My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library and Inform... more My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Copenhagen, examines the topic: the profile of the “New Public Library”, primarily in Denmark. However, in the text I have made a few comparisons to foreign projects which single themselves out in this context. The Danish main title “Det Nye Folkebibliotek”, translates into English as “The New Public Library”. My research hypothesis being: the Danish public library has undergone a series of changes, and the changes and developments are ongoing; from being a mere collections of knowledge and materials such as books, to being active, outgoing, far reaching and versatile institutions focusing on the common good of society in a number of ways. Thus my main research question is this: how and by which means do the public libraries act differently now as opposed to earlier? Another relevant question is: which tactics do the public libraries employ in order to keep, and reinforce, their place as necessary cultural institutions in postmodern, postindustrial society today? A time period sometimes called “the Internet Age”? My empirical research and observations provide evidence that the public library no longer “just” is an institution for the loaning out of books etc. It has become a public domain focusing on lifting up society, educating the population / the users of the library, while at the same time bringing the users together in social contexts as well as cultural ones. In short, the libraries have taken on new functions and tasks, including some of the social functions earlier managed exclusively at local city halls. In order to study these new tendencies, I have applied two main methods of research: firstly, the case study, for which I have handpicked three public libraries in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen. Libraries which are similar in some ways, yet still have their different traits, although they are located within a limited geographical area. These three focus libraries have served as case studies and examples for my empirical research, active observation, and for my other primary research method: the semi-structured research interview. My three focus libraries are: • Biblioteket, Rentemestervej, Copenhagen Northwest • Ørestad Bibliotek, in the Eastern and newest part of the city • Blågårdens Bibliotek, in a central part of the city troubled by various social issues At each library I have conducted interviews with senior staff members, and gathered further information by active observation and photography, trying to catch everyday life with my eyes and camera. Part of my theory behind this research, has been the writings of Henrik Jochumsen, Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Dorte Skot-Hansen, amongst others. From the latest book by the three aforementioned Danish scientists, authors and professors at RSLIS, I have found great inspiration and motivation, and what is more, scientific terms which capture some of the most vital tendencies of The New Library. These are: Public Domain, Placemaker and Icon. In this thesis I have done my best to apply these terms, and others, in order to answer my research questions, and thereby make my contribution to unveil why we need the public libraries now, more than ever, and which components, so speak, constitute the profile of the Danish public library of today. Including its new functions, profiles, vision and mission.
Abstract og projektbeskrivelse
Formålet med dette afsnit er ikke en analyse af Project Fantasy, m... more Abstract og projektbeskrivelse Formålet med dette afsnit er ikke en analyse af Project Fantasy, men derimod vil denne relativt kortfattede opsummering af projektets hovedelementer og kontekst tjene som baggrund for den følgende analyse af den innovative proces i forbindelse med projektet.
Inddragelse af ny teknologi er ofte, om end ikke altid, et af entreprenørens redskaber til at ”slå igennem”, vinde sin brugergruppes interesse og opmærksomhed. Især, men ikke kun, i forbindelse med mere kommercielle entreprenante projekter end dette, kan ”det at være den første” til at anvende ny teknologi – eller anvende eksisterende teknologi til et nyt formål, være en måde for entreprenøren at sikre sig at han/hun tilbyder sin brugergruppe noget som ingen andre gør.
I Berlingske Tidendes Business-sektion ”Innovation”, blev der 18/10 2011 bragt en artikel om de gode resultater man har haft med anvendelsen af ny teknologi i velfærds- og plejeregi. Herfra: ”Iværksættere … excellerer i evnen til at tænke eksisterende teknologier ind i nye sammenhænge, og virksomheder der tør skifte spor, når nye muligheder viser sig. Det findes der flere eksempler på herhjemme.”
I mit projekt har jeg valgt at bruge QR-koden som ”min” nye teknologi. Faktisk er teknologien bag QR-koden ikke ganske ny, da teknologien blev opfundet af Denso Wave, et datterselskab til japanske Toyota i 1994. QR står for ”Quick Response”; i.e. ”hurtig respons/svar”, og som opfundet af bilfabrikant blev QR-koden oprindeligt anvendt som en måde til identificeringen af komponenter i bilproduktion. Koden er en såkaldt ”matrix barcode”, og faktisk ”bare” en avanceret stregkode – som dog kan rumme meget store mængder af information i et firkantet mønster bestående af binære, alfanumeriske eller Kanji symboler.
QR-koden er ofte blevet anvendt til forskellige formål i sit hjemland, men det er først for nylig at den er dukket op som en del af danskernes dagligdag; især i reklamer i bybilledet og i aviser. QR-koden er nu (december 2011) ved at blive et både velkendt og genkendt fænomen i danskernes hverdag, og det er almen viden at disse koder aflæser med en såkaldt smartphone, inklusiv installeret gratis software; en QR reader application eller app. Brugen er QR-koden er nu frigivet til fri og gratis brug af fabrikanten, selvom Denso Waves navn officielt skal nævnes i sammenhængen. Sidstnævnte bliver ikke altid efterlevet, men gør det i denne sammenhæng.
Såvidt jeg ved er QR-koden er ikke (før nu) blevet anvendt på folkebiblioteket, og heller ikke til formidling af kulturel information. Dette er imidlertid nu hovedelementet i Project Fantasy.
Denne innovative formidlingsform består i at der i 30 udvalgte fantasyromaner findes laminerede indlægskort med kort skriftlig instruktion i brugen af de nedenstående QR-koder, blandt andet download af QR reader applikationen ”NEO reader”.
Hvert indlægskort indeholder desuden oplysninger om romanens titel og forfatter, udgivelsesår, genre, aldersmæssige målgruppe – og endelig, tre QR-koder som henviser til anmeldelser, anbefalinger, beskrivelser, artikler, officielle websites med direkte relation til den pågældende roman.
Med andre ord, hvordan den gode ide opstår, hvordan denne videreudvikles og udføres i praksis. I denne forbindelse har jeg valgt primært at tage udgangspunkt i den Kreativt-Innovative-Entreprenante model – KIE-modellen, som beskrevet af Kromann-Andersen og Funch Jensen i deres bog af samme navn. Denne model danner basis for mit innovativt formidlingsprojekt på Blågårdens bibliotek.
For at give læseren et bedre indtryk af hvordan denne proces foregår i praksis, tager jeg udgangspunkt i ét innovativt projekt fra virkelighedens verden: den innovative formidling af litteraturgenren fantasy ved Blågårdens Bibliotek i København; et profilbibliotek med særligt fokus på bl.a. fantasy og science fiction; både på dansk og engelsk.
I projektets kontekst – et projekt som jeg har valgt at kalde ”Project Fantasy” – har jeg søgt at tænke nye formidlingsmetoder og –redskaber ind i folkebibliotekets formidling. Nærmere bestemt i formidlingen af Blågårdens omtalte særlige profil. Bl.a. implementeringen af QR-kode (Quick Response code) teknologien i 32 om indlæg i 32 fantasyromaner; engelske og danske.
Mere om dette, projektets øvrige formidlingsformer, fremtid mv. i nedenstående projektbeskrivelse og projektanalyse. Desuden vil jeg vende tilbage til KIE-modellens læringsrum – det Kreative, det Innovative og det Entreprenante, modellens redskaber og teori i projektanalyse, metode- og teoriafsnit. I disse afsnit vil jeg desuden beskrive og analysere på innovation og entreprenørskab – generelt og anvendt i formidlingssammenhæng.
Men allerede her vil jeg fremhæve at det bliver tiltagende mere populært at bruge ny teknologi i innovative projekter.
