Pop Art
Recent papers in Pop Art
In the spring of 1968, J. G. Ballard drafted an eight-page outline for a multi-media 'science theatre presentation' called 'Crash!' It was to be performed at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA). Although the event was teasingly... more
Essay from Catalogue " Walasse Ting, the Flower Thief" . Exhibition held at Musee Cernuschi, Paris, October 2016-February 2017. In the article I try to understand how such an important artist, actively engaged with some of the most... more
Introduction to the 'Warhol & Europe' Special Issue of the Journal of European Popular Culture
One of the biggest art movements of the 20th Century, Pop Art has been shaped by the demands of consumer society. In contrast to the elitist conception of art, postmodernism used popular images and became the art of consumer society.... more
Sanat akımlarından POP-ART hakkında derlediğim rapor.
The paper examines the “Andy Warhol” Millennium Show exhibited at the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg in 2000 and at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow in 2001. It first discusses why the U.S. government organized... more
Gli artisti Squarci e Scalet con il nome di HackaTao si muovono lungo il cammino che dagli anni '60 e dalla cultura Pop arriva al Pop Surrealismo contemporaneo. Richiamando momenti importanti della storia dell'arte recente sviluppano i... more
Yale Editor's Note: This new interpretation of the structure and meaning of the Happenings produced by Allan Kaprow (1927–2006) and Claes Oldenburg (b. 1929) in the late 1950s and 1960s sheds light on the context, theoretical... more
Catalogue entry on collective artists book 1 Cent Life, edited by Walasse Ting, Sam Francis and Eberhard Kornfeld in 1964 .From the English version of the catalogue Walasse Ting, the Flower Thief, Musee Cernuschi, 2016. The book is a... more
Art review of Jean-Jacques Lebel : L’Outrepasseur at the Centre Pompidou
Guglielmo Achille Cavellini (Brescia 1914 - 1990) costituì una delle più importanti collezioni italiane d'arte contemporanea; continuamente aggiornata ad iniziare dagli anni Cinquanta, dalle tendenze astratte europee fino alla New York... more
Hace cien años, en un día como hoy, un químico de veinticuatro años inventó los Estados Unidos de América. John T. Dorrance era el nombre de este héroe del capitalismo, cuya nación no le ha rendido aún los honores del caso. Para hacerle... more
O presente trabalho buscou traçar, de forma sucinta, mas não superficial, os caminhos da Pop Art enquanto um novo período da História da Arte Contemporânea. Evidenciar seus preceitos, e principalmente as rupturas que ela trouxe, ao ser... more
This paper seeks to situate architecture between the ridiculous and the profound using pop art as a medium. Andy Warhol’s “piss paintings” also known as Oxidation paintings are the subject of study in this paper. A recent call to design a... more
Ever since Linda Nochlin's seminal essay asked Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? feminist scholars have undertaken the daunting task of re-positioning history's forgotten women artists. Among them is Jann Haworth born in 1942 in... more
İnsan kişiliği, geçmişten günümüze araştırmacıların merakını canlı tutan bir konu olmuştur. Kişilikle alakalı farklı görüş ve teoriler öne sürülmüş, her biri kişiliği kendi bakış açısıyla irdeleyip yorumlayan pek çok kuram ortaya... more
Marcel Duchamp’s controversial decision to produce an edition of replicas of his best-known readymades in 1964 remains one of the more puzzling and unexpected moves in a career already identified with defiance and provocation. Duchamp’s... more
A közel fél évszázada Szentendrén élő ef Zámbó István nonkonformista, formabontó művész. Ösztönösen, műfaji megkötöttségek nélkül dolgozik: rajzol, fest, szobrokat formál, szövegeket ír, filmeket forgat, zenél, performanszokat,... more
In the US context Fluxus is understood as an advance of the '60s radicalism. The assumption that Fluxus was opposed to consumption culture, as that embodied by Pop art, is among the interpretations that renew such a view. Examining the... more
La particularité de cette présentation est de mettre en avant des images qui ne sont pas directement réalisées par Warhol. En partant d’images d’archives qui témoignent de la vie à la Factory (et au-delà), nous mettrons en avant plusieurs... more
En este trabajo se pretende abordar la compleja figura de Salvador Dalí en relación con las artes y sus diferentes manifestaciones. Así como las analogías con otros artistas de su tiempo. En el trabajo se compara las miradas de este... more
დღესდღეისობით რეკლამა ჩვენს ცხოვრებაში დიდ როლს თამაშობს. სადაც არ უნდა იყმყოფებოდეს ადამიანი, იგი მუდმივად გარშემოცულია სარეკლამო შეტყობინებებით. წარმოების, ვაჭრობის, მასმედიის განვითარებამ უკვე XX საუკუნის შუა ხანაში დასავლურ სამყაროში... more
A Roma nel 1970 Achille Bonito Oliva e Graziella Lonardi inaugurano la stagione delle mostre organizzate dagli Incontri Internazionali d’Arte. È l’inizio di un percorso che li vedrà attraversare il decennio in una città che ripensa i suoi... more
Andy Warhol’s peeling banana sticker and large signature on the cover of The Velvet Underground and Nico’s eponymous album is one of the most famous of fine artist/musician record cover collaborations. It wasn’t however Warhol’s first... more
In May 1979, a conflict arose in Amsterdam: the makers of the exhibition American Punk Art clashed with local artists, who disagreed with how the curators portrayed the punk movement in their promotion of the show. The conflict lays open... more
Postmedia Books 2021 _ isbn 9788874902934 _ _ Andy Warhol l'artista, Andy Warhol il filmaker, Andy Warhol il divo tra i divi. Dell'artista si è conosciuto ogni sfaccettatura della sua produzione: dai primi passi nel campo pubblicitario... more
Donald Judd’s first solo show, held at the Green Gallery in 1963, marks the beginning of his Minimal art. Concurrently with that exhibition, Judd published “Kansas City Report” in Arts Magazine. The article reveals his interest in... more
Catalogue text for the exhibition of Gyula Konkoly, hungarian contemporary artist. (Detail from the catalogue) - Hungarian and English
In Eduardo Costa's Fashion Fictions, a series begun in 1966, he has objects made that look like jewelry (including ears, toes, and strands of hair, all in 24k gold), but that are not actually meant to be worn. Instead, they function as... more
A più di trent'anni dalla scomparsa, il volume offre un approfondimento su Renato Guttuso (1911-1987), uno dei massimi protagonisti del dibattito artistico del secondo dopoguerra italiano. Attraverso una serie di interventi che mettono in... more