Haiku Poetry
Recent papers in Haiku Poetry
The haiku appeared in Cholla Needles, October 2017 issue. It drew attention of the Arabic poet scholar who translated the poems into Arabic and posted it on Facebook on 21 June 2018:... more
A little essay on the difference between Japanese and Western poetry. An analysis of the diary of Shōnagon. and Carlos Williams' notion of a Poetry of things.
See also On Translating Poetry on this site
See also On Translating Poetry on this site
Ein praktisches Verständnis von Silben im Deutschen zu entwickeln ist für Lerner japanischer Muttersprache kein leichtes Unterfangen. Die bekannten japanischen Gedichtformate Haiku und Tanka bieten jedoch interessante Möglichkeiten. Für... more
This treatise is actually the Foreword of the haiku book, A Tree Frog's Eyes: Haiku, by David E Navarro. It is extracted and presented here as its own paper since it is complete in itself and explains a little about the historical essence... more
The research, which constitutes the first part of the author’s multivolume History of the New Japanese Poetry, traces the process of emergence and evolution of verse in the new forms after the Meiji Restoration. A totally new worldview... more
The introduction of haiku to the Western world was a major cultural event that initiated an expanding movement that over time has quietly permeated Western thinking and behavior as evidenced by its manifold use and expression in Western... more
Although translations differ, the impact of this seventeen syllable (in Japanese) tiny poem was huge. The striking beauty of the poem lies in the concise description of a certain moment without the involvement of the subjective... more
A deep study and translation of Bashō's first "travel diary."
Penelitian ini berangkat dari pemikiran bahwa haiku termasuk ke dalam genre puisi. Sebagai salah satu genre sastra, puisi tidak hanya merangkai kata. Puisi berangkat dari imajinasi penyair yang mencoba mengkaji kehidupan dan merespon... more
Análisis de diversos haikus modernos en lengua inglesa con una breve introducción al género poético de origen japonés.
Il lettore giapponese che affronti per la prima volta l'opera di Salvatore Quasimodo (1901-1968) potrebbe avere la sensazione di leggere qualcosa di familiare, di già udito. Nella sua mente, infatti, potrebbero sollevarsi echi che lo... more
Già dall'anno di nascita del poeta Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 - il 1867- si può intuire quale fu la sua posizione all'interno del panorama letterario giapponese. Nato in un momento di passaggio - dall'epoca Tokugawa 徳川 (1603-1867) a quella... more
Στην ανακοίνωση αυτή παρουσιάζεται μια καλή πρακτική δημιουργικής γραφής χαϊκού και χάιγκα στο Γυμνάσιο. Το χαϊκού, το γνωστότερο είδος ασιατικής ποίησης στην Ευρώπη, χαρακτηρίζεται για τη λιτότητα και τη συντομία του. Βάση του είναι... more
Un o de los aspectos menos conocidos de la historia del haiku es su relación con la filosofía zen. El zen 禅 (literalmente, 'meditación', 'contemplación', 'quietud' y 'calma') es una doctrina religiosa, proveniente del budismo mahāyāna,... more
Review of Seiko Ota's 2014 book José Juan Tablada: su haikú y su japonismo.
