Geography of Religion
Recent papers in Geography of Religion
Resumen: Los santuarios religiosos representan, en la actualidad, espacios de atracción de turistas, creyentes o no, y de devotos; sobresalen algunos que, por su magnetismo espiritual, exhiben áreas extendidas de adherencia devocional y... more
This chapter uses two theoretical approaches – the religious-social shaping of technology (Campbell 2010b) and the mediatisation of religion (Hjarvard 2008) – to explore some of the main areas of online Christian activity. By combining... more
The thesis explores the function of networks in Yoga associations, how they can be best utilised, the way(s) in which knowledge is transferred and received and how the current network system can be best improved. In particular, it... more
This paper describes recent progress of a GIS project on Chinese Buddhist monasteries. The author of this paper, who is also the principal investigator of this project, intends to present the problems which such a digital project faces... more
Предлагаемый текст является попыткой научной рефлексии над сакральной компонентой храмовой архитектуры молодой новой мировой религии – Веры Бахаи. Главной целью данного исследования есть указание некоторых основных символических... more
The religious geography of Hatay, the southernmost province of Turkey, is shaped through a tapestry of sanctuaries of shared religious heritage. This chapter features four of the most prominent sites that illustrate the religious... more
A település társadalmi, gazdasági, infrastrukturális és természeti szférák kölcsönhatáson alapuló, együttműködő rendszere . A települések ennélfogva fontos alkotóelemei a kultúrtájnak és nem mentesek a vallási befolyástól . Magyarország... more
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
Bachelor thesis on the historical origins of the Dutch Bible Belt as a religious-geographical phenomenon. I review the debate between historians on the matter during the past c. 120 years. The main conclusions were that the geographical... more
This book provides us with a comprehensive understanding of the arguments regarding religious tourism products and their growing consumer market. It touches upon the secular and the traditional aspects of religion in contemporary society... more
Cette these articule geographie et fait religieux, ce dernier n’etant pas seulement etudie en creux mais constituant au contraire l’objet central de l’etude. Les recherches menees partent d’un paradoxe contemporain particulierement... more
Manuscript; final version published as: Palmisano S., Vanolo A. (2019), “‘City of Light’: The production of urban space by the esoteric spiritual community of Damanhur, Italy”, in K. J. Fisker, L. Chiappini, L. Pugalis, A. Bruzzese... more
In recent years scholars have engaged with explorations that tried to account for the pilgrimage vs. tourism conundrum. Among the ideas that emerged was defining an integrative category under the heading of religious tourism. This paper... more
This book is an attempt to shed light on the new way of the complex problems about geography of religions and sacred geography. Special attention in the monograph is devoted to the empirical analysis of specific religions, in their... more
Most people today are born, grow, learn, work, and live in a world shaped by consumer culture, and this inevitably affects their search for religious and spiritual meaning in life. With this special issue, the Journal of Management,... more
Sati tradition was a social evil associated with the women. A few instances related with this practice are also found in Mandi region of Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. There are many memorial stones and a few descriptions of sati in... more
Holocaust overshadow Jewish memories of the First World War, the catastrophe that hit Europe between 1914 and 1918, as well as the revolutions, civil wars, and new nationalisms that came in its wake, shattered the world of the nineteenth... more
施岑降筆《西山許真君八十五化錄》賴以成立的宗教背景與地方環境... more
Abstract: Shri Balarama’s Sarasvati River pilgrimage from the Mahabharata’s Tirthayatraparva is examined as an archetype for modern Hindu pilgrimage. Exploration of contexts suggests that Shri Balarama enacts His journey in His role... more
È oramai attestato da molte ricerche che la città di Roma costituisca "a Religious Global City" 1 , trasformata profondamente dalla popolazione straniera che trova nei suoi quartieri molte opportunità lavorative, un network di sostegno e... more
This paper proposes the notion of ReligioCity as an analytical category to account for religious urbanism and urban influences on religion(s). This theoretical notion allows us to explore the ways religion and urban space are transformed... more
לחומרים ומידע נוספים על המאמר - היכנסו לקישור: For more materials and information on this item - go to the link: המאמר דן... more
Recognizing alternative understandings of refugee assistance other than the hegemonic account that structures the governance and availability of protection and assistance measures to around 60 million forced migrants today is an important... more
This article examines spatial aspects of Hasidism, arguably one of the most important socio-religious movements in modern Eastern Europe. More specifically, it focuses on the relationship between religious leaders in their courts and... more
This article explores the ways in which religion(s) and religious groups are increasingly contributing to changes in the politics of planning of cities and challenge the hierarchical modern planning order. Following the notion of... more
Practically invisible to non-Hindus and non-family members are home altars that are essential for the spiritual and material well-being of households. The home is the a priori sacred space and place in Brahminical Hindu life,... more
This paper explores how the evangelical spatiality of an Asian Canadian senior pastor at a historically Anglo-Saxon congregation has transformed it from an ethnically homogeneous, aging church to a heterogeneously-constituted gathering in... more
Religious movements tend to be global in their aspirations and theologies, but they are deeply embedded in local and regional spatial formations. The spaces of religious practices go beyond the physical world, although they may be... more
Resumo: As novas conjunturas sociais e culturais possibilitam ao homem religioso ter acesso a di-ferentes mídias que proporcionam novas interações e conexões com o sagrado, gerando, assim, novos campos de análises e pesquisas sobre o... more
Gender inequalities are geographically determined and inuenced (among others) by dominant culture and religion. For example, the inuence of Muslim cultural rules and traditions (not necessarily based on Quran) on the status of women... more
p. 195-205. Ivanička K., 1999, Slovensko -genius loci, Eurostav, Bratislava. Jackowski A., 2003, Święta przestrzeń świata. Podstawy geografii religii [The world's sacred spaces. Fundamentals of geography of religion], WUJ, Kraków.
O livro pretende interpretar como diferentes religiões articulam seus territórios e gestam a relação com outras religiões, sistemas de compreensão e espaços cotidianos múltiplos, numa dinâmica que não só é um componente da realidade... more
O objetivo deste trabalho é destacar o tempo a partir da análise geográfica dentro de um contexto da hipermodernidade, marcada pelo individualismo e a busca pelo self tomando por base o homem religioso. Desta maneira buscaremos... more
Drawing on qualitative interview research conducted with undergraduates at English universities, this article examines Christian students’ experiences of living out their religious identities at university. Noting the transitional nature... more