EKSAMENSOPGAVE i undervisningsmodulet;
"Ekspressiv kulturformiding" ved Det Informationsvidenskab... more EKSAMENSOPGAVE i undervisningsmodulet; "Ekspressiv kulturformiding" ved Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi / Københavns Universitet
Abstract This paper focuses on a field study encompassing four semistructured interviews with four Master’s student at The Royal School of Library and Information Science in Copenhagen, Denmark. The interviewees are asked about their cultural comsumption and if they engage in any cultural production themselves. These are the primary questions. The background of these questions are theories proposed by Peterson & Kern and Jenkins and Bertozzi, respectivally. In their 1996 paper Peterson & Kern present the theory that an omnivorous cultural taste has become more common in the span of the latest decades. The “high brow snob” has become rarer, while the “omnivore” – the one who is culturally openminded – has become much more commonplace, as snobs have become culturally omnivorus. Jenkins & Bertozzi claim that as many as 57 % of teenagers and young adults are actively producing some sort of culture themselves. Having reviewed my four interviews I conclude that all four are “omnivorous”, yet their cultural production is somewhat limited. Thus I’ve found empiric evidence of Peterson & Kerns theory of the omnivore, while I can’t second Jenkins & Bertozzi – at least not based on this field study.
Denne ganske korte novelle, som jeg skrev i slutningen af 2014. er tilegnet ALLE der leder efter ... more Denne ganske korte novelle, som jeg skrev i slutningen af 2014. er tilegnet ALLE der leder efter drømmejobbet - uden at kunne finde det. Den er skrevet i sjov, da den som tager dette job (i min novelle, altså) skal være heldig at overleve til lønningsdag. Se selv hvorfor, og ville DU tage det her job? Måske som en udfordring?? Det beskrevne job er ikke for sarte sjæle, og nogle ville endda blive bekymrede - og ikke kun for sig selv. "En attraktiv Stilling" er bare en lille sjov historie, og jeg håber du kan lide den. Hvis du ikke kan, tjah så har du MÅSKE aldrig været jobsøgende. Anyhow, så tag historien for hva den er. ADVARSEL: Herefter følger mit liv og levned på det sidste, som har inspireret min artikel :) Efter dimission som kandidat i informationsvidenskab og kulturformidling, var jeg indstillet på at jeg skulle søge job i måneder! Måske ville jeg skulle starte i vikariater. Jeg var indstillet på at starte nederst i "job-pyramidem", og ikke få i de første mdr, måske endda 6 mdr hvis jeg var uheldig. MEN udover et par små vikariater, har jeg nu ventet ...længe nok! Ikke adskillige år, for ledighed ER roden til alt ondt. Jeg er klar over at timingen ikke var god at det gælder mange. Men dette er bare et SPILD af tid og penge. Det gør ligefremt ondt og er deprimerende ikke at kunne få et job, når man bare brænder og længes efter et kpb. Jeg er kandidat og bibliotekar, og lige NU ville jeg allerhelst tilbage til en stilling som folkebibliotekar. Jeg var sååå naiv at keh troede at 5½ års videregående uddannelse og en kandidatgrad på uni-niveau, et alsidigt CV med job under hele studietiden, senest ved Københavns Universitet (et rigtig godt studiejob!) - og gennemført HELT UDEM FORSIMKELSE: 5½ år = bachelor of science (3 år), bibliotekar -projekt (½ år - med karakten 12) og endelig Kandidat (2 år). I alt 5½ år. Jeg dumpede kun 2 gange, og tog hhv. faget på semesteret efter, og bestod. I tilfælde nr.2 skrev jeg en 95% ny projektopgave - hvillet tog hele sommerferien. Jeg bestod begge i andet forsøg, og bestod resten (I alt 22) eksaminer. Så min VILJE til job fejler intet, og jeg har aldrig før haft så svært ved at få job! Så hvis du er nået hertil, kan lide min lille, en smule sarkastiske parodi på et jobslag. så send mig et praj hvis du kender til en åbem stilling.... Gerne et job hvor min uddannelse er brugbar, men er IKKE kræsen længerere ;) ..... At gøre det JEG finder allermest tilfredsstillende her i livet: AT FÅ ET GODT JOB, gerne med GODE KOLLEGER, som så mange andre har.... er det så meget forlangt?
My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library a... more Abstract My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Copenhagen, examines the topic: the profile of the “New Public Library”, primarily in Denmark. However, in the text I have made a few comparisons to foreign projects which single themselves out in this context. The Danish main title “Det Nye Folkebibliotek”, translates into English as “The New Public Library”. My research hypothesis being: the Danish public library has undergone a series of changes, and the changes and developments are ongoing; from being a mere collections of knowledge and materials such as books, to being active, outgoing, far reaching and versatile institutions focusing on the common good of society in a number of ways. Thus my main research question is this: how and by which means do the public libraries act differently now as opposed to earlier? Another relevant question is: which tactics do the public libraries employ in order to keep, and reinforce, their place as necessary cultural institutions in postmodern, postindustrial society today? A time period sometimes called “the Internet Age”? My empirical research and observations provide evidence that the public library no longer “just” is an institution for the loaning out of books etc. It has become a public domain focusing on lifting up society, educating the population / the users of the library, while at the same time bringing the users together in social contexts as well as cultural ones. In short, the libraries have taken on new functions and tasks, including some of the social functions earlier managed exclusively at local city halls. In order to study these new tendencies, I have applied two main methods of research: firstly, the case study, for which I have handpicked three public libraries in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen. Libraries which are similar in some ways, yet still have their different traits, although they are located within a limited geographical area. These three focus libraries have served as case studies and examples for my empirical research, active observation, and for my other primary research method: the semi-structured research interview. My three focus libraries are: • Biblioteket, Rentemestervej, Copenhagen Northwest • Ørestad Bibliotek, in the Eastern and newest part of the city • Blågårdens Bibliotek, in a central part of the city troubled by various social issues At each library I have conducted interviews with senior staff members, and gathered further information by active observation and photography, trying to catch everyday life with my eyes and camera. Part of my theory behind this research, has been the writings of Henrik Jochumsen, Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Dorte Skot-Hansen, amongst others. From the latest book by the three aforementioned Danish scientists, authors and professors at RSLIS, I have found great inspiration and motivation, and what is more, scientific terms which capture some of the most vital tendencies of The New Library. These are: Public Domain, Placemaker and Icon. In this thesis I have done my best to apply these terms, and others, in order to answer my research questions, and thereby make my contribution to unveil why we need the public libraries now, more than ever, and which components, so speak, constitute the profile of the Danish public library of today. Including its new functions, profiles, vision and mission.
Denne opgave indeholder en beskrivelse, komparativ analyse og diskussion af propaganda a... more Abstract Denne opgave indeholder en beskrivelse, komparativ analyse og diskussion af propaganda anvendt i dokumentarfilm. Der tages udgangspunkt i to forekomster af propaganda: nazisternes brug af propaganda før og under 2. Verdenskrig eksemplificeret i ”Triumph des Willens”(1934) og propaganda omkring den globale opvarmning, med fokus på Al Gores ”An Inconvenient Truth”(2006) og ”Home”(2009). Vi har brugt disse eksempler til at søge svar på spørgsmålene: Hvad er propaganda? Hvad er ”branding”? Hvordan kan disse to begreber spille sammen? Med fokus på de nævnte film har vi ud fra en analyse desuden søgt svar på om der kan tales om den samme slags propaganda i begge tilfælde, til trods for at der er tale om to meget forskellige mål disse propagandakampagner? Hvilke forskelle og ligheder findes der i disse film, betragtet som propaganda? Hvilken forskel gør det at disse er lavet med cirka 70 års mellemrum? Analysen udføres med udgangspunkt i bl.a. Meyrowitz teorier om kanalisering af information via medier, samt Jørgen Bangs teori om medieret kommunikation. Desuden har vi anvendt en del andre kilder omhandlende de to propagandakampagner som vi fokuserer på her.
The main topic of this paper is Copenhagen’s new public library, 76 Rentemestervej – “Bi... more Abstract The main topic of this paper is Copenhagen’s new public library, 76 Rentemestervej – “Biblioteket”. This new library is worthy of attentioninterest, not only as a architectual novelty, but also asbecause it is a purpose-built combination of a public library and a cultural center. The scope of this paper also encompasses the current, shifting role of the Danish public library. While the loan of books etc. remains as a central function, there is a growing demand for libraries have to do more than that. Built as an Iicon, a Pplacemaker and Ppublic domain Biblioteket is an example of the efforts put into adjusting to this role. This paper describes and discusses central important elements of this new type of public library, including such as the background and plans forning of the library. As the architecture and library room are significantly different from the average libray these are also described and analyzed. Furthermore, the question if Biblioteket has achieved the set goals is raised. Also, to what extent has Biblioteket become an Iicon, a placemaker and a public domain? Lastly, is this a model library for the future, or not?
