Papers by Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak

As the nature of today organizational work setting is becoming more challenging, it could easily ... more As the nature of today organizational work setting is becoming more challenging, it could easily be said that stress is commonly experienced among staffs due to high demand of service quality in higher citadel of learning. Coupled with serious concerns as to how it affects psychological well-being, this study examines the impact of religious identity on the relationship between workplace stress and inner meaning fulfillment among non-academic staff in a public university in Malaysia. 148 participants were selected and data were collected and analyzed through quantitative and correlational methods respectively. Results revealed as hypothesized as it was found that workers with high inner meaning fulfillment do experience lower level of workplace stress. Also, results revealed that there is significant positive relationship between religious identity and inner meaning fulfillment. These results confirmed the link between religiosity and mental health among Muslim participants as it has been reported among their counterparts in previous studies.
Keywords: Inner Meaning Fulfillment, stress, workplace, psychological well-being.

Acculturation has been used in this study with a wide sense of meaning that underscores the sense... more Acculturation has been used in this study with a wide sense of meaning that underscores the sense of coexistence and feeling of unity. This study investigated whether the Internationalization process of the International Islamic University, Malaysia, with intergroup contact taking place under optimal conditions helps its students to, appreciate the differences that other cultures bring, be comfortable with differences and also seek diversity of contact. The study employed Miville-Guzman Universality – Diversity Scale, (M-GUDS-S) to collect data by survey method from 400 IIUM undergraduate students selected using Quota sampling. 200 of them were the first year students and the rest were fourth-year students. The result showed that there is a significant improvement in the feeling of unity among the students. The fourth year students showed more appreciation for other cultures and comfort with differences. Based on the finding it has been suggested that if efforts are made to establish optimal conditions for positive intergroup contact to take place, intergroup prejudice can be reduced and problems of coexistence in the Muslim countries and communities can thus be addressed.

In the field of psychology, the research on man, which started in the ancient past, is an on-goin... more In the field of psychology, the research on man, which started in the ancient past, is an on-going study even during this modern and scientific age. It is an undeniable fact that with the passing of time from the primitive to modern, new things have emerged with regard to the study on man and his nature. Being perennial in nature, the old and the new studies conducted on man, try to unearth and bring to light many of man’s potentials, which were not known previously. Although at times many of these studies complement one another in answering the intricate questions on the nature of man, there are also times when they contradict one another in their understanding on man. In view of this reality, this qualitative research is an attempt to provide a contrastive analysis on the concept of man portrayed in the mainstream Western and Islamic psychologies. As such, the researchers will analyze and highlight the differences and similarities found on the concept of man in psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanistic psychology and Islamic psychology.

Childhood is a stage where children express ideas, are curious, have fantasies and engage in exci... more Childhood is a stage where children express ideas, are curious, have fantasies and engage in exciting activities. As they pass through this stage once in a lifetime, parents, teachers and society should provide an environment that is conducive for children to learn all that is good and morally acceptable, and to avoid the unpleasant.
During this period, too, children learn an enormous amount of new things through parental guidance, role-modelling, books and play, and by exploring the environment. Adequate attention and proper guidance by parents and others in this crucial phase are potent to inculcate good moral values, discipline, good character, and creative and positive thinking in children as growing adults.
Traditionally, all communities, be they in the East or West, have earnestly paid attention to the many vital needs of a child. This attention is given in the hope that later in life, the child will blossom into a good and holistic person. As an individual, he or she will be a responsible person towards him or herself, the community and the nation at large.
New Straits Time (, Aug 1, 2015
A lecture presented during the video conference organized by Mutiara International Grammar School... more A lecture presented during the video conference organized by Mutiara International Grammar School, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia & Choate Rosemary Hall, United States
During the Golden Age of Islam (750-1258), Muslims were in the forefront in conquering knowledge ... more During the Golden Age of Islam (750-1258), Muslims were in the forefront in conquering knowledge through scientific research, exploration and expeditions. In their pursuit of mastering new knowledge and technology, Muslims were prepared and opened to the idea of learning all that is positive from the earlier civilizations. As such, they borrowed ideas from the Indians, Persians and Greeks as a way of enriching their own civilization. Adopt, adapt and assimilate or integrate was the approach used by early Muslim scholars in taking knowledge from those outside the Islamic faith. This meticulous and selective approach in taking ideas from others and adapting those ideas without contradicting the Islamic metaphysical framework (aqa’id) in a way enriched the Islamic civilization.
The various aspects on personality stated by Iqbal in his theory on personality, Mohd Abbas Abdul... more The various aspects on personality stated by Iqbal in his theory on personality, Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak, 2013, p.304
Table from Iqbal's Theory of Personality: A Contrastive Analysis with Freud, 2013. p. 340
An extract from Iqbal's Theory of Personality: A Contrastive Analysis with Freud, 2013, p.302

