Recent papers in Merger
This study analyzed the post-merger performance of commercial banks listed in the Nairobi Securities exchange using secondary data over the period 2001 to 2014 using both trend and ‘paired t ’ t test analysis. The empirical results of the... more
The objective of the present study is to analyse the merger and acquisition’s impact during the announcement on stocks return of acquirer banks which are listed in National Stock Exchange. This study is conducted across Indian banking... more
Merger and acquisitions is defined as a strategic decision to increase a firm’s growth and enhance its operations (Saxena, 2012). Some proponents argue that mergers increase efficiency whereas opponents argue that they decrease consumer... more
In this special issue of the European Journal of Higher Education, a number of experienced scholars provide a broad picture of the most recent round of mergers involving higher education institutions in Europe and beyond. In doing so,... more
Strategy researchers believe that the better the strategic fit or relatedness between the bidding and acquired firms, the greater should be the economic gain from the merger. Although merger performance has been widely researched we... more
he main purpose of this research project is to analyze the effect of merger on the portfolio performance of organizations in Rwanda. In Rwanda companies are facing a lot of challenges due 21 st century competition in that comparing to the... more
We have been learning about the companies coming together to form another company and companies taking over the existing companies to expand their business. In this context, it would be essential for us to understand what corporate... more
The primary objective of present study is to examine the impact of merger and acquisition announcements during 2000–2018 on stock returns and intraday volatility of banks listed on National Stock Exchange in India. The sample of 383... more
Georgios Zouridakis, 'Conference Report: ‘Cross-Border Mergers Directive: EU Perspectives and National Experiences’' (2018) 15 European Company Law, Issue 3, pp. 101–106
AUTOSAR XML (.arxml) is a format introduced by the Automotive Open System Architecture consortium to contain the data used in and required by Electric Control Units which is based on Automotive Open System Architecture. Electric Control... more
The European Commission issued two proposals for Directives as regards the use of digital tools and processes in company law and cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions of companies amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132. This article... more
The main objective of this work was to catalogue and bring to the fore, the various driving forces or motives that push leaders of Telecom companies to enter into mergers and acquisitions. The aim was to do a comprehensive review of... more
The present chapter aims at bringing about a change of perspective regarding French NPM-inspired reforms by paying attention to ‘small’ evolutions and subtle changes. By investigating more extensively the reform process of a merger in... more
Merger, Akuisisi, Konsolidasi.
Makalah ini berisi tentang analisis merger dan akuisisi pada manajemen
strategik serta strategi dalam menghadapi globalisasi dan pasar internasional.
strategik serta strategi dalam menghadapi globalisasi dan pasar internasional.
makalah merger tugas salah satu mata kuliah manajemen keuangan
PT. Elang Mahkota Teknologi, Tbk. dan PT. Indosiar Karya Media, Tbk. UNIVERSITAS SURABAYA FAKULTAS BISNIS DAN EKONOMIKA 2013 Disusun Oleh : KP -F Michael Janitra Wihardjo 3122082 Yanita Apsari Dewi Alie 3123179 KATA PENGANTAR Puji dan... more
Industri media, seperti juga industri-industri lain, mengalami proses bisnis serupa. Pengembangan dan perluasan bisnis bisa terjadi lewat berbagai macam proses, seperti integrasi, merger, dan akuisisi. Tulisan ini mencoba memberi... more
Penggabungan usaha atau merger adalah satu perusahaan atau lebih bergabung dengan perusahaan lainnya dimana perusahaan yang bergabung akan bubar secara hukum dengan segala nama dan kekayannya dimasukkan ke dalam yang tetap berdiri. Sama... more
There is little research about the potential effects of large-scale institutional changes. Mergers and demergers of educational ministries provide an example of such changes, with their impact on the detailed workings of the... more
La rivista delle operazioni straordinarie n. 10/2016 La rivista delle operazioni straordinarie n. 10/2016
This study aims to determine whether there are differences in financial performance before and after the merger of financial sector companies in 2018. The analytical tool used in this study is the changes that occur in the Current Ratio... more
