Soft Power
Recent papers in Soft Power
As an emerging regional power, Turkey’s soft power and public diplomacy are attracting the attention of researchers in recent years. One of the principal elements of Turkish soft power and public diplomacy are religious diplomacy run by... more
Soft power and nation branding are essential factors for a state to communicate with global audiences around the world. A state's investments in public diplomacy, and nation branding campaigns can prove to be effective in terms of... more
From Chinese Brand Culture to Global Brands uses a Chinese perspective to examine the capacity of Chinese brand culture to serve as a complement to existing models of brand globalization. Moving away from the trend to study the... more
In the age of disruption and in today’s platform society (Van Dijck et al., 2019), communication between nation states is influenced by the development of technology. The nation state is responding to the new communication environment... more
(If you need this paper, send me a message). This article questions the universality of smart power and substantiates the pertinence of a Costa Rican approach when facing the challenge to generate a Public Diplomacy strategy. The... more
Richard C. Bush's Hong Kong in the shadow of China: Living with the Leviathan (2016) represents an important study on post-"Handover" Hong Kong focusing on the making of the 2014 Occupy Campaign and Umbrella Movement and the impact on the... more
During President Barack Obama's visit to India last year he was invited to plant a Peepal tree sapling at the Samadhi of Mahatma Gandhi. The Peepal tree also knows as the " Bo " tree in Sanskrit is a sacred and pivotal symbol of the... more
The military diplomacy has increasingly occupied a wider space in Nepal-India bilateral ties. It has been an effective soft power instrument to convey the message of alive relationship, to bond the ties stronger and to revive the strained... more
Соискатель кафедры мировых политических процессов МГИМО(У) МИД России, советник посольства РФ в Латвии [email protected] ул. Антонияс, 2, Рига LV-1010, Латвия Сафранчук Иван Алексеевич Кандидат политических наук, доцент, заместитель... more
Al Jazeera English: Global News in a Changing World, edited by Philip Seib, is an important book that provides a fresh analytical perspective grounded in a solid overview of the rising news channel. As Al Jazeera expands its audience in... more
RESUME Avec le processus de mondialisation, de plus en plus de pays sont désireux de présenter une image d'eux-mêmes facilement compréhensible et favorable à leurs politiques et le Japon ne fait pas exception. Comme la plupart des pays... more
Υπό τη σκιά της κρίσης στην οποία η Ελλάδα έχει διέλθει σήμερα, καθώς και των δομικών αδυναμιών που αντιμετωπίζει διαχρονικά, θα πρέπει να λαξευτεί ένας συγκροτημένος κεντρικός στρατηγικός σχεδιασμός στον τομέα της εξωτερικής πολιτικής.... more
In Marc-Olivier Gonseth et alii (eds.), Imagine Japan, Neuchâtel : Musée ethnographique de Neuchâtel, 2015, pp.334-341.
ბოლო დროს განსაკუთრებით გააქტიურდა ანტიდასავლური რიტორიკა სოციალურ ქსელებში, ონლაინ მედიაში, ზოგიერთ რადიო და ტელეგადაცემებში. ამგვარი მიზანმიმართული ნარატივი უმეტესწილად სწორედ პრორუსული რიტორიკის პოპულარიზაციას ახდენს. ამავე დროს ის... more
(Article language German, English Abstract) Facticity, Identity, and Emotionality: Cultural Strategies addressing Genocide Denial in the Case of Srebrenica. Twenty-six years after the Srebrenica genocide, the topic remains a discursive... more
The concept of soft power occupies a prominent place in International Relations, foreign policy, and security studies. Primarily developed by Joseph S. Nye, the concept is typically drawn upon to emphasize the more intangible dimensions... more
Across regions where the luxury of sport is eclipsed by the struggle of everyday life, including revolutions, wars, poverty, unemployment, injustice and occupation, sport can still play an influential role for positive change. The ability... more
Si la création des instituts Confucius est récente, elle est également souvent analysée avec méfiance par des observateurs craignant que, derrière les apparences du soft power, ne se cache une volonté de propagande. Cette méfiance mérite... more
Findings of the Literature Review The term ‘cultural relations’ refers to interventions in foreign cultural arenas with the aim of enhancing intercultural dialogue and bringing about mutual benefits connected to security, stability... more
The article discusses the distinctive features of Qatar’s contemporary public diplomacy influenced by the contesting for the regional dominance. Main approaches to conducting public diplomacy and corresponding instruments are being... more
Social media technologies represent a significant development for US public diplomacy: both in practice and in conceptualization. This article analyzes policy discourse regarding social media's role in US public diplomacy to characterize... more
This collection of essays examines the subject of power politics in Africa, paying special attention to the interests of African regional powers, as well as their capabilities and strategies in the international arena. It provides a... more
Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media publishes original, high-quality research into the cultures of communication from the middle ages to the present day. The series explores the variety of subjects and disciplinary approaches... more
After WWII, the US emerged as a major world-economic and cultural power. At the same time, it was producing a specifically American fashion, reinventing itself and its image, and channeling the critics. With new styles and new economic... more
Cet article ambitionne d’analyser la gastro-diplomatie, devenue une tendance dans les relations internationales, comme un ensemble de pratiques institutionnelles qui repousse les limites des usages politiques des cultures alimentaires.... more
Global Trends in Museum Diplomacy traces the transformation of museums from publicly or privately funded heritage institutions into active players in the economic sector of culture. Exploring how this transformation reconfigured cultural... more
Los tenedores de bonos de la Deuda Inglesa aceptaron la entrega de títulos de propiedad de terrenos baldíos en la provincia de Esmeraldas, en cuyas extensiones podían aprovechar los recursos naturales, exportarlos y beneficiarse... more
In Nancy E. Green and Christopher Reed, eds., JapanAmerica: Points of Contact, 1876-1976 (Ithaca, NY: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, 2016), 66-87.
The political, social and security landscape in the region be- tween EU and Russia, which is also called the shared neighborhood, has been constantly changing after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Some of the rea- sons that stand behind... more
La comunicación global constituye una disciplina tan cambiante como compleja en el marco de la realidad internacional, tanto por la globalización, como por las interdependencias creadas entre los actores de la sociedad internacional.... more
ABSTRACT The existing discussion on the consumption and the reception of Japanese and Korean popular culture globally has been concentrated on the popular media and its derivatives. The academic investigation on different cultural... more