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2000, Hephaistos
11 pages
1 file
要旨 中央アジアにおける現生人類の出現過程の研究に資するべく、ウズベキスタン南部で洞窟遺跡 の踏査をおこなった。調査地はサマルカンドの南約 50 km、アライ山脈西端部に位置するカシュ カダリヤ渓谷である。その南山麓約 5 km×25 km、標高 800 m-1200 m の範囲を調べた。2014 年の 4 月 16 日-5 月 6 日の踏査中、全部で 13 の洞窟を記録した。それらの利用時期を調べたと ころ、完新世と旧人がいた中期旧石器時代に集中していることが判明した。すなわち、現生人類 が登場したとされる後期旧石器時代の遺跡を欠いていた。この傾向が当該地域の人口史を反映し ているのか、踏査の予備的性格を示しているのか、あるいは浸食作用によるものか等、その背景 を調べていく必要がある。
Rock Art Research, 2020
This text represents an overview of the results of the extensive surface survey, conducted in the hinterland of the site of Burgut Kurgan, south Uzbekistan, during its excavations in 2015. The basic data on the settlements , kurgans and related phenomena are presented here, as well as a preliminary interpretation of the whole as a complex cultural landscape of the Late Bronze / Early Iron Age.
This report focuses on a group of petroglyphs that were recently discovered and documented near the village of Zarabag in the Sherabad District (south Uzbekistan). Although the prehistoric and early medieval petro-glyphs rank among the most well-known and studied phenomena in the archaeology of Central Asia, they have been virtually unknown in south Uzbekistan. The group consists of 42 individual stones with rock art that have been recently found, carefully documented and preliminarily analysed. This paper offers a brief description of the site, and of the individual petroglyphs, their basic typology and preliminary dating as well as a spatial analysis.
INORA, 62, 2012, p.15-20
Radiocarbon, 2010
The Obi-Rakhmat Grotto is one of the key Paleolithic sites in Central Asia. Archaeological excavations have revealed 22 strata containing archaeological materials. Lithic assemblages from all cultural layers display features similar to both late Middle Paleolithic blade industries and early Upper Paleolithic complexes in Southwest Asia and the Siberian Altai Mountains; this suggests a gradual Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition occurred in western Central Asia. Hominid remains found at Obi-Rakhmat (layer 16) show a mixture of archaic and modern traits. Different chronometric methods (radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence [OSL], U-series, and electron spin resonance [ESR]) were applied to the…
This report represents an overview of the archaeological data that were acquired by the extensive archae‐ ological surface survey conducted by the Czech ‐Uzbek team in the Baysun Mountains, south Uzbekistan, especially on the ridges of Sarymas, Susiztag and Alamli, as well as in the adjacent valleys, in spring 2017. The work focused predominantly on the detecting of ancient roads, fortifications and places of refuge.
This text summarizes the preliminary results of the first season of archaeological excavations at the site of Burgut Kurgan in Pashkhurt Valley, south Uzbekistan, which were conducted by the Czech-Uzbekistani-French team in 2015. The site represents a unique walled settlement of the transitional period between the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age of southern Central Asia.
Urban Cultures of Central Asia from the Bronze Age to the Karakhanids Learnings and conclusions from new archaeological investigations and discoveries, 2019
For more than 15 years, two French archaeological expeditions, together with both an Uzbek (MAFOuz-Protohistoire) and a Turkmen (MAFTUR) team, have been leading excavations at two major protohistoric sites of Central Asia: Dzharkutan and Ulug-depe. These two sites are representative of the Oxus Civilisation, or Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex (BMAC). They testify to the development of complex cities, surrounded by fortification walls, that included living quarters, storage and handicrafts areas, as well as more notable buildings – interpreted as palaces and temples – that reflect strong social hierarchies. The finest arts and crafts are associated with this urbanism, including mainly metallurgy, the working of fine stones, and very standardised pottery production. All these elements situate these cities within a larger exchange network that included the neighbouring civilisations of the Indus Valley and the Iranian Plateau. In this paper, we will reflect on these various elements by putting into perspective the results of our recent excavations at Dzharkutan and Ulug-depe.
Politics, Technology and the Media: the originality of Walter Benjamin, 2010
Brain Behavior and Immunity Integrative, 2024
1895. Mille huit cent quatre-vingt-quinze. Revue de l'association française de recherche sur l'histoire du cinéma, 2009
Archives de sciences sociales des religions, 2021
Democratization, 2020
Asian Review of Financial Research
Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 2012
Jornal Brasileiro de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis, 2010
The American Journal of Pathology, 2000
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 1993