Recent papers in Theosophy
This study provides a balanced account of the events that led to the separation of the American Section (headed by William Q. Judge) of the Theosophical Society in 1895 from their international Headquarters in Adyar, India (with Henry S.... more
Scopo di queste pagine è fissare alcune premesse generali per una rilettura storica globale della psicosintesi. Per farlo è necessario adottare uno sguardo multifocale, in grado di evocare il contesto immediato e remoto dell’opera di... more
Scriabin's fascination with Theosophy was common amongst artists during Russia's Silver Age. This paper examines how interest in Theosophy emerged at this time in reaction to disillusionment with established religious norms, as well as to... more
David W. Wood. Book Review of Rudolf Steiner, The Fourth Dimension. Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, and Mathematics (trans. Catherine E. Creeger, Anthroposophic Press, 2001). Review originally published in the Newsletter of the Science Group... more
According to the Bible, Eve was the first to heed Satan’s advice to eat of the forbidden fruit. The notion of woman as the Devil’s accomplice is prominent throughout the history of Christianity. During the nineteenth century, rebellious... more
The best expose on MK gandhi .& a deep look into global politics. Vegetarianism , radical green environmentalism = agenda of the globalists to make the people weak & take over the world /natural resources. Gandhi was an occultist... more
The Tamil Śaiva yogi Sri Sabhapati Swami (b. 1828) has had a substantial impact on nineteenth- and twentieth-century South Asian and Western occult movements, yet with a few exceptions he has been overlooked by authors writing on modern... more
A discussion of how G.R.S. Mead shaped 20th-century Anglophone discourse about Gnosticism decades prior to the Nag Hammadi discovery, through his interpretation of the Askew and Bruce Codices, and his popularization of the work of Berlin... more
This is not an original work of my own, however, I did find it an interesting read. I hope you will enjoy it too. Please, feel free to comment and share.
A última obra de Almada, intitulada Começar, é um testamento espiritual do artista, compendiando todo o seu saber filosófico e sinestético. Poeta, pintor, coreógrafo, ensaísta, Almada converge neste manifesto em pedra os conhecimentos... more
A number of experts have opined that the Vedic people did not know of the Sea (or ocean). However, in many hymns, one can find references to "ocean going rivers." As I show below, they were definitely a seafaring people.
Exhibition leaflet on the artist and theosophist Henri Verstijnen for Museum Mesdag in The Hague, 2007.
La producción cultural del imaginario esotérico. Una visita desde Buenos Aires. 1
This special issue of the Journal of Hindu Studies explores Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava engagement with key facets of colonial modernity and its role in shaping modern Hindu discourse. The issue's publication, it is hoped, will serve to both nurture... more
The present paper intends to focus on the laic dimension of the trinitarian principle, analys-ing – in particular – some passages of Antonio Rosmini’s Theosophy. The main thesis is that in the Italian thinker there is a laic way to... more
Translated from Mullā Ṣ adrā, Majmūʽa-yi rasā 'il-i falsafī-i Ṣ adr al-muta'allihīn, ed. Hamed Naji Isfahani (Tehran: Hikmat, 1375 Sh), 265-6.] On the thirtieth night of the month of God, the month of fasting, in the year 1028 of... more
Obsah SVÃT JAKUBA B÷HMA / 9 éivot / 13; SvÏt / 22; ÑRannÌ Ëerv·nkyì / 48; ProlomenÈ mlËenÌ / 55; MagickÈ slovo / 78; Odkaz / 82; ÑCesta ke Kristuì / 88; P¯eklad / 92 CESTA KE KRISTU / 95 O pravÈmp pok·nÌ [De poenitentia vera] / 97 O... more
È l’alba del nuovo secolo. Nella semioscurità di un salotto della Roma nobiliare, tante mani si stringono attorno a un tavolo: a capo di questo, il medium convoglia le energie per mettere in contatto le anime del “di là” con i... more
This article looks at how the changing relationship between science and religion from the fin de siècle to the present period continues to influence healing practices in Mongolia. It explores how science and religion, rather than being... more
Resumen: “Mi secreto entre las ramas. El hombre contra el ángel en la mujer” estudia la obra cumbre de Claudia Lars: Sobre el ángel y el hombre (1962). El breve ensayo analiza una escritura auto-referencial que observa su propio... more
According to Tsong Khapa, Amitabha means "boundless Age" of the universal soul as well as "immeasurable light" and "all encompassing radiating light" or "sun and lotus disc" bright as a "million beams of pure light" which I translate as... more
Чарльз Кинг (Charles King), автор бестселлера последней четверти девятнадцатого века - «Гностики и их наследие» ("The Gnostics and their Remains"), увязывает гностическую, доктрину с эзотерическими учениями и символизмом более древних и... more
This conference presentation explores the introduction of yoga to Russia through the travelogues of the co-founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891). The paper compares Blavatsky's views on yoga as a postural and... more
The twentieth century saw an unprecedented spike in the study of altered states of consciousness. New ASCs, such as those associated with LSD and psilocybin mushrooms, were cultivated and studied, while older ASCs were given new... more
More information on the published volume, chapters and authors.
This article explores the socio-linguistic innovations of eighteenth-century German Pietists, a register that they themselves referred to as the "Language of Canaan." This unique sociolect (group language) was but one of many esoteric... more
Paper session presented to the Association for Iranian Studies, 12th Biennial Conference, University of California – Irvine, Irvine, California (August 2018)
Grant Morrison is one of the world’s most acclaimed comic writers, known for both metafictional stylistic experiments and his very public penchant for a comparably postmodernist form of occult bricolage commonly called chaos magic.... more
A paper read at the Mother's Centenary Year of Her Return to Pondicherry in Aurobindo Ashram, 2020
Der folgende Artikel ist eine Fortsetzung von David W. Woods Forschungsarbeit zu historischen Persönlichkeiten, die den Charakteren in Rudolf Steiners Mysteriendramen zugrunde liegen. Diesmal wird der Autor versuchen, den realen Menschen... more
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3370.8880
7th Annual Conference of the English Department:“Nicholas Roerich - Messenger of Beauty and Peace.” University of Indianapolis/Athens Campus. April 9, 2011.
7th Annual Conference of the English Department:“Nicholas Roerich - Messenger of Beauty and Peace.” University of Indianapolis/Athens Campus. April 9, 2011.
CHRISTOSOPHIA čili CESTA KE KRISTU a jiné texty 329 DOSLOV: CESTA JAKUBA BÖHMA 328 CESTA KE KRISTU putoval světem další tři léta jako tovaryš. O jeho tehdejším životě nevíme takřka nic -nepočítáme-li v to ovšem snad až příliš barvitá... more
Rudolf Steiner published the fairy tale “Der Ring” (The Ring) in August 1884, when he was twenty-three years old. Forgotten for almost 130 years, the tale was never reprinted or included in any subsequent German edition of Steiner’s... more