Land-use planning
Recent papers in Land-use planning
PhD Thesis Abstract_1995 A feature of cities in developing areas is the migration of industries from their former points of concentration to new locations as the metropolitan areas grow and expand. Therefore, the aim of this study is... more
The arid and semi-arid agro-ecological area of Ethiopia cover more than 62% of the total land area. The Somali National Regional State (SNRS) occupies a large geographical area in the eastern and southeastern part of Ethiopia. The area of... more
Martínez, C. 2013. Lineamientos ambientales para la planificación territorial. Guía de aplicación, un aporte para la actualización de los PDOT de los GAD. Ministerio del Ambiente del Ecuador, Conservación Internacional Ecuador, Programa... more
The ambition for this inaugural edition of The Oxford Handbook of Megaproject Management is to become the ultimate source for state-of-the-art scholarship in the emerging field of megaproject management. The book offers a rigorous,... more
Dünyada nüfusun hızla artması, besin maddelerine ve enerjiye duyulan ihtiyacı arttırmıştır. Tarımsal açıdan meydana gelen boşluk, yeni tarım alanlarının açılması, sulama, makineleşme ve girdi kullanımı ile giderilmeye çalışılırken; enerji... more
Public consultation and engagement on housing development and neighbourhood change can be so controversial and at times alarmist such that NIMBY (“Not in my back yard”) and even the more extreme BANANA (“Build absolutely nothing anywhere... more
Disparities in access to fresh, healthful food are well documented. Consumers in higher-income communities routinely have more options than their lower-income counterparts. Closing that gap should be a priority for both health reasons and... more
Land protection policies such as creating and preserving national parks have been promoted to counter global threats to the environment and to conserve biodiversity. We know little, however, about the country characteristics that might be... more
n Nederla~dzijn waarden als helderheid, ordening, regelmaat, controleerbaarheid en lijkheid hoog gerangschikt op de collectieve waardenladder, en ons inziens is dergelijke eologische kleuring in het staatsbestel nergens beter te merken... more
Agricultural practices have environmental effects that affect a wide range of other land uses such as residential, transportation, commercial land use, etc. Understanding the contribution of various agricultural practices to the range of... more
The article presents a problem of landscape planning of protected areas on the example of Ślężański Landscape Park within Sobotka commune resulting from the socio - economic changes and spatial policy of the municipal authority.... more
Review of Charles Massy, Call of the Reed Warbler
The traditional land use planning approach for addressing natural hazards in New Zealand has been based on the likelihood of an event occurring, with little consideration of the consequences associated with natural hazard events. This has... more
O governo brasileiro tem investido e deveria investir ainda mais em infraestrutura de transporte. De acordo com as leis ambientais, esse tipo de empreendimento exige um estudo de impacto ambiental (EIA). No entanto, o EIA é uma medida... more
The present study focuses on the nature and pattern of urban expansion of Madurai city over its surrounding region during the period from 2003 to 2013. Based on Its proximity to the Madurai city, Preparation of various thematic data such... more
Impending regulation of California's marijuana industry demands a quantifiable understanding of the extent of cultivation and adequacy of water storage on private lands long devoted to a dispersed, but commercial-scale, unregulated... more
Executive Summary of the Brownfield Research Report
Land Use and Development Control in Hawaii: a Preliminary Report. Plan 610 Seminar May, 1971, Pacific Urban Studies and Planning Program (PUSPP) University of Hawaii, Honolulu. By: Harry Akagi, Clinton Effinger, Richard Harter, Charlotte... more
Different religious practices sport varying beliefs and principles regarding death, but many of them converge towards the burying of the dead to help in the ascent towards a peaceful afterlife. As documented in various anthropological... more
Thesis Summary: the erosion of the Commons in the United States has contributed to the deterioration of community and uprooting of people in order to meet the dynamic demands of capitalism. This article suggests countervailing measures to... more
Tamara Krawchenko and Abel Schumann outline the findings of an OECD study of land use and governance trends across OECD countries, and discuss changing practices, new ways of working, and forms of planning that have transformative... more
The land take is now a central and diriment issue in many disciplines due to the complex problems involved in the depletion of soil resource from an environmental, economic, urban and social perspective, but it is certainly linked to the... more
This chapter is dedicated to the study of community's vulnerability in risk analysis task using multi-source data statistics. Formal KPCA-algorithm for quantitative analysis of social factors of multi-disaster and varied threat risk is... more
In this paper (originally written for the European Wilderness Academy Days, 2014), wilderness conservation issues in Italy are discussed and some examples coming from Emilia-Romagna Region are given. Topics are as follows: 1. Wilderness... more
The management of Natura 2000 sites faces several challenges. Responsible authorities need to achieve specific conservation objectives and they need to balance these objectives with social and economic interests. A study of two cases, one... more
This casebook offers a concise, user-friendly presentation of land use law which incorporates a focus on critical thinking and practice throughout. The casebook devotes an entire chapter to complex and realistic scenarios that provide... more
Once upon a time, when humans existed by hunting and gathering and were themselves prey, there was a "natural" landscape. Since then the Earth's surface, including the biota, topography, surface and groundwater, has been profoundly and... more
Urban planning is more than urban design. It organizes built and free areas linking different uses that must be felt as a balanced environmental space. In this way, and green áreas (gardens, parks and agricultural and forest areas) are... more
Strict policy control and real estate market downturn affects large-scale real estate enterprises performance. We surveyed large Chinese real estate enterprises and the internal factors that affect their competitiveness. Verified by the... more
Since the 1950s, planners have guided and directed the growth of Perth and Peel through various strategic plans. Initially, they aimed to accommodate economic growth and the Australian suburban dream of home and car ownership. However,... more
An investigation was undertaken to evaluate the soil properties of different land use st systems viz. Jhum field (1 year), Jhum field nd (2 year), Large cardamom based agro forestry system (4 year old), Orange based farming system (15... more
Reconnecting to the land grounds us, says Steffen Böhm.
Review of Ecovillages: Lessons for Sustainable Community, by Karen T. Litfin (Polity, 2013)"
Review of Ecovillages: Lessons for Sustainable Community, by Karen T. Litfin (Polity, 2013)"
This article argues that public policies need to be designed a much more encompassing manner in order to better manage land use. Policies in fields such fiscal and tax policy, transport and agriculture need be better aligned with spatial... more
Las comunidades que se ubican en zonas cercanas y de fácil acceso a las áreas silvestres protegidas tienen una ventaja competitiva para incorporarse en el sistema turístico local. Sin embargo, existen muchos casos en que los habitantes... more