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Ein Nachtrag zum grundlegenden Aufsatz in Berichte der bayerischen Bodendenkmalpflege 52
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      Roman LimesRoman Archaeology
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      Roman Frontiers (Archaeology)Roman DaciaRoman LimesDacia Porolissensis
Lo storico dei Longobardi Gian Piero Bognetti (1902-1963) ha sostenuto in un saggio di molti anni fa (Santa Maria "foris portas" di Castelseprio e la storia religiosa dei Longobardi, 1948) che la ventennale resistenza bizantina sul Lario,... more
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      Medieval HistoryByzantine HistoryRoman Limesthe Longobards
pp. 100-140
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      Remote SensingAncient Topography (Archaeology)Roman LimesEastern Provinces of the Roman Empire
At first glance, one of the constants in the history of the Lower Danube territories during the last years of the first century BC and especially in the first century AD and the first decades of the next century, is represented by the... more
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      Roman HistoryFunerary ArchaeologySarmatiansRoman Limes
Almásfüzitő római kori tábora Magyarország egyik legjobban megőrződött ilyen jellegű lelőhelye volt mindaddig, amíg a timföldgyártáshoz kapcsolódó vörösiszap tároló (VII. kazetta), a maradványokat elpusztítva meg nem épült. A kisebb... more
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      Close-range PhotogrammetryArchaeology of Roman PannoniaRoman Limes
Article based on my Bachelor thesis and conference talk delivered on 20th May 2011 in Krakow. It discusses two different types of Roman fortification systems - Hadrian's Wall and Limes Arabicus.
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRoman military archaeologyRoman Army
If there is anything that unified the Roman world almost 2000 years ago in a similar way as it brought us together for scholarly reasons at León in Spain, it is the Roman army. And just as we had to take some efforts to get there the... more
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      Roman ArmyRoman LimesRoman Archaeology
This paper provides a map-based inventory of knowledge about the Roman frontier around Utrecht in the central Netherlands. With a spate of new evidence for extra-mural settlement, outposts, cemeteries, river courses, roads, bridges, ships... more
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      Roman Frontiers (Archaeology)Frontiers of the Roman EmpireRoman LimesUtrecht
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      Economic HistoryRoman AmphitheaterRoman theatreRoman Limes
Dossiers d'archéologie. Hors série, 40, 2021, p. 6-9.
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      Roman HistoryLate Roman EmpireRoman Frontiers (Archaeology)Roman imperial history
In September 2018, the archaeological excavations of tower No 8 at the western fortress wall of Bononia continued. The archaeological site is located in the center of Vidin, in Kaleto neighbourhood, near the well-known Baba Vida fortress.... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman LimesRoman Archaeology
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      ArchitectureRoman Frontiers (Archaeology)Frontiers of the Roman EmpireWorld Heritage Site Studies
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      Late AntiquityRoman LimesNotitia Dignitatum
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      Roman Frontiers (Archaeology)Frontiers of the Roman EmpireRoman Limes
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      Roman PotteryRoman LimesPottery studiesArchaeology of Early Roman Period
Większości z nas Bułgaria kojarzy się z czarnomorskimi plażami lub bardziej znanymi atrakcjami turystycznymi jak Jeździec z Madary, piękny Płowdiw, czyli antyczne miasto Philippopolis, czy też Rilski Monastyr.
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      Roman ArmyRoman LimesNovaeLower Moesia
This book chapter offers an inventory and discussion of recent advances in our knowledge of the Roman frontier system in the province of Utrecht (Netherlands).
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      Roman numismatics and archaeologyRoman Frontiers (Archaeology)Roman LimesArqueología romana / Roman archeology
Az egyiptomi nyugati-sivatagi Kharga és Dakhla oázisok a Római korban -  A római hadsereg és sivatagi erődök
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      EgyptologyRoman HistoryGraeco-Roman EgyptRoman military archaeology
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      Roman Frontiers (Archaeology)Roman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman LimesRoman Archaeology
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyRoman LimesRoman Settlements in North-West NoricumNoricum
El eterno dilema que supone la decisión de elegir entre materiales tradicionales y modernos viene ya desde lejos. La búsqueda de un equilibrio entre las dos posiciones puede determinar el éxito de cualquier intervención en conservación y... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageRehabilitationConservation
The issue is dedicated to the World Heritage Sites
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      Romanian HistoryCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesCultural Heritage Conservation
This monograph comes as a result of the research carried out by the authors (Ioan Carol Opriș and Alexandru Rațiu) between 1993-1996, 2006-2010, as well as from several other survey ditches in 2011 and 2014 on a building of approx. 10 x... more
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      Late Roman and Early Byzantine PotteryLate Roman and early Byzantine fortificationsNumismatic (Late Roman, Dark Ages, Early Byzantine)Roman Limes
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      PalaeogeographyGeoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental ReconstructionsRoman LimesQuaternary Geoarchaeology
Un repaso de los antecedentes, las etapas y las consecuencias de la intervención de Marco Ulpio Trajano en el limes de Germania Superior. A review on the background, phases and consequences of Marcus Ulpius Traianus's intervention on the... more
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      Roman LimesTrajanoGermania superiorTrajan
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      Roman ArmyRoman Frontiers (Archaeology)Roman LimesRoman Forts and Camps
Heeringen, R.M. van/W.A.M. Hessing/L.I. Kooistra/S. Lange/B.I. Quadflieg/R. Schrijvers/W. Weerheijm met medewerking van: M. Blaauw, D.C. Brinkhuizen, K. Linthout, W.J. Kuijper, B.J.A. van Os en J.T. Zeiler, 2014: Archeologisch... more
