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An introduction and a contribution to a short edited volume that consists of articles on the centrality of the concept of dostoinstvo (достоинство, dignity) in contemporary Russian politics
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical TheoryDostoevskyHuman Dignity
This paper explores the intersections of Filipino culture, food, and the concept of grief through Jade Mark Capinares's How to Eat Spaghetti. By analyzing the role of the subject, Jolly Spaghetti, it examines how Capinares's short story... more
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      SociologyEthicsApplied EthicsSocial Sciences
This article aims at addressing the question of human dignity in the face of the suffering that people of the city of Antakya (formerly Antioch) experienced after the devastating earthquakes on February 6, 2023. The main question the... more
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      EarthquakeOrthodox ChristianityEmpathyDignity
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    • Philosophy
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    • Philosophy
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical Science
This is a stinging critique of Peter Singer's ethics. This is not merely a Christian critique for it exposes, on purely rational grounds, some of the glaring inconsistencies and contradictions in the thought of Peter Singer.
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      PhilosophyEthicsHuman DignityThe ethical debate on Euthanasia
Wesleyan/Methodist Theology
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      MethodismWesley StudiesMethodist TheologyMethodist Church history
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The dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of global business presents both challenges and opportunities that require organizations to continuously adapt and innovate. In the Indian context, where traditional practices meet modern business... more
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      Services Marketing and ManagementStrategic ManagementBusiness Management
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      SuicideCorporealityHuman DignityProtest and resistance
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In Islamic culture, rationality and the implementation of the secondary meanings for rationality and wisdom have a unique interpretation in Islam that is not comparable to other religions and cultures. Rationalism has such a high status... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic FinanceImam AliSociology of shia
Este trabalho tem como objetivo debater sobre a violacao dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos de uma mulher que foi compelida mediante decisao judicial a se submeter a procedimento de laqueadura em contracepcao sem o seu livre... more
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A culture of disdain for disabled and elderly persons is more likely to come about if we embrace a right to assisted suicide. Each endorsement of suicide endangers not only the lives but also the human dignity and quality of support... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceLawJurisprudence
El problema de la individualidad biológica es una cuestión ampliamente desarrollada en la filosofía de la biología. No obstante, esta temática no ha sido discutida con la misma profundidad en el contexto de la medicina. La relevancia del... more
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      Philosophy of BiologyPhilosophy of MedicineFilosofía de la CienciaFilosofía De La Biología
Since the post-August 5 discourse among public intellectuals has centered around op-eds and commentaries, the buzzwords "reform" and "rewrite" dominate discussions about our Constitution. But how many of us have paused to explore what... more
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      Social JusticeNationalismEqualityDemocracy
Criminals often engage in a calculated assessment of the potential gains and risks before committing a crime.Criminal strictness in drug crimes and the relative retreat of the Iranian legislature in the face of heavy punishments such as... more
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      PropertyEconomic analysisConfiscationsDrug-related crimes
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The optimization of resources allocated to the criminal justice system of the Islamic Republic of Iran depends on modifying the structure of resource distribution among different parts of this system and determining the optimal share of... more
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      Criminal JusticeCriminal Justice SystemPriorityPerformance Indicator
India has a federal system where education is primarily the responsibility of the state government. The Indian constitution assigns special provisions for free and compulsory education for all children aged six to fourteen, which later... more
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      EconomicsEducationHigher EducationTribal studies
Resumo: Durante caminho do reconhecimento de direitos como cidadaos, as pessoas com deficiencia, vem ao longo do tempo travando batalhas de valorizacao, integracao e auto-integracao destes diretos. Apos lutas constantes de afirmacao,... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesPolitical Science
This article reflects on post-WWII developments and the current state of church-related diaconal initiatives in Japan. Pioneering Christians have made significant contributions to the development of social welfare since the Meiji Era... more
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      ChristianitySocial JusticeJapanSocial Welfare
The point of this paper is to show that the understanding Solovyov penned and voiced about humanity close to the end of his life suggests that he regarded human rights as sacred. First of all, we provided a rough sense of who Solovyov was... more
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      ChristianityPolitical PhilosophyHuman RightsFrench Revolution
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Lell, H. M. (2024). Dignidad y persona. Líneas jurisprudenciales en el discurso de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Precedente Revista Jurídica, 25, 163-193.
