Protected Area Management
Recent papers in Protected Area Management
Actions directed at saving the remaining natural resources, be it forests, biodiversity, or whole ecosystems should be expected to increase as levels of environmental degradation increase. This expectation is consistent with the comment... more
The critically endangered mountain gorilla, Gorilla beringei beringei, found in only three countries, Uganda, Democratic of Congo (DRC) and Rwanda is inextricably linked to tourism. Governments in these countries work tirelessly ensuring... more
To maximise the potential of protected areas, we need to understand the strengths and weaknesses in their management and the threats and stresses that they face. There is increasing pressure on governments and other bodies responsible for... more
Climate change will pose increasingly significant challenges to managers of parks and other forms of protected areas around the world. Over the past two decades, numerous scientific publications have identified potential adaptations, but... more
Extractive capitalism has long been the driving force of settler colonialism in Canada, and continues to threaten the sovereignty, lands and waters of Indigenous nations across the country. While ostensibly counterposed to extractivism,... more
Protected areas have become popular tourism destinations; yet these areas are often plagued by poor governance systems, particularly in developing countries. Adaptive co-management (ACM) has been advocated as one approach to improve the... more
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... Carleigh Randall a & Rick B. Rollins b pages 357-374. ... View all references), values (Parker & Avant, 200042. Parker, JD and Avant, B. 2000. In Their own words: Wilderness values of... more
Lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) is the largest herbivore in the Neotropics and, in Argentina, it inhabits a variety of habitats from 100 to 2100 m asl. Lowland tapirs importantly influence their habitat structure because they are... more
Paper describes the applicability to the notion of Limits of Acceptable Change to nature-based tourism settings as well as debunks some of the myths about Limits of Acceptable Change
Mountains occupy 24% of the global land surface area and are home to 12% of the world's population. They have ecological, aesthetic, and socioeconomic significance, not only for people living in mountain areas, but for those living... more
FIGURE 1 Australian Alps protected areas. Modified from AALC (1999).
Tamayo, D., Ulloa, R. & Martínez, C. 2012. Plan de manejo Yunguilla. Conservación Internacional, Corporación Microempresarial Yunguilla, Secretaría de Ambiente del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EcoFondo. Quito, Ecuador. La... more
En el marco de un proyecto financiado por The Nature Conservancy para definir prioridades de conservación de la biodiversidad en la fachada Atlántica de Venezuela, se proponen medidas de reglamentación, de modificación de límites para los... more
Este documento es una base de consulta y para la capacitación para personal de que trabaja en tareas de control y vigilancia en las áreas naturales protegidas. Recopila la experiencia del autor al apoyar la elaboración de planes y... more
Ecotourism is expected, by the tourism industry and academics, to grow rapidly over the next 20 years. Much has been written about ecotourism, often with missionary zeal, but there is little consensus about its definition. It is argued... more
The objectives of the conference were (i) Sharing regional experience and knowledge in protected area (PA) management with prescriptions for effective management, (ii) Learning from best practices in PA management in the region, and (iii)... more
Systematic conservation planning is essential in the justification and design of protected areas, especially in an era where every piece of land or water is at a high premium. We used satellite tracking data and regular monitoring of... more
Dinamica nivelurilor medii lunare ale cursului Dunării, la patru ani de la amenajare Nivelurile medii anuale au înregistrat o creştere rapidă între anii 1970-1971, după care s-au stabilizat în jurul unor cote cu 2,5-19,7 mai ridicate faţă... more
Em décadas recentes, uma nova temática vem adquirindo uma visibilidade crescente em fóruns mundiais sobre políticas de conservação da natureza – os sítios naturais sagrados (SNS). Reconhecidos em diversas partes do planeta, esses lugares... more
The inclusion of buffer zones in the establishment of protected areas has become a common practice in conservation. However, little is known about the efficiency of these buffer zones around national parks in Liberia and most parts of... more
In recent years, perhaps the two most prominent debates in geography on issues of biodiversity conservation have hinged upon, firstly, the positive and negative social impacts of conservation projects on human populations, and, secondly,... more
As pressure from a growing human population increases around the world, greater levels of conflict between people and wildlife over shrinking available land may be inevitable. The conversion of Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary to Mudumalai... more
Unsustainable land uses may result in poor watershed management, increased soil erosion, poorly-planned urban development, increased runoff, and sewage pollution, creating an environmental stress gradient across coastal coral reefs. This... more
Mountains occupy 24% of the global land surface area and are home to 12% of the world's population. They have ecological, aesthetic, and socioeconomic significance, not only for people living in mountain areas, but for those living... more
Integrated conservation and development projects in the recent years view local people's support for protected areas management as an important element of biodiversity conservation. Increased knowledge about the interaction between... more
We examined the influence of visitors' profile, information sources, environmental dispositions, and visit evaluation on visitors' willingness to pay (WTP) for the National Marine Park of Zakynthos. Regarding WTP amounts pledged,... more
Changes in forest cover due to land tenure is a serious threat to Great Forest Park Wan Abdul Rahman. This study aimed to analyze changes in forest cover in 1994, 1997, 2000, 2014, and the activities that happen related to changes in land... more
Understanding the relationship between wilderness outings and the resulting experience has been a central theme in resource-based, outdoor recreation research for nearly 50 years. The authors provide a review and synthesis of literature... more
We compiled details of over 8000 assessments of protected area management effectiveness across the world and developed a method for analyzing results across diverse assessment methodologies and indicators. Data was compiled and analyzed... more
In protected areas of the African savanna tree cover, structure and species composition are influenced by a combination of many different variables. These include complex and multi-scaled interplay of environmental factors such as water... more
Recientemente, en el marco del proyecto GEF/PNUD Sistema Regional de Áreas Protegidas, se estableció una iniciativa conjunta orientada a desarrollar una herramienta para la evaluación de la efectividad de manejo en áreas protegidas... more
The number of cultural parks has been steadily increasing in recent years throughout the world. But what is a cultural park? This book provides a detailed answer to this question and sets out the basis for an academic debate that moves... more
News and information on wildlife and protected areas from India and South Asia. In it's 25th year of uninterrupted publication now. Published by Kalpavriksh, edited by Pankaj Sekhsaria
Background: Coat colour variation has been recorded in several mammalian taxa, including large felid species. White lions are a rare colour variant of the African lion, Panthera leo, that only occurred in the wild in the Timbavati Private... more