Gustave Courbet
Recent papers in Gustave Courbet
Sur L'origine du monde de Courbet
Jacques Derrida -Memorias del ciego 1 Selección de fragmentos y traducción por Carlos Fisgativa -¿Debería solamente escuchar? ¿u observar? ¿o mirarte en silencio mostrándome los dibujos? -Las dos, una vez más, o entre las dos. Te haré... more
Rédaction des notices : « XIXe siècle », « Romantisme », « Intertextualité » ; « Lumière de Stendhal », « L’Enseigne de Gersaint », « La Mise à mort », « L’Exemple de Courbet », « Celui qui dit les choses sans rien dire » ; « Diderot », «... more
This paper is above all about a search for artistic authenticity. Two artists from two different realms, one fictional, one real, practice their art separated from the social dynamics and political upheavals of Paris in the early 1870s.... more
Walter Siti, "Il realismo è l’impossibile", Nottetempo, Roma, 2013.
An inner link has always connected the artistic avant-garde with acts of insurgency carried out by socially disenfranchised populations insofar as both embrace the possibility of an emancipated future that is radically at odds with the... more
The painting of the nineteenth socialist "prophet," Jean Journet, by Gustave Courbet had been lost for one hundred years until it was unexpectedly discovered in one of the caches of Hildebrand Gurlitt in November 2015. This paper explores... more
409 pages, 98 color illustrations and 97 ink drawings. Available in paperback and hardback at Amazon. e-book at Peter Lang Publishing: "Paris in Architecture, Literature and Art" is a student... more
Non appena vide Le bagnanti di Gustave Courbet al Salon del 1853 Eugène Delacroix raccolse il proprio disappunto in una pagina di diario che si cita diffusamente ancor oggi 1 .
in: Philippe Cordez und Matthias Krüger (Hg.): Werkzeuge und Instrumente, Berlin 2012, S. 109-127.
Le milieu du XIXe siècle est marqué par le développement de scandales littéraires ou artistiques, qui semblent garantir aux oeuvres qu'ils concernent la qualité d'oeuvres "modernes", faisant rupture avec une tradition épuisée dans la... more
in: Ortrud Westheider und Michael Philipp (Hg.): Gerhard Richter. Abstraktion, Ausstellungskatalog (Potsdam, Museum Barberini), München u.a. 2018, S. 59-70.
A review of a British comedy film starring Tony Hancock satirising art and artists.
En la tela que el pintor expuso en 1855 en el Pabellón del Realismo, aparecen los personajes y los hechos que marcaron su vida durante los siete años que transcurrieron entre la Revolución de 1848 y el final de la Segunda República. “Es... more
Por que a imagem da vagina provoca estranhamento? É o desafio que a pintura de Gustav Courbet instiga ao longo da sua trajetória acidentada; o quadro chegou a ser velado mesmo por Jacques Lacan, seu último dono, que o descortinava apenas... more
devoir d'Histoire de l'Art portant sur la figure de l'artiste au XIXe siècle et son rapport au monde de l'art en tant qu'institution en développement. Mai 2017.
En 1878, "Le Sommeil" de Courbet est exposé publiquement pour la première fois, à l'occasion de la rétrospective organisée en hommage au peintre franc-comtois, mort l'année précédente. Terminée en 1866, le tableau était jusqu'alors resté... more
Download the sample chapter, "Gothic Paris: Notre-Dame and the Île de la Cité," from The Teacher Manual e-book (753 pp., 18 b/w ill., 59 colored ill.) for “Paris in Architecture, Literature and Art” is available for... more
These are the table of contents and the introduction of the PhD thesis that I defended in may 29, 2015. The thesis focuses on the fortune of interior scenes in the 19th century French visual culture. Popular images of the July Monarchy... more
In 1923 Frank Rinder, the international Felton Adviser for the National Gallery of Victoria, discovered a painting titled The wave (La vague) at Barbizon House in London. The work, which belongs to a series of marine pictures by the... more
The discovery of unpublished documents in the ASAC (contemporary art archives) in Venice has at last made it possible to reconstruct the first Italian Courbet retrospective at the Venice Biennale of 1910, its public and critical... more
This study offers an analysis of the critical reception and exhibition history of Courbet in Italy between 1920 and 1954, the year of the second retrospective dedicated to him at the Venice Biennale. Starting with detailed documentary... more
Gustave Courbet’s hunting imagery departed from the decorative and propagandist royal commissions and the fantastic oriental hunts flourishing in his times, and became a vehicle of self-inquiry and reinventing history painting. This... more
Perverse is someone who does not want the other but himself.
