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      Climate ChangeHuman RightsCommunity DevelopmentImmigration
vi Many archives, archivists, and personnel were particularly helpful for this project. Although they have since moved on to other pursuits, Carol and Roger Clark at the Kingsley Plantation helped me a tremendous amount from day one. From... more
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Alors que c’est souvent à la Seconde Guerre mondiale et à ses suites que sont associées les expériences des déplacements forcés, des internements massifs de civils et de militaires, cet ouvrage propose de placer la focale sur un long XIXe... more
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      Refugee StudiesFrench RevolutionExilePolitical Prisoners
La emigración ha marcado la historia y el desarrollo socioeconómico de Galicia; si bien, en la actualidad, ha variado en gran medida la intensidad, así como la dirección y el "color" de los flujos migratorios en esta Comunidad Autonoma.... more
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      ImmigrationThird GenerationEmigrationPolítica y Sociedad
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      EmigrationPromotionHistorical StudiesSocial Science
Little is known of the structure of the international migration of skilled health professionals. Accelerated migration of doctors and nurses from the Pacific island states of Fiji, Samoa and Tonga to the Pacific periphery is part of the... more
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      SociologySocial ChangeAnthropologyHealth Care
1 The ability to quantify whitefly migration provides a tool that can contribute to an improved understanding of the epidemic development of whitefly-transmitted viruses. 2 In an attempt to develop a protocol for estimating whitefly... more
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      ImmigrationBiological SciencesSamplingEnvironmental Sciences
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      EntrepreneurshipAnthropologyImmigrationEconomic Growth
In this field study, social, cultural, political identity and sense of belonging to Turks in Sweden, to which degree they are integrated into the country they live in, their perception about their homeland, and whether there is a... more
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      SociologySociology of CultureEuropean integrationSocial Identity
Alors que c’est souvent a la Seconde Guerre mondiale et a ses suites que sont associees les experiences des deplacements forces, des internements massifs de civils et de militaires, cet ouvrage propose de placer la focale sur un long XIXe... more
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      Refugee StudiesFrench RevolutionExilePolitical Prisoners
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      HistorySocial DemographyDemographyOttoman History
Av: Oskar Aanmoen, bachelorstudent i historie ved Universitet i Oslo. Mange tusener av norske unge menn har kjempet slag for egne verdier på fjerne slagmarker rundt omkring i verden. De siste tiårene har det vaert en økende interesse for... more
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      Military HistorySouth Africa (History)Norwegian HistorySouth African history
Významnú kapitolu dejín Kysúc predstavuje obdobie sprevádzané vysťahovalectvom do USA podnietené viacerými nevyhovujúcimi podmienkami v rámci Rakúsko-Uhorska. Príspevok sa zaoberá konkrétne problematikou vysťahovalectva z oblasti... more
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      HistoryEastern European StudiesCzech & Slovak StudiesPennsylvania History
„Эмигрантология славян” – электронный ежегодник – является научно-информационным органом Комиссии эмигрантологии славян Международного комитета славистов. Журнал учрежден в 2015 г. при Институте славистики Опольского университета. Общей... more
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      Russian LiteratureSlavic LanguagesSlavonic LanguagesBulgarian Literature
The current article presents five letters from the Bulgarian artist Bronka Gyurova-Alcheh written in the period 1959–1968, addressed to the writer Konstantin Konstantinov and his sister – the artist Donka Konstantinova. The letters were... more
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Praca ta nie ma w zamyśle charakteru stricte biograficznego – wpisuje się raczej w badania idei politycznych ze szczególnym naciskiem na aspekt ich płynności i zapożyczeń pomiędzy różnymi kontekstami narodowymi i językowymi. Ścisłej rzecz... more
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      European HistoryIntellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasFrench History
The volume presents the memoirs of Mons. Gyula Magyary (1901–1988) who taught canon law in the Urbaniana University at Rome. During the winter of 1966–1967, Magyary recorded a tape with his recollections. The memoirs focus primarily on... more
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      Habsburg StudiesHistory of HungarySecond World WarWorld War II
The European emigration on the other side of the Atlantic was a complex phenomenon. The areas inhabited by Romanians got acquainted to this phenomenon towards the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth. ... more
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The author reflects on the circumstances of his becoming a psychotherapist and meditates on their meaning. He notes the effect on his survival through childhood of his grandparents' emigration from Europe and the influence of his... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychotherapy
Num tempo em que as comunidades de emigrantes cabo-verdianos no exterior mostram-se cada vez mais enraizadas nas suas sociedades de destino, torna-se necessário refletir sobre o papel e o lugar de Cabo Verde na sociedade de diáspora.... more
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      Diaspora StudiesTransnational NetworksEmigrationDeportation
Lo sviluppo di un’assistenza sanitaria culturalmente competente è diventato un tema d’interesse nazionale e internazionale. L’incontro tra operatori sanitari italiani e utenti stranieri induce reciprocamente al cambiamento di... more
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      CommunicationHealth PromotionChildren and FamiliesEmigration