Este libro, incluido el diseño de la portada, no puede ser reproducido, transmitido o almacenado, sea por procedimientos mecánicos, ópticos, químicos o electrónicos, incluidas las fotocopias, sin permiso previo del editor o traductor,... more
Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902) è conosciuto per aver dato nuovo impulso allo haiku , attraverso la creazione di un nuovo ideale estetico: lo shasei (ritrarre dal vero.). Lo shasei, come stanno ad indicare i due caratteri che lo compongono,... more
Tämän runokokoelman kirjoittaja ei tehnyt kymmeneen vuoteen elämässään käytännöllisesti katsoen juuri mitään muuta kuin nukkui. Hänen psyykeensä sairaudeksi luokiteltua tilaa koetettiin analysoida mm. lääketieteen, fysiikan, kemian,... more
This inquiry builds on the work of such thinkers as David Abram and Maurice Merleau- Ponty; like their work, it addresses the fact that people in the Western developed world, through their acculturations, sacrifice intimacy with the... more
“Orientalisme i certesa d’Andorra: Aproximació als Haikús d’Arinsal d’Agustí Bartra”, Zeitschrift für Katalanistik, 2022, vol. 35, pp. 393-400. Resum Entre les imatges romàntiques que les Valls d’Andorra històricament han evocat, un... more
In this thesis, I wish to discuss bisexuality as a possible alternative for women who, within the confines of western culture, are expected to maintain a static sexual identity which upholds heterosexuality as its ideal. In attempting to... more
Resumen: El presente trabajo se ocupa de estudiar la materialidad del haiku japonés de principios del siglo XX. Luego de un panorama general de los estudios del haiku en Occidente, se ocupa de la presentación de una categoría... more
ਹਾਇਕੂ “ਪਲ” ਦੇ ਪਾਰ : ਹਾਇਕੂ ਸੰਬੰਧੀ ਆਧੁਨਿਕ ਮਨੌਤਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਬਾਸ਼ੋ ਤੇ ਬੁਸੋਂ—ਹਾਰੂਓ ਸ਼ਿਰਾਨੇ
ਅਨੁਵਾਦ : ਦਲਵੀਰ ਗਿੱਲ
ਅਨੁਵਾਦ : ਦਲਵੀਰ ਗਿੱਲ
Dottore di ricerca (PhD) in Lettere Cristiane e Classiche (tesi in glottodidattica del latino). Fondatore e responsabile del gruppo di scrittura haiku in latino "Sodalicium haicubus Latine pangendis Romanum Opaca Fronde". Filologo... more
The haiku: those three little lines in concise syllabic patterns have inspired so many words and theories from poets and scholars. Practitioners of the art let their work speak for itself, leaving the reader to discover the perceptual... more
For many years I have taken interest in the invention of imaginary worlds. In childhood, worldplay, as I call it, often begins in those special places where persistent make-believe happens: a woodland glade, perhaps, or a Lego block... more
Il poeta giapponese Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902) deve la sua fama non soltanto ai numerosi e pregevoli haiku e tanka che compose, ma anche all'aver saputo insufflare nuova forza in questi due generi poetici che stavano attraversando una... more
late evening a vase of red tulips on the kitchen table “This collection was born on Epiphany. For three days, snow has been lighting roofs and resting on branches. Ontario is in the middle of lockdown, and I have time to sit by my... more
The article presents analyses of a numerous group of Polish contemporary poems which are close to genre determinants of haiku. The key categories of description are sensual mimesis and modern epiphany. The author pays attention to the... more
Haiku poetry developed over centuries in Japan, taking on such distinct characteristics that protective Japanese haikuists regard it as an inimitable part of their literature, aesthetics, and culture. At the same time, teachers all over... more
“rainy day on the floor a puzzle piece of blue sky Today a puzzle piece takes over. It’s the perfect poem for today as the sun has relented a little and we are not sweltering, but upon my opening Taj’s ... rendering of Grant’s poem, the... more
Viviamo davvero in un'epoca liquida e digitale, come amiamo e sentiamo ripetere di continuo? No, e ce lo ricorda opportunamente Fabrizio Tonello nell'intervento di apertura dell'Alfadomenica di oggi, dedicato a un saggio uscito negli... more
RESUMO Este artigo pretende explorar as referências interculturais do haicai na linguagem do romance Rakushisha de Adriana Lisboa (1970). A confluência entre Oriente e Ocidente que se espelha na estrutura do romance permite uma... more
This 10th anniversary issue cements The Mamba's reputation as Africa's most prestigious international haiku voice. The issue includes new haiku voices from Jordan, Macedonia, Slovenia, and other places. The founders of Africa Haiku... more