " the past is never as simple as we wish it to be. To return to it is to realize that we never understood it3 ". Seeing the past... more
Τίτλος: Το μεταφρασμένο κόμικ ως μέσο διδασκαλίας της ξένης γλώσσας και διάδοσης πολιτισμού
Communication pour le colloque international "Traduire, un engagement politique" organisé par le CET à l'université Paris Diderot du 29 novembre au 1 décembre 2018. La traduction des comics Marvel par les éditions Lug: Un engagement dans... more
In Superman #216 (1969), Superman intervened in the Vietnam War. Until this point, DC Comics had kept Superman away from any of America's wars in comic books. During the Second World War, Superman urged Americans to buy war bonds on the... more
Reviewed August 2014, updated October 2015 To commemorate his 75th year in 2013, this is the fascinating true story about the "birthplace" and "parents" of Superman. Not Krypton. Not Jor-el and Lara. Not even Jonathan and Martha. But the... more
CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic número 1. Septiembre de 2013 222 CuCoEnsayo Entre el sueño y la muerte: las tradiciones meditativas y Vapor de Max JOSEP OLIVER Josep Oliver (1979) es licenciado en Filología Hispánica y actualmente termina un... more
"Zeszyty Komiksowe", nr 30 / 2020, s. 4-13.
Time traveling / time travel in comic strips (in Dutch) [ ‘Tijd, continuïteit en teletijd in strip - Het fenomeen tijdmachine’ ] Published in: Kees Ribbens & Rik Sanders, Getekende tijd. Wisselwerking tussen geschiedenis en strips... more
Winston Churchill once said, "History is written by the victors." Or maybe he didn't. The quote is often attributed to him, despite the fact that it appears in other print sources prior to World War II and Churchill's appointment to the... more
Since comics’ inception in the mid-1930s, the comics page has developed from a means of processing information to a stand alone art object in itself. However, this evolution has not been determined solely by the innovative creator;... more
Sport annually mobilizes millions of people across Europe: as practitioners in a wide variety of competitive, educational, or recreational contexts, and as spectators, who are physically present or following events through the mass media.... more
Richards Reynolds (1992) has described the superhero genre as a modern mythology. He discusses how the genre often reflects the socio-political ideologies of society, and offers Alan Moore’s comic series Watchmen (1986-1987) as a key text... more
Architecture monograph engages with production and marketing instruments to exist within the system of our image-driven society. Challenging its conventional understanding, this article aims to uncover the contemporary monograph as a site... more
In 1999, Gail Simone circulated a list of female comic book characters who had been "depowered, raped, or cut up and stuck in the refrigerator," sparking a dialogue about gender and comic book culture that continues today. In particular,... more
A speculative examination of some manifestations of contemporary Horror through the lens of the Zombie; this article considers the relationship between Zombie Apocalypses, Zombies as agents (or not), and wider aspects of genre and theory... more
Un año después de su aparición en Francia durante el 2016 -coincidiendo, apropiadamente, con el centenario de la mentada batalla-, ha llegado a nuestras librerías El último asalto de Jaques Tardi (Valence, 1946), la tercera parte de la... more
This seminar will introduce students to Muslim American histories and cultures through diverse visual representations of Muslim Americans. Selected pieces of photography and visual art as well as film scenes will raise awareness for... more
Jerusalem is the frontline and a microcosm of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In recent years, comic artists have turned their attention to the Middle East, including the ‘Holy City’. Scholars, however, have yet to study how comics... more
ÖZET İnsanın görüntü ile kendini anlatma isteği, mağara duvarlarından günümüze birçok değişim geçirmiş ve bu değişimlerin pek çoğuna teknoloji eşlik etmiştir. Değişim, disiplinler arası etkileşime de sebep olmuştur. Bu etkileşim... more
C ada determinado tiempo, Marvel (o DC, que para el caso es lo mismo) necesita reinventarse para atajar en cierta forma la sangría de lectores que los otros medios, más atractivos para los lectores más jóvenes, le hacen al cómic... more
"La ficción tiene mucho poder y no se puede hacer de ella un panfleto" Paco Roca habla de su último trabajo 'La Casa' y reflexiona sobre su experiencia como creador Una de las contribuciones más extraordinarias al impulso de la novela... more
Cuerda de presas ou les prisons de femmes sous Franco dans la bande dessinée espagnole
(pp. 17-24) Although paving the continuity road towards 'The Avengers', 'Captain America: The First Avenger' is as interesting for the ways in which it differs from the previous four Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) films as for its... more
“The Comics” is a recent development. It is also a characteristically American one that is one of the liveliest cultural offshoots of our slam-bang civilization. Although the wedding of pictures and text goes back to antiquity, the modern... more
The author introdusces reportage as a general genere, and then discusses comics reportage in relation to both other forms of this genere and to fiction comics. The roles of the author and the narrator are discussed throught several... more
Co-edition of the section of the Official Proceedings of the ICLA Conference 2016, Vienna, presented by the ICLA Research Committee "Comics Studies and Graphic Narrative".
This book examines the place of Superman in American culture. It is an account of how and why Superman became an icon of American culture and an examination of how a fictional character has sustained that status for some eighty years.... more
Indigenous ways of knowing for many Indigenous communities traditionally relied on experiential learning and oral tradition, unlike a Western-modeled school system (based on a curriculum); however, Indigenous groups post-contact have... more
“Maus: a survivor’s tale” es una novela gráfica que no llega a ser ni del todo ficcional, ni del todo autobiográfica. El principal hilo narrativo encuentra a Artie entrevistando a su padre, Vladek, un judío polaco superviviente de... more
Course syllabus for Superheroes class
Collected in the latest issue of Minchō Magazine, this is an article on the work of the French-Jewish comic-book author and filmdirector, Joann Sfar. The complete issue is dedicated to monsters and their depiction in the world of arts,... more
Resumo: Lançada em 2008 pela editora Dark Horse Comics, a HQ Umbrella Academy narra, em três volumes, a história de seis crianças dotadas de habilidades especiais, adotadas pelo excêntrico milionário, Reginald Hargreeves. Após uma elipse... more
¿Por qué hacen reír los programas cómicos? ¿Cómo operan sus imágenes y sonidos para promover la risa o el disgusto? ¿Qué cambios tuvieron desde la década del 60? ¿Cuáles son las razones por las que actualmente están desapareciendo? Estas... more
Media portrayals of comic book fandom routinely depict the comics community as a masculine space, one in which the female fan is an anomaly. Yet, women reportedly represent a growing number of comic book purchasers and convention... more
One of Art Spiegelman’s motivations for using animal forms for the characters in the two volumes of Maus was to depict the dehumanization of the Jews during the Holocaust and as well the inhuman behavior of the Nazis and people of other... more