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      Judicial PrecedentSistema Interamericano de Protección de Derechos HumanosHuman DignityPrecedente judicial
The article deals with the analysis of the legal status of people living with HIV in relation to the provision of health care as well as in the issue of criminal law. It is based on the hypothesis of unconditional human dignity, and the... more
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      HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS policyHuman DignityCriminalisation of HIV
Paul Guyer is well known for defending the claim that freedom, under-stood as the capacity to set ends, is Kant’s fundamental value. In contrast, I have developed a reading of Kant’s ethics that places autonomy and... more
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      AutonomyJean Jaques RousseauKantian ethicsHumanity
Article titled "Wieloznaczność idei godności w filozofii Immanuela Kanta/The Ambiguity of the Idea of Dignity in Immanuel Kant's Philosophy" focuses on analyzing the diverse meanings attributed to the concept of dignity in Kant's... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LawKant's Practical Philosophy
What follows is an English translation of “La persona humana y su dignidad” (57-60), “Los derechos esenciales de la persona” (61-63), “La iglesia frente al liberalismo” (64-68), and “La iglesia frente al capitalismo” (69-72), all found in... more
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      Human RightsLiberalismCapitalismRoman Catholicism
En muchos tratados de Hermes hemos mantenido la tradución MENTE por el griego NOUS. Si bien NOUS se traduciría más exactamente por Inteligencia, Intelecto, Pensamiento, hemos preferido Mente por parecernos más adecuada al español moderno... more
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This research aimed to analyze the perspective of human dignity based on the theories of Jürgen Habermas and Hannah Arendt, focusing on the evolution of migration legislation in Brazil. In short, it examines the repeal of the Alien... more
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      SociologyLawHuman RightsImmigration
Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone W yd aw ca U n iw ersy tet Ś ląsk i ul. B an k ow a 12H, 4 0-0 0 7 K atow ice
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In his study, Gábor Attila Tóth presents the consequentialist and deontological ethical principles for and against voluntary euthanasia, which influence legislative and judicial decision-making worldwide. While the principles of personal... more
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      EuthanasiaFundamental RightsHuman DignityEquality and Non Discrimination
Technology – chiefly artificial intelligence (AI) – surges at a pace that defies comprehension. The three essays within this volume explore the nexus of ubuntu – an African philosophy of interconnectedness and communal flourishing – and... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInformation TechnologyEthicsDigital Divide
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In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands both as a beacon of hope, promise and a challenge. It has become increasingly evident that AI is not just a tool for... more
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      ConstitutionalismGender and Social Policy
Konsum diente in den ersten Jahrzehnten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als Mittel der Integration durch Wohlstandssteigerung, das Paradigma der "nivellierten Mittelstandsgesellschaft" und der Slogan "Wohlstand für alle" prägten den... more
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      PovertySocial statusSocial InequalityFederal Republic of Germany
Boštjan M. Zupančič Dostojanstvo, anomija … in prihodnost človekovih pravic 1 V razpravi o prihodnosti Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice (ESČP) avtor obravnava »preliminarno« vprašanje, kaj so človekove pravice in kaj je njihova... more
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      PhysicsLawPhilosophyHuman Rights
Christian Schmidt verfolgt in seiner Studie zu Traumata, Ersterlebnissen und Personalität ein doppeltes Anliegen: Erstens geht es ihm darum, einen Zugang zum Phänomen des Traumas zu erschließen. Dazu soll mit dem Begriff des... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPsychoanalysisMedical AnthropologyPhilosophical Anthropology
The concept of a civilizationally transformed state envisions a new governance paradigm that emphasizes moral values, collective responsibility, and compassion over traditional ideas of sovereignty and legality. This model emerges from... more
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Anarchist Outreach? I do anarchist outreach to non-anarchists; I have had non-anarchists share and like my stuff, even some of my anarchist stuff, as I explain the values and thinking in a way they feel they can relate to and thus become... more
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      HistoryPolitical SociologyArchaeologyAnthropology
Desde las palabras del poder hacia el poder de las palabras Presentación del proyecto «Exploraciones y propuestas en torno a la justicia restaurativa. Encuentro entre el derecho, la psicología y la lingüística»
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      Restorative JusticeLinguisticsPsicologíaDerecho
Virtual reality is not only a prowess of technological advancement and AI, but also an element that extends the horizons of human existence and complicates the way of approaching various phenomena of the physical world, for example,... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEthicsViolenceMoral Philosophy
The 2018 announcement by Dr. He Jiankui of the creation of the first genetically edited human babies using CRISPR-Cas9 technology sparked global outrage and ethical debates. While the experiment aimed to make twin girls resistant to HIV,... more
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    • Ethics
İnsan Onuru Kavramı ve İnsan Haklarının Gerçekçi Ütopyası, 47-65
The Concept Of Human Dignity and the Realistic Utopia of Human Rights
Görkem Birinci
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    • İnsan Onuru
A review of the book: On the Methodology of Metaphysics / Z metodologii metafizyki by Ks. Stanisław Kamiński.
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