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The weaving of fiction through the framework of history can be a challenging occupation. My interest in writing maritime historical fiction or adventure stories inspired by the French voyages of discovery to the Indian and Pacific Oceans... more
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      French HistoryIntertextualityAdventure LiteratureHistorical Fiction
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      World LiteraturesTranslation StudiesHistory of the BookPeriodical Studies
Originally conceived as an adaptation of the works of Jules Verne by Hayao Miyazaki and eventually developed by Hideaki Anno and the studio Gainax, Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water (1990 - 1991) acts as one of the clearest examples of the... more
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      Science FictionSteampunkAdaptation (Film Studies)Japanese Popular Culture
This article examines Olivier Rolin's use of stream of consciousness narration in L'invention du monde (1993). It draws upon philosophers Peter Sloterdijk and Paul Virilio to propose that the novel—with its obsessions for information,... more
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      Jorge Luis BorgesPeter SloterdijkCritical CartographyGoogle Earth
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural HistoryFuture StudiesComparative Literature
This paper examines three novels which offer their own visions of the death of Classics. These three visions--Louis-Sébastien Mercier’s Memoirs of the Year 2440 (1770), Jules Verne’s Paris in the Twentieth Century ( written in 1863,... more
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      Classical Reception StudiesAncient Greek LanguageJules VerneLouis-Sebastien Mercier
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    • Jules Verne
Among all the books classed as “boys’ literature,” Jules Verne’s 1870 novel, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, maintains its position as one of the most-read and best-remembered adventure tales. Despite truncated and inept translations, and... more
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      Reader-Response TheoryScience Fiction StudiesJules VerneFreudian Literary Theory
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    • Jules Verne
Muito se discute atualmente sobre a importância da inter e da transdisciplinaridade no trabalho com a educação. O conhecimento fragmentado nas disciplinas escolares, ao invés de facilitar a compreensão de mundo do educando, acaba por... more
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      Jules VerneEnsino de GeografiaGeografia e LIteraturaEducação Geográfica
El presente es un resumen de mi extenso libro en el que se intenta crear un puente entre el connotado escritor francés Jules Verne y las sociedades secretas de su época, especialmente la Francmasonería.
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      Filosofía de la religiónFilosofíaLiteratura FrancesaJules Verne
In this thrilling adventure tale by the father of science fiction, three men embark on an epic journey under the sea with the mysterious Captain Nemo aboard his submarine, the Nautilus. Over the course of their fantastical voyage, they... more
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      Non Fiction WritingMythology And FolkloreHistoryOceanography
This translation was part of a larger project I did in Professor Losensky’s translation theory course in the Spring of 2014 at Indiana University. I also wrote an analytical paper considering the development and cultural contexts of the... more
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      French LiteratureTranslation Studies19th Century French LiteratureTranslation
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      Gender StudiesHistory of the BookGenreThe Historical Novel
"En 1994, un manuscrit inédit de Jules Verne dont la rédaction remonte à 1863 est retrouvé dans une caisse oubliée par les descendants du romancier. La découverte de Paris au XXe siècle remet en question la conception couramment acceptée... more
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      Urban Studies19th Century French LiteratureLittérature FrançaiseJules Verne
Voyages extraordinaires", tel est le titre donné en 1866 à l'oeuvre romanesque de Jules Verne qui est alors présentée dans un "Avertissement de l'éditeur" précédant la réédition des Voyages et aventures du capitaine Hatteras. Cette... more
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      Jules VerneFantastique
Was Jules Verne a freemason?
The present paper explores Verne's life in order to find enough elements allowing an approach to the brotherhood of Freemasons.
