Refugees, migration and immigration
Recent papers in Refugees, migration and immigration
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
Table of Contents and English Abstract of my 1978 Hebrew University PhD-thesis
Increasing insecurity and repeated acts of terror within Kenya has resulted in a dilemma for the government where on one hand, it is under immense pressure to bolster national security and on the other hand, it is still expected to uphold... more
Die bewegten Biografien Geflüchteter in unserer Stadt »Weißt Du, wer ich bin?« Diese Frage ist eine Herausforderung an uns alle, die geflüchteten Menschen tagtäglich begegnen. »Wer bin ich? Wer bist Du?«, sind manchmal die ersten Fragen,... more
Europe's Transforming Identity. Part 1 of the book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe (ed. Pamela Kilpadi) including the articles: * 'What Values for Europe?' by Michael Emerson * 'The Role of Islam in Europe: Multiple Crises?' by Amel... more
Prepared for the Northern Thailand Informal Discussion Group, April 19, 2016. This is a further mulling on my book "Bureaucratizing the Good Samaritan" which was published in 2001. I think that the argument continues to hold. And I... more
Resumen: En este trabajo se analiza la existencia de un derecho a solicitar asilo tanto en el territorio del Estado como en frontera. Para ello se toman en consideración la normativa internacional sobre la materia, y la normativa de la... more
In this article, we explore the wraparound approach of service delivery as a model for transnational social work. The wraparound model, used primarily within community-based children's mental health services and child protection... more
This is an informed, well-researched, well-written, and thought-provoking work. By any measure, this is a fine volume worthy of a home on the shelf of any scholar working on Asian migrants, refugee issues, or contemporary Burma generally.
Book review:
Keywords of Mobility: Critical Engagements
Edited by Noel B. Salazar and Kiran Jayaram
New York: Berghahn Books, 2016, 188 pp.
Keywords of Mobility: Critical Engagements
Edited by Noel B. Salazar and Kiran Jayaram
New York: Berghahn Books, 2016, 188 pp.
This paper draws on a narrative literature review in the area of refugee resettlement and adaptation and argues against the polarity found between the various disciplines working in this field. The resettlement and adaptation of refugees... more
L’instauration en France d’une "carte d’identité d’étranger", par un décret d’avril 1917, première expérience en Europe d’une identification ciblée de tous les résidants étrangers sur le sol national, marque une étape fondamentale dans... more
This paper argues that the figure of the migrant has come to be seen as a potential terrorist in the West, under the condition of a double, but completely opposed, set of crises internal to the nation-state.
Civil War in Syria created a large scale humanitarian crisis causing a mass human migration up to seven million in total. The largest neighboring country-Turkey has the greatest number of Syrian refugees exceeding 2.7 million. In the... more
In a context of increasing internal displacement and mixed migration flows, it reveals crucial to safeguard and promote the human rights of IDPs, asylum seekers and migrants who already underwent abuses, as well as inhuman and degrading... more
This work examines how the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) attempted to carry out its mandate in regards to the Afghan refugee populations created as a result of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. It focuses... more
This study of refugee resettlement contributes a novel conceptual framework to the sociology of forced migration. Drawing on interviews with Syrian refugees in their first year of resettlement in Ontario, Canada, we demonstrate how... more
Dealing with refugees is one of the most contested political issues in Australia. We examine how media images of asylum seekers have framed ensuing debates during two crucial periods over the past decade. By conducting a content analysis... more
"The Criminalization of Immigration: Contexts and Consequences explores these competing narratives and the consequences of criminalizing immigration in the United States and abroad. It examines the impact of national, state, and local... more
Este artigo discute o conceito de "refugiado ambiental" a partir da literatura e dos tratados internacionais.
This article discusses the concept of "environmental refugee" from the literature and international treaties.
This article discusses the concept of "environmental refugee" from the literature and international treaties.
