Recent papers in Desertion
« Insoumis et déserteurs italiens en France pendant la Première Guerre mondiale », », EL-GAMMAL (Jean), JALABERT (Laurent) sous la direction de, Autorités, pouvoirs et conflits du Moyen Âge à nos jours. 10e Université d’Hiver 2017 de... more
Wise men have said 'Physical injury is finite, emotional is infinite'. Their acumen was never challenged and perhaps will be noted in high perspicacity for times ahead. The relevance of this adage is seen in context when we bring into the... more
Until the 1980s the academic world agreed that in Athenian sources a crime called moicheia referred to sexual relations of a male Athenian with a female Athenian who was from a citizen family and neither his wife nor concubine. Moicheia... more
This book offers valuable perspectives on the evolution of Colombia’s armed conflict, the war’s changing territoriality, the logic of violence against the civilian population, and the consequences of war and violence for society on a... more
Soldiers were instrumental in the French colonization of Louisiana as warriors, settlers and laborers, but many refused to serve imperial ambitions: ten percent of all recruits absconded while serving in the Mississippi Valley and the... more
"The quite increasing number of marital separation and the issue of poor well-being of individuals involved was the main reason of doing this paper. The focus is to know the relation between marital commitment (MC) and subjective... more
Using a unique data set compiled from the Service and Pension Records of nearly 800 men who volunteered for the 11th (Lewisham) Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment in 1915, this article examines the effectiveness of military discipline as... more
portuguesO presente artigo toma como objeto de analise o lugar dos desertores e refratarios da tropa portuguesa durante a guerra colonial. Partindo da forma como o tema tem vindo a ser debatido recentemente na sociedade portuguesa,... more
Gallage Prabath Peiris Vs. Jacqueline Aponsu case regarding the in applicability of Electronic Transactiion Act No.19 of 2006 to Matrimonial Actions
La storia di Franz Mesow , caporale appartenente alla 9ª compagnia del 7° reggimento dell'NSKK-Transportbrigade Speer , che venne arrestato nell´ottobre del 1944 con l´accusa di essersi allontanato dal suo reparto e di essersi unito ai... more
Objetivo/contexto: la deserción, o salida no autorizada de un grupo armado, tiene importantes implicaciones para la contrainsurgencia, la terminación de una guerra y la dinámica de reclutamiento. Si bien la investigación existente... more
The paper describes the Agunot Phenomenon between 1857 and 1914, Comparing 1857 - 1900 to 1901 -1914
This paper studies the impact of the old brain drain phenomenon in Africa and particularly in Cameroonian Universities. Through documentary researches, primary data are collected from the Department of Academic Affairs in all Cameroonian... more
« La mobilisation des immigrés italiens en Vaucluse pendant la Première Guerre mondiale », Rives méditerranéennes, n°53, 2016, p. 169-184
El presente documento es un artículo producto del Trabajo Final de Graduación para optar por el grado de Licenciatura en Orientación de la Universidad de Costa Rica, durante el periodo 2008-2009, que aborda el tema de la... more
"Abstract: To what extent did private landed property in Norway go to the Crown after the Black Death (1349–50) and the subsequent epidemics when no one any longer, due to the dramatic population falls, could or wanted to take over the... more
Establecer los departamentos y el nivel educativo con las tasas maximas y minimas de deserción en Colombia, junto con las demás variables de interes, empleando visualizaciones para entendimiento. Estudiar la correlación de las variables... more
Our paper is based on results from the FWF project “Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition: Migration and Elite Change in pre-Ottoman Macedonia (1282-1355)” (P 30384-G28). The Balkans witnessed a time of war and change of power... more
XIII Seminario del Desierto -- Desierto de Las Palmas (Benicàssim, Castellón, España/Spain) - 31 march to 2 april 2017 (weekend) Centro de Espiritualidad "Santa Teresa" del Desierto de Las Palmas Tel. 964300786 -- e-mail:... more
This paper examines desertion in civil wars, focusing on the role of combatants’ hometowns in facilitating desertion. Analyzing data from the Spanish Civil War, the paper demonstrates that combatants who come from hill country are... more
This article focuses on the transgressive figure of the deserting (or AWOL) soldier in American culture. The figure of the deserting soldier runs like a controversial leitmotif through American literature as well as several important... more
During the Great War, the Ottoman state mobilized its citizens under two war policies, soldiering and provisioning, which led to a disastrous outcome. A "tacit" contract was developed between soldiers and the state, which legitimized, for... more
This paper studies the impact of the old brain drain phenomenon in Africa and particularly in Cameroonian Universities. Through documentary researches, primary data are collected from the Department of Academic Affairs in all Cameroonian... more
Disertori, provvisioni militari, grani, olii e sale". Contrabbando e guerre di Corsica nelle fonti genovesi (1729-1768)
This paper studies the impact of the old brain drain phenomenon in Africa and particularly in Cameroonian Universities. Through documentary researches, primary data are collected from the Department of Academic Affairs in all... more
This paper studies the impact of the old brain drain phenomenon in Africa and particularly in Cameroonian Universities. Through documentary researches, primary data are collected from the Department of Academic Affairs in all Cameroonian... more
Groups strongly value loyalty, especially in the context of intergroup competition. However,
... 4 Miriam Dixson, The Real Matilda: Woman and Identity in Australia, 1788 to 1975, Penguin, Melbourne, 1976, p. 105 ... For an extended study, see Christina Twomey, 'Without Natural Protectors': Histories of Deserted and... more
This article is devoted to an investigation of the military desertion phenomenon during the Late Modern period; in particular, it is described as counter-modernization response of European peripheries to state-led violence and... more
En étudiant l'histoire médiévale du terroir rural compris entre Verberie et Pontpoint (Oise), on est frappé par la fréquente occurrence d'allusions à un village disparu dénommé Tilio. Cette implantation humaine, mal localisée, a toujours... more
This article analyzes the question of deserters and draft evaders from the Portuguese army during the colonial war. Utilizing as its starting point the recent discussions taking place about this issue in Portuguese society, the analysis... more
Casebrief on CJEU Case C-472/13, Shepherd v Germany, Judgment of 26 February 2015