Millions and millions of people have at least some computer experience – and practise Human-Compu... more Millions and millions of people have at least some computer experience – and practise Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) on a regular, if not daily basis. The goal of this text is merely the contribution of a quick overview of some basic facts concerning HCI; a few words on the importance and relevance of HCI research. Thus, the scope of this text isn’t a complete walkthrough of all aspects of HCI, but rather an introduction to the subject; primarily intented for librarians and information specialists.
My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library and Inform... more My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Copenhagen, examines the topic: the profile of the “New Public Library”, primarily in Denmark. However, in the text I have made a few comparisons to foreign projects which single themselves out in this context. The Danish main title “Det Nye Folkebibliotek”, translates into English as “The New Public Library”. My research hypothesis being: the Danish public library has undergone a series of changes, and the changes and developments are ongoing; from being a mere collections of knowledge and materials such as books, to being active, outgoing, far reaching and versatile institutions focusing on the common good of society in a number of ways. Thus my main research question is this: how and by which means do the public libraries act differently now as opposed to earlier? Another relevant question is: which tactics do the public libraries employ in order to keep, and reinforce, their place as necessary cultural institutions in postmodern, postindustrial society today? A time period sometimes called “the Internet Age”? My empirical research and observations provide evidence that the public library no longer “just” is an institution for the loaning out of books etc. It has become a public domain focusing on lifting up society, educating the population / the users of the library, while at the same time bringing the users together in social contexts as well as cultural ones. In short, the libraries have taken on new functions and tasks, including some of the social functions earlier managed exclusively at local city halls. In order to study these new tendencies, I have applied two main methods of research: firstly, the case study, for which I have handpicked three public libraries in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen. Libraries which are similar in some ways, yet still have their different traits, although they are located within a limited geographical area. These three focus libraries have served as case studies and examples for my empirical research, active observation, and for my other primary research method: the semi-structured research interview. My three focus libraries are: • Biblioteket, Rentemestervej, Copenhagen Northwest • Ørestad Bibliotek, in the Eastern and newest part of the city • Blågårdens Bibliotek, in a central part of the city troubled by various social issues At each library I have conducted interviews with senior staff members, and gathered further information by active observation and photography, trying to catch everyday life with my eyes and camera. Part of my theory behind this research, has been the writings of Henrik Jochumsen, Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Dorte Skot-Hansen, amongst others. From the latest book by the three aforementioned Danish scientists, authors and professors at RSLIS, I have found great inspiration and motivation, and what is more, scientific terms which capture some of the most vital tendencies of The New Library. These are: Public Domain, Placemaker and Icon. In this thesis I have done my best to apply these terms, and others, in order to answer my research questions, and thereby make my contribution to unveil why we need the public libraries now, more than ever, and which components, so speak, constitute the profile of the Danish public library of today. Including its new functions, profiles, vision and mission.
Abstract og projektbeskrivelse
Formålet med dette afsnit er ikke en analyse af Project Fantasy, m... more Abstract og projektbeskrivelse Formålet med dette afsnit er ikke en analyse af Project Fantasy, men derimod vil denne relativt kortfattede opsummering af projektets hovedelementer og kontekst tjene som baggrund for den følgende analyse af den innovative proces i forbindelse med projektet.
Inddragelse af ny teknologi er ofte, om end ikke altid, et af entreprenørens redskaber til at ”slå igennem”, vinde sin brugergruppes interesse og opmærksomhed. Især, men ikke kun, i forbindelse med mere kommercielle entreprenante projekter end dette, kan ”det at være den første” til at anvende ny teknologi – eller anvende eksisterende teknologi til et nyt formål, være en måde for entreprenøren at sikre sig at han/hun tilbyder sin brugergruppe noget som ingen andre gør.
I Berlingske Tidendes Business-sektion ”Innovation”, blev der 18/10 2011 bragt en artikel om de gode resultater man har haft med anvendelsen af ny teknologi i velfærds- og plejeregi. Herfra: ”Iværksættere … excellerer i evnen til at tænke eksisterende teknologier ind i nye sammenhænge, og virksomheder der tør skifte spor, når nye muligheder viser sig. Det findes der flere eksempler på herhjemme.”
I mit projekt har jeg valgt at bruge QR-koden som ”min” nye teknologi. Faktisk er teknologien bag QR-koden ikke ganske ny, da teknologien blev opfundet af Denso Wave, et datterselskab til japanske Toyota i 1994. QR står for ”Quick Response”; i.e. ”hurtig respons/svar”, og som opfundet af bilfabrikant blev QR-koden oprindeligt anvendt som en måde til identificeringen af komponenter i bilproduktion. Koden er en såkaldt ”matrix barcode”, og faktisk ”bare” en avanceret stregkode – som dog kan rumme meget store mængder af information i et firkantet mønster bestående af binære, alfanumeriske eller Kanji symboler.
QR-koden er ofte blevet anvendt til forskellige formål i sit hjemland, men det er først for nylig at den er dukket op som en del af danskernes dagligdag; især i reklamer i bybilledet og i aviser. QR-koden er nu (december 2011) ved at blive et både velkendt og genkendt fænomen i danskernes hverdag, og det er almen viden at disse koder aflæser med en såkaldt smartphone, inklusiv installeret gratis software; en QR reader application eller app. Brugen er QR-koden er nu frigivet til fri og gratis brug af fabrikanten, selvom Denso Waves navn officielt skal nævnes i sammenhængen. Sidstnævnte bliver ikke altid efterlevet, men gør det i denne sammenhæng.
Såvidt jeg ved er QR-koden er ikke (før nu) blevet anvendt på folkebiblioteket, og heller ikke til formidling af kulturel information. Dette er imidlertid nu hovedelementet i Project Fantasy.
Denne innovative formidlingsform består i at der i 30 udvalgte fantasyromaner findes laminerede indlægskort med kort skriftlig instruktion i brugen af de nedenstående QR-koder, blandt andet download af QR reader applikationen ”NEO reader”.
Hvert indlægskort indeholder desuden oplysninger om romanens titel og forfatter, udgivelsesår, genre, aldersmæssige målgruppe – og endelig, tre QR-koder som henviser til anmeldelser, anbefalinger, beskrivelser, artikler, officielle websites med direkte relation til den pågældende roman.
Med andre ord, hvordan den gode ide opstår, hvordan denne videreudvikles og udføres i praksis. I denne forbindelse har jeg valgt primært at tage udgangspunkt i den Kreativt-Innovative-Entreprenante model – KIE-modellen, som beskrevet af Kromann-Andersen og Funch Jensen i deres bog af samme navn. Denne model danner basis for mit innovativt formidlingsprojekt på Blågårdens bibliotek.
For at give læseren et bedre indtryk af hvordan denne proces foregår i praksis, tager jeg udgangspunkt i ét innovativt projekt fra virkelighedens verden: den innovative formidling af litteraturgenren fantasy ved Blågårdens Bibliotek i København; et profilbibliotek med særligt fokus på bl.a. fantasy og science fiction; både på dansk og engelsk.
I projektets kontekst – et projekt som jeg har valgt at kalde ”Project Fantasy” – har jeg søgt at tænke nye formidlingsmetoder og –redskaber ind i folkebibliotekets formidling. Nærmere bestemt i formidlingen af Blågårdens omtalte særlige profil. Bl.a. implementeringen af QR-kode (Quick Response code) teknologien i 32 om indlæg i 32 fantasyromaner; engelske og danske.
Mere om dette, projektets øvrige formidlingsformer, fremtid mv. i nedenstående projektbeskrivelse og projektanalyse. Desuden vil jeg vende tilbage til KIE-modellens læringsrum – det Kreative, det Innovative og det Entreprenante, modellens redskaber og teori i projektanalyse, metode- og teoriafsnit. I disse afsnit vil jeg desuden beskrive og analysere på innovation og entreprenørskab – generelt og anvendt i formidlingssammenhæng.
Men allerede her vil jeg fremhæve at det bliver tiltagende mere populært at bruge ny teknologi i innovative projekter.
