Books by Tereza Křepelová
Liberální demokracie je na počátku 21. stoletá údajně v krizi – politické, hospodářské, krizi dů... more Liberální demokracie je na počátku 21. stoletá údajně v krizi – politické, hospodářské, krizi důvěry, krizi reprezentace, krizi konstitucionalismu, krizi sebedůvěry. Existuje nějaká cesta ven? Nebo kam to vlastně liberální demokracie míří? Političtí filosofové a filosofky se domnívají, že právě jejich disciplína dokáže nejen formulovat patřičné správné otázky, ale také nabídnout konstruktivní odpovědi – i proto, že období závažných proměn a krizí byla v lidských dějinách vždy doprovázena vrcholnými výkony politického filosofování. Na tomto pozadí autorský tým z Katedry politologie FSS MU v Brně prozkoumává některé nejvýznamnější odborné diskuse, které v soudobé politické filosofii probíhají a které se týkají životaschopnosti liberální demokracie jakožto doposud dominantního modelu vládnutí. Kniha jako celek i jednotlivé kapitoly přitom oslovují jak širší odbornou veřejnost, pro niž může sloužit jako podnět k výzkumným snahám. Neméně významnou skupinu adresátů však tvoří i studenti a studentky politických věd, filosofie a dalších společenskovědních a humanitních oborů, jimž kniha nabízí pokročilý úvod do klíčových problémů současné politické filosofie.
[The book deals with the announced crisis of liberal democracy as perceived from within contemporary political philosophy – a discipline which is often considered by its practitioners to be especially qualified to not only pose the right questions, but also provide constructive answers. Against this background, the authors explore some core scholarly debates which address the viability of liberal democracy as the heretofore dominant model of political rule. By providing an advanced discussion of a number of central concerns of contemporary political philosophy, the book aims to apppeal both to broader scholarly audience and to students of political science, philosophy, and related fields of social sciences and humanities.]
Papers by Tereza Křepelová
Liberalni demokracie je na pocatku 21. stoleta udajně v krizi – politicke, hospodařske, krizi dův... more Liberalni demokracie je na pocatku 21. stoleta udajně v krizi – politicke, hospodařske, krizi důvěry, krizi reprezentace, krizi konstitucionalismu, krizi sebedůvěry. Existuje nějaka cesta ven? Nebo kam to vlastně liberalni demokracie miři? Politicti filosofove a filosofky se domnivaji, že pravě jejich disciplina dokaže nejen formulovat patřicne spravne otazky, ale take nabidnout konstruktivni odpovědi – i proto, že obdobi zavažných proměn a krizi byla v lidských dějinach vždy doprovazena vrcholnými výkony politickeho filosofovani. Na tomto pozadi autorský tým z Katedry politologie FSS MU v Brně prozkoumava některe nejvýznamnějsi odborne diskuse, ktere v soudobe politicke filosofii probihaji a ktere se týkaji životaschopnosti liberalni demokracie jakožto doposud dominantniho modelu vladnuti. Kniha jako celek i jednotlive kapitoly přitom oslovuji jak sirsi odbornou veřejnost, pro niž může sloužit jako podnět k výzkumným snaham. Nemeně významnou skupinu adresatů vsak tvoři i studenti a...
A Methodological Turn in Political Philosophy: Making Political Philosophy More Scientific?, 2019
The emergence of the first literature concerning the methodology of political philosophy, which w... more The emergence of the first literature concerning the methodology of political philosophy, which we have witnessed over the last decade, indicates a general methodological shift within the discipline. This shift can be interpreted as a sign of the ongoing adjustment of political philosophy to the domain of science that had already begun when analytical political philosophy incorporated from logical positivism the premise of the unity of method of science and philosophy. The urge to have an epistemic source of justification for normative political theories lead analytical political philosophy to the development of various methodological frameworks from among which reflective equilibrium became the most influential one and nowadays it is being considered as the most widely used method in the contemporary political philosophy overall. Reflective equilibrium aims to provide knowledge that falls into the same category as scientific knowledge; however, it can also lead to various normative distortions resulting in the elimination of metaphysics, meta-ethics and religious claims from the normative part of political philosophical theorising. These normative distortions not only can result in epistemically wrong conclusions; above all, they implicitly affirm the normative propositions of political conceptions of liberalism. Hence, the prevalence and uncritical use of reflective equilibrium might narrow the topical scope and undermine the reflective and critical role of the discipline of political philosophy itself.
Books by Tereza Křepelová
[The book deals with the announced crisis of liberal democracy as perceived from within contemporary political philosophy – a discipline which is often considered by its practitioners to be especially qualified to not only pose the right questions, but also provide constructive answers. Against this background, the authors explore some core scholarly debates which address the viability of liberal democracy as the heretofore dominant model of political rule. By providing an advanced discussion of a number of central concerns of contemporary political philosophy, the book aims to apppeal both to broader scholarly audience and to students of political science, philosophy, and related fields of social sciences and humanities.]
Papers by Tereza Křepelová
[The book deals with the announced crisis of liberal democracy as perceived from within contemporary political philosophy – a discipline which is often considered by its practitioners to be especially qualified to not only pose the right questions, but also provide constructive answers. Against this background, the authors explore some core scholarly debates which address the viability of liberal democracy as the heretofore dominant model of political rule. By providing an advanced discussion of a number of central concerns of contemporary political philosophy, the book aims to apppeal both to broader scholarly audience and to students of political science, philosophy, and related fields of social sciences and humanities.]