Maria Montessori
Recent papers in Maria Montessori
A norma della legge sul diritto d'autore e del codice civile è vietata la riproduzione di questo libro o di parte di esso con qualsiasi mezzo, elettronico, meccanico, per mezzo di fotocopie, microfilm, registratori o altro. Le fotocopie... more
The purpose of this analysis is to examine enduring creative approaches of educational philosophers alongside key emerging digital resources that inform inclusive art education. Froebelian education theory, like that of Montessori,... more
La pubblicazione di un libro inedito di Maria Montessori, a tanti anni dalla sua scomparsa (è morta nel 1952) è un evento di eccezionale rilievo. Sarà anche l'occasione, al di là dell'interesse del testo (si tratta di un contributo... more
Montessori preschool program (MPP) is a structured program that incorporates metalinquistic exercises, which are implemented even before children reach four years of age. In contrast, in regular preschool programs (RPP) in Croatia,... more
Maria Montessori e le sue reti di relazioni (a cura di F. De Giorgi)
Professionalizzare una storia pedagogica con quattro esempi (a cura di E. Becchi e M. Ferrari)
Professionalizzare una storia pedagogica con quattro esempi (a cura di E. Becchi e M. Ferrari)
In her book “The Secret of Childhood”, Maria Montessori (1870-1952) highlighted many of the problems faced by children in Italy during her time. Montessori, who started as the first female medical doctor in Italy later ventured herself... more
Maria Montessori come intellettuale moderno alla luce di un raffronto con la teoria e la prassi futurista.
Maria Montessori's life and the essence of her educational philosophy and method are discussed, including how the Method develops the knowledge, habits, skills, and virtues to live in a free society.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the primal paradox, that is the seemingly paradoxical relationship between the commitment to individual development and the development of the greater good of society and the greater whole, and its... more
The Montessori Method of education is becoming more popular in Indian cities in the recent decades. The parents, educationists and policy makers are keenly interested in the overall development of their children or stakeholders. Since its... more
The Montessori Method of education is becoming more popular in Indian cities in the recent decades. The parents, educationists and policy makers are keenly interested in the overall development of their children or stakeholders. Since its... more
The Dalton Plan is often considered to be a version of the Montessori Method: as if the theory and practice of the Italian education reformer were the guiding force in Parkhurst’s educational reform. This is a misconception. As an... more
The historical and ideological relationship between the Montessori Method and schools and Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism is examined.
FOTA (The Friends of Theosophical Archives) is a charitable organisation being formed to promote knowledge of, and support for, the Theosophical archives across the world. For this purpose, “Theosophy” is defined in the same way as in the... more
Príspevok odhaľuje, ktoré z osobností dejín pedagogického myslenia hlásali inkluzívne názory. Najprv chronologicky popisuje názory osobností z dejín pedagogického myslenia, zastávajúcich princípy, ktoré v súčasnosti tvoria podstatu... more
This six-week qualitative action research self-study investigated how critically reflecting upon personal heritage while engaging with decolonial, antiracist perspectives would affect perception and attitudes towards Montessori materials,... more
L'intervento ripercorre quattro momenti della storia della scuola italiana e del pensiero linguistico alla ricerca di intuizioni precoci sulla necessità di portare uno sguardo diverso ai temi e ai problemi dell’insegnamento grammaticale:... more
Μία από τις σπουδαιότερες μορφές που δεσπόζει στην παιδαγωγική επιστήμη, είναι η Μαρία Μοντεσσόρι (1870-1952) η οποία σηματοδότησε μία νέα αντίληψη για το παιδί και την οικογένεια και με το πλούσιο και συνάμα καινοτομικό της έργο έθεσε... more
Scuola e democrazia: le ragioni di una riforma metodologica La scuola, sia intesa come luogo simbolico, e cioè come l'istituzione sociale preposta sì alla riproduzione sociale di una determinata cultura, ma soprattutto volta formare... more
Half a decade later after the passing of its founder, there are many questions about the Montessori philosophy and methodology. Can the Montessorians stay true to the views and ideals of Dr Montessori? How do you tell that a Montessori... more
La educación ha sufrido cambios en sus modos de conducción y de implementación, en general intentando modificar lo que hace el maestro o guía en el grupo, pretendiendo catalogar al alumno en un nivel o estadio, o buscando los materiales... more
John Dewey, der amerikanische Philosoph, Psychologe und Leiter der Laborschule in Chicago, begegnete Maria Montessori, der italienischen Ärztin, Pädagogin und Gründerin der Casa dei Bambini, zum ersten (und einzigen) Mal im Dezember 1913.... more
2021 MLA Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize 2021 ISCHE First Book Prize During the early twentieth century, neo-humanist reforms transformed the landscape of Spanish education. Building upon the new science of child study, known as... more
81 Recensione a cura di Erika Saccuti AUTRICE: Sonia Coluccelli TITOLO: "Montessori incontra …". Intrecci pedagogici tra scuola montessoriana e didattiche non tradizionali CITTÀ: Trento EDITORE: Erickson ANNO: 2018
This study aimed to highlight the effects of teaching young students of 3 to 6 years in mix aged groups, especially in language learning. The mixed method study employed purposive sampling, where observations of a class with 40 students,... more
Il Sole-24ore, inserto "Q - C'è qualcuno che sa leggere?" 14 maggio 2017
Observasi mengenai kegiatan pembelajaran pada TK UMP. Observasi dilakukan untuk melihat metode pembelajaran apa saja yang digunakan guru dalam TK UMP saat mengajar dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan teori belajar yang dikemukakan oleh para... more
Per la Repubblica romana dell’intelletto collettivo. Dalla parte delle madri costituenti di una Roma repubblicana, prodotto dell’intelletto collettivo diffuso nelle pratiche quotidiane di autogoverno, tramite mutuo soccorso, correzione... more
Maria Montessori lahir di Italia pada tahun 1870 di Chiaravalle, sebuah propinsi kecil di Ancona, karena sebagai anak mud/a, dia mempunyai minat dan bakat yang besar pada matematika, orang tuanya mengirimkannya ke Roma agar Maria... more
Describe esfuerzos comunitarios en Puerto Rico dirigidos a implantar una reforma educativa utilizando el llamado Metodo Montessori.
Montessori preschool program (MPP) is a structured program that incorporates metalinquistic exercises, which are implemented even before children reach four years of age. In contrast, in regular preschool programs (RPP) in Croatia,... more
Anders dan wel beweerd wordt in kringen van aanhangers van het daltononderwijs was voor de grondlegster Helen Parkhurst socialiteit minder belangrijk dan vrijheid en zelfstandigheid.
Montessori preschool program (MPP) is a structured program that incorporates metalinquistic exercises, which are implemented even before children reach four years of age. In contrast, in regular preschool programs (RPP) in Croatia,... more
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in M. Montessori Schools as Education into the Covenant with God, People and Nature The paper presents the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd along with Cosmic Education within the Montessori method as... more
Cet ouvrage entend être un complément aux différentes publications qui abordent les « techniques » Montessori et les activités possibles à partir du matériel montessorien. Il revient sur ce qui fait le cœur de la pédagogie et rappelle le... more
The pedagogical thought of Maria Montessori supports the multi-class as it is able to respect and care for the natural interests of children. From semi-structured interviews made with six teachers of the multi-classes and three school... more
Book review:
THE PINOCCHIO EFFECT: ON MAKING ITALIANS (1860-1920) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. 431 pp.
THE PINOCCHIO EFFECT: ON MAKING ITALIANS (1860-1920) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. 431 pp.