Recent papers in Sling
Introduction and hypothesis We created a rat model with a retroflexed bladder that mimicked the loss of the posterior urethrovesical angle and compared the results with shamsurgery rats for the establishment of rat models of stress... more
The single interrupted sling suturing technique is the technique of choice when the goal of therapy is to reposition one of the surgical flaps at a particular occlusal apical level that is independent of the other gingival tissue height.... more
Wushu ed arte rupestre cinese. Appunti di studio delle evidenze artistico-rupestri cinesi relazionabili alla storia ed alle iconografie del Wushu. Questa raccolta di appunti è inerente allo studio delle evidenze rupestri dei siti della... more
Data on a pre-contact missile hurling sling recovered from Coyote Cave, SW Coahuila, and probable rock art depictions of slings in Coahuila. posting #5. Update for: Slings & Slingstones, The Forgotten Weapons of Oceania and... more
The thesis aims to put the draft into the practice for further substantial research into the sling missiles in the Near East which has been made in the prior bachelor thesis. The presented work will try to establish a first morphological... more
Updates, comparative data (British Isles, Mediterranean, etc.) & comments to York & York 2011 relating to: Oceania; South America; injuries; trepanning; ballistics; and combat.
Lead sling bullets are often inscribed with the personal names of military commanders of a unit of slingers. Archaeological sites that have yielded such projectiles provide an opportunity to link the names attested with historical figures... more
El estudio y análisis del complejo sistema de fosos del yacimiento de Los Castellazos, en Mediana de Aragón, Zaragoza, ha llevado a identificar a la honda como una de las armas más utilizadas por la república de Roma para el ataque y... more
Objective: To determine the force requirements, optimal vector, and appropriate materials of a novel eyelid sling device that will be used to rehabilitate eyelid closure (blink) in congenital or acquired permanent facial paralysis with an... more
El estudio y análisis del complejo sistema de fosos del yacimiento de Los Castellazos, en Mediana de Aragón, Zaragoza, ha llevado a identificar a la honda como una de las armas más utilizadas por la república de Roma para el ataque y... more
Rezension zu: Peter Robertson, Iron Age Hillfort Defences and the Tactics of Sling Warfare. Archaeopress, Oxford 2016. £ 25,–. ISBN 978-1-78491-410-3. (gedruckte Ausgabe). £ 19,–. ISBN 978-1- 78491-411-0. (E-Book). xii + 132 Seiten mit 89... more
Prak v antike so zameraním na Grécko a Rím V nasledujúcich riadkoch by som sa rád, aspoň čiastočne priblížil prak a jeho využitie z vojenského hľadiska v priestore starovekého sveta, a to najmä s ohľadom na Stredomorie.
The wide variety of hemiplegicsling designs, the lack of a uniform approach to sling selection, and the paucity of research data in this area have tended to make prescribing a sling a subjective process. Based on clinical experience and a... more
To compare the efficacy of two surgical treatments for male urinary stress incontinence: adjustable continence therapy (ProACT) and bone anchored male sling (BAMS). Methods: Eighty-four consecutive post radical prostatectomy incontinent... more
The slingshots from Serbia are exceptional proof of the employment of slingers in this part of the Roman empire. Unfortunately, the provenance of the lead sling-shots from the National Museum in Belgrade is mostly unknown, but all are of... more
An intravesical exposed mesh may result from an unrecognized bladder perforation or from bladder erosion after a mid-urethral sling procedure performed to treat a stress urinary incontinence. Introduction of trans-obturator tape and... more
Objectives. To identify factors affecting outcome after the male sling procedure for stress urinary incontinence. Methods. A total of 46 incontinent men, with a mean age of 67 years, underwent perineal bone-anchored male sling placement.... more
Health professionals handling patients are known to be at risk of sustaining work related low back injuries. It is not known whether the use of lifting slings reduces the risk of injury to the lumbar spine for patient handlers. This study... more
В статье приводятся подробное описание и классификация каменных метательных ядер, обнаруженных в ходе археологических раскопок на территории Белинского городища в 1996-2017 гг. Автор опирается на типологию, предложенную Д.В. Журавлевым и... more
Health professionals handling patients are known to be at risk of sustaining work related low back injuries. It is not known whether the use of lifting slings reduces the risk of injury to the lumbar spine for patient handlers. This study... more
Bulking agents provide an alternative option in the management of women with stress urinary incontinence and they seem to have an important role in the management flow chart of SUI. However, evidence on this issue is scanty. The most... more
The aim of this study was to compare a modified Burch procedure with a suburethral sling for the treatment of stress incontinence complicated by a low-pressure urethra. STUDY DESIGN: Thirty-six women with stress incontinence, low-pressure... more
To determine the force requirements, optimal vector, and appropriate materials of a novel eyelid sling device that will be used to rehabilitate eyelid closure (blink) in congenital or acquired permanent facial paralysis with an artificial... more
The study objective was to review the existing literature regarding complications of anti-incontinence sling procedures. PubMed listings using keywords related to slings and associated complications with no date or language restrictions... more
Background and Objectives: The most common meshrelated complication experienced by patients undergoing transvaginal polypropylene synthetic slings for stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and transvaginal pelvic organ prolapse (POP) repair... more
Background: Although surgical techniques for radical prostatectomy (RP) have been refined significantly, a significant number of patients still suffer from persisting postprostatectomy stress urinary incontinence (SUI). In recent years,... more
Bulking agents provide an alternative option in the management of women with stress urinary incontinence and they seem to have an important role in the management flow chart of SUI. However, evidence on this issue is scanty. The most... more