EKSAMENSOPGAVE i undervisningsmodulet;
"Ekspressiv kulturformiding" ved Det Informationsvidenskab... more EKSAMENSOPGAVE i undervisningsmodulet; "Ekspressiv kulturformiding" ved Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi / Københavns Universitet
Abstract This paper focuses on a field study encompassing four semistructured interviews with four Master’s student at The Royal School of Library and Information Science in Copenhagen, Denmark. The interviewees are asked about their cultural comsumption and if they engage in any cultural production themselves. These are the primary questions. The background of these questions are theories proposed by Peterson & Kern and Jenkins and Bertozzi, respectivally. In their 1996 paper Peterson & Kern present the theory that an omnivorous cultural taste has become more common in the span of the latest decades. The “high brow snob” has become rarer, while the “omnivore” – the one who is culturally openminded – has become much more commonplace, as snobs have become culturally omnivorus. Jenkins & Bertozzi claim that as many as 57 % of teenagers and young adults are actively producing some sort of culture themselves. Having reviewed my four interviews I conclude that all four are “omnivorous”, yet their cultural production is somewhat limited. Thus I’ve found empiric evidence of Peterson & Kerns theory of the omnivore, while I can’t second Jenkins & Bertozzi – at least not based on this field study.
Denne ganske korte novelle, som jeg skrev i slutningen af 2014. er tilegnet ALLE der leder efter ... more Denne ganske korte novelle, som jeg skrev i slutningen af 2014. er tilegnet ALLE der leder efter drømmejobbet - uden at kunne finde det. Den er skrevet i sjov, da den som tager dette job (i min novelle, altså) skal være heldig at overleve til lønningsdag. Se selv hvorfor, og ville DU tage det her job? Måske som en udfordring?? Det beskrevne job er ikke for sarte sjæle, og nogle ville endda blive bekymrede - og ikke kun for sig selv. "En attraktiv Stilling" er bare en lille sjov historie, og jeg håber du kan lide den. Hvis du ikke kan, tjah så har du MÅSKE aldrig været jobsøgende. Anyhow, så tag historien for hva den er. ADVARSEL: Herefter følger mit liv og levned på det sidste, som har inspireret min artikel :) Efter dimission som kandidat i informationsvidenskab og kulturformidling, var jeg indstillet på at jeg skulle søge job i måneder! Måske ville jeg skulle starte i vikariater. Jeg var indstillet på at starte nederst i "job-pyramidem", og ikke få i de første mdr, måske endda 6 mdr hvis jeg var uheldig. MEN udover et par små vikariater, har jeg nu ventet ...længe nok! Ikke adskillige år, for ledighed ER roden til alt ondt. Jeg er klar over at timingen ikke var god at det gælder mange. Men dette er bare et SPILD af tid og penge. Det gør ligefremt ondt og er deprimerende ikke at kunne få et job, når man bare brænder og længes efter et kpb. Jeg er kandidat og bibliotekar, og lige NU ville jeg allerhelst tilbage til en stilling som folkebibliotekar. Jeg var sååå naiv at keh troede at 5½ års videregående uddannelse og en kandidatgrad på uni-niveau, et alsidigt CV med job under hele studietiden, senest ved Københavns Universitet (et rigtig godt studiejob!) - og gennemført HELT UDEM FORSIMKELSE: 5½ år = bachelor of science (3 år), bibliotekar -projekt (½ år - med karakten 12) og endelig Kandidat (2 år). I alt 5½ år. Jeg dumpede kun 2 gange, og tog hhv. faget på semesteret efter, og bestod. I tilfælde nr.2 skrev jeg en 95% ny projektopgave - hvillet tog hele sommerferien. Jeg bestod begge i andet forsøg, og bestod resten (I alt 22) eksaminer. Så min VILJE til job fejler intet, og jeg har aldrig før haft så svært ved at få job! Så hvis du er nået hertil, kan lide min lille, en smule sarkastiske parodi på et jobslag. så send mig et praj hvis du kender til en åbem stilling.... Gerne et job hvor min uddannelse er brugbar, men er IKKE kræsen længerere ;) ..... At gøre det JEG finder allermest tilfredsstillende her i livet: AT FÅ ET GODT JOB, gerne med GODE KOLLEGER, som så mange andre har.... er det så meget forlangt?
My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library a... more Abstract My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Copenhagen, examines the topic: the profile of the “New Public Library”, primarily in Denmark. However, in the text I have made a few comparisons to foreign projects which single themselves out in this context. The Danish main title “Det Nye Folkebibliotek”, translates into English as “The New Public Library”. My research hypothesis being: the Danish public library has undergone a series of changes, and the changes and developments are ongoing; from being a mere collections of knowledge and materials such as books, to being active, outgoing, far reaching and versatile institutions focusing on the common good of society in a number of ways. Thus my main research question is this: how and by which means do the public libraries act differently now as opposed to earlier? Another relevant question is: which tactics do the public libraries employ in order to keep, and reinforce, their place as necessary cultural institutions in postmodern, postindustrial society today? A time period sometimes called “the Internet Age”? My empirical research and observations provide evidence that the public library no longer “just” is an institution for the loaning out of books etc. It has become a public domain focusing on lifting up society, educating the population / the users of the library, while at the same time bringing the users together in social contexts as well as cultural ones. In short, the libraries have taken on new functions and tasks, including some of the social functions earlier managed exclusively at local city halls. In order to study these new tendencies, I have applied two main methods of research: firstly, the case study, for which I have handpicked three public libraries in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen. Libraries which are similar in some ways, yet still have their different traits, although they are located within a limited geographical area. These three focus libraries have served as case studies and examples for my empirical research, active observation, and for my other primary research method: the semi-structured research interview. My three focus libraries are: • Biblioteket, Rentemestervej, Copenhagen Northwest • Ørestad Bibliotek, in the Eastern and newest part of the city • Blågårdens Bibliotek, in a central part of the city troubled by various social issues At each library I have conducted interviews with senior staff members, and gathered further information by active observation and photography, trying to catch everyday life with my eyes and camera. Part of my theory behind this research, has been the writings of Henrik Jochumsen, Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Dorte Skot-Hansen, amongst others. From the latest book by the three aforementioned Danish scientists, authors and professors at RSLIS, I have found great inspiration and motivation, and what is more, scientific terms which capture some of the most vital tendencies of The New Library. These are: Public Domain, Placemaker and Icon. In this thesis I have done my best to apply these terms, and others, in order to answer my research questions, and thereby make my contribution to unveil why we need the public libraries now, more than ever, and which components, so speak, constitute the profile of the Danish public library of today. Including its new functions, profiles, vision and mission.
Denne opgave indeholder en beskrivelse, komparativ analyse og diskussion af propaganda a... more Abstract Denne opgave indeholder en beskrivelse, komparativ analyse og diskussion af propaganda anvendt i dokumentarfilm. Der tages udgangspunkt i to forekomster af propaganda: nazisternes brug af propaganda før og under 2. Verdenskrig eksemplificeret i ”Triumph des Willens”(1934) og propaganda omkring den globale opvarmning, med fokus på Al Gores ”An Inconvenient Truth”(2006) og ”Home”(2009). Vi har brugt disse eksempler til at søge svar på spørgsmålene: Hvad er propaganda? Hvad er ”branding”? Hvordan kan disse to begreber spille sammen? Med fokus på de nævnte film har vi ud fra en analyse desuden søgt svar på om der kan tales om den samme slags propaganda i begge tilfælde, til trods for at der er tale om to meget forskellige mål disse propagandakampagner? Hvilke forskelle og ligheder findes der i disse film, betragtet som propaganda? Hvilken forskel gør det at disse er lavet med cirka 70 års mellemrum? Analysen udføres med udgangspunkt i bl.a. Meyrowitz teorier om kanalisering af information via medier, samt Jørgen Bangs teori om medieret kommunikation. Desuden har vi anvendt en del andre kilder omhandlende de to propagandakampagner som vi fokuserer på her.
