Latin Inscriptions
Recent papers in Latin Inscriptions
Over 940 Latin sundial inscriptions with translations, most re-translated and some corrected, from Margaret Gatty's collection. Available as an ebook. Thoroughly corrected for the 2018 edition. Available at... more
Abstract and handout for my paper from the "Fleshing Out Words: Poetry on Objects" conference hosted by the University of Warwick (March 9, 2019).
Cercare di ricostruire i confini di Vicenza in epoca romana risulta abbastanza difficile, sia per le poche informazioni fornite dalle fonti letterarie sia perché il suolo vicentino, nel corso dei secoli, ha subito dei profondi cambiamenti... more
The present chapter is devoted to the analysis of syntactic peculiarities found in the corpus of Latin tabellae defixionum, especially the use of the names of cursed persons in the nominative or accusative. In this kind of epi-graphic... more
RESUMO: O artigo trata de algumas inscrições romanas cursivas antigas, de Pompeia, enquanto evidência de hábitos apotropaicos. Grafites fálicos e sexuais explícitos são estudados como representativos do uso popular de expressões obscenas... more
Ce premier tome recense les incriptions latines et étrangères du Poitou c'est à dire des départements de la Vienne, des Deux-Sèvres et de la Vendée, par période et par commune. Il donne les traductions et les restitutions éventuelles,... more
Riassunto: dei signacula ex aere con l'oggetto marcato. Per illustrare la grande varietà esistente di forme, rendere evidente la frequenza di alcuni tipi rispetto ad altri, si propone uno schema tipologico delle lamine dei signacula... more
This chapter shows how Roman inscriptions can be used for the study of the many aspects of Roman slavery and the position of freedmen in Roman society
Mosaics with inscriptions from the territory of Croatia appear at many prominent sites but also at lesser known ones, a fact confirmed by more recent finds (Orlić by Knin, Baška). These are mostly floor mosaics with the exception of that... more
Redaktion: Marie Röder, Claudia Nickel (RGZM) Satz: Claudia Nickel (RGZM) Umschlaggestaltung: Reinhard Köster (RGZM) unter Verwendung einer Karikatur von Dr. Hendrik Rupp, Heidenheim an der Brenz, und einer Zeichnung der tabula ansata aus... more
Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz 2014 redaktion: claudia nickel, Marie röder, Markus Scholz (rGZM) Satz: Dieter Imhäuser, Hofheim a. T. Umschlaggestaltung: Reinhard Köster, Fotos Volker Iserhardt (RGZM) Bibliografische... more
La recente, importante edizione della stele di Cornelio Gallo a Philae, oltre a raggiungere conclusioni pressoché definitive su questioni specifiche suscitate dal prezioso monumento, sgombrando il campo da radicati pregiudizi, rinnova il... more
Aus den nördlichen römischen Provinzen Germanien, Noricum, Raetia und Pannonia, die sich südlich entlang der großen Flüsse Rhein und Donau ausbreiteten, sind zahlreiche Fluchtafeln auf uns gekommen, die interessante eigenständige Merkmale... more
Résumé de maîtrise d'archéologie, septembre 1998.
The Latin alphabet that is engraved together with the many Lepontian inscriptions on the boulder CMS 1 (Carona, Bergamo), is the fifth found in Northern Italy in a non-Roman milieu: the other four are recorded in Este (one on a bronze... more
This paper presents a new edition of a boundary stone between Capua (on Crete) and Knossos. I identify the post of Publius Messius Campanus as procurator Campaniae rather than procurator Caesaris. The appearance of the procurator... more
English Synopsis and Update: This essay discusses an exceptional Roman legionary helmet in a type of brass (orichalcum) of the so-called “Imperial-Gallic Type I,” which had at the time of publication been in the Axel Guttmann... more
The inscription of Gaius Orchivius Amemptus from Poljud in Split (CIL III, 2082), a member of the family of an imperial slave and dispensator, is analysed. The inscription is considered from the epigraphic, prosopographic and onomastic... more
There is a rather dense network of Roman (indicated) amphitheatres in the Eastern Adriatic seaboard which testify to the civilizational level of individual Roman cities. However, a relatively small number of these Roman cities have been... more
Present paper intends to explore the process of the transformation of the case system as evidenced in the inscriptions of the Roman provinces Africa Proconsularis and Numidia. First the peculiarities of the transformation of the case... more
Une inscription latine inédite découverte en Tunisie, fait connaitre le nom complet d’un proconsul d’Afrique proconsulaire peu étudié qui est Flavius Polybius (fin IVe siècle). Il s’agit bien évidemment du même personnage cité dans deux... more
Colección: Spal Monografías Arqueología Núm.: XXXVII Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación... more
Présentée et soutenue publiquement le 28 novembre 2015.
The Archaeological Context of the Latin Inscription from Building G in the Western Wall Plaza
Eck, W., & Cotton, H. (2018). New studies in the archaeology of Jerusalem and its region : collected papers : volume 12. Jerusalem, 2018.
Eck, W., & Cotton, H. (2018). New studies in the archaeology of Jerusalem and its region : collected papers : volume 12. Jerusalem, 2018.
Autor(en): Hartmann, Benjamin Objekttyp: Article Zeitschrift: Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz = Annuaire d'Archéologie Suisse = Annuario d'Archeologia Svizzera = Annual review of Swiss Archaeology Band (Jahr): 97 (2014)
Silvanus után Mithras kultusza gyakorolta a legnagyobb hatást Pannonia lakosságára, Pannoniából ismert legtöbb felirata, ahogyan innen ismert legtöbb szentélye is. Nemcsak az emlékek száma, hanem vallástörténeti értéke miatt is... more
Desde 2015, el proyecto arqueológico de Los Bañales de Uncastillo ha venido contando con un Museo Virtual (https://, un espacio en red en el que se ofrecen al usuario medio centenar de modelos 3D de... more
Dans la Seconde Lettre aux Corinthiens, Paul parle d'un « voyage céleste » qu'il a lui-même expérimenté : J'en viendrais aux visions (optasiai) et aux révélations (apokalypseis) du Seigneur 1 . Je connais (oida) un homme en Christ 2 qui,... more
Ya desde el Codex Valentinus 1 y, después, desde la entrada correspondiente a Sádaba en el Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 2 , la ciudad romana de Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza) había llamado la atención de la investigación epigráfi... more
In this brief paper a group of Roman finds from the Museum of Elazığ in eastern Turkey will be presented. This museum has a large collection of archaeological items, especially from the rescue excavations at höyüks in the area of Keban... more