Conference Paper
The subject on man and personality is one that has been discussed over the centuries. This topic ... more The subject on man and personality is one that has been discussed over the centuries. This topic has caught the attention of many scholars of diverse specialization in the East and West. The studies conducted on man, be it in the areas of psychology, biology, religion, history, anthropology, sociology, humanities, etc, are all aimed at exploring the yet undiscovered areas of his nature and potentials. Researchers believe that any latest findings on man will be added information to the existing knowledge and science on man. It is believed that such information can be beneficial in solving many of the problems faced by modern man who lives in an ever-changing world. Idealistically it is thought that solutions found in overcoming man’s problems, are expected to improve his quality of life and his state of psychological well being as an individual coexisting with others, including the flora and fauna. The present study in the area of philosophical psychology is an attempt to explore, investigate and analyze the ideas of two renowned scholars originating from two different parts of the world. Very specifically the researcher would like to investigate the ideas of Muhammad Iqbal (1879-1938) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) pertaining to their concepts on man and personality. Iqbal and Freud wrote and lectured on the hidden forces of the human psyche. The fact that they believed that the inner dimension of man particularly the ego, which plays a pivotal role in all human behaviour and personality, draws the attention of the researcher to explore their concept on the human psyche, and on how personality development takes place in individuals. The crux of this study is aimed at conducting a contrastive analysis on the theories presented by Iqbal and Freud.

The subject on man and personality is one that has been discussed over the centuries. This topic ... more The subject on man and personality is one that has been discussed over the centuries. This topic has caught the attention of many scholars of diverse specialization in the East and West. The studies conducted on man, be it in the areas of psychology, biology, religion, history, anthropology, sociology, humanities, etc, are all aimed at exploring the yet undiscovered areas of his nature and potentials. Researchers believe that any latest findings on man will be added information to the existing knowledge and science on man. It is believed that such information can be beneficial in solving many of the problems faced by modern man who lives in an ever-changing world. Idealistically it is thought that solutions found in overcoming man’s problems, are expected to improve his quality of life and his state of psychological well being as an individual coexisting with others, including the flora and fauna. The present study in the area of philosophical psychology is an attempt to explore, investigate and analyze the ideas of two renowned scholars originating from two different parts of the world. Very specifically the researcher would like to investigate the ideas of Muhammad Iqbal (1879-1938) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) pertaining to their concepts on man and personality. Iqbal and Freud wrote and lectured on the hidden forces of the human psyche. The fact that they believed that the inner dimension of man particularly the ego, which plays a pivotal role in all human behaviour and personality, draws the attention of the researcher to explore their concept on the human psyche, and on how personality development takes place in individuals. The crux of this study is aimed at conducting a contrastive analysis on the theories presented by Iqbal and Freud.
This presentation demonstrates Iqbal's philosophical foundation. It explains how he made a marria... more This presentation demonstrates Iqbal's philosophical foundation. It explains how he made a marriage between ideas taken from the Western philosophers and early Muslim scholars. Through this fusion of ideas he created his Khudi philosophy otherwise know as the Ego philosophy. Iqbal had positioned himself as a bridge maker between the West and Islam, To him, the dynamism of the West should be seen as the lost property of the early Muslim scholars of the Golden Age of Islam (750-1258)