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      Roman LimesWood TechnologyRoman Archaeology
In the castle of Traismauer, a picturesque city in the heart of Lower Austria at the mouth of the river Traisen into the Danube, the new exhibition ‘Treasures of Traismauer’ (’Traismaurer Schätze’) opened recently. Traismauer, ancient... more
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      ArchaeologyScience CommunicationUnescoMuseums and Exhibition Design
Thanks to surveys and excavations carried out in the last decades in the territories of the roman border in Egypt, the concept of “limes” can be intended today in a more critical way. The outdated idea of a frontier system based on... more
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      Roman EgyptRoman LimesRoman Archaeology
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      World Cultural HeritageConstantineRoman LimesRoman Forts and Camps
The newly written paper for Roman imperial silver coins is expanding the studied area of counterfeited silver coins discovered on archaeological sites by analyzing a hole geographic region stretching from the middle Danube in the East to... more
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      Military HistoryNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Roman Army
Les forêts du massif des Vosges au nord du Donon cachent de nombreuses ruines de bâtiments et de structures antiques longtemps attribuées à une culture gallo-romaine dite "des sommets vosgiens". Cet article propose un regard sur cette... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyRoman rural settlementsGallo-roman archaeologyRoman Provincial Archaeology
Dit onderzoek richtte zich op de in toenmalige stand van zaken betreffende de publieksvisualisatie van het Romeinse Limes-erfgoed in de provincie Gelderland in 2018. Door middel van een inventariserend onderzoek is een overzicht gemaakt... more
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      Roman Frontiers (Archaeology)ArcheologieRoman LimesArqueología romana / Roman archeology
L'argomento di questo studio si focalizza sulla decorazione di una corazza da parata di ottone, trovata a Castra Tricornia, oggi Ritopek, zona suburbana di Belgrado sulla riva del Danubio. Non ci sono molti dati relativi alla provenienza... more
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      Roman ReligionHistory of AstronomyRoman military archaeologyRoman Iconography
Der Ort Kesselstadt, 1907 in die Stadt Hanau eingemeindet, befindet sich am Nordufer des Mains, etwa 10 km flussaufwärts von Frankfurt gelegen. Bereits in vorgeschichtlicher Zeit war das Gebiet besiedelt. 1 Auf der Kesselstädter Gemarkung... more
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      Roman LimesRoman Forts and CampsLimesRoman vicus
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      Roman LimesRoman ArchaeologyCoriovallumEburones
Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 17, 87-94, 2016
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      Roman ArmyRoman armour armor lorica segmentata archaeologyRoman LimesNovae
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      Material Culture StudiesRoman military archaeologyRoman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman military equipment
Im römerzeitlichen Deutschland konzentrierte sich die Bevölkerung in coloniae, Legionslagern sowie in den Kastellen an der Grenze. Die mehrmalige Verlagerung der Grenze des Römischen Reiches führte zu umfassenden Verschiebungen großer... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
This volume was published on the occasion of the 70th birthday of an outstanding Polish historian of antiquity, Professor Leszek Mrozewicz. It consists of 53 scientific texts in English, German, French, and Italian, written by scholars... more
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      Roman HistoryLatin EpigraphyRoman LimesRoman Prosopography
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      Roman ArmyRoman LimesRoman Archaeology
Bei dem vorliegenden PDF handelt es sich um die überarbeitete Magisterarbeit, die der Autor im Jahre 2007 am Archäologischen Institut, Abt. II Archäologie und Geschichte der römischen Provinzen sowie Hilfswissenschaften der Altertumskunde... more
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      Alamanni (Archaeology)Roman LimesSiedlungsarchäologieFoederati
In the period from the 1st to the 3rd century the Romans along the edges of their Empire erected a linear military fortification system. In places, in the end of the 3rd and in the 4th century they secured this area as a wider defensive... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRoman military archaeologyRoman Army
Roman limes in military campaigns of the Barbarians �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 Krzysztof Narloch Archaeological footprints of a superpower in hostile territory�Recent... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRoman ArmyRoman Frontiers (Archaeology)
Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit bildet die Frage, wie mithilfe von Sichtfeldern und -verbindungen Hinweise zur ehemaligen Höhe valentinianischer Grenzanlagen am Hochrhein gewonnen wer-den können. Als Einstieg in die Thematik folgt in einem... more
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      Military HistoryRoman HistoryLate Antique ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
This paper presents the results of the analysis of the Roman pottery from Voorburg-Arentsburg (the harbour Forum Hadriani, Civitas Cananefatium). The pottery is imported along the river Rhine from the Lower Rhine region and the Mosel... more
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      Roman military archaeologyRoman PotteryRoman pottery workshopsRoman Trade Networks
This work is dedicated to the computer reconstruction of Roman fortress Nag el-Hagar in Egypt. This fortification was situated to the south of Luxor (ancient Thebes), not far from Kom Ombo (ancient Ombos). Apparently the fortress was... more
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyMilitary ArchitectureHellenistic and Roman Fortifications
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      Eurasian NomadsRunologyRoman military archaeologyRoman Army
This contribution is the follow-up of a paper published in Britannia (2018) which has re-argued the case for an earlier start of the building of Hadrian's Wall, well before the imperial visit of AD 122. What issued from Hadrian's... more
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      Roman BritainRoman Frontiers (Archaeology)Hadrian's Wall (Archaeology)Frontiers of the Roman Empire