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A 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title In this volume, Elisabeth Fraser shows that artists and the works they created in the Mediterranean during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were informed by mutual dependence... more
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      Cultural HistoryPrint CultureArt HistoryTravel Writing
es un ensayo subjetivo-objetivo sobre el modo de vida de Baudelaire y su aporte a la crítica de arte en el salon parisino de 1846
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      BaudelaireEugene DelacroixArtesParis
s The Love Letter is a frivolous Rococo painting from the early 1770s. The painting shows a young woman at a desk in what seems to be her bedroom, tightly grasping a letter and bouquet of flowers. The work is composed of bright, pastel... more
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      Art HistoryFrench artFormal AnalysisEugene Delacroix
LIBERTY LEADING THE PEOPLE: ALLEGORY, LITERATURE AND REALITY Abstract Liberty Leading the People of French Romantic artist Eugéne Delacroix (1798-1863) presents allegory and reality together. It is also related to literature. In this... more
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      French RevolutionEugene DelacroixFrench Romanticism
Representations of Medea in 17th- and 18th-century French painting and art criticism The article’s aim is to analyse three paintings (those of Pierre, de Vanloo and Delacroix) and a drawing attributed to Poussin, all of which have Medea... more
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      Eugene DelacroixGiovan Pietro BelloriMedeaDIDEROT
409 pages, 98 color illustrations and 97 ink drawings. Available in paperback and hardback at Amazon. e-book at Peter Lang Publishing: "Paris in Architecture, Literature and Art" is a student... more
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      French CinemaBaudelaireHonoré de BalzacEugene Delacroix
This comprehensive article surveys the appearance of and interest in Dante and his works in French art of the nineteenth century.
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      Dante Studies19th century FranceDanteFrance
En raison de son statut d'emblème de la République française, la personnification de la Liberté est traditionnellement étudiée par l'Histoire et par les Sciences politiques. Elle possède, avant tout, une forte implication idéologique qui... more
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      LiberalismFrench RevolutionEugene DelacroixAmerican War of Independence
La virtuosité des effets chromatiques déployés par Delacroix continue d'éblouir, plus peut-être qu'aucun autre de ses talents. En ce domaine, sa technique largement intuitive s'ancre dans les recherches de son temps .
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      ColorismPaintingAvant-GardeOrientalism in art
(version 2022-09-16) Alors que les Mille et Une Nuits ont diffusé une idée sublimée de l’Orient dans l’imaginaire occidental, les milieux intellectuels du XVIIIe siècle et les événements historiques du début du XIXe siècle ont développé... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtOrientalism in art19th-Century French Painting
La storia - l’Illuminismo (1750-1850) I motivi della rottura con l’arte tradizionale • A partire dalla metà del XVIII secolo si forma una filosofia dell’arte estetica. È allora che si produce una profonda rottura nella tradizione... more
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      Post-ImpressionismGothic RevivalEugene DelacroixJ. M. W. Turner
Created in my 19th-century western art. This essay covers Eugen Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People, as well as many other examples of personifications in the world with an emphasis in Europe and North America.
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      NationalismNineteenth-century ArtNational IdentityEugene Delacroix
La COULEUR selon Charles Baudelaire Le tonnerre ne gronde plus dans le lointain, il tonne juste au-dessus de ce sujet qui a suscité tant d'interrogations et tant d'affirmations non fondées. Les plus grands spécialistes de Baudelaire ont... more
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      CritiqueQueer of Color CritiqueEugene DelacroixCharles Baudelaire
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      ArtArt CriticismFrench SalonsEugene Delacroix
Eugène Delacroix's Liberty guiding the people must be one of the best-remembered images bequeathed to the twentieth century by nineteenth-century France. Its familiarity in our minds' eyes has been reinforced by a thousand partial... more
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      Art HistoryFrench HistoryEugene DelacroixDress codes
Download the sample chapter, "Gothic Paris: Notre-Dame and the Île de la Cité," from The Teacher Manual e-book (753 pp., 18 b/w ill., 59 colored ill.) for “Paris in Architecture, Literature and Art” is available for... more
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      CubismAndré BretonEugene DelacroixCharles Baudelaire
Depicting the charged theme of a king’s imminent death, Delacroix’s work issued from a visual culture in which representation of the royal body was highly susceptible to attacks, slanderous interpretations, and seditious acts. The... more
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      Cultural HistoryCaricature (Visual Studies)Art HistoryFrench History
A discussion of artworks created between 1830 and 1835 in France in response to the revolution and Louis-Phillipe as the new king.