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      19th Century French LiteratureFreemasonryLiteratura FrancesaLittérature Française
RESUMO: Este texto discute a relação interdiscursiva entre o literário e o científico, isto é, entre os discursos de Jules Verne e aqueles de Lavater e Gall, tomando como corpus os retratos dos personagens dos romances Cinco semanas num... more
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      RacismoLiteratura FrancesaJules VerneInterdiscurso
In wisselende mate van virtuositeit beheersen wij drie talen: de taal van de beelden, de taal van de woorden en de taal van de getallen. In wetenschappelijk onderzoek tekent zich echter een onmiskenbaar verlangen af om beelden door... more
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      Jungian psychologyGaston BachelardLiterature And SciencePsychoanalysis And Literature
Katalogbeitrag zur Ausstellung JO, L'ARXIDUC. El desig d'anar més lluny. CASA SOLLERIC 28.02.-14.06.2015, PALMA DE MALLORCA. Un arxiduc amb mètode. Lluis Salvador el cientific pp.112-125; Un archiduque con método. Luis Salvador el... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyHistory of ScienceLinguistics
This monograph presents a psychoanalytical assessment of technoscience. The first four chapters provide a short introduction into the psychoanalysis of technoscience, its basic concepts and methods, as developed Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceJacques LacanGaston BachelardB.F. Skinner
Viaggio al centro della Terra.
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    • Jules Verne
Cette bibliographie de base des études sur Jues Verne est divisée en quatre parties. Les bibliographies et ouvrages de référence, les études générales (avec quelques thèses de doctorat), les études sur des romans spécifiques, et un choix... more
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      Science FictionStudiesJules VerneNautilus
Mondialisation, globalisation, nouvelles technologies, changements environnementaux, notre époque semble voir le temps s'accélérer. Et pourtant, pour nous qui sommes nés avec l'automobile, l'avion, la télévision et qui avons vu l'homme se... more
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      Connected HistoryGlobal HistoryJules Verne
A late nineteenth-century renaissance in French organ building partitioned organist, organ, and audience while expanding the instrument’s size and adding "swell" boxes shuttering pipes from public view. In theater, concert, and church... more
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      MusicMusicologyQueer StudiesQueer Theory
Resumen En 1887, el cura párroco de Rennes-le-Château, un minúsculo y humilde poblado del sur de Francia, hace un descubrimiento que cambia porcompleto la historia del lugar: unos manuscritos que lo conducen a un fabuloso y misterioso... more
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      French LiteratureLiteratura FrancesaLittérature FrançaiseJules Verne
We tend to identify “real” knowledge of nature with science, and for good reasons. The sciences have developed unique ways of disclosing and modifying the intricate workings of nature, building on quantitative, experimental and... more
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      Gaston BachelardLiterature And ScienceLiterature and PhilosophyEnvironmental Hermeneutics
Quando parla dei viaggi narrati dall’amato Jules Verne, Italo Calvino dichiara di prediligere gli scenari «sotterranei» descritti in testi come "Le Indie nere" e "Viaggio al centro della Terra". L’autore della lezione sulla "Leggerezza",... more
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      GeographyItalian LiteratureSigmund FreudDante
el 1909, quattro anni dopo la sua morte. apparve I naufraghi del Jonathan, in cui egli inserisce un personaggio, centrale per il racconto, il Kaw-djer, che è presentato come anarchico e stavolta senza giri di parole, fin dal primo... more
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      NarrativaAnarchyJules VerneLibertà E Anarchia
L'acte de se référer à quelqu'un d'autre est à la fois le plus naturel et le plus courant. Dans le discours scientifique, la référence est un outil essentiel qui permet de renvoyer à des travaux précédents et de faire avancer la recherche... more
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      Science FictionJules Verne
Cet ouvrage, issu d'une recherche archivistique ponctuelle effectuée dans le cadre d'une plus vaste thèse de doctorat sur la Nouvelle Géographie universelle, contient la première édition critique et commentée des lettres que se sont... more
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      AnarchismAnarchist StudiesHistory of AnarchismHistory of Geographic Thought
Snæfellsjökull is one of Iceland’s most famous volcanoes. It is there that Jules Verne located the entrance to the centre of the earth; it is the abode of a medieval saga hero and the location of one of Halldór Laxness’s novels.... more
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      ReligionPlace and IdentitySpace and PlaceCultural Landscapes
Résumé : Si les Voyages extraordinaires sont une somme des connaissances de la science moderne, ils sont aussi le témoignage de la passion de Jules Verne pour la géographie en particulier. Géographe amateur, passionné de voyages, Verne a... more
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      GeographyFrench LiteratureLiteratureLitterature de Voyages
Die Textur von fleckigem Antikleder, durch Berührung polierte Messingbeschläge, bizarre dampfbetriebene Apparaturen, eine Fusion von viktorianischer Industrialisierung und futuristischer Technologie: Was sich in den späten 1980er Jahren... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesGenre studiesFantasy (Film Studies)
Este capítulo de libro estudia tanto la dimensión de divulgador científico de la obra de Jules Verne, como las preocupaciones ético-sociales de este novelista francés visionario ante el materialismo resultante de las innumerables... more
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      Science FictionFantastic LiteratureJules VerneScientific Popularization
The Moon as a possible social utopia is the central focus in two fin-de-siècle literary productions that draw inspiration from Jules Verne’s De la Terre à la Lune: Pierre de Sélènes’s novel Un monde inconnu. Deux ans sur la Lune,... more
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      Comparative LiteratureItalian StudiesModern Italian PoetryJules Verne
Certains genres populaires sont hybrides : roman d'aventures et mœurs chez Eugène Sue, aventures et science-fiction chez Jules Verne, aventures et récit policier chez Jules Mary, énigme et fantastique chez Gaston Leroux.
