Natural Law
Recent papers in Natural Law
The article aims to analyse the concept of normativity in the philosophy of weak thought developed by Gianni Vattimo. Weak thought refers to the theory of a weakening of being in an era of the end of metaphysics, as well as a challenge to... more
Counterfactual conditionals are used extensively in causal reasoning. This observation has motivated a philosophical tradition that aims to provide a counterfactual analysis of causation. However, such analyses have come under pressure... more
Two prominent scholars on the history of natural rights disagree sharply on many issues, but they agree in opining that Aquinas did not have such a doctrine: Michel Villey, La formation de la pensée juridique moderne: cours d'histoire de... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
"Weimar Cumhuriyeti’nin çarpıcı bir özelliği, dönemin yetkin kamu hukukçularının, karşılaştıkları güncel sorunlara yoğun bir ilgi göstermeleri ve bu çerçevede kapsamlı tartışmalar yürütmeleridir. Kelsen ve Schmitt arasındaki... more
Yayına Hazırlayan: Eren OKUR Bilge Strateji Dergisi ulusal hakemli bir dergidir. Bilge Strateji Dergisi yılda iki sayı olmak üzere Bahar ve Güz dönemlerinde yayınlanır. Bilge Strateji Dergisi'nin tüm hakları saklıdır. İzinsiz... more
This Article seeks to develop a frame of reference for comprehending legitimacy structures in emerging global economic governance regimes. To that end, it provides, in contradistinction from positivist and pragmatist approaches, an... more
The period when corporate social responsibility (CSR) only referred to corporate philanthropic donations has passed. Present day CSR is intimately intertwined with sustainable development, and its growth in the last several decades has... more
In Hegel’s idea there are three main constituent step to establish a state which are family, civil society and state. People first become together in a family, and then they build a civil society, and finally they establish a state. Hegel... more
В диссертационном исследовании раскрыто понятие юридической догматики и определены функции, выполняемые ею в рамках правовой системы; выявлены социокультурные основания традиции романо-германской юридической догматики; произведена... more
The Euthyphro objection is often perceived, rightly or wrongly, as the king objection to theistic meta-ethics. This paper proposes a response that hasn't been much explored within the contemporary literature, based on the metaphysics of... more
The article attempts a comprehensive review of the human security concept in order to question its utility for both research and policy-making. It notes the term’s interdisciplinary and extensively normative content that have facilitated... more
“Human beings do the actions, and the results come according to the law of nature – the Lord has nothing to do with it. So when people are in trouble, they say: “Oh God, what have You done to me? What put this into Your mind?” But the... more
Constitutional liberal practices are capable of being normatively grounded by a number of different metaphysical positions. Kant provides one such grounding, in terms of the autonomously derived moral law. I argue that the work of Edmund... more
16 So, for example, knowledge of the facts of human embryogenesis and intrauterine human development is critical to a proper application of moral principles to the question of abortion.
The Lutheran tradition places a pronounced emphasis on the universal aspects of theological ethics. The present article draws attention to particular aspects of the theological ethics of Martin Luther, which support the existence of a... more
This paper studies institutional investor allocations in socially responsible private equity.
In Plato’s Gorgias one of Socrates interlocutors, Callicles, exposes a philosoph-ical theory based upon the supremacy of the stronger over the weaker and in therefusal to accept a moral system created by these in order to restrain the... more
Naturrecht AUFSATZSAMMLUNG 19-3 Leibniz und das Naturrecht / hrsg. von Luca Basso.-Stuttgart : Steiner, 2019.-201 S. ; 24 cm.-(Studia Leibnitiana : Sonder-hefte ; 54).-ISBN 978-3-515-12288-7 : EUR 44.00 [#6467] Die Geschichte des... more
The radical ideas of the French Revolution are generally regarded as the offspring of the theory of social contract. However, even though the Revolutionaries cherished Rousseau’s legacy, the period was not without instances in which this... more
In this essay I argue that religion, understood as harmony with the transcendent source of existence and meaning, is a good that practical reason grasps as an objective, distinct and important aspect of human well-being, one which... more
NATURAL LAW THEORY AND THE ―IS‖—―OUGHT‖ PROBLEM: A CRITIQUE OF FOUR SOLUTIONS Shalina Stilley, B.A., M.Th., M.A. Marquette University, 2010 This dissertation explores the ―Is‖—―Ought‖ problem (IOP) as it relates to natural law theory... more
A critical book review
“I myself,” stated C. S. Lewis to his fellows during his inaugural address at Cambridge University, “belong far more to that Old Western order than to yours.” In the same speech, Lewis went further to identify himself as a “dinosaur” and... more
'Promising and Obligation' criticizes the view, defended by Joseph Raz, John Finnis, David Owens and many others, that one's moral obligation to keep a promise is created by one's expression, through the act of promising, of an intention... more
- by Thomas Pink
- Law, Hume, Trust, Natural Law
The 1648 Peace of Westphalia typifies the “modern” starting point of state sovereignty and humanitarian intervention within conventional historical treatments of International Relations (IR) theory. The treaties ending the Thirty Years’... more
Father Thomas Crean and Alan Fimister have produced a comprehensive yet concise treatise on classical political and legal philosophy in Integralism: A Manual of Political Philosophy. As the title implies the hallmark of their approach is... more
The Theses LVI belong to a series of hitherto unpublished early manuscripts of the Dutch humanist and jurisconsult Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) that were acquired by the University of Leiden in 1864. It is not certain when the Theses were... more
Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act
This article analyzes the shifting concepts of law in Western law and thought in early modern times and today. It first shows how the modern movement of interdisciplinary legal studies emerged as a corrective to the narrow positivist... more