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      French RevolutionEugene DelacroixHorace VernetHonoré Daumier
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      German StudiesComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureMythology
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      Diderot, DenisEugene DelacroixGeorge SandCharles Baudelaire
Que vaut la caution dantesque inventée pour défendre l’immoralité de Baudelaire ? L’article montre que la critique du xixe siècle qui le consacre « Dante français » déplore qu’il n’ait su être qu’une perversion du Dante catholique et... more
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      Dante StudiesBaudelaireReception of the "Vita Nova"Eugene Delacroix
A newly discovered sheet of copies of details from two of Goya’s Caprichos is here identified as one of many drawings that Eugène Delacroix made of prints by the man he described as ‘a great artist whose compositions and energy have so... more
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      19th century FrancePrints and DrawingsEugene DelacroixGoya
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      Jean LaplanchePsychoanalysis and artEugene DelacroixSexual difference theory
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      Critical ArtArt CriticismFrench SalonsEugene Delacroix
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      BaudelaireEugene DelacroixBaudelaire Et Art
It is a general assumption of our volume that, under certain conditions, perception changes and develops over time. The main forms of developing perception include aesthetic and spiritual perception. The primary object of aesthetic... more
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      Philosophy of MindAestheticsLiturgyPhilosophy of Art
While in exile for trying to raise the people of Paris against Napoleon III, Victor Hugo writes “Les Misérables,” where describes popular areas such as the Place de la Bastille. The specter of the Bastille Fortress represents the most... more
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      Nineteenth Century Studies19th Century French Literature19th-Century French PaintingEugene Delacroix
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      MoroccoOrientalism in artEugene DelacroixOrientalism
Delacroix's controversial Massacres of Chios provoked internal conflicts in the Restoration arts administration, which nonetheless bought the painting in 1824, in an irregular and politically risky procedure, without the King's official... more
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      Cultural HistoryEuropean StudiesArt HistoryFrench History
Singolare quindi il percorso dell’inno Giovinezza, invocato dal poeta maledetto Emilio Praga già nel 1864, poi da Giovanni Croce in una sorta di profezia di guerra (di cui non vedrà l’esito perché morirà nel 1911), passato attraverso... more
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      FuturismEugene DelacroixCrepuscolarismoLa Liberté
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      Eugene DelacroixTangerHenri Matisse
Contemporary Islamophobic discourses lack two of the important figures of classic orientalism: 1) the " Jew " as an " oriental " ethnoreligious figure akin to " Muslim, " and 2) of the " harem " as an eroticized trope of male domination.... more
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      IslamophobiaOrientalism in artantisemitism and IslamophobiaEugene Delacroix
On the development of the ideas on expression and 'ut pictura poesis' in French Salon reviews and other art critical and theoretical writings of the Restoration period and the early years of the July Monarchy, with chapters on the... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryFrench StudiesFrench art
Gris sobre Gris © 2011 by Antonio Navas Montilla is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 From his beginning, the grey color has been considered the color of the theory and the sadness, and even the “dead color” of the painting. However,... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArt TheoryNineteenth Century Studies
Article dérivé d'une communication du colloque Le détail et l’indice : entre littérature, histoire de l’art et épistémologie organisé par la FDI à l'Université de Lausanne. Publication sous la direction de  Marta Caraion.
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      History of ArtEugene DelacroixSemantic Transfer
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      ArchaeologyFrench LiteratureArt HistoryRomanticism
Léa Saint-Raymond, "Au son de la trompette. Les ventes aux enchères publiques à Bordeaux, de la Restauration aux années 1930", Revue Historique de Bordeaux et du Département de la Gironde, n°23, 2017, p. 187-207.
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      Economic HistoryHistorical SociologyArchitectureArt Economics and Markets
The influence of process metaphysics on the development of abstraction between 1800 and the second half of the 20th century can best be exemplified with the case of the American Expressionist painter and theoretician Robert Motherwell... more
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      History of IdeasRomanticismAbstract ArtAbstracting
Témoin de l’âge d’or de la peinture romantique et des débuts de la photographie, Baudelaire apparaît, à la fin du xxe siècle, comme l’idéaltype de l’écrivain critique d’art. Cependant, si son Salon de 1846 a été immédiatement remarqué,... more
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      Cultural HistoryFrench LiteratureArt HistoryCultural Sociology
Berlioz' Mémoires (1870) and Delacroix's Journal (1893) are commonly seen as two of the greatest records of Romantic creativity. They also share a common background in French Romanticism, and are powerful instances of two great forms of... more
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      French LiteratureRomanticism19th Century French LiteratureBerlioz
This research paper sets to investigate thel attribution and provenance of a nineteenth-century painting discovered in the Makarios III Cultural Foundation Gallery, Nicosia. The historical research is establishing Pierre Andrieu, Eugène... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesEugene Delacroix
Orientalist and colonial representations of harems have resulted in the association of North African women with domestic confinement. North African authors such as Assia Djebar (1980), Malek Alloula (1981) and Fatima Mernissi (1994),... more
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      Art HistoryGlobalizationLiteraturePostcolonial Studies
In spring 1834, when he started writing The Girl with the Golden Eyes, Honoré de Balzac was imbued with by Eugène Delacroix’s work and figure. Both shared an attraction towards the Orient which betrayed their tendency to romanticism. In... more
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      Orientalism in artHonoré de BalzacEugene DelacroixFatalism
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      Italian Renaissance ArtEugene DelacroixEmulation16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish Art
Étude géocritique de « Paris » (1831), poème d'A. de Vigny
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      Cultural GeographyRomantic poetryEugene DelacroixParis, XVIIIe-XIXe s.
in: Markus Rath, Jörg Trempler und Iris Wenderholm (Hg.): Das haptische Bild, Berlin 2013, S. 159-181.
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      Colour Theory19th-Century French PaintingEugene DelacroixTools
This article examines the influence of Eugene Delacroix's Christ Asleep during the Tempest (1853) upon Vincent van Gogh's Quay with Men Unloading Sand Barges (1888).
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      Art HistorySymbolism (Art History)Post-ImpressionismChristian Iconography
Compte-rendu de l’exposition du tableau de Delacroix au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg et considérations sur les questions posées par la transformation d’une œuvre en argument de la politique culturelle et sociale d’un gouvernement.... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingHistory of Art19th-Century French Painting