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      Science FictionJules VerneAnticipationRoman D'Aventures
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      World LiteraturesTravel WritingCosmopolitanismPeriodical Studies
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      North Africa StudiesFrench colonialismMaghreb studiesBerber studies
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      Japanese StudiesTranslation StudiesJapanese LiteratureJules Verne
Andes 1. ¿La ciencia: una religión? No sólo la masonería sino los viajes, las lecturas, la enciclopedia y muy particularmente la Ciencia marcada por la corriente positivista de la época van a moldear al famoso escritor. Y es que el siglo... more
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      ReligionCienciaJules VerneEsoterismo
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      French colonialismTuareg Pastoral NomadsTuaregJules Verne
In August 1907, the Spanish writer Emilia Pardo Bazán took up residence at Torres de Meirás, even as the finishing touches were still being put on the new abode. Thirteen years on from laying the first stone, the famous author was anxious... more
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      ArchitectureMuseum StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesLiterature
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      Jungian psychologyGaston BachelardArchetypesCarl Gustav Jung
Julian Charrière-Towards No Earthly Pole Edited by Dehlia Hannah Julian Charrière deploys a drone’s uncanny perspective in search of a critical optic through which to encounter glacial landscapes. Under the dark of night, Towards No... more
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      GlaciologyClimate ChangeFilm StudiesPolar Studies
Ludvík Salvátor, se narodil 4. srpna 1847 ve Florencii a zemřel 12. října 1915 na zámku Brandýs nad Labem v Čechách. Ludvík byl titulární arcivévoda Toskánský, ještě jako malý princ pobýval krátce u rodičů v Ostrově, kam se s nimi ve věku... more
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      Baleares /Balearic IslandsJules VerneTuscany
In this text I would like to show through two examples how the philosophical readings of films like Alien (R. Scott, 1968) or Wanted (T. Bekmambetov, 2008) as practiced by Mulhall have contributed in a crucial manner to the contemporary... more
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      Philosophy of FilmFilm-PhilosophyStanley CavellRalph Waldo Emerson
Ihre Konturen hat das Licht auf die Fotoplatte gezeichnet. Wer sie sind, weiß ich nicht. Und der Fotograf? Vermutlich auch nicht. Sie wandten ihm jedenfalls nahezu alle den Rücken zu. Das Foto hielt vor allem den Ort fest, »Recreation.... more
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      Architectural HistoryUrbanismArchitectural TheoryHistory of mathematics education
A look at how these authors blend art and science to find reason in times of chaos Elizabeth Rose Michel Serres n'est pas un critique littéraire. Là où le critique juge et défait une oeuvre, il y trace des relations. Sa philosophie... more
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      Critical Theory19th Century French LiteratureJules Verne
"Entre 1853 et 1870, de multiples quartiers de la ville sont éventrés pour permettre la mise en place de nouveaux boulevards par le baron Haussmann, préfet de Paris sous Napoléon III. Ces travaux majeurs ont frappé l’imaginaire social et... more
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      Urban Studies19th Century French LiteratureFin de Siecle Literature & CultureFrench Second Empire