The main topic of this paper is Copenhagen’s new public library, 76 Rentemestervej – “Bi... more Abstract The main topic of this paper is Copenhagen’s new public library, 76 Rentemestervej – “Biblioteket”. This new library is worthy of attentioninterest, not only as a architectual novelty, but also asbecause it is a purpose-built combination of a public library and a cultural center. The scope of this paper also encompasses the current, shifting role of the Danish public library. While the loan of books etc. remains as a central function, there is a growing demand for libraries have to do more than that. Built as an Iicon, a Pplacemaker and Ppublic domain Biblioteket is an example of the efforts put into adjusting to this role. This paper describes and discusses central important elements of this new type of public library, including such as the background and plans forning of the library. As the architecture and library room are significantly different from the average libray these are also described and analyzed. Furthermore, the question if Biblioteket has achieved the set goals is raised. Also, to what extent has Biblioteket become an Iicon, a placemaker and a public domain? Lastly, is this a model library for the future, or not?
Millions and millions of people have at least some computer experience – and practise Human-Compu... more Millions and millions of people have at least some computer experience – and practise Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) on a regular, if not daily basis. The goal of this text is merely the contribution of a quick overview of some basic facts concerning HCI; a few words on the importance and relevance of HCI research. Thus, the scope of this text isn’t a complete walkthrough of all aspects of HCI, but rather an introduction to the subject; primarily intented for librarians and information specialists.
Papers by Jon Hansen
The Danish main title “Det Nye Folkebibliotek”, translates into English as “The New Public Library”. My research hypothesis being: the Danish public library has undergone a series of changes, and the changes and developments are ongoing; from being a mere collections of knowledge and materials such as books, to being active, outgoing, far reaching and versatile institutions focusing on the common good of society in a number of ways. Thus my main research question is this: how and by which means do the public libraries act differently now as opposed to earlier? Another relevant question is: which tactics do the public libraries employ in order to keep, and reinforce, their place as necessary cultural institutions in postmodern, postindustrial society today? A time period sometimes called “the Internet Age”?
My empirical research and observations provide evidence that the public library no longer “just” is an institution for the loaning out of books etc. It has become a public domain focusing on lifting up society, educating the population / the users of the library, while at the same time bringing the users together in social contexts as well as cultural ones. In short, the libraries have taken on new functions and tasks, including some of the social functions earlier managed exclusively at local city halls.
In order to study these new tendencies, I have applied two main methods of research: firstly, the case study, for which I have handpicked three public libraries in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen. Libraries which are similar in some ways, yet still have their different traits, although they are located within a limited geographical area. These three focus libraries have served as case studies and examples for my empirical research, active observation, and for my other primary research method: the semi-structured research interview.
My three focus libraries are:
• Biblioteket, Rentemestervej, Copenhagen Northwest
• Ørestad Bibliotek, in the Eastern and newest part of the city
• Blågårdens Bibliotek, in a central part of the city troubled by various social issues
At each library I have conducted interviews with senior staff members, and gathered further information by active observation and photography, trying to catch everyday life with my eyes and camera.
Part of my theory behind this research, has been the writings of Henrik Jochumsen, Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Dorte Skot-Hansen, amongst others.
From the latest book by the three aforementioned Danish scientists, authors and professors at RSLIS, I have found great inspiration and motivation, and what is more, scientific terms which capture some of the most vital tendencies of The New Library. These are: Public Domain, Placemaker and Icon.
In this thesis I have done my best to apply these terms, and others, in order to answer my research questions, and thereby make my contribution to unveil why we need the public libraries now, more than ever, and which components, so speak, constitute the profile of the Danish public library of today. Including its new functions, profiles, vision and mission.
Formålet med dette afsnit er ikke en analyse af Project Fantasy, men derimod vil denne relativt kortfattede opsummering af projektets hovedelementer og kontekst tjene som baggrund for den følgende analyse af den innovative proces i forbindelse med projektet.
Inddragelse af ny teknologi er ofte, om end ikke altid, et af entreprenørens redskaber til at ”slå igennem”, vinde sin brugergruppes interesse og opmærksomhed. Især, men ikke kun, i forbindelse med mere kommercielle entreprenante projekter end dette, kan ”det at være den første” til at anvende ny teknologi – eller anvende eksisterende teknologi til et nyt formål, være en måde for entreprenøren at sikre sig at han/hun tilbyder sin brugergruppe noget som ingen andre gør.
I Berlingske Tidendes Business-sektion ”Innovation”, blev der 18/10 2011 bragt en artikel om de gode resultater man har haft med anvendelsen af ny teknologi i velfærds- og plejeregi. Herfra:
”Iværksættere … excellerer i evnen til at tænke eksisterende teknologier ind i nye sammenhænge, og virksomheder der tør skifte spor, når nye muligheder viser sig. Det findes der flere eksempler på herhjemme.”
I mit projekt har jeg valgt at bruge QR-koden som ”min” nye teknologi. Faktisk er teknologien bag QR-koden ikke ganske ny, da teknologien blev opfundet af Denso Wave, et datterselskab til japanske Toyota i 1994.
QR står for ”Quick Response”; i.e. ”hurtig respons/svar”, og som opfundet af bilfabrikant blev QR-koden oprindeligt anvendt som en måde til identificeringen af komponenter i bilproduktion. Koden er en såkaldt ”matrix barcode”, og faktisk ”bare” en avanceret stregkode – som dog kan rumme meget store mængder af information i et firkantet mønster bestående af binære, alfanumeriske eller Kanji symboler.
QR-koden er ofte blevet anvendt til forskellige formål i sit hjemland, men det er først for nylig at den er dukket op som en del af danskernes dagligdag; især i reklamer i bybilledet og i aviser.
QR-koden er nu (december 2011) ved at blive et både velkendt og genkendt fænomen i danskernes hverdag, og det er almen viden at disse koder aflæser med en såkaldt smartphone, inklusiv installeret gratis software; en QR reader application eller app.
Brugen er QR-koden er nu frigivet til fri og gratis brug af fabrikanten, selvom Denso Waves navn officielt skal nævnes i sammenhængen. Sidstnævnte bliver ikke altid efterlevet, men gør det i denne sammenhæng.
Såvidt jeg ved er QR-koden er ikke (før nu) blevet anvendt på folkebiblioteket, og heller ikke til formidling af kulturel information. Dette er imidlertid nu hovedelementet i Project Fantasy.
Denne innovative formidlingsform består i at der i 30 udvalgte fantasyromaner findes laminerede indlægskort med kort skriftlig instruktion i brugen af de nedenstående QR-koder, blandt andet download af QR reader applikationen ”NEO reader”.
Hvert indlægskort indeholder desuden oplysninger om romanens titel og forfatter, udgivelsesår, genre, aldersmæssige målgruppe – og endelig, tre QR-koder som henviser til anmeldelser, anbefalinger, beskrivelser, artikler, officielle websites med direkte relation til den pågældende roman.
Jeg har genereret samtlige koder vha. QR-kode generatoren som er gratis og offentligt tilgængelig på:
Med andre ord, hvordan den gode ide opstår, hvordan denne videreudvikles og udføres i praksis.
I denne forbindelse har jeg valgt primært at tage udgangspunkt i den Kreativt-Innovative-Entreprenante model – KIE-modellen, som beskrevet af Kromann-Andersen og Funch Jensen i deres bog af samme navn.
Denne model danner basis for mit innovativt formidlingsprojekt på Blågårdens bibliotek.
For at give læseren et bedre indtryk af hvordan denne proces foregår i praksis, tager jeg udgangspunkt i ét innovativt projekt fra virkelighedens verden: den innovative formidling af litteraturgenren fantasy ved Blågårdens Bibliotek i København; et profilbibliotek med særligt fokus på bl.a. fantasy og science fiction; både på dansk og engelsk.
I projektets kontekst – et projekt som jeg har valgt at kalde ”Project Fantasy” – har jeg søgt at tænke nye formidlingsmetoder og –redskaber ind i folkebibliotekets formidling. Nærmere bestemt i formidlingen af Blågårdens omtalte særlige profil. Bl.a. implementeringen af QR-kode (Quick Response code) teknologien i 32 om indlæg i 32 fantasyromaner; engelske og danske.
Mere om dette, projektets øvrige formidlingsformer, fremtid mv. i nedenstående projektbeskrivelse og projektanalyse.
