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"This chapter discusses how models, combined with modern data sources and statistical methods, can be used to test different hypotheses about the causes of migration. Mathematical formalisms for migration are presented. The ecological... more
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      StatisticsEnvironmental EducationScience CommunicationConservation Biology
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      Environmental EducationConservation BiologyDesign for Social InnovationWildlife Biology
ABSTRACT : The mangrove ecology of Sundarban delta is one of the global biodiversity hotspots. The ecology harbours the Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) besides other. The species is highly threatened as per Red Data Book. The... more
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    • Wildlife Ecology And Management
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementBiodiversity
During 1997–1999, 32 Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) were translocated from the Sustut Herd to the Telkwa Mountains in westcentral British Columbia to augment recovery of the Telkwa Caribou Herd. The animals were fitted with... more
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      Wildlife BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementBiologyEcology
Early frontier expeditions in North America often relied on hunting of wild game to supplement carried food stocks. Typically, journals of these expeditions provided little to no information on the game species harvested or the numbers of... more
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      HistoryHistorical ArchaeologyWildlife BiologyWildlife Ecology And Management
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementNorwayMooseAntlers
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      Conservation BiologyWildlife BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementEcology
Ekološki turizam u zaštićenim prirodnim područjima zahteva odgovorniji način ponašanja turista nego na drugim turističkim destinacijama, zatim visok stepen svesti o važnosti zaštite I održivog korišćenja životne sredine i znanje o... more
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      Tourism StudiesEnvironmental LawWildlife Ecology And ManagementSustainable Tourism
Ecotourism is an important tool for biodiversity conservation in protected areas. However, high visitation rates and intensive public use can affect the wildlife. The present study aimed to evaluate vertebrate foraging in areas under... more
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      EcotourismConservation BiologyConservationWildlife Ecology And Management
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      Marine BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementMarine ConservationMarine Science
We studied diet composition of red deer Cervus elaphus in the Bohemian Forest by micro-histological analysis of 207 samples of red deer faeces obtained on the Czech and the Bavarian side of the border. We carried out the research from... more
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      Wildlife BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementForest EcologyHuman-wildlife conflicts
Every year and across the world, thousands of fledglings of different petrel species crash into human structures because they are disorientated by artificial lights during their first flights. As this phenomenon is rather predictable,... more
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      Environmental EducationOrnithologyScience CommunicationConservation Biology
The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) has provided critical wildlife habitat for many species since 1985. However, the quality of this habitat for early successional species, such as ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), may... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementGame-bird breeding and wildlife managementGame Bird
During a five-year GPS satellite tracking study in Sabi Sand Reserve (SSR) and Kruger National Park (KNP) we monitored the daily movements of an elephant cow (Loxodonta africana) from September 2003 to August 2008. The study animal was... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementWildlife ConservationKruger National ParkAfrican Elephant
The Stoat occupies a wide range of habitats. It is often found in successional or forest-edge habitats, in the scrub, alpine meadows, marshes, riparian woodlands, hedgerows, and riverbanks that have high densities of small mammals,... more
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    • Wildlife Ecology And Management
Jaguar on a riverbank, Paraguay river, Pantanal, Brazil. 0 Edson Grandisoli.
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      Conservation BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementEcologyHuman-wildlife conflicts
Ecotourism is a rapidly growing industry with unknown impacts on viewed wildlife that may require novel management action. We examined the impact of viewing activities on the behaviour of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in coastal British... more
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      EcotourismConservation BiologyAnimal BehaviorWildlife Ecology And Management
Unit 2 introduces the importance of diversity within ecosystems in relation to species and the significance of genetic variation within a species population. The unit continues with the factors that influence the distribution of species... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementEcologyWildlife
For nearly two and a half decades now the Protected Area Update (PAU) has religiously presented a consolidated account of India’s wildlife and protected area (PA) network. Published six times a year, it carries in a tightly edited format,... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementWildlife ConservationProtected areasNatural protected areas
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      EcotourismWildlife Ecology And ManagementWildlife Tourism
The American mink (Neovison vison) is a semi-aquatic, generalist carnivore released onto Tierra del Fuego (TDF) Island in the 1940s, subsequently spreading to adjacent islands in the archipelago with potential effects on native prey... more
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      Wildlife BiologyConservation EcologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementInvasive species ecology
Context. For conservation of any species, we need baseline data that will guide conservation planning strategies. Identifying plant resources used by animal species for food and shelter is the first important step towards fauna... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementWildlife ConservationBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
The Siberian spruce grouse (Falcipennis falcipennis) is an endemic species of the Russian Far East associated with late-succession dark conifer taiga forests. The species is listed in the Red Data Book of Russia and possesses a “Near... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementAvian EcologyWildlife ConservationHabitat Mapping
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      Conservation BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementWildlife ConservationWildlife Management
Manu National Park was founded in 1973 on a profound contradiction: the “untouchable” core area is in fact the homeland of a large Amerindian population, including the Matsigenka (Machiguenga). Some view the Westernization of native... more
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      Indigenous StudiesEthnobotanyWildlife BiologyIndigenous Politics