Love, without love, dies.
Love, without love, dies.
de France (C2RMF) ont eu l'opportunité d'étudier à deux reprises le tableau intitulé L'Origine du monde. En février 2007, nous avons pu procéder à un examen complet de l'oeuvre en réalisant une série de photographies sous différentes... more
Max Buchon, Max Claudet, Gustave Courbet... Certes l’un ecrit, l’autre sculpte, façonne la terre et se fait parfois aquarelliste. Quant au troisième point trop besoin ici de le présenter. Bien sûr ils ne sont pas tous trois de la même... more
Dans l'introduction de son article sur La Baigneuse de Courbet, pendant le Salon de 1853, Paul de Saint-Victor fait du réalisme « une épizootie ». Le mot est emblématique : à la fois parce que le motif animal est prégnant dans les toiles,... more
In November 2015 BBC News presented a brief commentary on the discovery of the hoard of Cornelius Gurlitt, son of a Nazi art dealer, Hildebrand Gurlitt. Among the recovered works of art was a painting by Gustatve Courbet, lost for a... more
La grande retrospettiva di Courbet del 2008 al Grand Palais
As the key term in Michael Fried’s criticism and art history, theatricality remains an influential and contentious concept. In defending its validity, Fried has repudiated social historical interpretations and alternatives, arguing for... more
It is a general assumption of our volume that, under certain conditions, perception changes and develops over time. The main forms of developing perception include aesthetic and spiritual perception. The primary object of aesthetic... more
Bugün dile dökmeye çalışacaklarım yaklaşık altı aylık bir süreçte dış gerçeklikte yaşadığımız acıların iç gerçekliğimde yarattığı dönüşümün çağrışımlarıdır. Başlığın ve özetin hazırlandığı günden bugüne gündemden hiç düşmeyen ve her geçen... more
Lorsqu’il s’agit de portraiturer Gustave Courbet en peintre politique, trois ressources – au moins et sans souci d’exhaustivité – sont généralement convoquées. En premier lieu la Commune, en second lieu, la glose et les opérations de... more
12. Fotografia publicada en el libro de Ozenfant. Art: «El hombre de hoy. El crecimiento de la velocidad. 1828-1928», 1928. 42 7 Philippe Régnier. «Le saint-simonisme : approches nouvelles et actuelles», TDC (Textes y Documents pour la... more
A hitherto unpublished typescript by Francesco Arcangeli comments on the Courbet retrospective held at the 1954 Venice Biennale. Notwithstanding its non-academic format (it was made for a broad- cast), the text offers a new reading of the... more
Prendendo in esame opere di Quiringh van Brekelenkam, Giacomo Ceruti, Gustave Courbet, Homer Winslow, Ford Madox Brown e Thomas Anshutz, questo breve saggio si pone l'obiettivo di analizzare come l'arte figurativa abbia affrontato il tema... more
Autour de "L'Origine du monde" (1866) de Gustave Courbet.
Go on "2 file", then click on "raffaelecaracciolo" link.
This is the table of contents of the PhD thesis that will be defended in may 29. The thesis focus on the fortune of the interiors scenes in the Nineteenth-Century France visual culture, from the popular images on the July Monarchy... more
In her short stories, Karen Blixen often uses fine art as a model for describing characters or landscapes. When analyzing these references, researchers face a basic problem in many cases: how can one prove that the author meant a... more
Et qui est-ce qui n' est pas un peu physiologiste aujourd'hui? 1 M it dieser rhetorischen Frage begründet Edmond About seine Kritik an dem Liebespaar zweier Kentauren auf einem Gemälde Louis Schützenbergers ). Jeder Physiologe könne... more
Este artigo pretende apontar e discutir o uso que faz o pintor francês Gustave Courbet de procedimentos tipicamente fotográficos, almejando examinar como sua produção artística incorpora produtivamente tais procedimentos a ponto de... more