This paper was written in 2014 for the topic HIST3001: Destination Australia: Migration since 1900 at Flinders University. The paper explores the history of the Greek Ikarian islander community of South Australia, and the formation of the... more
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      ImmigrationMigrationModern Greek HistoryMigration Studies
The Outside Elliot PRESS The Outside
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      Gender StudiesAnthropologyMiddle East StudiesAnthropology of Gender
Rosa spinosissima (also known as R. pimpinellifolia), the wild Scots Rose, has the widest natural geographical distribution of any rose species, extending from the coastal fringes of western Europe to Siberia. It has also become... more
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      Cultural HistoryHorticultureCultural HeritageEnvironmental History
El presente artículo analiza la emigración cubana y la conformación de la comunidad cubanoamericana desde el siglo XIX, la cual responde en lo fundamental a: 1. Las convulsiones políticas y la dinámica socioeconómica de Cuba, 2. El tipo y... more
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      International RelationsCuban StudiesCuban RevolutionEmigration
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      Jewish StudiesMoroccan StudiesJewish HistoryMorocco
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      LanguagesCultureEmigrationHistorical Studies
A kivándorlás "Mindönöknek szömeji Tálba nyúló kezeji Egyet-kettőt mártani Mingyá húsát rántani Látod Uram hányan vagyunk Azt is tudod mit akarunk Ámen … Amerika aranybányák hazája sült galamb száll minden ember szájába." 1 Kivándorlás,... more
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      EmigrationElgin MarblesOrosháza
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    • Emigration
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      Jewish StudiesNazi GermanyEmigration
New York, NY: Edizioni Farinelli, 2005. Italica 84.1 (Spring 2007): 110-12.
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      Emigration ResearchItalian emigrationEmigrationEmigrazione Italiana
Pendant l'Antiquité, nombreux sont les témoignages de voyages ou déplacements au coeur du vaste Empire romain. Au sein de l'Aquitaine romaine, plusieurs Rutènes - cinq hommes et deux femmes - ont choisi à un moment de leur vie de quitter... more
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      EmigrationGaule romaineHistoire RomaineEpigraphie latine
La poésie féminine et l'émigration des jeunes hommes dans l'Anti-Atlas marocain
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      Women's StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyBerber studiesOral literature
Óscar Freán Hernández La España de los años sesenta del siglo XX vive un momento de fuertes cambios en los ámbitos de la economía y de la sociedad en un contexto de intenso crecimiento económico asociado al progreso industrial y a la... more
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      Women's StudiesIdentity (Culture)National IdentityEmigration Research
Emigration is a social movement associated to the demand of better life conditions in different countries from those where one was born. In the specific case of skilled workers, this phenomenon is typically characterised in a negative... more
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      Wealth DistributionEmigration
Bibliografia fundamental sobre as mobilidades madeirenses
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      Island StudiesEmigration ResearchMigration, Emigration and ImmigrationEmigration
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      FamilyHabsburg StudiesNobilityAristocracy
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      BiographyWorld War IIPolandSport
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      Ethnic IdentityEmigrationJęzykReligia
La genesi di queste pagine risale a trenta anni or sono, quando cominciai a lavorare sulla topografia tardo-antica e medievale di Vieste. Se a Roma, a Vienna e Londra riuscii ad individuare stralci e documenti d'un certo rilievo per... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Crown of AragonDalmatian history
Alle pendici del Gran Sasso, incastonata fra aspre montagne, si staglia una piccola e florida vallata con una storia millenaria altalenante tra l’onore degli altari e il più oscuro oblio. È la Valle Siciliana e Tossicia ne è da sempre... more
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      EmigrationStoriaSan FrancescoEbrei
Sur la base d’informations collectées dans les Archives nationales d’Israël, dans celles du Ministère des Affaires étrangères ou dans les Archives sionistes, comme de témoignages de volontaires de la Misgeret ainsi que des émissaires... more
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      EmigrationAliyahMossad, IsraëlJuifs du Maroc
РУССКАЯ ЭМИГРАЦИЯ В БОЛГАРИИ СОГЛАСНО ПЕРЕПИСЕЙ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ 1920 И 1926 ГОДОВ Пенка Пейковска, Нина Киселкова РЕЗЮМЕ По своей численности и исторической значимости российская эмиграция в Болгарии в межвоенный период сопоставима... more
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      ReligionRussian StudiesViolenceImmigration
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      Ottoman EmpireRussian EmpireEmigrationCircassians and North Caucasus history
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      Ottoman BalkansMacedonian QuestionModern Greek StudiesEmigration
Keywords: Emigration, Yugoslav wars, Contemporary music composers, Exile, Music historiography, Diaspora
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      DiasporaExileContemporary MusicWomen Composers And Musicians
Nell’itinerario umano, politico e professionale di Giovan Battista Cuneo, intellettuale e giornalista fervente mazziniano, amico di Garibaldi ed esule dall’Italia per molti anni, c’è la storia della nascita del giornalismo italiano nei... more
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      Migration StudiesEmigrationMigraciónEmigrazione Italiana
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      Emigration ResearchMigration, Emigration and ImmigrationEMIGRATION ISSUESEmigration
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