Ian Redmond reports from his former study site on Mt Elgon, Kenya, then attended the Brazzaville ivory burn, and asks how the latter can help protect the former. Ian Redmond, Obe is a wildlife biologist and conservationist, known for his... more
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      ZoologyClimate ChangeConservation BiologyAnimal Behavior
Top-order predators often have positive effects on biological diversity owing to their key functional roles in regulating trophic cascades and other ecological processes. Their loss has been identified as a major factor contributing to... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationAustraliaWildlife Ecology And Management
Giraffe skin disease (GSD) is a disorder of undetermined etiology that causes lesions on the forelimbs of Masai giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi). We estimated occurrence and prevalence of GSD in six wildlife conservation... more
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      Wildlife BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementWildlife ConservationWildlife Diseases
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      African StudiesEnvironmental HistoryAfrican HistoryWildlife Ecology And Management
The Granite Falls Alternative Route (GFAR) was created to reduce traffic and noise from the city. A small animal culvert was installed to connect the wetlands area that the road travels over. The LEAF students of Edmonds Community... more
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      Environmental AnthropologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementUrban EcologyEnvironmental Sustainability
The City of Granite Falls is nestled in a natural landscape of forests, rivers and mountainous terrain. A busy truck route ran through the small town center since the 1950’s and because of dust, noise, vibrations, traffic congestion and... more
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      Environmental AnthropologyGreen InfrastructureWildlife Ecology And ManagementUrban Ecology
A variety of chemicals including foaming agents are used to aid in the protection of forest resources from the wild land fires. The fire-fighting foams (FFFs) are formulations composed principally of surfactants. As a part of Japanese... more
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      Environmental EngineeringLandscape EcologyMarine BiologyMicrobiology
El monitoreo de poblaciones de caimán del Orinoco (Crocodylus intermedius) por medio de conteos nocturnos es esencial para evaluar tendencias, pero estos conteos muestran una gran variabilidad por factores que no siempre están bajo... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementAnimal EcologyWildlife Management
In a context of stark opposition between supporters and opponents to the wolf, the extent to which this particular predator is dangerous for humans is still an open question. What lies beneath the negative perception of the wolf? What... more
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      Modern HistoryEconomic HistoryRural SociologyFrench History
The influence of ungulates on tree saplings is well ocumented. However, few models can predict thefuture consequences of browsing—for example, their effect on the development of the species composi-tion of a tree stand. When a certain... more
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      ForestryConservation BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementForest Ecology And Management
The traditional pilgrimages to religious sites are evolving into large scale religious tourism in many protected areas across India. A growing influx of visitors leading to infrastructural development of these sites within protected areas... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementCommunity based forest management
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementWildlife Conservation
การศึกษาสถานภาพของช้างป่า ประชากร การกระจาย ภัยคุกคาม ควรเป็นความสำคัญอันดับแรกๆ ในการจัดทำแผนการอนุรักษ์ช้างป่าในระดับชาติ (FAO, 2011) มีเอกสารจำนวนมากรายงานจำนวนช้างป่าในประเทศไทยไว้ เช่น Sukumar (1989), WWF (2000), DNP (2003)... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementHuman-wildlife conflictsWildlife ConservationWildlife Management
Aim: Reliable estimates of population density are fundamental to wildlife conservation and management. Although the leopard cat is the most common and widespread wild felid in China, little is known about the ecology and population... more
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      Conservation BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementBiodiversityCarnivora
The tethering of Indigenous peoples to animality has long been a central mechanism of settler colonialism. Focusing on North America from the seventeenth century to the present, this essay argues that Indigenous animalization stems from... more
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      American HistoryNative American StudiesAmerican StudiesPhilosophy
The bush stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius is listed as 'Near threatened' on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In NSW, bush stone-curlews are listed as 'Endangered' under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. The present... more
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      ZoologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementEcologyUrban Ecology
Markhor Capra falconeri, the national animal of Pakistan, is globally recognized as endangered. The current study was conducted to find the population size, structure and the contribution of trophy hunting in conservation and development... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementWildlife Ecology and Conservation
The paper introduces a viable short range signal triangulation method, which will enable users to identify and monitor animals in a given area. “Zig-bee- Zig bee pairs” are used as a more precise and a relatively long-lasting alternative... more
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      Sensors and SensingReal-time SystemsWildlife Ecology And ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability
The proposed study is carried out at Head Qadirabad that is an important wetland of the Punjab. In this study, main emphasis is given on the ecology and diversity of birds. Migratory birds are an excellent indicator of the overall health... more
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      OrnithologyWildlife Ecology And Management
The recolonization of human-dominated landscapes by large carnivores has been followed with considerable scientific interest; however, little is known about their interactive effect on ungulate foraging behavior. This study compared the... more
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      Conservation BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementForest Ecology And ManagementEcology
Biological scientific descriptions of 56 southern African Game & Wildlife species.
Furstenburg, D. 2015. The Game Species Window - E-Book.  Amazon USA, 1 241 web pp. ISBN 978-0-620-65883-6
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      Animal ScienceWildlife Ecology And ManagementWildlife ConservationWildlife Bilogy
Trophy hunting of Aders’ duiker (Cephalophus adersi) has begun in Zanzibar despite its listing as a critically endangered species and the documented decline of populations on Unguja (Zanzibar) island. This was revealed in an article in... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationPolitical EcologyAnthrozoology
The study aims at addressing the effects of slope orientation on vegetation characteristics of WAFR flora, trees and understory layer. We examined slope effects on the composition, structure, density of the plant communities, tree canopy... more
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      ZoologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementAquacultureCamels