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DESCRIPTION Prior research finds a weak relation between cash-flow volatility and leverage. Using a novel measure of cash-flow volatility, we find that volatility matters more for firms that are financially constrained. Constrained firms... more
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      Capital StructureVolatilityLeverage
This paper investigates which events of World War II (WWII) the US investors (at that time) considered as turning points (structural breaks) of the war. The empirical study employs daily Dow Jones industrial average stock index and... more
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      Applied MathematicsWorld War IIVolatilityWWII
The uprising of the pandemic COVID-19 has paralysed the whole Indian economy, and as a result the Indian stock market is severely affected too. The widely inclusive lockdown articulated on 24 th March 2020 by the Prime Minister as a... more
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      VolatilityAsymmetric InformationHigh Frequency DataVolatility Estimation High Frequency Data Market Microstructure Noise
With the emergence of the World Wide Web, analyzing and improving Web communication has become essential to adapt the Web content to the visitors’ expectations. Web communication analysis is traditionally performed by Web analytics... more
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An identical two-sector productivity shock causes Rybczynski (1955) and Stolper and Samuelson (1941) effects that release leisure time and initially raise the relative price of human capital investment so as to favor it over goods... more
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      PersistenceVolatilityImpulse responseEndogenous Growth
OBJECTIVES This research aimed to verify the performance of the Volatility Timing (VT) and Reward to Risk Timing (RRT) models of portfolio selection when compared with the Naïve and Mean-Variance ones, applied to the Brazilian stock... more
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      Portfolio ManagementRisk ManagementVolatility
Saunders (1993) and Hirshleifer and Shumway (2001) document the effect of weather on stock returns. The proposed explanation in both papers is that investor mood affects cognitive processes and trading decisions. In this paper, we use a... more
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      Decision MakingVolatilityDeveloping CountryCognitive Process
Information affects stock prices, even if it is not truthful. The news piped through the business press may contain deliberately planted misinformation. This study examines the effect of erroneous news and analysis by a leading daily... more
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Opening ceremony Romanian local public finance decentralization Tatiana Moşteanu, Carmen Maria Lăcătuş / 13 The domestic economic policy -from macroeconomic influences to strengthening the competitive equity Ioan Cuzman, Daniel Manaţe,... more
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      VolatilityStructural ChangeEmpirical StudyFinancial Market
Forecasting the volatility of financial markets is one of the important issues in empirical finance that absorbed the interest of many researchers in the last decade. As it is known, there has been many studies uncovering the properties... more
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      FinanceEconomicsTime SeriesVolatility
This paper investigates the consequences of stochastic volatility for pricing spot foreign currency options. A diffusion model for exchange rates with stochastic volatility is proposed and estimated. The parameter estimates are then used... more
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      EconometricsPredictionMoneyParameter estimation
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      Machine LearningForecastingSupport Vector MachinesNeural Networks
In this study, we test whether the overconfidence bias explains several stylized market anomalous, including a short-term continuation (momentum), a long-term reversal in stock returns, high levels of trading volume and excessive... more
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      OverconfidenceStock MarketVolatilityPublic Information
Volatility in the stock return is an integral part of stock market with the alternating bull and bear phases. In the bullish market, the share prices soar high and in the bearish market share prices fall down and these ups and downs... more
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      FinanceAccountingVolatility (Financial Econometrics)Volatility
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      VolatilityInstitutional InvestorsStocksArbitrage
This paper examines the effects of time to maturity, volume and open interest on the price volatility of futures contracts in Turkish derivative markets. The determinant of volatility is tested using conditional variance models during the... more
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      EconomicsVolatilityFinancial DerivativesDerivatives Markets
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      Political EconomyPublishingProject ManagementProductivity
The study aimed to explore the impact of investment decision making on financial performance of the textile industry from managers perceptions. The Indian textile industry is the second largest industry in the world, after China. After... more
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      Risk ManagementEmploymentVolatilityTextile Technology
Discounted cash flow is the main tool for valuing projects and companies. Real options techniques can augment valuation. The case of Netscape is used to demonstrate this. We begin with a defensive cash flow scenario. On top of this, we... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingCompetitive advantageVolatility
The aim of this paper was to accurately and efficiently forecast from multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic models. The Rotated Dynamic Conditional Correlation (RDCC) model with the Normal, Student’s-t and... more
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      Volatility (Financial Econometrics)VolatilityValue at RiskGarch Models
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      VolatilityCorrelationStandard ErrorCorrelation Matrix
The purpose of this project is to construct an investment portfolio including 10 O&G equity instruments by minimising the risks in form of volatility and VaR. We shall namely collect historical share price data for 5 years in order to... more
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      EconometricsApplied EconometricsRisk ManagementVolatility
This study examines the performance of the S & P 100 implied volatility as a forecast of future stock market volatility. The results indicate that the implied volatility is an upward biased forecast, but also that it contains relevant... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceForecastingStock Market
The primary objective of present study is to examine the impact of merger and acquisition announcements during 2000–2018 on stock returns and intraday volatility of banks listed on National Stock Exchange in India. The sample of 383... more
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      VolatilityStock ReturnAcquisitionMerger