Desuden vil jeg vende tilbage til KIE-modellens læringsrum – det Kreative, det Innovative og det Entreprenante, modellens redskaber og teori i projektanalyse, metode- og teoriafsnit.
I disse afsnit vil jeg desuden beskrive og analysere på innovation og entreprenørskab – generelt og anvendt i formidlingssammenhæng.
Men allerede her vil jeg fremhæve at det bliver tiltagende mere populært at bruge ny teknologi i innovative projekter.
"Ekspressiv kulturformiding" ved Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi / Københavns Universitet
This paper focuses on a field study encompassing four semistructured interviews with four Master’s student at The Royal School of Library and Information Science in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The interviewees are asked about their cultural comsumption and if they engage in any cultural production themselves. These are the primary questions. The background of these questions are theories proposed by Peterson & Kern and Jenkins and Bertozzi, respectivally.
In their 1996 paper Peterson & Kern present the theory that an omnivorous cultural taste has become more common in the span of the latest decades. The “high brow snob” has become rarer, while the “omnivore” – the one who is culturally openminded – has become much more commonplace, as snobs have become culturally omnivorus.
Jenkins & Bertozzi claim that as many as 57 % of teenagers and young adults are actively producing some sort of culture themselves.
Having reviewed my four interviews I conclude that all four are “omnivorous”, yet their cultural production is somewhat limited. Thus I’ve found empiric evidence of Peterson & Kerns theory of the omnivore, while I can’t second Jenkins & Bertozzi – at least not based on this field study.
Det beskrevne job er ikke for sarte sjæle, og nogle ville endda blive bekymrede - og ikke kun for sig selv.
"En attraktiv Stilling" er bare en lille sjov historie, og jeg håber du kan lide den. Hvis du ikke kan, tjah så har du MÅSKE aldrig været jobsøgende.
Anyhow, så tag historien for hva den er.
ADVARSEL: Herefter følger mit liv og levned på det sidste, som har inspireret min artikel :)
Efter dimission som kandidat i informationsvidenskab og kulturformidling, var jeg indstillet på at jeg skulle søge job i måneder! Måske ville jeg skulle starte i vikariater.
Jeg var indstillet på at starte nederst i "job-pyramidem", og ikke få i de første mdr, måske endda 6 mdr hvis jeg var uheldig. MEN udover et par små vikariater, har jeg nu ventet ...længe nok! Ikke adskillige år, for ledighed ER roden til alt ondt.
Jeg er klar over at timingen ikke var god at det gælder mange. Men dette er bare et SPILD af tid og penge. Det gør ligefremt ondt og er deprimerende ikke at kunne få et job, når man bare brænder og længes efter et kpb. Jeg er kandidat og bibliotekar, og lige NU ville jeg allerhelst tilbage til en stilling som folkebibliotekar.
Jeg var sååå naiv at keh troede at 5½ års videregående uddannelse og en kandidatgrad på uni-niveau, et alsidigt CV med job under hele studietiden, senest ved Københavns Universitet (et rigtig godt studiejob!) - og gennemført HELT UDEM FORSIMKELSE: 5½ år = bachelor of science (3 år), bibliotekar -projekt (½ år - med karakten 12) og endelig Kandidat (2 år). I alt 5½ år. Jeg dumpede kun 2 gange, og tog hhv. faget på semesteret efter, og bestod. I tilfælde nr.2 skrev jeg en 95% ny projektopgave - hvillet tog hele sommerferien. Jeg bestod begge i andet forsøg, og bestod resten (I alt 22) eksaminer. Så min VILJE til job fejler intet, og jeg har aldrig før haft så svært ved at få job!
Så hvis du er nået hertil, kan lide min lille, en smule sarkastiske parodi på et jobslag. så send mig et praj hvis du kender til en åbem stilling.... Gerne et job hvor min uddannelse er brugbar, men er IKKE kræsen længerere ;) .....
At gøre det JEG finder allermest tilfredsstillende her i livet: AT FÅ ET GODT JOB, gerne med GODE KOLLEGER, som så mange andre har.... er det så meget forlangt?
My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Copenhagen, examines the topic: the profile of the “New Public Library”, primarily in Denmark. However, in the text I have made a few comparisons to foreign projects which single themselves out in this context.
The Danish main title “Det Nye Folkebibliotek”, translates into English as “The New Public Library”. My research hypothesis being: the Danish public library has undergone a series of changes, and the changes and developments are ongoing; from being a mere collections of knowledge and materials such as books, to being active, outgoing, far reaching and versatile institutions focusing on the common good of society in a number of ways. Thus my main research question is this: how and by which means do the public libraries act differently now as opposed to earlier? Another relevant question is: which tactics do the public libraries employ in order to keep, and reinforce, their place as necessary cultural institutions in postmodern, postindustrial society today? A time period sometimes called “the Internet Age”?
My empirical research and observations provide evidence that the public library no longer “just” is an institution for the loaning out of books etc. It has become a public domain focusing on lifting up society, educating the population / the users of the library, while at the same time bringing the users together in social contexts as well as cultural ones. In short, the libraries have taken on new functions and tasks, including some of the social functions earlier managed exclusively at local city halls.
In order to study these new tendencies, I have applied two main methods of research: firstly, the case study, for which I have handpicked three public libraries in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen. Libraries which are similar in some ways, yet still have their different traits, although they are located within a limited geographical area. These three focus libraries have served as case studies and examples for my empirical research, active observation, and for my other primary research method: the semi-structured research interview.
My three focus libraries are:
• Biblioteket, Rentemestervej, Copenhagen Northwest
• Ørestad Bibliotek, in the Eastern and newest part of the city
• Blågårdens Bibliotek, in a central part of the city troubled by various social issues
At each library I have conducted interviews with senior staff members, and gathered further information by active observation and photography, trying to catch everyday life with my eyes and camera.
Part of my theory behind this research, has been the writings of Henrik Jochumsen, Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Dorte Skot-Hansen, amongst others.
From the latest book by the three aforementioned Danish scientists, authors and professors at RSLIS, I have found great inspiration and motivation, and what is more, scientific terms which capture some of the most vital tendencies of The New Library. These are: Public Domain, Placemaker and Icon.
In this thesis I have done my best to apply these terms, and others, in order to answer my research questions, and thereby make my contribution to unveil why we need the public libraries now, more than ever, and which components, so speak, constitute the profile of the Danish public library of today. Including its new functions, profiles, vision and mission.
Denne opgave indeholder en beskrivelse, komparativ analyse og diskussion af propaganda anvendt i dokumentarfilm. Der tages udgangspunkt i to forekomster af propaganda: nazisternes brug af propaganda før og under 2. Verdenskrig eksemplificeret i ”Triumph des Willens”(1934) og propaganda omkring den globale opvarmning, med fokus på Al Gores ”An Inconvenient Truth”(2006) og ”Home”(2009).
Vi har brugt disse eksempler til at søge svar på spørgsmålene: Hvad er propaganda? Hvad er ”branding”? Hvordan kan disse to begreber spille sammen?
Med fokus på de nævnte film har vi ud fra en analyse desuden søgt svar på om der kan tales om den samme slags propaganda i begge tilfælde, til trods for at der er tale om to meget forskellige mål disse propagandakampagner?
Hvilke forskelle og ligheder findes der i disse film, betragtet som propaganda? Hvilken forskel gør det at disse er lavet med cirka 70 års mellemrum?
Analysen udføres med udgangspunkt i bl.a. Meyrowitz teorier om kanalisering af information via medier, samt Jørgen Bangs teori om medieret kommunikation. Desuden har vi anvendt en del andre kilder omhandlende de to propagandakampagner som vi fokuserer på her.
The main topic of this paper is Copenhagen’s new public library, 76 Rentemestervej – “Biblioteket”. This new library is worthy of attentioninterest, not only as a architectual novelty, but also asbecause it is a purpose-built combination of a public library and a cultural center.
The scope of this paper also encompasses the current, shifting role of the Danish public library. While the loan of books etc. remains as a central function, there is a growing demand for libraries have to do more than that. Built as an Iicon, a Pplacemaker and Ppublic domain Biblioteket is an example of the efforts put into adjusting to this role.