Lambert Academic Publishing, Mar 1, 2013
The ever-changing paradigms in the West, pertaining to the study on man have caused much chaos ... more The ever-changing paradigms in the West, pertaining to the study on man have caused much chaos and confusion in the minds of the masses not only in the West but also to a certain extent to the people in the East. This situation warrants the introduction of Islamic psychology, which provides a holistic and all-encompassing explanation on man. The study has indicated that topics on human nature and personality theories are interrelated and therefore they are inseparable. The researcher has highlighted the fact that man, being a universe on the micro-level, has been constantly researched upon from the ancient to the modern times using philosophical as well as scientific approaches. Overall, this study in the area of philosophical psychology is a contrastive analysis on the personality theories showcased to the world by Freud and Iqbal. In analyzing the data pertinent to the study, the researcher has used the historical and content analysis methods. As a prelude to this endeavour, the researcher has explored the historical and philosophical developments that have taken place in the areas of human nature and personality in the West and the Islamic world. The researcher believes that the role of Islamic psychology as an ‘arbitrator’ can harmonize many of the ideas on man found within Western mainstream psychology. Through the contrastive analysis, it has come to light that Freud and Iqbal had conceptualized their theories on personality as a response to the demands and challenges of their time. Besides that, factors like their personality, philosophy towards life, education and their travels have influenced directly or indirectly in the conceptualization of their theories. The study has indicated that all ideas said by Freud on human nature and personality are centered around his ideas on the human sexuality. His concept on human nature is one that is pessimistic and deterministic at the same time. To him, man is an intellectual beast who is doomed to fail as he is caught between the warring parties of his psychic components. However, Iqbal, who had a strong religious background, promoted many positive ideas on man, and on the latent powers of the human psyche. His theory of personality is not only dynamic in nature but inspires man to sink into his psyche to bring out all that are latent and positive residing in it. Iqbal believed that by actualizing the hidden powers within man, he could transform this world into a better place for the benefit of all humanity. This act, in turn, will bring one in close contact with God. Taken as a whole, his theory on personality gives man a dignified position as the vicegerent of God (Khalīfatullāh fī al-Ard), who is able to create a better world. The findings of the research have highlighted the fact that regardless of the latest development in the areas of human nature and personality development, the study on man will be a perennial one. Besides that, the findings have indicated that the least educationists can expect through the application of Freud’s ideas on man in the field of education is to civilize the uncivilized part of his human nature. Conversely, the findings have also indicated that Iqbal’s ideas on human nature and personality development are very much in line with the spirit of Islamization of Psychology. Moreover, his ideas on man, which are dynamic in nature, can yield positive results when applied in the fields of education, motivation, human capital development, leadership training, etc.

Peshawar Islamicus
The topic on man and nature has always been discussed over the centuries and has earned the atten... more The topic on man and nature has always been discussed over the centuries and has earned the attention of many scholars of diverse fields of specializations. As an appreciation to the great contribution of nature to human survival, some have equated it to God. Since the two are synonymous to them, so they worship nature alongside God. Others thought nature to be an obstacle to human life and hence needs to be conquered and prevailed upon. In the light of these two extreme positions, this paper intends to investigate the relationship between man and nature from the Islamic perspective. Apart from that, this paper would like to find out as to why the Muslim community is not paying due attention to conservation and preservation of nature at a time when there is a serious call made by others to stop the ongoing environmental degradation that is happening all over the world. It is hoped that an investigation of this nature would bring to light as to what should be the ideal relationship of man with nature from the Islamic perspective.
Keywords: Man, Nature, Islamic Perspective, the Covenant, forbidden approach towards nature
Presented at: Mercy & Love :Model of Prophetic Love of Rumi & Iqbal,
Jointly organized by: Sol... more Presented at: Mercy & Love :Model of Prophetic Love of Rumi & Iqbal,
Jointly organized by: Solace, Unikita, Madrasah Tarbiyyah Nurul Islam & PNI
Place: Main Hall of the Madrasah
Date: 18th Jan. 2015