Introduzione Questo è il primo di una collana di papers che pubblicherò nei prossimi mesi sulla volatilità. Ha un carattere introduttivo, con lo scopo di avvicinare ad uno studio quantitativo gli operatori che hanno a che fare... more
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      FinanceApplied StatisticsVolatility
In this paper, we investigate the price interdependence between seven international stock markets, namely Irish, UK, Portuguese, US, Brazilian, Japanese and Hong Kong, using a new testing method, based on the wavelet transform to... more
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      VolatilityWavelet AnalysisMathematical SciencesSimple Linear Regression
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      VolatilityCorrelationStandard ErrorCorrelation Matrix
Yüksek volatilite dönemlerinde hisse senedi yatırımı yapmak, volatilitenin nispeten düşük olduğu dönemlere göre yatırımcılar açısından daha zor olmaktadır. Bu dönemlerde, piyasaların etkinlik seviyeleri azalış göstermekte ve... more
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      Portfolio ManagementVolatilityPortfolio OptimizationGrey System Theory
This paper revisits the volume-volatility relationship documented in in a bull versus a bear market by using data from the period surrounding the subprime crisis in 2008. The relationship is predicted to be asymmetric because of the... more
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      VolatilityDepthAccounting FinanceTrading Strategy
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      Development EconomicsGlobalizationAccountingTransaction Costs
A business incurs much higher charges when attempting to win new customers than to retain existing ones. As a result, much research has been invested into new ways of identifying those customers who have a high risk of churning. However... more
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      Applied MathematicsSoft ComputingCustomer RetentionVolatility
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      Financial MarketsVolatilityFinancial Derivatives
The purpose of this project paper is to report the implementation of some of the in class presented statistical models and forecasting procedures. We started with the idea of employing an autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity... more
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      EconometricsApplied EconometricsForecastingVolatility
This paper analyzes the effect of leverage financing on corporate performance using debt-equity, coverage ratios and earnings per share as proxies. The study is motivated by need to assess the extent to which leverage affects optimizes... more
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Allocations of wealth across different asset classes and specific investments have become a challenging task for the investors, portfolio managers and fund managers. Essentially, investors participate in financial markets over time in... more
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      BusinessFinanceMutual FundsVolatility
The purpose of this paper is to measure whether the investor operating on the Casablanca Stock Exchange displays a behavior of overconfidence, and to examine, under this hypothesis, the role of overconfidence in the explanation of... more
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The study aims to extend the GARCH type volatility models to their nonlinear TAR (Tong, 1990) and STAR-based (Terasvirta, 1994) counter parts where both the conditional mean and the conditional variance processes follow TAR and STAR... more
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      EconomicsVolatilityGARCHGarch Models
The main purpose of the research is to analyze the volatility nature of cryptocurrencies, and determine whether the volatility is increasing over time or decreasing, determine, whether they behave more like an asset or currency. Moreover,... more
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      Time series EconometricsVolatilityCryptocurrency
Available online xxx JEL classification: G32 C14 C15 C22 Keywords: Value at Risk Volatility Risk management a b s t r a c t
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      Risk ManagementVolatilityValue at Risk
In the first years after the emergence of deregulated power markets it became apparent that for the valuation of electricity derivatives we cannot simply rely on models developed for financial or other commodity markets. However, before... more
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      VolatilitySeasonalitystylized facts
El presente Trabajo Fin de Master plantea como objetivo la aplicación práctica del modelo GARCH y distribuciones de colas anchas en el cálculo del riesgo de mercado, mediante metodología VeR Paramétrica, en una cartera de renta variable... more
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      Investment Portfolio ManagementVolatilityPortfolio OptimizationStock Return
Özet Psikoterapist-danışan ilişkisi, farklı kuramsal yaklaşımlarla şekillenen, bireysel ve kişilerarası dinamikler üzerine inşa edilen karmaşık bir ilişkidir. Bu ilişki, danışan rolündeki kişinin afektif kırılganlığının ve... more
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      EthicsPsychotherapyResilienceSexual Assault
This master's thesis compares and identifies the advantages and disadvantages of methods for forecasting volatility in precious metals markets. The objectives of the thesis include reviewing risk definitions and synthesis of risk... more
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      VolatilityPrecious MetalsVolatility Forecasting
Modeling is important because scientists investigate the world around us by building models that simulate real-world problems. Modeling is neither science nor mathematics; it is the craft that builds bridges between the two. Progress in... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationComputingFutures and OptionsVolatility
This study addresses the Granger causality between short selling activities and stock price volatility in the Turkish stock market, utilizing intraday data and an advanced methodology developed by Dumitrescu and Hurlin (2012). The results... more
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      FinanceVolatility (Financial Econometrics)Panel DataVolatility
The U.S. pharmaceutical industry consumes almost $1 billion in energy annually. Energy efficiency improvement is an important way to reduce these costs and to increase predictable earnings, especially in times of high energy price... more
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      EconomicsRenewable EnergyManufacturingProduction
EViews  ekran resimleri ile aşama aşama ARCH ve GARCH modellerinin tahmin edilmesi. Hangi aşamada nereye tıklanacak?

Türkiye ekonometri, Erginbay Uğurlu
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      Volatility (Financial Econometrics)VolatilityGARCHEviews Software
This study addresses the Granger causality between short selling activities and stock price volatility in the US stock market, utilizing daily data and advanced methodologies. The results denote a bilateral causality between the short... more
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      FinancePanel DataVolatilityGranger causality
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