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Cet ouvrage inaugurait la série de publications dont il est ques tion plus loin. 1. Avant la littérature chrétienne latine proprement dite, on a commencé, au cours du Ile siècle, à transposer en latin des textes chétiens écrits en grec :... more
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      Medieval StudiesHistory of Latin LanguageLatin LanguageMedieval Latin Language
"Latijnse morfologie" bevat een volledige bespreking van de verbuigingen en vervoegingen van het klassieke Latijn. Ook talrijke relevante uitzonderingen en bijzonderheden die in vele schoolboeken onvermeld blijven, komen aan bod.... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureMorphologyLatin Language and Literature
Breve enchiridion ad usum magistrorum (non tantum) Bohemorum Latine et Bohemice scriptum.
ČESKY: Stručná latinsko-česká metodická příručka (nejen) pro české učitele latiny.
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      Latin LanguageActive LatinSchool TextbooksLatin language pedagogy
Τα Λατινικά του Wheelock είναι η πρώτη ελληνική μετάφραση του Wheelock's Latin (7η έκδοση, επικαιροποιημένη και ανανεωμένη), ενός από τα δημοφιλέστερα εγχειρίδια εκμάθησης της Λατινικής γλώσσας παγκοσμίως. Με τρόπο μεθοδικό, ευχάριστο και... more
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      Latin LanguageLatin SyntaxLatin GrammarLatin Vocabulary
This electronic book contains the answer keys for 'Nova exercitia Latina I', an exercise book mainly for those who use 'Familia Romana', the first volume of H. H. Ørberg’s 'Lingua Latina per se illustrata'. You can buy it here:... more
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      Latin LiteratureHistory of Latin LanguageLatin Language and LiteratureLatin Language
La mia tesi di laurea triennale in Grammatica Latina raccoglieva ed analizzava gli incantesimi in lingua latina presenti nella serie web audiovisiva Netflix "The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" (2018-2020). Preliminarmente, si è cercato... more
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      Latin LanguageClassical Reception StudiesReception of AntiquityLatin Defixiones
The work called Notitia Hungariae novae historico-geographica performed by Hungarian polymath, teacher and evangelical priest Matthias Belius (1684 – 1749) to this day represents a lot of contemporary information that researchers try to... more
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      History of HungaryLatin LanguageMatej BelBél Mátyás
Elementary metaplasmic analyses of forename levels in twenty coats of arms: King Afonso of Algarve (Portuguese), Queen Petronilla of Aragon (Latin), King Ludwig of Bavaria (German), King Leopold of Belgium (French), Count Ramon of... more
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      English languageHeraldryApplied LinguisticsFrench language
Komplet za učenje latinščine, ki ga je izdala univerza Yale, je namenjen začetnikom in sodi med najboljše v svetovnem merilu. Odlikuje se po jasnih razlagah ter po novem didaktičnem pristopu. Od prvih lekcij naprej se zavestno osredotoča... more
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      Latin LiteratureLatin LanguageAncient RomeLatin Grammar
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceProgramming LanguagesTranslation Studies
Named after the youngest of the Parcae, Clotho got its name after the deity responsible for spinning the thread of life; thus the journal seeks to create a new space of creativity, exploration, and learning in the field of classical... more
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      Latin LiteratureRenaissance HumanismHistory and Classical tradition studiesClassical philology
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMythology
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      Hebrew LanguageLatin LanguageLatin linguisticsHebrew linguistics
During the Roman empire many Greek speakers learned Latin. Their books and exercises, which survive in medieval manuscripts and in papyri from Egypt, show that some of their language-learning techniques were similar to ours and others... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsGreek LiteratureEducation
Komplet za učenje latinščine, ki ga je izdala univerza Yale, je namenjen začetnikom in sodi med najboljše v svetovnem merilu. Odlikuje se po jasnih razlagah ter po novem didaktičnem pristopu. Od prvih lekcij naprej se zavestno osredotoča... more
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      Latin LiteratureLatin LanguageAncient RomeLatin Grammar
II.1. La función de los casos y sintagmas preposicionales (SP) en latín II.1.1. Frecuencia global y distribución de casos y preposiciones Cuadro (1): Frecuencia global (porcentaje) de casos y preposiciones (Pinkster 2015: 1180) II.1.2.... more
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      SemanticsHistory of Latin LanguageSyntaxLatin Language and Literature
Contribution pour les lettres Q-R-U-V, sous la direction de Pierre Flobert, professeur émérite de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, rédaction de 571 fiches : révision, mise à jour et ajouts pour le vocabulaire latin tardif.
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      Latin LanguageDictionary
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      Latin LiteratureLate Latin LiteratureLatin LanguageLate Antique Latin Poetry
Komplet za učenje latinščine, ki ga je izdala univerza Yale, je namenjen začetnikom in sodi med najboljše v svetovnem merilu. Odlikuje se po jasnih razlagah ter po novem didaktičnem pristopu. Od prvih lekcij naprej se zavestno osredotoča... more
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      Latin LiteratureLatin LanguageAncient RomeLatin Grammar
The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to describe the collocational radius of five predicate nouns that belong to the semantic field of feelings: odium «hatred», invidia «envy, unpopularity», laetitia «joy», gaudium «delight» and... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureHistory of Latin LanguageLatin Language and Literature
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      Latin LiteratureSenecaHoraceLatin Language and Literature
New media offer opportunities for new approaches to teaching ancient languages. Whereas for modern languages we can switch on the radio or television in order to hear them spoken by native speakers, for Latin and Ancient Greek there are... more
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      History of Latin LanguageLatin Language and LiteratureLatin LanguageAncient Languages
52 short fables by Aesop, with translations, now upgraded and accompanied by the 70 anecdotes of ancient celebrities, once available as Learn Latin with Celebrities. Learn Latin with Aesop’s Fables and Ancient Celebrities: An Easy... more
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      Latin Language and LiteratureLatin LanguageAesop
A Latin prose translation of one of the greatest poems in the English language, Shelley's Ozymandias (1818). Published at on April 12, 2021.
