Migration, Emigration and Immigration
Recent papers in Migration, Emigration and Immigration
Biography by dates and residence places
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The paper examines the best-selling satirical book How to Be an Alien (1946) by the Hungarian émigré journalist and prominent British humorist George Mikes (1912–1987). I argue that tackling the issues of emigration, integration and... more
"The Criminalization of Immigration: Contexts and Consequences explores these competing narratives and the consequences of criminalizing immigration in the United States and abroad. It examines the impact of national, state, and local... more
Rosa spinosissima (also known as R. pimpinellifolia), the wild Scots Rose, has the widest natural geographical distribution of any rose species, extending from the coastal fringes of western Europe to Siberia. It has also become... more
In recent decades, the criminalization of immigration and the use of private prisons have increased in popularity. The criminalization of immigration and the privatization of prisons work hand in hand in shaping the American criminal... more
Upper Silesia in People’s Poland, Volume 3; Displacements-emigration-arrivals This is the third volume of the conference and publishing project issued jointly by the Institute of National Remembrance, Katowice division, and by the... more
Bibliografia fundamental sobre as mobilidades madeirenses
Bibliografia fundamental sobre as mobilidades madeirenses
This paper is a cross-linguistic corpus-assisted discourse study of the representation of migrants in the Italian and UK press and it adopts a two-stage methodological approach. In the first phase, the number of references to... more
The idea of deporting the Jewish population of Europe was part of a modern anti-Semitism. Poland was no exception in this regard. Under the influence of other countries implementing anti-Jewish laws, also Polish anti-Semitism became more... more
РУССКАЯ ЭМИГРАЦИЯ В БОЛГАРИИ СОГЛАСНО ПЕРЕПИСЕЙ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ 1920 И 1926 ГОДОВ Пенка Пейковска, Нина Киселкова РЕЗЮМЕ По своей численности и исторической значимости российская эмиграция в Болгарии в межвоенный период сопоставима... more
Впервые в полном виде публикуются мемуары Розы Георгиевны Винавер (урожд. Хишина; 1872–1951), жены Максима Моисеевича Винавера (1862–1926), видного адвоката, политического и общественного деятеля, депутата I Государственной думы, члена ЦК... more
"Autorka w swoich badaniach podjęła się ukazania wieloaspektowej historii tej placówki, która oficjalnie rozpoczęła działalność 30 X 1919 r. Do 1921 r. funkcjonowała jako konsulat, potem w latach 1921–1923 Konsulat Honorowy RP, w latach... more
Offers a survey of painting by artists from Winterthur, Switzerland, through the centuries.
This historical outlook about the Roman Catholic Church's mission among Russian émigrés with documents and photos.
«Una vita proletaria» fu scritta nel 1921 dall’emigrante anarchico Bartolomeo Vanzetti in un carcere degli Stati Uniti d’America prima di essere ucciso - innocente - sulla sedia elettrica nel penitenziario di Charlestown la notte tra il... more
La partecipazione dell'Italia al primo conflitto bellico mondiale impone sin da subito agli emigrati stabilitisi in altre nazioni di rientrare in patria per rispondere alla chiamata di leva. L'amministrazione statale paga il viaggio in... more
Следвоенната двумилионна руска "бяла" емиграция се нарежда сред наймасовите миграции през ХХ в. и представлява най-многочислената политическа емиграция, превъзхождаща дори най-големите трудови миграции в Европа 1 . Тя е едно от... more
Making decision in order to set off for international destinations is hardly independent of potential economic benefit that spawns in the form of remittances. The primary motivations for migration from developing countries are generally... more
All'indomani dell'uccisione di Sacco e Vanzetti il governo statunitense tentò di cancellare il ricordo della vicenda distruggendo una gran mole di documenti e dando alle fiamme tutte le pellicole riguardanti il caso. Anche il filmato del... more
Выпускавшийся русскими эмигрантами в Нью-Йорке журнал «Опыты» был одним из центров послевоенной литературной жизни русского зарубежья. Приводится библиографическая аннотированная роспись содержания всех девяти номеров в хронологической... more
Weltweit gibt es mehr als 100 deutschsprachige evangelische Kirchengemeinden, die mit der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) vertraglich verbunden sind. Viele dieser sogenannten Auslandsgemeinden bestehen schon seit Jahrzehnten,... more
"Exit, Voice, and Refugees: A Case Study to Understanding Political Stability and Emigration in North Korea”, in Mobile Subjects: Boundaries and Identities in Modern Korean Diaspora, Yeh Wen-hsin ed., IEAS Press - U.C. Berkeley (2013).
Nicola Guerra’s essay deals with the recent Italian migration to Finland. The author examines why a growing number of young people has moved to Finland in the last ten years and many young Italians look to the Scandinavian country with a... more
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Emigrarea definitivă sau provizorie a unor români din zona rurală a Sibiului în SUA în primul val: 1900-1914.
In one of the first volumes to address social work practice with this emergent and often marginalized population, practitioners and scholars specializing in transnational issues develop a framework for transnational social work practice.... more
A discussion of the role of Freemasonry and other fraternities in assisting domestic and international migration during the Nineteenth Century
presented at People and Things on the Move conference, Thursday, 2015 May 14 - Saturday, May 16, Neubauer Collegium, The Chicago University. http://neubauercollegium.uchicago.edu/events/uc/people_and_things/ This paper seeks to... more
This article examines the material culture of migration, focusing on migrants’ house-making projects in their countries of birth. In particular, it examines the houses built or refurbished by Albanians in their home-country, which is no... more
In 1944, Lvov was liberated from the German occupation by the Soviet Army. The Lem family moved then from Zielona Street to Sykstuska Street, as the apartment on Brajerowska Street was then taken by someone else. Stanisław Lem resumed... more
J OSÉ C. MIGRATED from Portugal to Argentina in 1950. In his native Malcata, in the county of Sabugal, located between the Serra de Estrela and the Spanish border, José worked in the family mill, making flour with rye, wheat, and corn he... more
Projekty przymusowej emigracji Żydów z Europy stanowiły składnik nowoczesnego antysemityzmu, Polska nie była w tej kwestii wyjątkiem. Pod wpływem przykładu państw wprowadzających ustawodawstwo antyżydowskie radykalizował się również... more
Moya-Maleno, P.R. (2018): “Del Tío Honorio al Tío de la Vara: la estigmatización del Folklore como fuente (pre)histórica a través del ‘catetismo” mediático’”, en F.J. Moya Maleno y P.R. Moya Maleno (eds.): Pedro Echevarría Bravo. Músicas... more
En 2006, la American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) a émis une résolution appelant à une plus grande collaboration entre syndicats et centres d'appui aux travailleurs. Dans cet article, nous nous... more
This article presents the passport policy of communist Poland, from the late 1940s to 1980. In the late 1940s, the policy and the institutions that implemented it were given objectives and forms similar to those in the USSR. This... more
This article draws on life history interviews of undocumented Mexican high school and university students from rural communities in central and eastern Washington. Although these youngsters face similar impediments to those of their... more
At the beginning of the 20th century, lots of young and promising Russian architects travelled to Italy, interpreting gained experience in projects and buildings (V.F. Shuko, I.A. Fomin), and some of them even had building practices there... more