Impact of Brics on Global Governance
Recent papers in Impact of Brics on Global Governance
A study on integration among stock markets from different countries having an enormous importance in a globalised economic world. Being an awful economic force BRICS group of nations can change the economic climate of the world, if they... more
The BRICS-Lawyers Guide to BRICS Texts and Materials presents a first systematic compendium of the most important texts and materials that have emerged from the cooperation among the BRICS member states. This compilation has been brought... more
Abstract (English) This paper analyzes the multilateral Brazilian foreign policy, making the country a regional pivot in Latin America, a leading nation among developing countries, and an emerging world power. Without the status of... more
This working paper surveys various debate around the emergence of the BRICS as economic and political players on the global stage in the last 15 years. In economic terms the paper traverses accounts of the future dominance of the BRICS of... more
This article comparatively analyzes the rising and diversifying economic, industrial and political roles of the five key growing economy giants called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) that have been glorified with... more
The BRICS is characterised as an extremely heterogeneous international cooperation model which demonstrates a high level of complexity as it is composed of countries having different cultural backgrounds which adapt their differences into... more
The BRICS is a label for a group of five large developing countries, including South Africa, China, India, Russia, and Brazil. They are distinguished from other promising economies by their economic and demographic potentials that rank... more
Chinese and Russian universities are increasingly drawn into center-periphery repositioning, as they compete for symbolic, financial, and intellectual resources locally and globally. However, their strategies on national and institutional... more
Over the past two decades, China, Russia, and India have hammered out four types of reactions to problems posed by developed nations of the West in the fields of technology, international doctrine, and security strategy. Some of those... more
O artigo examina a confirmação multipolar da distribuição global do poder econômico, onde importantes países de segunda ordem são objeto de interesse dentro da cambiante sociedade internacional. Neste sentido, o texto estuda algumas das... more
This paper aims at describing if, in a context of global gridlock and emerging issues such as climate change, a decisive role could be played by the BRICS (Brazil,
In a moment of great global uncertainty, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are increasing their standing worldwide. Despite several areas that still undermine their credibility on the world stage and... more
This socio-cultural article has emerged as a result of continuous civilization clashes 1 in the world.
At seventy, the United Nations (UN) is facing wider array of concerns and the responsibility to protect mankind against man-made and natural disasters. The UN System and Agencies are today characterized by the fluidity of Western cultural... more
This essay is included in a book that provides the readers with a balanced narrative from different perceptions of the recent evolution of international relations affecting global governance. Overall, these essays represent more than an... more
Soğuk savaşın hâkim olduğu 20. yüzyıl, 21. yüzyıla önemli etkiler yapmıştır. Büyük Buhran, İkinci Dünya Savaşı, petrol krizleri ve ekonomik bunalımlara sahne olan 20. yüzyıl Sovyetlerin dağılmasının ardından tek kutuplu dünya düzenin... more
This chapter analyses the implementation of the BRICS mandate in the spheres of global security and reshaping the world order as well as ongoing institutionalisation of BRICS. First of all, the term “institutionalisation” itself appears... more
Recent developments on the global arena heavily influenced the perception of BRICS both from within the member countries and from the outside. The debate as to whether to expand BRICS mandate to the sphere of global security represents an... more
The article suggests a thorough analysis of the evolution of the BRICS idea and concept in the context of international power game and sources of its current role and place on the world arena. It further considers Russia’s approaches to... more
In their 75 years of existence, the twin institutions born at the Bretton Woods Conference have undergone adaptation and transformation in response to the evolution of the world economy and the challenges it has posed to them. More... more
Brasil ganó un lugar destacado en el escenario mundial, no por ser el quinto país del mundo en población y extensión territorial, sino también por su progresiva expansión económica, que registra, por ejemplo, el crecimiento de su PIB a un... more
Las encuestas para la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales en Brasil señalaban un empate técnico entre la actual presidenta y candidata del Partido de los Trabajadores, Dilma Rousseff y el candidato Aécio Neves de la Social... more
The essay represents an analysis of the political component and its importance for the BRICS grouping. The author scrutinizes various approaches to security and global governance within BRICS, points of view expressed by both leaders of... more
This article analyses the evolution of Chinese political foreign policy and its strategy in approaching developing and less developed nations. In this context, the relationship between China and Latin America appears to reveal the... more
In the international trade and development arena, new and developing economies have created a block that is known as BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Initially conceived to drive global change through economic... more
and South Africa signalled the maturing of the financial relationships among the partners of the "club." These relationships have acquired a heightened profile through the Cape Town Declaration whereby the BRICS Ministers of Science and... more
The BRICS is characterised as an extremely heterogeneous international cooperation model which demonstrates a high level of complexity as it is composed of countries having different cultural backgrounds which adapt their differences into... more
International relations system in contemporary conditions does not presuppose the existence of a universal, generally accepted world order model. Concepts of the modern global order can stand in marked contrast to each other: the idea of... more
A confiança no sucesso da integração europeia e a expectativa de que o euro rivalizaria - senão superaria - com o dólar como moeda internacional de fato era inversamente proporcional à crise de confiança nos mercados emergentes de um... more