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      English LiteratureHumanismEnglish RomanticismLatin Language
This is intended for an intermediate Latin class. It contains the excerpt from Saxo Grammaticus' Gesta Danorum which tells the story of Amlethus, the basis for the more famous Hamlet. This document is a work in progress and was recently... more
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureLatin LanguageMedieval LatinHamlet
This Excel file is a WORK IN PROGRESS on Indo-European basic lexicon, aligning PIE reconstructions from IEW, LIV and Mallory-Adams with intermediate reconstructions of IE sub-families found in several other sources (mainly Brill / Leiden... more
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      Indo-european language reconstructionGreek LanguageSlavic LanguagesGermanic linguistics
Latin words for major body parts are given here and illustrated by Latin and English labeling on images. It is a visual vocabulary aid for Latin learners. Last adjustments made on May 16, 2021. For fuller vocabulary lists see Key Latin... more
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      Latin Language and LiteratureHistory of AnatomyLatin LanguageAnatomy
Las lenguas indoeuropeas son lenguas flexivas: esto significa que tienen declinaciones y conjugaciones. Los casos caracterizan la flexión nominal en griego y en latín, de manera que declinando un nombre y, por tanto, cambiando sus... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsGreek LanguageSyntaxMorphosyntax
Dictionnaire Latin – Français. Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée, dite Gaffiot 2016, version V. M. Komarov établie sous la direction de Gérard Gréco
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      ClassicsLatin Language
Più che l’archetipo del ‘genere’ autobiografico, le Confessioni di Agostino sono un esempio straordinario di riflessione sul narrare, sul come e perché tanto la parola umana, quanto quella divina, entrino a far parte di un racconto. Per... more
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      Latin LiteratureAugustine of HippoNarrative TheoryLatin Language
I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm e le copie fotostatiche) sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Le fotocopie per uso personale... more
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      Latin Language and LiteratureLatin LanguageDidactics of Latin and GreekDidattica Del Latino
This is the Final Exam I administered for my Latin 1 class at Oakdale Academy (Waterford, MI) during the Spring 2015 Trimester. The students worked through Lesson 25 of the Henle 1 Latin course.
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      ClassicsLatin Language and LiteratureLatin EpigraphyClassical philology
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      Ancient HistoryPhilosophyChurch HistoryAncient Near East
Preface; I. Artistry and symbol; II. A marriage at Carthage; III. Pallas and Aeneas: two sons; IV. Aeneas and Turnus: sons and lovers; V. Eros and Politics: the roman resonance;Abbreviations.
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      PhilologyClassicsLatin LiteratureVergil
This course aims to introduce the students to Classical Latin. Latin was the academic language in the Western world for centuries: philosophy, history, medicine, etc. were all written in Latin. Since this is the case, even though the... more
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    • Latin Language
Los estudios sobre epigrafía latina en verso han recibido una creciente atención en los últimos años. Esta monografía, dedicada a los Carmina Latina Epigraphica de Hispania y Roma, es la primera en la que se aborda el estudio de la... more
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      PhilologyClassicsLatin Language and LiteratureLatin Epigraphy
URL: U biobibliografskom članku donose se detaljni podaci o životu i djelovanju znamenitog hrvatskog humanista Fausta Vrančića (1551-1617). (Dostupno samo on-line.) / Biobibliographical entry on... more
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyIntellectual HistoryClassics
Este artículo es una breve aproximación a la vida y la obra literaria de la escritora alemana Roswitha de Gandersheim en el siglo X. Destacan sus leyendas, dramas y poemas épicos escritos en lengua latina
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval Latin LiteratureLatin Language
This paper aims at describing the characteristics of the present participle structures depending on perception verbs in Latin. The functional development and the diffusion of these structures will be investigated in a corpus of Latin... more
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      Latin LanguageEvidentialityLatin linguisticsRomance Languages
Co-author: Dr Nicholas Zair (Peterhouse, Cambridge)
Please note that these are the uncorrected proofs.
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      History of Latin LanguageRoman ReligionLatin EpigraphyRoman Britain
Handout for talk given at the University of Newcastle, Australia on May 20, 2011
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      Latin Language and LiteratureLatin LanguageInterjectionsLatin Grammar
In the course of 1580, Agostino Valier, a bishop of Verona, conducted an apostolic visitation to Istrian dioceses. The report on the visitation represents an historic source of great importance for the knowledge of late 16th century... more
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      Latin languagesGreek LanguageCatholic StudiesCyprus Studies
For those who have little or no Latin, and little or no formal background in grammar, but who seek an immediate experience with the greatest work produced by a Roman poet, in the original language.
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      Augustan PoetryLatin LanguageVirgilVirgil's Aeneid
Perhaps the best available Latin vocabulary book, with over 6200 items and a considerable selection of proverbs. This text can be a useful standard for all levels. It is appropriate for use with any Latin textbook, and it incorporates... more
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      ClassicsProverbsLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philology
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      Historical LinguisticsHistory of Latin LanguageSyntaxRomance historical syntax
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      Historical LinguisticsMultilingualismMiddle EnglishEnglish language
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      Latin LanguageRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documents
Una serie di incontri, rivolti agli studenti della prima classe di un Liceo Linguistico di Viareggio, finalizzati a reinventare la didattica del latino grazie all’ausilio della gamification - spesso in BYOD -, del cooperative learning e... more
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      Latin LiteratureEducationEducational TechnologyLanguages and Linguistics