Russian Foreign Policy
Recent papers in Russian Foreign Policy
Even though Russia will most likely remain the largest gas exporter to Europe for the foreseeable future, it is clear that Gazprom can no longer retain its monopoly over much of the European gas market that had heretofore allowed it to... more
Short of the war, the destruction, and the massive loss of life, Ukraine is in many ways similar to the Gulf crisis in which the UAE, together with Saudi Arabia, led a 3.5-year-long economic and diplomatic boycott of Qatar that, like the... more
This series consists of works emanating from the foremost French researchers from Sciences Po, Paris. Sciences Po was founded in 1872 and is today one of the most prestigious universities for teaching and research in social sciences in... more
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest poszerzenie wiedzy na temat uwarunkowań, priorytetów i efektywności polskiej polityki zagranicznej prowadzonej wobec Federacji Rosyjskiej. Po 2014 r. politykę tę charakteryzuje klasyczny dylemat... more
LSE IDEAS is an Institute of Global Affairs Centre that acts as the School's foreign policy think tank.
Baha’u’llah’s Bishārāt (Glad-Tidings): A Proclamation to Scholars and Statesmen Christopher Buck and Youli A. Ioannesyan Baha’i Studies Review 16 (2010): 3–28. This article is a historical and textual study of the one of the major... more
Slovakia’s relations with the states of Eastern Europe not only have a bilateral impact, but contain geopolitical, security and economic dimensions as well. This article analyzes the domestic, bilateral and multilateral aspects of... more
The New Global Politics of the Asia Pacific: Conflict and Cooperation in the Asian Century, 3rd Edition ©2017 Routledge: London & New York. 341pp. + x. Link:... more
At the beginning of 2019, Russia was quite confident it would be able to either redirect its gas transit to the EU away from Ukraine before the expiration of the transit contract or renew the deal on Moscow’s own terms. But despite... more
Moscow will be irritated by the stridency of UK's support for Ukraine and might contemplate singling it out for specific action. How prepared are Whitehall and the public for retaliation, and how would allies react?
Türkiye Rusya Diplomatik İlişkilerinin 100. yılına ithafen
Özellikle IŞİD ve PKK’nın terör eylemlerinin giderek şiddetlendiği bir dönemde, Türkiye’nin bu iki örgüte karşı Suriye’de sınır ötesi askeri tedbirler alabilmesi için Rusya’yla ilişkilerini normalleştirmesi zorunlu hale gelmiştir.... more
Should Russia become part of the West, or follow an Eastern path? This has been a centuries-old discussion among Russian intellectuals. For Westernizers in Russia, the " West " symbolized progress, freedom, democracy, civil society,... more
The Syrian war will allow Russia to recover its naval presence in the Mediterranean. The Russian Navy will have more facilities at the same time that the Chinese Navy will appear in this scenario. This new situation will give us a new... more
В 1996 р. Чеська Республіка вступила до НАТО, а ще через шість років – до Євросоюзу. Ці два головні чинники привели до формування у чехів враження, ніби вони живуть в цілком безпечному просторі, що їхню свободу та демократію вже не... more
Bilge Strateji dergisi yılda iki kere Bilge Adamlar Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi (BİLGESAM) tarafından yayınlanan hakemli bir dergidir. EBSCOhost, CIAO ve ASOS tarafından taranmakta ve dizinlenmektedir. Dergide ifade edilen görüş ve... more
The evolution of Caspian Sea basin energy transmission networks is entering a crucial phase. Azerbaijan is the crucible where questions concerning the future structure of geo-economic relations in Eurasia (and also therefore crucial... more
One of the most significant questions surrounding Russian foreign policy is whether or not Russian president Vladimir Putin has an overarching strategy. This white paper argues that Putin, in fact, is a serious strategist and that he has... more
In an age where nothing seems clear-cut it is wonderful to have a hero and an even clearer villain. Putin is the new Hitler, an obsessive maniac with no respect for human life. The Ukrainians, by contrast, remind us of our parents and... more
Covid-19 brought to the surface many structural vulnerabilities in the Western Balkans, a European periphery marked by its weak economies and inefficient and underfinanced healthcare and social welfare systems. There has been a pressing... more
The security policy of the Russian Federation has long involved elements of threat to neighbouring countries and forcing the hand of its political partners. In the last decade, Russia has used hybrid modes of warfare to instigate... more
Hai-Nyzhnyk P., Chupriy L., Fihurnyi Y., Krasnodemska I., Chyrkov O. (2018). Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine: ethnonational dimension and civilizational confrontation. Saarbrucken (Germany): LAP Lambert Academic... more
In this article for Just Security, the authors explain how the EU institutions (European Commission and External Action Service) and the US are pressing forward with a package assembled by Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, which... more
the editors of this collection decided to use the more common, anglicised, version of Russian and Ukrainian words in order to make the publication readable for a diverse audience.
While Eurasianism as a political ideology has made a remarkable comeback to the Russian political scene following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, it has also attracted considerable interest among Turkish political and... more
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
Abstract: The security of demand for fossil fuels (crude oil, oil products, natural gas and coal) in the wider Central Europe is determined by energy intensity of economies, economic activity, access to maritime trade and availability of... more
The crisis in Ukraine, which began in 2013, has had significant implications for European security. Cristian Nitoiu identifies three perceived security threats implied by developments in Ukraine and how these threats may develop in future... more
Security challenges arising from hybrid threats and hybrid warfare, HT&HW, are today high on the security agenda not only in Sweden but across the globe. Despite the attention and the growing body of studies on the subject, there is a... more
del 1991 è stato spesso sottovalutato in Russia. La tesi uffi ciale di Mosca è anzi che "in Ucraina sia in atto una sistematica operazione antirussa, iniziata con "rivoluzione arancione" del 2004, ripresa con la rivolta di Maidan del... more
since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Russian leaders (especially Gorbachev and Yeltsin) have struggled to be part of the international community as a great power. Facing a reluctance — if not isolation — caused by a Cold-War paradigm... more
Polish-Russian relations and their prospects, to 2003, chapter 9 of Poland's Transformation: A Work in Progress (2003), edited by Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, John Radzilowski, and Dariusz Tolczyk
On January 27th 2015, in the case of Paradiso and Campanelli v. Italy, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decided, by five votes to two, that a child born by surrogacy abroad and those who ordered him enjoy protection of the right... more