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Durante il II convegno internazionale di studi dedicato a s. Francesco di Paola (7-9 dicembre 1990) fu posto in evidenza il contributo derivante dalla storia delle confraternite in rapporto con il culto, con la pietà popolare e con la... more
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      Church HistoryConfraternities and Luoghi PiiCatholic Church HistoryConfraternite laiche
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      History of librariesTextual TransmissionConfraternity StudiesNetwork of confraternity
This book presents a provocatively new interpretation of one of New Orleans' most enigmatic traditions, the Mardi Gras Indians. By interpreting the tradition in an Atlantic context, Dewulf traces the " black Indians " back to the ancient... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesMusicMusic History
Franciscan confraternities were indispensable charitable institutions in early colonial Mexico. Confraternities encouraged Indigenous self-governance within Catholic spheres, and, most notably, they built social structures where the poor... more
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      Latin American StudiesFranciscan StudiesHistory of Colonial MexicoHistory of Hospitals
CFP: Beyond the Microcosm: The Impact of Confraternities on the Civic Sphere. Since the formation of the Society for Confraternity Studies, which celebrates it 30th anniversary in 2019, the subject of Confraternity Studies has moved on... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionMedieval Studies
In the ancient confraternity of San Niccolò del Ceppo, Florence - one of the rare lay companies still in existence thereat - is preserved an unusual vanitas. The macabre theme of death is represented by a skeleton smashing musical... more
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      MusicDeath StudiesBaroque Art and LiteratureHistory of Florence
A Dissertation presented to the Faculty of Arts of the University of Malta in part fulfilment for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History. Analyzing the the religious and social aspect of one of the most old Confraternities... more
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      Popular Culture and Religious StudiesMaltaConfraternitiesConfraternity Studies
This paper deals with the famous fresco known as the “Virgin of Mercy” or “Allegory of Mercy” in the Oratorio del Bigallo in Florence. The date of the fresco is uncertain, between 1342 and 1352. Its iconography and chronology are here... more
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      IconographyHistory of DressHeraldryUrban Studies
Il lavoro esamina le situazioni nazionali e regionali delle realtà confraternali in generale prima e della Confraternita della SS. Trinità di Giovinazzo in particolare poi, e degli studi su di esse dall’indomani del Concilio di Trento... more
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      Confraternities and Luoghi PiiConfraternite laicheGiovinazzoEdizione, Diplomatica
The devotion of the people, church and the royal family, to Saint Elizabeth, the Queen of Portugal was intense throughout the centuries, due to the many miracles obtained through her intercession, but it increased after her beatification... more
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      Art HistoryPortuguese StudiesPortuguese HistoryHistory of Art
Il saggio prende le mosse dalla scoperta di un atto notarile cinquecentesco nell'Archivio di Stato di Campobasso, relativo alla fondazione di una poco nota confraternita religiosa per poi approfondire diversi aspetti della vita religiosa... more
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      Cultural StudiesConfraternities and Luoghi PiiItalianStoria della chiesa
When Johan Maurits of Nassau, Governor-General of Dutch Brazil (1630-54), sent out expeditions against the maroons of Palmares, he was informed by his intelligence officers that the inhabitants followed the “Portuguese religion,” that... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCultural History
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      Florentine ArtConfraternite laicheConfraternities studiesConfraternity Studies
This article, published in the Bollettino della Deputazione di Storia Patria per l'Umbria (vol. 103, 2006), focuses on a special gonfalone painted by Niccolò di Liberatore in 1466 for the confraternity of the Annunziata in Perugia.... more
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      Image ProcessionsPerugia - Middle Ages / Perugia - medioevoConfraternity StudiesCivic Religion
This article introduces the content of "Fondo Annunziata" at the Archivio diocesano of Perugia as well as its new classification, undertaken by the author in June 2016. The archives of this confraternity cover the 14th-20th centuries. The... more
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      PerugiaConfraternity Studies
O. SERGI, Il seicentesco Oratorio della Reale Arciconfraternita di Maria SS. del Rosario di Catanzaro: tra stucchi e intagli lignei, in «Obiettivo Calabria», XLVII, 4, 2009, pp. 48 - 51. Rivista bimestrale della Camera di Commercio di... more
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      Confraternities and Luoghi PiiSacred ArtCalabriaSacred Art and Sacred Architecture
During the Modern age, in Italy and throughout Europe, we find several Jewish congregations for charitable purposes. In particular, in Modena, we witness the first, and today only, entirely female Jewish congregation, the So’ed Holim... more
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      BrotherhoodModenaConfraternity StudiesRegisters
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      Civil Society and the Public SphereCivil ReligionBolognaConfraternity Studies
Dentro del mosaico de instituciones que el clero español implantó en el Nuevo Mundo para propagar la cristiandad ocuparon un rol destacado las cofradías o congregaciones, unas asociaciones piadosas y benéficas fundadas bajo una advocación... more
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      Latin American StudiesMexican StudiesLocal IdentitiesMexico History
La chiesa di San Pietro, il monastero femminile e la confraternita di Maria Santissima del Carmine, strettamente congiunti, costituiscono un segmento particolarmente interessante della storia della città di Molfetta, nonché della medesima... more
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      Church HistoryCisterciansConfraternities and Luoghi PiiCistercian Studies
Storia e simbologia del Gruppo ligneo della Passione e della celebre Coltre processionale del Cristo morto di Penne.
