Public Management
Recent papers in Public Management
The EURAM annual conference is approaching fast. The general programme is now out: I hope you will attend the Public Management track; 37 papers have been double-blind reviewed and selected among 100! The programme is... more
The Government of Canada's approach to performance measurement and reporting, though founded on solid principles, is undermined by flawed implementation. A large performance reporting "machine" generates data that are too rarely of use to... more
"Since its very inception, social work has been considered an organizationally based profession, with the majority of its workforce employed within formal organizations. Whether in nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies, the... more
Street-level bureaucrats implementing public policies have a certain degree of autonomy – or discretion – in their work. Following Lipsky, discretion has received wide attention in the policy implementation literature. However, scholars... more
The public sector of many African countries is notoriously corrupt; cultural inclinations and socialization processes largely have a tendency to lead public officials into tendencies that amount to corrupt practices. Providing seven (7)... more
Public relations practitioners can assume many different roles in public institutions. The common goal of these different roles is to try to influence the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of the target groups through effective... more
The main research question of this paper is: to what extent has the South African public service been influenced by New Public Management (NPM) reforms from 1999 to 2009. This paper looks at key areas which are generally considered to be... more
4735 sayılı Kamu İhale Sözleşmeleri Kanunu'nda sözleşmenin feshedilmesinin koşulları ve sonuçları hem yüklenici hem de idare bakımından ayrı ayrı ele alınarak açıklanmıştır. Ancak yüklenicinin sözleşmeyi feshetmesi konusundaki... more
Public administration can also be seen as the activities of groups cooperating to accomplish the common goals of government. By safeguarding such frontiers as maintenance of law and order, communications, public health, education, etc. In... more
The public value concept is highly popular among practitioners and researchers, yet, to further test and develop the construct it needs more diversity in empirical research. We aim to contribute to future empirical public value research... more
Целью настоящей статьи является оценка состояния управленческой деятельности государства в механизме осуществления бюджетных расходов. Автор рассматривает ряд недостатков правового регулирования управленческой деятельности на стадиях... more
Th is book explores the activism promoted by organised networks of civil society actors in opening up possibilities for more democratic supranational governance. It examines the positive and negative impact that such networks of civil... more
This paper is about the Government Performance Management System.
This article aims to contribute to recent debates on research methods in public administration by examining the use of quantitative methods in public administration research. We analyzed 1,605 articles published between 2001-2010 in four... more
The Single Payment Authority (SPA) is a Public Organization that complies with the most modern management systems, seeking the maximum utilization of human resources and a high degree of effectiveness and efficiency in Greece and... more
This article is dedicated to a consideration of the tertiarization of innovation networks. While the concept of traditional innovation network has been the object of an extensive literature, new
Culture should be considered as a strategic issue in the management of strategic alliances that involve companies from the West and developing countries and from the public and private sector realm. In-depth interviews along the case... more
In this article, we focus on the role of the public manager in bringing about inclusion. While inclusion often implies public participation, we have observed that one of the challenges for public managers practicing inclusive management... more
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of public service quality in its relationship with citizen-customers satisfaction. The methodological choice consists of a synthesis of public service theories, a conceptual... more
Especially after 1990, a kind of homogeneity has been seen in the design of poverty alleviation policies in Latin America. The studies about the formulation of social policies have been given good experiences by Latin America countries,... more
This article discusses five problems that most public organizations will face when adopting a popular, yet largely unexplored management concept: reputation management. The inherently political nature of public organizations constrains... more
National cultures often reflect a preference for one of the ideal-types hierarchical, network or market governance. A comparison of four similar policy cases in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany and the European Commission reveals that... more
The focus of this paper is on the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) where the issues in improving the RMP along with its problems from the perspective of strategic management in the public sector based on three important themes i.e., strategy,... more
George Frederickson and Jocelyn Johnston (in press); the fourth, at the University of Georgia, will take place about the time this review appears in print. Public Management: The State of the Art was primarily concerned with defining... more
Within the current territorial division communes play a very significant role. They are responsible particularly for supporting local development through financing projects aimed at improving quality of life in local environment. To be... more
"This article is a theoretical contribution to reconsidering the boundaries that are central features of collaborative public management. We identify two contrasting ways of doing boundary work: one oriented to treating them as barriers... more
Since the 1990s, 'joined-up government,' 'whole-of-government,' and 'horizontal gover-nance' approaches have emerged in many industrialized countries, resulting in the devolu-tion of government functions to diverse policy networks. From... more
A közigazgatás alapvetően minden államban az egyik legnagyobb foglalkoztató. Mint munkáltatónak, az alkalmazottak foglalkoztatására, munkajogi helyzetére – magától adódóan – egységes elveken alapuló rendszert szükséges kidolgoznia. Erre... more
Campania Politică fără Bariere a avut o contribuție importantă la modificarea legilor electorale, în 2015. Utilizând mijloacele dialogului structurat cu decidenții de la nivelul Parlamentului și Președinției, organizațiile... more
Past efforts to reform defense acquisition have been based in New Public Management assumptions that certain attributes of program managers (PMs), such as their training and experience levels, are important for improving outcomes. This... more
O artigo apresenta, no quesito tecnologia da informação e comunicação, as etapas e os resultados do Projeto Arrumando a Casa, que buscou modernizar a gestão pública, migrando do modelo de gestão burocrática para o gerencial, com foco nos... more
ABSTRACT‡: Using an original database concerning 1102 French local public authorities in 2001, we explore the relationships between prices charged by private operators in water contracts and ex post competition. We show that prices... more
This article analyzes the development of Soviet scientific future studies after World War II, arguing that the field’s theory and methods undermined the certainty of the communist future and laid the foundations for a new Soviet... more
Zur Überprüfung der Zielerreichung sowie zur Ressourcensteuerung wurden u. a. die niedersächsischen Kommunen zur Einführung eines Controllings durch den Landesgesetzgeber verpflichtet, welches insbesondere auch als Instrument für die... more
Sex and gender categories have become more fluid in recent years. With evolving understandings of sexual orientation and gender identity, public administrators are confronted with questions of how to craft policy and make decisions based... more
This paper explores the issue of interlocal collaboration in non-metro areas and argues that the concept of community and related “soft skills” that go along with it, are critical to understanding how increased collaboration can be... more
Despite significant government efforts to bolster individual philanthropy, giving by individuals (as a percentage of household income) has remained remarkably static and participation in many western countries is declining. This article... more
Fragile countries score within a half point of non-fragiles on some PEFA dimensions. But more interesting is that both sets of countries score well in some dimensions, like PI 27(iv) which relates to the rules for in-year budget... more