This paper describes and discusses central important elements of this new type of public library, including such as the background and plans forning of the library. As the architecture and library room are significantly different from the average libray these are also described and analyzed.
Furthermore, the question if Biblioteket has achieved the set goals is raised. Also, to what extent has Biblioteket become an Iicon, a placemaker and a public domain?
Lastly, is this a model library for the future, or not?
The goal of this text is merely the contribution of a quick overview of some basic facts concerning HCI; a few words on the importance and relevance of HCI research.
Thus, the scope of this text isn’t a complete walkthrough of all aspects of HCI, but rather an introduction to the subject; primarily intented for librarians and information specialists.
The Danish main title “Det Nye Folkebibliotek”, translates into English as “The New Public Library”. My research hypothesis being: the Danish public library has undergone a series of changes, and the changes and developments are ongoing; from being a mere collections of knowledge and materials such as books, to being active, outgoing, far reaching and versatile institutions focusing on the common good of society in a number of ways. Thus my main research question is this: how and by which means do the public libraries act differently now as opposed to earlier? Another relevant question is: which tactics do the public libraries employ in order to keep, and reinforce, their place as necessary cultural institutions in postmodern, postindustrial society today? A time period sometimes called “the Internet Age”?
My empirical research and observations provide evidence that the public library no longer “just” is an institution for the loaning out of books etc. It has become a public domain focusing on lifting up society, educating the population / the users of the library, while at the same time bringing the users together in social contexts as well as cultural ones. In short, the libraries have taken on new functions and tasks, including some of the social functions earlier managed exclusively at local city halls.
In order to study these new tendencies, I have applied two main methods of research: firstly, the case study, for which I have handpicked three public libraries in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen. Libraries which are similar in some ways, yet still have their different traits, although they are located within a limited geographical area. These three focus libraries have served as case studies and examples for my empirical research, active observation, and for my other primary research method: the semi-structured research interview.
My three focus libraries are:
• Biblioteket, Rentemestervej, Copenhagen Northwest
• Ørestad Bibliotek, in the Eastern and newest part of the city
• Blågårdens Bibliotek, in a central part of the city troubled by various social issues
At each library I have conducted interviews with senior staff members, and gathered further information by active observation and photography, trying to catch everyday life with my eyes and camera.
Part of my theory behind this research, has been the writings of Henrik Jochumsen, Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Dorte Skot-Hansen, amongst others.
From the latest book by the three aforementioned Danish scientists, authors and professors at RSLIS, I have found great inspiration and motivation, and what is more, scientific terms which capture some of the most vital tendencies of The New Library. These are: Public Domain, Placemaker and Icon.
In this thesis I have done my best to apply these terms, and others, in order to answer my research questions, and thereby make my contribution to unveil why we need the public libraries now, more than ever, and which components, so speak, constitute the profile of the Danish public library of today. Including its new functions, profiles, vision and mission.
Formålet med dette afsnit er ikke en analyse af Project Fantasy, men derimod vil denne relativt kortfattede opsummering af projektets hovedelementer og kontekst tjene som baggrund for den følgende analyse af den innovative proces i forbindelse med projektet.
Inddragelse af ny teknologi er ofte, om end ikke altid, et af entreprenørens redskaber til at ”slå igennem”, vinde sin brugergruppes interesse og opmærksomhed. Især, men ikke kun, i forbindelse med mere kommercielle entreprenante projekter end dette, kan ”det at være den første” til at anvende ny teknologi – eller anvende eksisterende teknologi til et nyt formål, være en måde for entreprenøren at sikre sig at han/hun tilbyder sin brugergruppe noget som ingen andre gør.
I Berlingske Tidendes Business-sektion ”Innovation”, blev der 18/10 2011 bragt en artikel om de gode resultater man har haft med anvendelsen af ny teknologi i velfærds- og plejeregi. Herfra:
”Iværksættere … excellerer i evnen til at tænke eksisterende teknologier ind i nye sammenhænge, og virksomheder der tør skifte spor, når nye muligheder viser sig. Det findes der flere eksempler på herhjemme.”
I mit projekt har jeg valgt at bruge QR-koden som ”min” nye teknologi. Faktisk er teknologien bag QR-koden ikke ganske ny, da teknologien blev opfundet af Denso Wave, et datterselskab til japanske Toyota i 1994.
QR står for ”Quick Response”; i.e. ”hurtig respons/svar”, og som opfundet af bilfabrikant blev QR-koden oprindeligt anvendt som en måde til identificeringen af komponenter i bilproduktion. Koden er en såkaldt ”matrix barcode”, og faktisk ”bare” en avanceret stregkode – som dog kan rumme meget store mængder af information i et firkantet mønster bestående af binære, alfanumeriske eller Kanji symboler.
QR-koden er ofte blevet anvendt til forskellige formål i sit hjemland, men det er først for nylig at den er dukket op som en del af danskernes dagligdag; især i reklamer i bybilledet og i aviser.
QR-koden er nu (december 2011) ved at blive et både velkendt og genkendt fænomen i danskernes hverdag, og det er almen viden at disse koder aflæser med en såkaldt smartphone, inklusiv installeret gratis software; en QR reader application eller app.
Brugen er QR-koden er nu frigivet til fri og gratis brug af fabrikanten, selvom Denso Waves navn officielt skal nævnes i sammenhængen. Sidstnævnte bliver ikke altid efterlevet, men gør det i denne sammenhæng.
Såvidt jeg ved er QR-koden er ikke (før nu) blevet anvendt på folkebiblioteket, og heller ikke til formidling af kulturel information. Dette er imidlertid nu hovedelementet i Project Fantasy.
Denne innovative formidlingsform består i at der i 30 udvalgte fantasyromaner findes laminerede indlægskort med kort skriftlig instruktion i brugen af de nedenstående QR-koder, blandt andet download af QR reader applikationen ”NEO reader”.
Hvert indlægskort indeholder desuden oplysninger om romanens titel og forfatter, udgivelsesår, genre, aldersmæssige målgruppe – og endelig, tre QR-koder som henviser til anmeldelser, anbefalinger, beskrivelser, artikler, officielle websites med direkte relation til den pågældende roman.
Jeg har genereret samtlige koder vha. QR-kode generatoren som er gratis og offentligt tilgængelig på:
Med andre ord, hvordan den gode ide opstår, hvordan denne videreudvikles og udføres i praksis.
I denne forbindelse har jeg valgt primært at tage udgangspunkt i den Kreativt-Innovative-Entreprenante model – KIE-modellen, som beskrevet af Kromann-Andersen og Funch Jensen i deres bog af samme navn.
Denne model danner basis for mit innovativt formidlingsprojekt på Blågårdens bibliotek.
For at give læseren et bedre indtryk af hvordan denne proces foregår i praksis, tager jeg udgangspunkt i ét innovativt projekt fra virkelighedens verden: den innovative formidling af litteraturgenren fantasy ved Blågårdens Bibliotek i København; et profilbibliotek med særligt fokus på bl.a. fantasy og science fiction; både på dansk og engelsk.
I projektets kontekst – et projekt som jeg har valgt at kalde ”Project Fantasy” – har jeg søgt at tænke nye formidlingsmetoder og –redskaber ind i folkebibliotekets formidling. Nærmere bestemt i formidlingen af Blågårdens omtalte særlige profil. Bl.a. implementeringen af QR-kode (Quick Response code) teknologien i 32 om indlæg i 32 fantasyromaner; engelske og danske.
Mere om dette, projektets øvrige formidlingsformer, fremtid mv. i nedenstående projektbeskrivelse og projektanalyse.
Desuden vil jeg vende tilbage til KIE-modellens læringsrum – det Kreative, det Innovative og det Entreprenante, modellens redskaber og teori i projektanalyse, metode- og teoriafsnit.
I disse afsnit vil jeg desuden beskrive og analysere på innovation og entreprenørskab – generelt og anvendt i formidlingssammenhæng.
Men allerede her vil jeg fremhæve at det bliver tiltagende mere populært at bruge ny teknologi i innovative projekter.
