History of Books
Recent papers in History of Books
Script for video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjepyBwdpOY, which is part of the MOOC "Deciphering the secrets of medieval illuminated manuscripts", offered by the universities of Colorado (US) and Complutense (Spain) through... more
Script for video: https://youtu.be/_feSG2ZVEAM. On how medieval copyists worked with quires and copyist's systems to keep quires in correct order while copying went forth.
История книготоргового дела С.-Петербурга привлекала внимание мно гих ис сле до ва те лей, за ни мав ших ся изу че ни ем книж но го де ла в це-лом или по свя тив ших свои ра бо ты дея тель но сти его от дель ных пред-ста ви те лей 1. Пер... more
Script for the educational video with the same title https://youtu.be/XP_ONVXhqZE
Script for https://youtu.be/5sm5_VCIYKA, on the codex book format, including consideration of its birth and the different types of codices.
Visual and cultural analysis of Nihon no hana 日本の花(1946), a book pairing pictures and poetry by diverse artists and poets on the theme of flowers. The book is part of the Pulverer Collection of Japanese illustrated books of the Freer... more
Contributo contenuto all'interno della miscellanea "Scaffali come segmenti di storia. Studi in onore di Vincenzo Trombetta", a cura di Rosa Parlavecchia e Paola Zito
Only Polish words from Marcin Paszkowski’s “Dictionary” have been published up to now while their Turkish equivalents have never been edited although two scholars (Ananiasz Zajączkowski 1938 and Stanisław Stachowski 1989) intended to do... more
Статут ВКЛ з’яўляецца надзвычай каштоўным помнікам айчыннай кніжнай культуры. Ён не толькі аказаў вялікі ўплыў на развіццё прававой думкі Беларусі і ўсяго ўсходнееўрапейскага рэгіёна, стварыў спрыяльныя ўмовы для развіцця беларускай... more
A "sociologia histórica das práticas de leitura", segundo Roger Chartier, move-se em meio à tensão operatória estabelecida entre, de um lado, o poder que o texto publicado (e/ou daqueles que estão por trás dele) procura exercer sobre o... more
Script for the educational video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQsCTKGE1vI for the MOOC "Deciphering secrets: the illuminated medieval manuscripts".
Со второй половины XVIII в. французское влияние сказывалось во многих европейских странах. Не избежала этого воздействия и Россия. Менялась правительственная идеология, но восприятие французской культуры оставалось в России неизменным. В... more
Podjąłem się tematu tego referatu, by chociaż częściowo podjąć próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie: Czego możemy dowiedzieć się z testamentów o roli, którą odgrywały książki wśród przedstawicieli późnośredniowiecznego mieszczaństwa? Ze względu na... more
Kingo Style and Brorson Song – Traditional Hymn Singing in Denmark From hymnals and Sound Recordings This dissertation investigates folk hymn singing traditions in Denmark in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, which are rooted... more
Studies of networks complete studies of fields, and of communicative circulations. This Master thesis is a biographical studie of an author and journalist, Gustaf Montgomery (GM), his network in Sweden of the early 19th century. The... more
Visual and cultural analysis of Nihon no yūshū 日本の憂愁 (1955), a posthumous book featuring prints, poems and other texts by the artist Onchi Kōshirō. The book is part of the Pulverer Collection of Japanese illustrated books of the Freer... more
И КНИгОпРОДАВцЕВ (С.-пЕтЕРБуРг, 1909 г.; мОСКВА, 1912 г.) В конце XIX -начале XX в. в условиях экономического подъема, распространения грамотности и образования, успешного развития книгоиздания в России происходили перемены в сфере... more
Visual and cultural analysis of Nihon no sansui 日本の山水(1946), a book pairing pictures and poetry by diverse artists and poets on the theme of the Japanese landscape. This book is one of two copies of the title in the Pulverer Collection of... more
Questo e-book celebra la grande tradizione del libro italiano antico e moderno, in cui cultura, sapere e tecnica editoriale si sono combinate per secoli al fine di trasmettere efficacemente bellezza, arte e idee nuove.
An introduction to Adriaen Verwer's annotated copy of Newton's first edition of the Principia (1687). Verwer was a Dutch merchant and amateur mathematician and linguist, who was one of the first Newtonians on the Continent. His extensive... more
Resenha do livro: ZAWISZA, E. L'âge d'or du péritexte: Titres et préfaces dans les romans du XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Hermann, 2013. Nos últimos anos, as pesquisas e a reflexão sobre os paratextos, em geral prefaciais, do século XVIII... more
Visual and cultural analysis of Kawakami Sumio's Haraiso (Paradise, 1951), a handprinted book pairing text and images on the Christian paradise theme. The book is in the Pulverer Collection of Japanese illustrated books of the Freer... more
The history of rapports between Jews and Christians is but a single chapter in the large-scale and cumbersome story of coexistence between different cultures and religions. In the Italian historiography a poor and rare confrontation and... more
Visual and cultural analysis of Nihon no sansui 日本の山水(1946), a book pairing pictures and poetry by diverse artists and poets on the theme of the Japanese landscape. This book is one of two copies of the title in the Pulverer Collection of... more
Studies of networks, fields and of communicative circulations complement each other. This master thesis is a biographical study of an author and journalist, Gustaf Montgomery GM, his network in Sweden of the early 19th century, and a... more
Piccola esposizione del materiale librario proveniente dal convento francescano di Aleppo e oggi conservato presso la Biblioteca Generale della Custodia di Terra Santa a Gerusalemme.
This article examines the significance of broadsheets in the context of the Protestant Reformation and the printing industry in Wittenberg. It explores the role of broadsheets in disseminating evangelical doctrines, facilitating scholarly... more