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There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Residential segregation has become a key in describing the composition of urban American cities and has altered the urban landscape over time. This research focuses on the impact of residential segregation in terms of non-Hispanic Whites,... more
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      Population GeographyEthnographyGeography of Mobility and Migrations
In an overview of migrations within Europe from early modern times to present the author present a summary of the devolpments in Spain and Portugal, exceptuating migrations between Portugal and Spain and their former colonies overseas..... more
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    • Geography of Mobility and Migrations
The article explores some strategies of the new internal regime of «frontierization» for the asylum seeker. Indeed, extending from the entry into the Reception System up to the inclusion in the Register of Resident Population, these... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of LawBorder Studies
Venezuelans escaping from the crisis in their country count currently among the largest displaced populations in the world. Chile seems to offer them an oasis of political and economic stability. This ethnographic study explores the... more
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      Migration mobilitiesAnthropology of MobilityMigrationInternational Migration
Based on ethnographic research in the Ecuadorian Highlands, this article puts the mobility, migration, and smuggling practices of Ecuador’s indigenous people in historical and contemporary context. The people of Ecuador’s Southern... more
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      Indigenous StudiesMigration mobilitiesRace And Ethnicity (in ) migration of indigenous peopleGeography of Mobility and Migrations
During the early modern period (1500-1800), individuals and communities experienced dramatic changes in communication and transportation, establishing practices, institutions, and infrastructure that opened up new political and economic... more
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      Early Modern HistoryLegal HistoryMigration StudiesGeography of Mobility and Migrations
This paper argues that the figure of the migrant has come to be seen as a potential terrorist in the West, under the condition of a double, but completely opposed, set of crises internal to the nation-state.
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistorySociology
Cycling as a transport mode has gradually become more attractive in cities during the last 10 years. However, not all cities give due consideration to cycling issues in the planning process. In many transport systems, cycling and issues... more
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      Critical TheoryTransportation EngineeringSociologySocial Theory
EUrope has created a space of human suffering within which military-humanitarian measures seem urgently required if the mass drowning is to be halted. The framing of migration governance as humanitarian has become commonplace in... more
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      Social MovementsMobility/MobilitiesMigration mobilitiesHumanitarianism
Within the social sciences, migration has traditionally been conceived of as a unidirectional, purposeful and intentional process from one state of fixity (in the place of origin) to another (in the destination). By mapping the... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyMobility/MobilitiesMigration mobilities
Scholars from various disciplines have used key concepts to grasp mobilities, but as of yet, a working vocabulary of these has not been fully developed. Given this context and inspired in part by Raymond Williams’ Keywords (1976), this... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryAnthropologySocial Anthropology
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisLandscape EcologySociology
The debate on the Italian internal areas is often oriented to analyse these particular territories as marginal in the economic geography of the regions in which they are located, because of their rythm of development and their demographic... more
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      GeographyDevelopment StudiesMigration StudiesGeography of Mobility and Migrations
A well-established transportation system is not only key to national growth but also a catalyst for economic development of a country which provides a high level of accessibility that maximizes urban residents' access to economic and... more
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      Transportation EngineeringGeographyHuman GeographyUrban Geography
Scholars of religion and theology on the one hand, and academics in the broad field of migration studies on the other, have been examining the intersections between religion and migration from disparate theoretical, methodological, and... more
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      Comparative ReligionReligion and PoliticsGender and SexualityFaith Based Organizations
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      Sociology of Food and EatingAnthropology of the BodyAnthropology of FoodMigration
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      Mobility/MobilitiesRural HistoryGeography of Mobility and MigrationsItalian fascism
Lucretius was the first philosopher of immanence. It is he and not Democritus or Epicurus who holds this title. If we want to understand the historical emergence of the concept of immanence, we should start by distinguishing its... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionNew Religious Movements
Съдържание Предговор / 13 Част първа. Външна миграция в България / 23 1. Външномиграционни политики на централната власт в България и тяхното въздействие върху механичното движение и териториалното (пре)разпределение на населението по... more
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      History of Labour MigrationMigration LawBulgariaHistorical Migrations
Este livro é resultado de uma fecunda parceria entre o Ipea e o Instituto de Políticas de Transporte e Desenvolvimento (ITDP) do Brasil, iniciada em 2013. Publicado em inglês e português, o livro reúne treze capítulos, que abordam o tema... more
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      Urban GeographyMobility/MobilitiesMigration mobilitiesAnthropology of Mobility
Complex dynamics emerge around im/mobility that are related to social relations, identifications and power in many parts of the contemporary world. The manifold ways in which Muslims engage the possibilities of mobile lives show the... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderWomen's StudiesMobility/Mobilities
The overarching question of this article is how can we develop a critical understanding of the social place of highways and automobility in the case of a non-capitalist European context such as socialist Albania? Socialism was a period of... more
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      Real EstateHistoryEuropean HistorySociology
Räumliche Mobilität in ihren vielfältigen Formen und Dimensionen ist ein zentraler Aspekt des modernen Lebens und eine Grundvoraussetzung für arbeitsteilig organisierte Gesellschaften. Tagtäglich wechseln Menschen und Güter ihre Position... more
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      Spatial AnalysisUrban StudiesRegional developmentGeography of Mobility and Migrations
Purpose of this special issue on migration of the Romanian Journal of European Studies (RJES) is to look at the ongoing transformations of the European migration system in relation to the European integration processes involving... more
