Management of Protected Areas
Recent papers in Management of Protected Areas
Actions directed at saving the remaining natural resources, be it forests, biodiversity, or whole ecosystems should be expected to increase as levels of environmental degradation increase. This expectation is consistent with the comment... more
Crime is a part of the forest setting. Crime and acts of violence make the work of forest managers more hazardous and jeopardize the safety of forest resources and wildlife. To understand and respond appropriately to current and future... more
É com prazer que cumprimos a honrosa missão de prefaciar o livro dos pesquisadores Shaji Thomas, Oriana Almeida e Elysângela Sousa Pinheiro, intitulado Projeto Agroextrativista e Gestão Participativa dos Recursos Comuns na Várzea... more
Unsustainable land uses may result in poor watershed management, increased soil erosion, poorly-planned urban development, increased runoff, and sewage pollution, creating an environmental stress gradient across coastal coral reefs. This... more
Recientemente, en el marco del proyecto GEF/PNUD Sistema Regional de Áreas Protegidas, se estableció una iniciativa conjunta orientada a desarrollar una herramienta para la evaluación de la efectividad de manejo en áreas protegidas... more
The number of cultural parks has been steadily increasing in recent years throughout the world. But what is a cultural park? This book provides a detailed answer to this question and sets out the basis for an academic debate that moves... more
News and information on wildlife and protected areas from India and South Asia. In it's 25th year of uninterrupted publication now. Published by Kalpavriksh, edited by Pankaj Sekhsaria
Con el fin de alcanzar la conservación y el uso sustentable de los recursos, se desarrollan los siguientes programas y subprogramas de manejo: programa de conservación y manejo integrado de recursos naturales, con el subprograma de... more
This thesis presents a proposal to model the processes of decision making in Waraira Repano National Park management in Venezuela. This research includes the identification of key management factors, linked actors and their relationships... more
Situações comumente denominadas de conflitos socioambientais tornaram--se frequentes com o avanço das frentes de desenvolvimento e do conservacionismo Anderson & Berglund, 2014) e recebem atenção crescente dos antropólogos, também no... more
The overwhelming majority of government-designated protected areas in Asia have been thwarted with constraints to become effectively and equitably managed, and integrated into the broader landscapes. Significant constraints have included... more
The perceptions and attitude of local people towards a protected area have been identified in literature as a key factor for its success, since perceptions affect operations within the environment. The study identifies and analyses the... more
The article presents the views and needs of visitors on a model example of a protected landscape area Moravian Karst. It analyses their view of nature conservation as a factor in the development of tourism and recreation. The results also... more
"RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una propuesta de Plan de Uso Público para el Parque Natural de la Serranía de Cuenca, ubicado en la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha, España. Para realizar esta propuesta, y que... more
Utilizando el enfoque de revisión sistemática, se evaluó la efectividad de las áreas protegidas para preservar las poblaciones de oso andino, reducir su cacería y la pérdida y degradación de su hábitat a lo largo de la cordillera de los... more
A newsletter in Marathi with news, information and analysis on wildlife and conservation in the state of Maharashtra, India. Published by Kalpavriksh with support from the Duleep Matthai Nature Conservation Trust. Editor: Reshma Jathar;... more
News and information on wildlife and protected areas from India and South Asia. Published by Kalpavriksh and the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), IIT Bombay with support from the Duleep Matthai Nature Conservation Trust. In it's 27th year... more
News and information on wildlife and protected areas from India and South Asia. Published by Kalpavriksh and the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), IIT Bombay with support from the Duleep Matthai Nature Conservation Trust. In it's 27th year... more
Contribution/Originality: This study is one of the few studies that investigate plant diversity, regeneration and soil properties across PAs in Sierra Leone. The research contributes to the existing literatures in PAs and their ecosystem... more
The management effectiveness of protected areas is a critically important consideration for their conservation success. Over 40 different protected area management effectiveness (PAME) data collection tools have been developed to... more
Markovi Kuli is an area with an exceptional weathering landscape, located on the southwestern branches of Babuna Mountain, north of Prilep. Several ridges extend to northwest and southeast from an ENE-WSW oriented main ridge, with... more
The number of cultural parks and heritage areas is increasing in Europe and the United States. Those are spreading over other areas where the economic sectors related to tourism and leisure gain weight. Heritage areas or parks are... more
The flows of ecosystems services provided by Natura 2000 sites depend in a complex way on many variables related to ecological (chemical, physical, biological) and socioeconomic processes, which interact at different levels in the scales... more
Comprehensive volume on all aspects of protected areas (including community conserved areas, private protected areas) including ecological, social, economic, political issues. With 169 authors and 5 editors, possibly largest number of... more
Protected areas are widely considered essential for biodiversity conservation. However, few global studies have demonstrated that protection benefits a broad range of species. Here, using a new global biodiversity database with... more
Understanding the relationship between local people and protected areas (PAs) is essential for improving the management of these areas. The local peoples’ perspectives of their relationship with PAs were analyzed based on secondary... more
Contribution/Originality: This study is one of the few studies that investigate plant diversity, regeneration and soil properties across PAs in Sierra Leone. The research contributes to the existing literatures in PAs and their ecosystem... more
Traditionally managed landscapes can play a vital role in protected area management strategies. However, such landscapes are often poorly inventoried and evaluated. Broader land use and land cover patterns may be known, but important... more
News and information on wildlife and protected areas from India and South Asia. Published by Kalpavriksh and the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), IIT Bombay with support from the Duleep Matthai Nature Conservation Trust. In it's 27th year... more
Article History Received: 15 September 2020 Revised: 8 October 2020 Accepted: 30 October 2020 Published: 18 November 2020
The report attempts to document the violation of Wildlife Protection Act and Forest Rights Act as the expansion of the protected areas in the Kumbhalgarh Landscape, Rajasthan continues.
A compreensão das relações entre populações humanas locais e unidades de conservação (UC) é crucial para a melhoria da gestão das áreas. As perspectivas das populações locais sobre as relações população-UC foram analisadas com base em... more
The Piatra Craiului National Park is located in the Southern Carpathians, preserving one of Romania's outstanding mountain ridges. Its exceptional landscape value is given both by the geologic structure of the Piatra Craiului... more
Protected areas often cover vast areas,
The article presents habits and activities of visitors to the Moravian Karst PLA in relation to potential and actual impacts of recreation on protected areas and ecosystems. Methodology of the work is based on a standard questionnaire... more