Geography of Mobility and Migrations
Recent papers in Geography of Mobility and Migrations
This study aims to identify the influencing elements and adaption techniques of slum residents who moves due to climate change. From two slum areas in Rangpur district, a data base of 120 respondents was gathered using structured... more
1 ABSTRACT Im Jahr 2008 wurde ein vom Ökosozialen Forum Wien beauftragtes Projekt abgeschlossen, dessen Ziel es war, sich der großen Herausforderung "Alterung der Bevölkerung" interdisziplinär anzunehmen und gleichsam "mit... more
Vor dem Hintergrund der demographischen Entwicklung ist der Einsatz neuer Technologien für das altersgerechte Lebens- und Wohnumfeld von hoher gesellschaftlicher Relevanz. Besonders in Sachsen-Anhalt sind deutliche Veränderungen in der... more
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Grigore Silaºi Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... more
Die Jahrestagung des Collegium Carolinum 2024 widmet sich der interregionalen Mobilität von Personen, Ideen und Gegenständen in Mitteleuropa im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert. Damit knüpft sie an jüngere Debatten rund um das Thema Mobilität an.... more
This study is part of the field of political and social geography and African studies. Its aim is to address the current geopolitical issues (migration policies, migration systems and dynamics, forms of otherness, clandestine migration... more
Quem vive em grandes metrópoles certamente já notou que elas sofrem pelo problema de falta de espaço. Continuamente são construídos prédios, condomínios residenciais, centros comerciais, vias expressas, túneis, linhas de metrô, acessos e... more
A crise global da COVID-19 trouxe consigo uma multiplicidade de desafios, não apenas em termos de saúde pública, mas também nas dinâmicas socioeconômicas e geopolíticas. Entre essas dinâmicas, a questão dos fluxos migratórios se tornou... more
Die Migration nach Europa halt weiter an. Seit der Fluchtlingskrise 2015 hat sich der Druck auf die EU und ihre am starksten betroffenen Mitgliedstaaten erhoht, Masnahmen zur Eindammung der Einwanderung aus Entwicklungslandern zu... more
The events of February 2022 became the starting point of a new wave of Russian emigration. On the one hand, this phenomenon can be considered within a series of previous migration waves, on the other hand, the modern context leaves its... more
Objetivo: analisar as transformações nos fluxos migratórios na macrorregião transfronteiriça Brasil-Argentina-Uruguai Paraguai durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Metodologia: abordagem mista combinando análise de dados governamentais e... more
This study has as objective to situate the historical context in which the new paradigm of commercial motorbike transportation; an informal economic activity, emerged in the late 1990s through the early 2000s in Bangem town. It treats the... more
The past two decades Macedonia has gone through the process of transition which is still shaping the social, political and economic ambience in the country. The initial transitional recession has inter alia manifested salient effects on... more
- by Sani Demiri
A mobilidade urbana tem se tornado cada vez mais complexa com o aumento da população nas áreas urbanas e o crescimento gradativo do número de automóveis. A Política Nacional de Mobilidade Urbana - PNMU, estabelecida por meio da Lei... more
Food is more than a basic source of nutrients; it is also a key component of our culture, central to our sense of identity. Identities, however, are not fixed social constructs, but constructed and reconstructed within given social... more
No presente artigo, pretendo evidenciar a existencia de uma relacao matricial entre a ideologia ocidentalista, as politicas restritivas de controle dos fluxos migratorios para os grandes centros globais e a consequente marginalizacao... more
Als Informations-und Planungsgrundlage für eine regional differenzierte, quartiersnahe Versorgungsgestaltung werden kleinräumig Daten zum Versorgungsbedarf und-angebot benötigt. Vor diese Herausforderung sind auch die Kooperationspartner... more
To tackle the political and economic challenges posed by shrinking populations, Balkan governments need to approach immigration as an opportunity, rethinking their policies and political messaging.
1 ABSTRACT Smarte Mobilitätslösungen (Carsharing 3G, Fahrradverleihsysteme, E-Mobilität und organisierter Sammel-verkehr), die von Entwicklungen im Bereich der mobilen Technologien stark profitieren, besitzen das Potenzial sowohl zum... more
This paper details a theoretical framework to explain the impediments to migration. The paper argues that actual migration as a household livelihood strategy is impeded by the constraints imposed by the households' access to the... more
This research is a descriptive cross-sectional survey on treatment and rehabilitation programs for employees affected by alcohol and drug abuse at Kapsabet Referral Hospital. The overall objective was to assess the assistance, treatment... more
Après un bref rappel du contexte institutionnel relatif à la question migratoire au Maroc, nous montrons que les migrants marocains ont un comportement ambigu (à travers les transferts de fonds), mélangeant un sentiment d'altruisme, mais... more
Resumen Los contenidos en los bandos de la expulsión de los moriscos buscaron demostrar su lealtad al rey y a la fe cristiana, creyendo que este mecanismo era el adecuado para conseguir su permanencia en su patria. Pasado el tiempo,... more
- by José Pascual
O presente artigo parte da premissa de que a cobrança direta da tarifa no sistema de transporte público coletivo é um elemento segregador, que compromete o direito à mobilidade de populações mais vulneráveis. Trata-se da realização de um... more
De nos jours, le phénomène migratoire, du moins en Occident, est souvent réduit à l'une de ses dimensions : celle de l'immigration. Il s'agit avant tout d'un problème
Aos meus pais pelo amor e incentivo contínuo à minha educação. À minha esposa Débora pelo carinho, apoio e compreensão. Aos colegas Athos Bernardes, pelo interesse e colaboração no desenvolvimento das complexas planilhas de aquisição e... more
A cidade de Manaus cresceu e continua a crescer em um ritmo estrondoso, em uma primeira fase populacionalmente e horizontalmente. Em um segundo contexto, horizontalmente e cada vez mais a norte devido às políticas habitacionais do... more
Poland and the Czech Republic are not 'first partnership' countries (both countries have political and economic ambitions in the West), but geographical neighbourhood and historical context encourage migration between them. The 'Polish'... more
Resumo: Este artigo aborda as condições de vida de imigrantes haitianos na cidade de Manaus, no ano de 2019, no estudo da dissertação "Condições de Vida dos Imigrantes Haitianos no Centro de Acolhimento da Pastoral de... more
(Abstract in English below) Este artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre a importância e os desafios da etnografia multisituada como um método de pesquisa nos estudos sobre migrações e mobilidade, e especificamente a partir de uma etnografia das... more
The postcolonial concept the “Third Space” was introduced by Homi Bhabha (1994) to understand complex interactions among communities that share their socio-cultural contexts to establish relationships within spaces that may be both... more
The postcolonial concept the “Third Space” was introduced by Homi Bhabha (1994) to understand complex interactions among communities that share their socio-cultural contexts to establish relationships within spaces that may be both... more
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
1 ABSTRACT Decreasing fertility rates, ageing and the diversification of society can be seen as a 'mega trend' on a European scale. Although most of the cities are affected by these processes of socio-demographic change, the... more
Centrality is viewed as one of the most important functions of small towns in rural areas. In spatial scientific theory and spatial policy practice, the question of centrality is granted correspondingly great significance for the... more
Seasonality of fertility pattern has been repeatedly reported in populations of many countries. The changes in this pattern are likely associated with different environmental and socio-demographic factors. In present study, an analysis of... more