Three disparate yet related things happened in November 2008 that suggest it is apposite to revisit a film that was controversial when released but which provides a sophisticated reading of London in the early 21st century. First, Dirty... more
This contribution interprets the east-central European post-liberal governments’ recent anti-immigrant, anti-refugee and anti-human-rights hysteria in the context of the increasing dependence of the region’s societies for livelihood on... more
Since 2015, the situation of refugees in Europe has become one of the main issues in Europe’s political agenda and at a global scale. Protocols to handle influx, basic rights and integration of refugees have been thoroughly scrutinized... more
Drawing on empirical data from a recent study of the resettlement practices, challenges and concerns of privately sponsored refugees and sponsor groups in Ontario, Canada, we examine how Orientalist scripts of refuge frame “the Syrian... more
Between February 2001 and May 2003, approximately 1,200 Somali secondary migrants relocated to Lewiston from a number of U.S. cities and states. Although the presence of this number of immigrants in a small Maine city is not unusual given... more
In recent decades, the criminalization of immigration and the use of private prisons have increased in popularity. The criminalization of immigration and the privatization of prisons work hand in hand in shaping the American criminal... more
prologue, intro and afterword of book Publication date: October 20, 2016 Abstract: Restrictive border protection policies directed toward managing the flow of refugees coming into neoliberal democracies (and out of failing nation-states)... more
The 20th Century revolved politically around competing interpretations of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism and Fascism. These are all ways to organize the lives of people on a large scale. Are real alternatives or new interpretations... more
The OHB of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies - edited by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long and Nando Sigona - has now been published in paperback and is available to purchase with a 30% discount with the code on this... more
Türkiye’nin Göç Tarihi, 14. Yüzyıldan 21. Yüzyıla Türkiye’ye Göçler adlı bu eser, Anadolu topraklarının yüzlerce yılın ötesine uzanan son derece hareketli, zengin ve o ölçüde de çok yönlü, çok kültürlü sonuçlar yaratan göç tarihinin,... more
Partition of India displaced huge population in newly created two states who sought refuge in the state where their co-religionists were in a majority. Although much has been written about the Hindu refugees to India, very less is known... more
Pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee sosiaalityötä osana kotoutumista. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on lisätä ymmärrystä pakolaisasiakkaiden kanssa tehtävän työn erityispiirteistä ja tuoda esiin miten monin eri tavoin asiakkaat merkityksellistävät... more
¿Por qué el exilio de los judíos perseguidos por el régimen nazi fue para México un "exilio incómodo"? ¿Cuáles fueron las razones que explican que la generosa política de asilo de México frente a los perseguidos por los regímenes... more
РУССКАЯ ЭМИГРАЦИЯ В БОЛГАРИИ СОГЛАСНО ПЕРЕПИСЕЙ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ 1920 И 1926 ГОДОВ Пенка Пейковска, Нина Киселкова РЕЗЮМЕ По своей численности и исторической значимости российская эмиграция в Болгарии в межвоенный период сопоставима... more
Este libro, basado en entrevistas y etnografías, cuenta la historia de un puñado de hombres y mujeres que en la niñez o la adolescencia temprana vivieron en diferentes regiones de Europa en tiempos de la Guerra Civil Española, la Segunda... more
After the Nazi regime took power in 1933, many German restorers were affected by legislative and bureaucratic changes. These changes were also applied in Austria after the Anschluss. This paper examines the exclusion, flight and early... more
This book offers a much-needed new political theory of an old phenomenon. The last decade alone has marked the highest number of migrations in recorded history. Constrained by environmental, economic, and political instability, scores of... more
During study & research of the history of partition of India in 1947, what appears to have been, a bit, neglected so far is the investigation & analysis of 'propaganda literature' which had a significant role in organizing the horrific... more
Съдържание Предговор / 13 Част първа. Външна миграция в България / 23 1. Външномиграционни политики на централната власт в България и тяхното въздействие върху механичното движение и териториалното (пре)разпределение на населението по... more
The paper aims to present the first of its kind—virtual museum of the Bulgarian migrants in North America ( and to discuss the goals and perspectives of the online museum and its role as a tool in the contemporary global... more