This paper analyzes the recent process of mergers and acquisitions in Mexico, which has become increasingly important in business competitiveness. In particular, the paper addresses tax and commercial reforms to determine the... more
New evidence from acquisition decisions suggests that antitakeover provisions (ATPs) may increase firm value when internal corporate governance is sufficiently strong. We document that, in Germany, firms with stronger ATPs, and... more
ΠΡΟΣΚΛΗΣΗ Διεθνές Συνέδριο Εταιρικού Δικαίου στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου “Η Οδηγία για τις Διασυνοριακές Συγχωνεύσεις Εταιριών: Ενωσιακές Προοπτικές και Εθνικές Εμπειρίες”\“Cross-border Mergers Directive: EU perspectives and national... more
The objective of the present study is to analyse the merger and acquisition’s impact during the announcement on stocks return of acquirer banks which are listed in National Stock Exchange. This study is conducted across Indian banking... more
This article discusses the theory of corporate restructuring and its importance in the country. It discusses how the different avenues of business restructuring exercises such as mergers, acquisitions, amalgamations, compromises, and... more
Streszczenie: Autor artykułu opisuje najważniejsze momenty związane z kilkunastoletnią obecnością dwóch zagranicznych koncernów (Passauer Neue Presse i Orkla) na polskim rynku regionalnej prasy codziennej. Począwszy od pierwszych... more
Knowledge Absorption is most worth looking during times of instability. The following thesis is a case study on Knowledge Absorption in the setting of instability, looking specifically into the case of a bank merger through absorption... more
The Malaysian government is rushing banks to merge. The Central Bank has decided that there must be only 10 banks instead of a current total of 20. As a result, the local banks were being forced to merge with other banks. The problem lies... more
The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence of whether the acquirer conduct earnings management prior to the implementation of mergers and acquisitions. Also aims to determine changes in the acquirer's financial performance... more
Authors: Douglas Miller and Cynthia Golembeski. The combination of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) and Rutgers University in 2013 is the largest higher education merger in U.S. history. Based on extensive... more
This study is on determin ing the risk of survival of co mmercial banks in Nigeria using Surv ival Analysis.
Authors: Douglas Miller and Cynthia Golembeski. The major universities offering health sciences education in New Jersey were restructured in a 2012 legislative act. The plan evolved from a limited transfer of one medical school to a... more
Viewed from the perspective of the players on the economic markets, mergers and acquisitions, known as M&As, are external growth strategies that enable entities to develop their businesses by leveraging the financial, human, or economic... more
International Conference on Company Law at the University of Cyprus
“Cross-border Mergers Directive: EU perspectives and national experiences”
International Conference on Company Law at the University of Cyprus
“Cross-border Mergers Directive: EU perspectives and national experiences”
Cross-border acquisitions lead to significant improvements in shareholder rights and more dispersed ownership structures in a large sample of intra-European takeovers. This is evidence of corporate gov-ernance convergence toward the... more
The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate effective ways to maintain or create school identity, culture and climate in the event of a school merger. Although students and the community play a large role in school identity,... more
Oligopoli, partecipazioni di minoranza, corporate ed effetti restrittivi della concorrenza
Distress in banking industry has been worrisome right from the colonial period when banking institutions were less regulated as anybody who had money can establish a bank. As development and competitions became rampant, the focus of... more
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences ISSN 1450-2275 Issue 18 (2010) © EuroJournals, Inc. 2010 ... Accounting for Merger: The Case of HM Revenue and Customs ... Haider Shah... more
The aims of this paper is to analyze the recent process of mergers and acquisitions in Mexico, which has become an increasingly important factor in business competitiveness; Tax and commercial reforms are addressed in particular to... more
"Εταιρικό Δίκαιο: Διεθνές Συνέδριο και Ερευνητικό Πρόγραμμα" Κοινότητα-Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο Κοινότητα, Περιοδική Έκδοση του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, Τεύχος 57o, Μάρτιος 2018, σελ. 8-9