"Ekspressiv kulturformiding" ved Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi / Københavns Universitet
This paper focuses on a field study encompassing four semistructured interviews with four Master’s student at The Royal School of Library and Information Science in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The interviewees are asked about their cultural comsumption and if they engage in any cultural production themselves. These are the primary questions. The background of these questions are theories proposed by Peterson & Kern and Jenkins and Bertozzi, respectivally.
In their 1996 paper Peterson & Kern present the theory that an omnivorous cultural taste has become more common in the span of the latest decades. The “high brow snob” has become rarer, while the “omnivore” – the one who is culturally openminded – has become much more commonplace, as snobs have become culturally omnivorus.
Jenkins & Bertozzi claim that as many as 57 % of teenagers and young adults are actively producing some sort of culture themselves.
Having reviewed my four interviews I conclude that all four are “omnivorous”, yet their cultural production is somewhat limited. Thus I’ve found empiric evidence of Peterson & Kerns theory of the omnivore, while I can’t second Jenkins & Bertozzi – at least not based on this field study.
Det beskrevne job er ikke for sarte sjæle, og nogle ville endda blive bekymrede - og ikke kun for sig selv.
"En attraktiv Stilling" er bare en lille sjov historie, og jeg håber du kan lide den. Hvis du ikke kan, tjah så har du MÅSKE aldrig været jobsøgende.
Anyhow, så tag historien for hva den er.
ADVARSEL: Herefter følger mit liv og levned på det sidste, som har inspireret min artikel :)
Efter dimission som kandidat i informationsvidenskab og kulturformidling, var jeg indstillet på at jeg skulle søge job i måneder! Måske ville jeg skulle starte i vikariater.
Jeg var indstillet på at starte nederst i "job-pyramidem", og ikke få i de første mdr, måske endda 6 mdr hvis jeg var uheldig. MEN udover et par små vikariater, har jeg nu ventet ...længe nok! Ikke adskillige år, for ledighed ER roden til alt ondt.
Jeg er klar over at timingen ikke var god at det gælder mange. Men dette er bare et SPILD af tid og penge. Det gør ligefremt ondt og er deprimerende ikke at kunne få et job, når man bare brænder og længes efter et kpb. Jeg er kandidat og bibliotekar, og lige NU ville jeg allerhelst tilbage til en stilling som folkebibliotekar.
Jeg var sååå naiv at keh troede at 5½ års videregående uddannelse og en kandidatgrad på uni-niveau, et alsidigt CV med job under hele studietiden, senest ved Københavns Universitet (et rigtig godt studiejob!) - og gennemført HELT UDEM FORSIMKELSE: 5½ år = bachelor of science (3 år), bibliotekar -projekt (½ år - med karakten 12) og endelig Kandidat (2 år). I alt 5½ år. Jeg dumpede kun 2 gange, og tog hhv. faget på semesteret efter, og bestod. I tilfælde nr.2 skrev jeg en 95% ny projektopgave - hvillet tog hele sommerferien. Jeg bestod begge i andet forsøg, og bestod resten (I alt 22) eksaminer. Så min VILJE til job fejler intet, og jeg har aldrig før haft så svært ved at få job!
Så hvis du er nået hertil, kan lide min lille, en smule sarkastiske parodi på et jobslag. så send mig et praj hvis du kender til en åbem stilling.... Gerne et job hvor min uddannelse er brugbar, men er IKKE kræsen længerere ;) .....
At gøre det JEG finder allermest tilfredsstillende her i livet: AT FÅ ET GODT JOB, gerne med GODE KOLLEGER, som så mange andre har.... er det så meget forlangt?
My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Copenhagen, examines the topic: the profile of the “New Public Library”, primarily in Denmark. However, in the text I have made a few comparisons to foreign projects which single themselves out in this context.
The Danish main title “Det Nye Folkebibliotek”, translates into English as “The New Public Library”. My research hypothesis being: the Danish public library has undergone a series of changes, and the changes and developments are ongoing; from being a mere collections of knowledge and materials such as books, to being active, outgoing, far reaching and versatile institutions focusing on the common good of society in a number of ways. Thus my main research question is this: how and by which means do the public libraries act differently now as opposed to earlier? Another relevant question is: which tactics do the public libraries employ in order to keep, and reinforce, their place as necessary cultural institutions in postmodern, postindustrial society today? A time period sometimes called “the Internet Age”?
My empirical research and observations provide evidence that the public library no longer “just” is an institution for the loaning out of books etc. It has become a public domain focusing on lifting up society, educating the population / the users of the library, while at the same time bringing the users together in social contexts as well as cultural ones. In short, the libraries have taken on new functions and tasks, including some of the social functions earlier managed exclusively at local city halls.
In order to study these new tendencies, I have applied two main methods of research: firstly, the case study, for which I have handpicked three public libraries in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen. Libraries which are similar in some ways, yet still have their different traits, although they are located within a limited geographical area. These three focus libraries have served as case studies and examples for my empirical research, active observation, and for my other primary research method: the semi-structured research interview.
My three focus libraries are:
• Biblioteket, Rentemestervej, Copenhagen Northwest
• Ørestad Bibliotek, in the Eastern and newest part of the city
• Blågårdens Bibliotek, in a central part of the city troubled by various social issues
At each library I have conducted interviews with senior staff members, and gathered further information by active observation and photography, trying to catch everyday life with my eyes and camera.
Part of my theory behind this research, has been the writings of Henrik Jochumsen, Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Dorte Skot-Hansen, amongst others.
From the latest book by the three aforementioned Danish scientists, authors and professors at RSLIS, I have found great inspiration and motivation, and what is more, scientific terms which capture some of the most vital tendencies of The New Library. These are: Public Domain, Placemaker and Icon.
In this thesis I have done my best to apply these terms, and others, in order to answer my research questions, and thereby make my contribution to unveil why we need the public libraries now, more than ever, and which components, so speak, constitute the profile of the Danish public library of today. Including its new functions, profiles, vision and mission.
Denne opgave indeholder en beskrivelse, komparativ analyse og diskussion af propaganda anvendt i dokumentarfilm. Der tages udgangspunkt i to forekomster af propaganda: nazisternes brug af propaganda før og under 2. Verdenskrig eksemplificeret i ”Triumph des Willens”(1934) og propaganda omkring den globale opvarmning, med fokus på Al Gores ”An Inconvenient Truth”(2006) og ”Home”(2009).
Vi har brugt disse eksempler til at søge svar på spørgsmålene: Hvad er propaganda? Hvad er ”branding”? Hvordan kan disse to begreber spille sammen?
Med fokus på de nævnte film har vi ud fra en analyse desuden søgt svar på om der kan tales om den samme slags propaganda i begge tilfælde, til trods for at der er tale om to meget forskellige mål disse propagandakampagner?
Hvilke forskelle og ligheder findes der i disse film, betragtet som propaganda? Hvilken forskel gør det at disse er lavet med cirka 70 års mellemrum?
Analysen udføres med udgangspunkt i bl.a. Meyrowitz teorier om kanalisering af information via medier, samt Jørgen Bangs teori om medieret kommunikation. Desuden har vi anvendt en del andre kilder omhandlende de to propagandakampagner som vi fokuserer på her.
The main topic of this paper is Copenhagen’s new public library, 76 Rentemestervej – “Biblioteket”. This new library is worthy of attentioninterest, not only as a architectual novelty, but also asbecause it is a purpose-built combination of a public library and a cultural center.
The scope of this paper also encompasses the current, shifting role of the Danish public library. While the loan of books etc. remains as a central function, there is a growing demand for libraries have to do more than that. Built as an Iicon, a Pplacemaker and Ppublic domain Biblioteket is an example of the efforts put into adjusting to this role.
This paper describes and discusses central important elements of this new type of public library, including such as the background and plans forning of the library. As the architecture and library room are significantly different from the average libray these are also described and analyzed.
Furthermore, the question if Biblioteket has achieved the set goals is raised. Also, to what extent has Biblioteket become an Iicon, a placemaker and a public domain?
Lastly, is this a model library for the future, or not?
The goal of this text is merely the contribution of a quick overview of some basic facts concerning HCI; a few words on the importance and relevance of HCI research.
Thus, the scope of this text isn’t a complete walkthrough of all aspects of HCI, but rather an introduction to the subject; primarily intented for librarians and information specialists.