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      Confraternities and Luoghi PiiConfraternities studiesConfraternity StudiesVenerdì Santo
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      Social and Cultural History of ReligionConfraternity StudiesLaity and clergy
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesBrotherhoodSocial History
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      Confraternities and Luoghi PiiPugliaConfraternite laicheMolfetta
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      Confraternities and Luoghi PiiPugliaConfraternite laicheMolfetta
Si può parlare di arte confraternale? Si distinguono le opere realizzate per il mondo dell'associazionismo laicale da quelle destinate a chiese, conventi o palazzi? Sono accomunate da caratteri distintivi? Queste le domande suscitate dal... more
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    • Confraternity Studies
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      Confraternities and Luoghi PiiPugliaConfraternite laicheMolfetta
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      Confraternities and Luoghi PiiPugliaConfraternite laicheMolfetta
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      Confraternities and Luoghi PiiConfraternite laicheMolfettaConfraternities
In Alexandra Kennedy Troya (ed.), Arte de la Real Audiencia Quito, siglos XVII-XIX (Hondarribia: Nerea, 2002), Chapter 3.
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      Art HistoryLatin American ArtColonialismColonial Architecture
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      MigrationDiasporaHungarian StudiesModern Greek History
Appel à communications pour le colloque international de la Société Suisse d’Histoire Rurale (SSHR) "SANTÉ DES CORPS, SALUT DES ÂMES : SOINS ET RELIGION EN MILIEU RURAL (EUROPE OCCIDENTALE, XVE - XIXE SIÈCLES)" Université de Lausanne, 1er... more
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      History of ReligionPopular CultureRural HistorySpirituality
The principal genre of non-liturgical religious song in Italy during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. In its monophonic form, the lauda also constitutes the primary Italian repertory of late medieval vernacular song, and is... more
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      Confraternity StudiesLaudarioLeonardo GiustinianBallata
In 1555, just six years after arriving in Japan, missionaries from the Society of Jesus founded a small medical clinic in the city of Funai (modern-day Ōita). This was the first European hospital in all of East Asia, and historians have... more
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      History of MedicineJesuit historyHistory of MissionsHistory of Hospitals
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      BrotherhoodHistória ModernaHistoria del ArteConfraternite laiche
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      Theatre StudiesCommedia dell'arteMedieval ArtItalian Baroque art
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      Confraternities and Luoghi PiiConfraternite laichePittura del Duecento e TrecentoConfraternities studies
O. SERGI, Arte, architettura e fede tra il XV e il XIX secolo. Per un quadro storico della chiesa di S. Giovanni Battista della Reale Arciconfraternita dei Santi Giovanni Battista ed Evangelista dei Cavalieri di Malta ad Honorem di... more
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      SculptureConfraternities and Luoghi PiiCalabriaScultura
In «Atti del 29° Convegno Nazionale sulla Preistoria - Protostoria - Storia della Dauna», a cura di Armando Gravina, vol. II, San Severo 2015, pp. 391-402.
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      Confraternite laicheConfraternities studiesConfraternity Studies
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      Medieval urban historyConfraternitiesConfraternity StudiesCivic Religion
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Venetian art and architectural historyVenetian HistoryConfraternities and Luoghi Pii
For his compilation of the Life or Legend of Saint Margaret of Cortona (1247–1297), the Franciscan friar Giunta Bevegnati (thirteenth century) was guided by texts found in a collection of laude belonging to the Confraternity of Santa... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Confraternities and Luoghi PiiConfraternite laicheMolfettaConfraternities
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
O. SERGI, “’A Cunfrùnta e ‘A Parrèra”. Le antiche processioni di Pasqua a Catanzaro. Espressioni di “fede” tra liturgia, pietà popolare e identità dei luoghi, in «Obiettivo Calabria», XLVII, 2, 2009, pp. 56 - 59. Rivista bimestrale della... more
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      FolkloreConfraternities and Luoghi PiiRitual (Anthropology)History of Folklore Theory and Method
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      Art HistoryItalian StudiesItalian artHistory of Art
Kapitola v knize o dějinách farního kostela a farnosti sv. Mikuláše ve Velkém Meziříčí sleduje náboženské korporace (literátské bratrstvo a posléze konfraternitu Nejsvětějších jmen) v rozmezí 15. až 18. století. Chapter in the book about... more
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      Cultural HistoryMusic HistoryHistory of Roman CatholicismConfraternities studies
This article examines the theatrical productions mounted in a Florentine youth confraternity from the fifteenth to the early seventeenth century with an eye to the relationship between spectacle and corporate identity, that is, to how... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryItalian (European History)Italian Studies
Au cours du XIe siècle, la famille ducale normande a entretenu des liens privilégiés avec l'abbaye de la Trinité de Fécamp. Restauré comme collégiale par Richard Ier (942-996) en 990 puis réformé sous l'impulsion de Richard II (996-1026)... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval EuropeConfraternities studies
The Bianchi of 1399, a popular religious revival in Northern and Central Italy, were inspired by divine visions whose witness reported that the populace was to participate in a series of devotions, or face certain death by plague. The... more
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      History of ReligionMedieval StudiesSelf-FlagellationConfraternity Studies