Journal of Islam in Asia, Vol.11, No. 2 ,pp.158-183, Dec 1, 2014
The birth of the Renaissance movement in the West ushered the scholars as well as the masses into... more The birth of the Renaissance movement in the West ushered the scholars as well as the masses into a broader perspective of learning and knowledge seeking. The spirit of the Renaissance paved the way forward for scholars to gain freedom of speech and liberation from their old mindset. Europe that was bursting with new philosophical and scientific ideas also gave its people a wide range of perspectives in understanding man and personality. Secularism and modernism that came as a result of the Renaissance movement caused a shift in the understanding on man and his personality from a religious to a scientific one. In this study, the researchers would like to venture into the areas of man and personality from the Western perspective. Very precisely, the researchers would like to conduct a survey on the shifting paradigms in the field of Western psychology, pertaining to the study on man and personality. Upon performing the survey, the researchers would like to identify and analyze the underlying factors that caused the emergence of the different paradigms in Western psychology.

2nd. International Conference on Creativity & Innovation, E-Book, , Oct 20, 2014
Among all creations of God living in this planet, man is the most intelligent, innovative and cre... more Among all creations of God living in this planet, man is the most intelligent, innovative and creative. Imbued with these qualities, man was able to plan, create and recreate new things using the resources available in the environment. Man’s position as God’s best creation and as the recipient of the creative intelligence from his Creator has further advanced him in mastering science and technology. As a result of his advancement in knowledge and science in one way or another has ushered man into creating great civilizations. While the discussion goes on as to whether man’s creativity is an inborn or a learned behaviour, this paper intends to explore and analyze some of the existing concepts on human creativity found in Western and Islamic psychologies. Very particularly, the researchers would like to examine the concept of creativity put forward by Freudian Psychoanalysis, Behaviorists, Humanistic and Islamic psychologies. It is expected that the findings of this research can motivate mankind to be more dynamic and productive in bringing upon the much needed positive change to the present world conditions.

Journal of Islam in Asia, Vol. 11, No.1, Jun 1, 2014
History reveals the fact that the coming of modernity and secularism has allured
modern man tow... more History reveals the fact that the coming of modernity and secularism has allured
modern man towards a materialistic concept of life, ignoring his spiritual needs in respect of his role as the vicegerent of God. This predicament has not only marred man’s
relationship with God but has also failed him toward understanding his true nature and
mission in life. The large segment of humanity today is on the brink of losing its human
and spiritual values, resulting in severe environmental degradation, racism, terrorism,
war, poor mental health, and other psychopathological illnesses. This paper intends to
explore and draw out conclusions from the philosophical thoughts of Muhammad Iqbal
(1877-1938) with regard to his ego philosophy that explains man’s relationship with
God, community and the universe (flora and fauna). Lessons drawn out from Iqbal’s
ideas can be of great use in awakening man’s spirituality and improving his quality of
life by establishing a harmonious relationship with God, environment and fellow human

International Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition (IRIIE 2014) 11-13th. June 2014, Jun 11, 2014
In the field of psychology, the research on man, which started in the ancient past, is an on-goin... more In the field of psychology, the research on man, which started in the ancient past, is an on-going study even during this modern and scientific age. It is an undeniable fact that with the passing of time from the primitive to modern, new things have emerged with regard to the study on man and his nature. Being perennial in nature, the old and the new studies conducted on man, try to unearth and bring to light many of man’s potentials, which were not known previously. Although at times many of these studies complement one another in answering the intricate questions on the nature of man, there are also times when they contradict one another in their understanding on man. In view of this reality, this qualitative research is an attempt to provide a contrastive analysis on the concept of man portrayed in the mainstream Western and Islamic psychologies.
Papers by Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak
Keywords: Inner Meaning Fulfillment, stress, workplace, psychological well-being.
During this period, too, children learn an enormous amount of new things through parental guidance, role-modelling, books and play, and by exploring the environment. Adequate attention and proper guidance by parents and others in this crucial phase are potent to inculcate good moral values, discipline, good character, and creative and positive thinking in children as growing adults.
Traditionally, all communities, be they in the East or West, have earnestly paid attention to the many vital needs of a child. This attention is given in the hope that later in life, the child will blossom into a good and holistic person. As an individual, he or she will be a responsible person towards him or herself, the community and the nation at large.
Keywords: Man, Nature, Islamic Perspective, the Covenant, forbidden approach towards nature
Jointly organized by: Solace, Unikita, Madrasah Tarbiyyah Nurul Islam & PNI
Place: Main Hall of the Madrasah
Date: 18th Jan. 2015
modern man towards a materialistic concept of life, ignoring his spiritual needs in respect of his role as the vicegerent of God. This predicament has not only marred man’s
relationship with God but has also failed him toward understanding his true nature and
mission in life. The large segment of humanity today is on the brink of losing its human
and spiritual values, resulting in severe environmental degradation, racism, terrorism,
war, poor mental health, and other psychopathological illnesses. This paper intends to
explore and draw out conclusions from the philosophical thoughts of Muhammad Iqbal
(1877-1938) with regard to his ego philosophy that explains man’s relationship with
God, community and the universe (flora and fauna). Lessons drawn out from Iqbal’s
ideas can be of great use in awakening man’s spirituality and improving his quality of
life by establishing a harmonious relationship with God, environment and fellow human
Keywords: Inner Meaning Fulfillment, stress, workplace, psychological well-being.
During this period, too, children learn an enormous amount of new things through parental guidance, role-modelling, books and play, and by exploring the environment. Adequate attention and proper guidance by parents and others in this crucial phase are potent to inculcate good moral values, discipline, good character, and creative and positive thinking in children as growing adults.
Traditionally, all communities, be they in the East or West, have earnestly paid attention to the many vital needs of a child. This attention is given in the hope that later in life, the child will blossom into a good and holistic person. As an individual, he or she will be a responsible person towards him or herself, the community and the nation at large.
Keywords: Man, Nature, Islamic Perspective, the Covenant, forbidden approach towards nature
Jointly organized by: Solace, Unikita, Madrasah Tarbiyyah Nurul Islam & PNI
Place: Main Hall of the Madrasah
Date: 18th Jan. 2015
modern man towards a materialistic concept of life, ignoring his spiritual needs in respect of his role as the vicegerent of God. This predicament has not only marred man’s
relationship with God but has also failed him toward understanding his true nature and
mission in life. The large segment of humanity today is on the brink of losing its human
and spiritual values, resulting in severe environmental degradation, racism, terrorism,
war, poor mental health, and other psychopathological illnesses. This paper intends to
explore and draw out conclusions from the philosophical thoughts of Muhammad Iqbal
(1877-1938) with regard to his ego philosophy that explains man’s relationship with
God, community and the universe (flora and fauna). Lessons drawn out from Iqbal’s
ideas can be of great use in awakening man’s spirituality and improving his quality of
life by establishing a harmonious relationship with God, environment and fellow human
Over at IIUM, Abbas did his Advanced Diploma in Education and later went on to pursue his Master's degree in the area of Educational Psychology. His Ph.D. dissertation was a study on personality theories, particularly comparing on the views showcased to the world by Iqbal and Freud. This research work of Abbas was later published as a book entitled ‘Iqbal’s Theory of Personality: A Contrastive Analysis with Freud’ by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing of Germany. In 2010, he was teaching Philosophy of Islamic Education, Ethics & Sociology of Education at the Kulliyyah of Education, IIUM.
Upon completing his Ph. D. in 2011, Abbas was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Fundamental & Inter-Disciplinary Studies, KIRKHS, IIUM. He teaches all the university required courses; Islamic Worldview, Knowledge & Civilization in Islam and Ethics and Fiqh for Daily Life. At times he also teaches psychology at the Kulliyyah of Education, IIUM.
Besides teaching, Abbas also actively participates in many international conferences and in research works on psychology and Iqbaliyat. His research works has enabled Abbas to publish quite a number of articles related to psychology and Iqbal in the international journals.
As a social contribution, Abbas joined the National Blood Bank (Pusat Darah Negara) in 1998 as a member and actively donates whole blood, plasma and platelets. As of May 2016, he has donated 317 times. He strongly believes that through the philosophy of sharing, caring and loving, humanity can create a better world.