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      European StudiesMigration StudiesSociology of MigrationEnlargement and Integration in the EU
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismSocial Anthropology
A peer reviewed roundtable review and discussion of The Figure of the Migrant with important scholars in the field: Sandro Mezzadra, Todd May, Ladelle McWhorter, Andrew Dilts, Robin Celikates, Daniella Trimboli, and Adriana Novoa.... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistorySociology
This paper critically reviews the current status of the concept of distance in human geography in order to argue that recent experimentally-driven work in construal-level theory offers ample opportunities for recasting distance as a key... more
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      Fiction WritingCritical TheoryAmerican LiteratureOrganizational Behavior
Soldiers were instrumental in the French colonization of Louisiana as warriors, settlers and laborers, but many refused to serve imperial ambitions: ten percent of all recruits absconded while serving in the Mississippi Valley and the... more
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      EmpiresLabor History and StudiesGeography of Mobility and MigrationsDesertion
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      Mediterranean prehistoryGeography of Mobility and MigrationsAegean ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeology
Диссертация посвящена изучению особенностей и закономерностей формирования населения регионов России за период с конца XIX в. по начало XXI в., обусловленные миграцией. Эмпирической базой послужили материалы отечественных переписей... more
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      DemographyRussian StudiesHistorical DemographyMigration
Dans 25 ans, l'Afrique se sera vidée de ses cerveaux» 1 . Une sombre perspective pour l'Afrique et notamment son développement social, scientifique et technologique. Le paradoxe est que pendant que les départs se chiffrent à 20 000 par... more
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    • Geography of Mobility and Migrations
È oramai attestato da molte ricerche che la città di Roma costituisca "a Religious Global City" 1 , trasformata profondamente dalla popolazione straniera che trova nei suoi quartieri molte opportunità lavorative, un network di sostegno e... more
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      Geography of Mobility and MigrationsSikh StudiesSikh diasporaGeography of Religion
""This article is an ethnographic study of a 29-kilometer stretch of cross-border highway located in South Albania and linking the city of Gjirokaster with the main checkpoint on the Albanian–Greek border. The road, its politics, and its... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean History
In this paper I give an overview of how contemporary international labour migration can affect the country of origin. I do not intend to reach a grand conclusion concerning the ultimate effect of labour emigration on development.... more
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      International DevelopmentInternational MacroeconomicsCommunity DevelopmentMigration Studies
In the early modern period, Flemish painters from the Habsburg Netherlands often traveled and settled in the Spanish territories of Italy. Their artworks can tell us a lot about intertwining issues related to reception, cultural exchange,... more
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      PortraitureGeography of Mobility and MigrationsHistory of the Spanish-Habsburg NetherlandsCultural Translation
Grounded in scholarly analysis and personal reflection, and drawing on a multi-sited and multi-method research design, Momentous Mobilities disentangles the meanings attached to temporary travels and stays abroad and offers empirical... more
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      European StudiesAnthropologyAnthropology of TourismSocial Anthropology
The last three decades have seen significant changes for higher education institutions throughout the world. The era of globalization has left little untouched and both our society and colleges and universities look, think, and operate... more
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      Critical TheoryAcademic FreedomAcademic MobilityExile
The curatorial essay "The Geography of Belonging: Language, Memory and Otherness" is inspired by leading Southeast Asianist Benedict Anderson’s book A Life Beyond Boundaries in which he reflects on nationalism departing from his own... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesContemporary ArtGeography of Mobility and MigrationsSoutheast Asian Politics
Increased frequency and severity of natural disasters by climate change over the past recent years are not only displacing people physically but also exposing to enhanced poverty by threatening their livelihoods temporarily and... more
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      GeographyUrban GeographyUrban PlanningDesign Research
This peer reviewed volume consists of selected papers from the Graduate Archaeology Organisation at Oxford Conference held 4-5 April, 2008 at Hertford College, University of Oxford that explored the premise that archaeological contexts... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryMobility/Mobilities
This paper argues that, in order to take place, space and scale more seriously in the study of our discipline, we have to complement the pervasive understanding of geography as a tradition of thought or an extended conversation with an... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EngineeringSociologySocial Theory
Figures of mobility, from nomads to flâneurs and tourists, have been used to describe both self and other in the social sciences and humanities for a long time. They act as a conceptual shorthand in contemporary scholarly debates,... more
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      Social TheoryAnthropologyHistorical AnthropologyTourism Studies
The purpose of this doctoral study is to bring a spatial dimension into the research on urban mobilities and connect the spatial dimension to the marginalisation of cyclists in urban space. This is been done by exploring the role of urban... more
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      Critical TheoryTransportation EngineeringSociologySocial Theory
As cidades constituem-se como arranjo socioespacial escolhido para trabalho, educação, saúde, lazer e demais dimensões da vida cotidiana no Brasil. Desta forma, a questão da mobilidade urbana torna-se fundamental no contexto das cidades e... more
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      Sustainable TransportationMobility/MobilitiesTransportation StudiesIntermediality
This paper studies the interaction between clerical and lay English Catholics on the Continent in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. In contrast with Protestant exiles, who established separate exile churches, Catholic... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryHagiography
Praksis 28, 2012/1, ss. 43-56
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      Kurdish StudiesGeography of Mobility and MigrationsIstanbulKurds
The so-called ‘European refugee crisis’ has drawn attention to hitherto peripheral actors who produce new spaces, socialities, and readings of humanitarianism. Amongst the actors found in this milieu are faith-based initiatives; diaspora... more
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      Migration StudiesAnthropology of BordersGeography of Mobility and MigrationsSquatting